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kitkat is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 03:44 AM

nice going on getting dove wings nivvy ^ 3^ -kitkat randomly prays on innocent victims in the exchange-

Nivvy is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 03:49 AM

xD Thanks a bunch!

I was kinda like... Hmm, do i hafta haggle or what?
Ahh screw it. Just pay 3k. Lols. Too impatient. Ravens next
Dang it sucks having these low figures again though xD;;

Ohhh, i seen you eating up people's sets. Mwu ha ah ah!

veen is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 03:49 AM

Hi, I was wondering if you'd be interested in participating in a gameshow that I'm hosting here on mene? You'd have the opportunity to earn HUGE amounts of gold, and everyone that participates gets something~ (:

kitkate: see me shamefully spreading the word? xD

Nivvy is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 03:53 AM

@ Veen

I'd like to check it out, for sure! Although will it matter if i have school to go too?
It'd take up a huge portion of the day, i wouldn't want to say i'd join, and then
be unable to dedicate time to it ^^;;

veen is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 03:56 AM

Great! (: Here's the link to the main thread.

And are you in school right now? for the first few missions, where they're only 24 hours long, it might be a little hindrance, but not much of a problem. In the later missions, that can last around a week, you're not expected to be on all the time xD I've got school starting myself in 3 weeks or so xP


Roachi is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 04:01 AM

@Nivv - Yeps.
Im trying to buy her may 08 hoarde. I want it for the contests im gonna host in the casino. And nice wings dude =P, im so close to my pandys now i can smell them =P

Nivvy is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 04:08 AM

@ Veen

Thanks a bunch ^^. I'd be more than happy to pop by
I should have enough time to make a decent contribution
All things going to plan of course. Haha. Knowing my luck
we'll probably get loaded with assignments, and essays. Lols

@ Roach

Who's May 08 hoard? The friend who left Gaia? What were in May's again?
Lols i haven't been gone from Gaia all that long, and already i'm like DUURR
Ohh, which reminds me. I gotta buy another letter, and stock up on Imps.

Ohh - how far away are you from them now!?


Roachi is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 04:10 AM

Yeh Amourae's May 08 Hoarde, she has over 50 of them last count.
They have the elemental wings & Oculus mythica in them.
I'm 2k away!

veen is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 04:11 AM

No, thank YOU. (: That sounds awesome! <3
Aww. xD Are you in school right now? D:

kitkat is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 04:12 AM

Originally Posted by veen View Post
Hi, I was wondering if you'd be interested in participating in a gameshow that I'm hosting here on mene? You'd have the opportunity to earn HUGE amounts of gold, and everyone that participates gets something~ (:

kitkate: see me shamefully spreading the word? xD

I KNOW. SHAME. -whips veen- D<

Nivvy is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 04:28 AM

@ Veen

I'm finished for the day, but i've been back at school since the start of the week
Blargh. Not much fun, after having a month of lovely sweet nothingness. LOL!
and it's art history even. So it's really draining, and hard to concentrate on. Haha
9am - 3pm days at the moment, which is way more than what we are used too.
School ends at like 1-2 usually. I miss being a fresh-faced student, who didn't
know the turmoils of struggle ahead. Hahah

@ Roach

Oh true!? Go in to LOL Zombie and take the gold you need from my account
i have a fair amount of gold, and i'm not looking to invest in much at the moment
Plus you've helped me a lot - so yeah ^^. Go right ahead.

@ Kitkat

Oooo, dominating! Mwu ha ha ha!

veen is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 04:30 AM

oh yuck. haha. what grade are you in? O:

Nivvy is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 04:37 AM

Hmm... Not sure what grade means. Lols.
In NZ we just base ourselves on the year of study we're in
Uhhmm... I skipped the first year, which is basic certificate in art
and am now, in to my second year of the Diploma program. That course
is 2 years long. So i'm basically entering the last quarter.

After that, i have 1 year for the Bachelors Degree, or advanced Diploma
Which ever i happen to get on to first, and then a final year after that
for the Masters Degree. Which is my ultimate goal ^^. I'm significantly
older than a fair few people on this site. Lols!

Ohh - and i'm in the process of filling out your form. Just looking for the
exact name of the timezone i am in.

veen is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 04:42 AM

oh neeat. wow, that's fast! what will you be getting your degree in?

haha alright Dx
you don't have to find the exact name, just let me know your relation to mene time and I can figure it out from there :]

Nivvy is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 04:46 AM

I found it in the end ^^. GMT + 12 - Woop woop!
Took me long enough. Lols. and it was in the most obvious place
Yeah, i guess it is pretty fast, considering how many years some people have to study
Usually it takes 3 years, for people who go straight to the big Universities. I gotta take
4, which means paying for an extra year. Blargh. Not cool. Oh well...

How long do studies take, where you're from?
I'm thinking i'll take Fine Art. They only offer Fashion
Media, and film - and one other form of Masters degree
where i'm looking to go. Otherwise i would have considered
a Masters in Graphic Art. But ohh well. It's something.

veen is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 04:49 AM

haha okay. oh really? well here, it normally takes 4 years of undergraduate study, and then you go on to get all the big stuff, like your bachelor's and master's and all that. xD

oh I see~ I'm looking to go into something medical OO: I love math and sciency type stuff xD yeah, I'm a nerd. xD

Nivvy is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 04:56 AM

Hehe - don't worry about it, i'm a nerd too ^^
Nerd and proud! Lmao. Ohhh, medical! Awesome
You're gonna be bringing in the $$ and making a living
which is all that really counts. Being nerdy really helps out
Wow, i envy a person that is good with math, and science and stuff
Gosh - i bomb out so bad, i don't even know basic multiplication without
a calculator! Damnnn you school system! Why have you failed meeee!?

Are you going to become a doctor, of some sort?

veen is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 04:59 AM

haha, yea, exactly. xDD yeahh, I'm glad I'll be able to do something cashworthy, and actually enjoy it, lolz. oh its ok, I rely on the calculator waay too much these days Dx

actually, I was thinking I'd go into pharmacy. cause that's more chem than bio based and I loove chem. and I'm not really good with blood, lol. xD

Nivvy is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 05:34 AM

Awesome! Yeah it makes sense to do something you love
It'd make life so much more easier, than doing something you don't really have
a passion for. Eww yeah, i don't blame you for disliking blood! Argh, it even
has this really weird smell that just makes me go faint. Lols


Roachi is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 05:36 AM

@Nivv - I can't possibly just take your gold like that xD.
I got donated a angelic pendant today! Coz i lost mine betting =[.

Nivvy is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 06:09 AM

Wholie! That's a pretty big donation these days Lols.
I thought you weren't gonna bet your A-pendant again?
Or what that penguins >.>?? Anywhoo, it's only 2k dude

veen is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 06:14 AM

Nivvy: Yeah, exactly (: I'm just glad I got lucky with a passion for something like chem xDD
e;alseitj;li I get the shivers just thinking about it Dx
yeah, I can't even LOOK at blood, I freak out xDD

anyhow, I'm heading off for bed now, I'll see you tomorrow (:

Nivvy is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 06:54 AM

Goodnight Veen, See you at the event tomorrow!


Roachi is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 07:15 AM

Yes yes i know im bad. Lol
I never bet my pendant in the first instance? I sold it too get hordes Lol. But yeh i got it back and then bet it xD. And no i will never bet my pengus again Lmao.

Nivvy is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 08:02 AM

You better not! *Shakes fist*


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