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Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 01-07-2010, 03:10 AM

Lyre let a soft chuckle escape him, "Not so fast little one. This is something that one of the elders in my clan came up with to remove excess pixie dust from wounds. I don't remember the name. The dust is bad for humans, we don't know how it'll react on each separate human. And next i will be putting moss on her wound." he answered, deciding to humor the young one. And he did just that, he reached into the basket and pulled out a small patch of moss which he sprinkled with some other things he pulled out from the basket and then spread it out on top of the wound, "This should only take a few minutes."

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Old 01-07-2010, 06:07 AM

With the removal of the pixie dust Kay felt strength flowing back to her body. She gave her voice a test and uttered a loud groan. So far so good, she thought. She still didnt have complete controll of her muscles and so she knew talking would be difficult. She decided to continue laying still until Lyre finished healing her competely. I dont want to give them a reason to stop, and maybe after they finish, I will try to find a way out of this creepy place. She thought back to the little bird dragons, repressed a shudder and continued to watch Lyre work.

Last edited by cedura; 01-07-2010 at 06:17 AM..

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Old 01-08-2010, 12:47 AM

Nyx oohed and aahed at Lyre's every action. She had to get herself some of that moss. Nyx bit her lip. How? Her thoughts were interrupted by Kay's groan. "Wow! Look, she's stirring! You're amazing, Lyre!" Nyx exclaimed. "I wonder if she would play with me? What do humans eat? Do they live long?" More questions seemed to pop in Nyx's head that she had to blurt out.

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 01-08-2010, 02:09 AM

"By our standards not long. And maybe if you ask nicely she'll play with you. Just leave the food for me to worry about. And thank you." Lyre answered. He then wiped the moss off and ran a hand over the light scar that had been left behind, "All better." he murmured. then he helped the human sit up s that she was leaning against the wall, "try not to overexert yourself for a while." he advised then turned to Kiryn, "Watch her for me? I need to clean up."

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 01-08-2010, 02:15 AM

Kiryn had been silent during the treatment of the human. Not moving from where he knelt next to her, and watching with intense eyes that didn't seem to miss anything, even smallest hint of movement. When Lyre asked him to watch the human, he nodded. Mostly he wanted to watch her and make sure she didn't cause any trouble. He was silent, brooding almost but not quite. His wings twitched slightly and he had pulled his long braided rope of red hair over his shoulder, casually running his fingers over it.

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Old 01-08-2010, 06:05 AM

Kay stared at the purple eyes watching her This guy doesnt trust me one bit. She saw the Nyx looking at her too. "Um, hey little girl, uh Nyx, Thanks for trying to help me. Sorry if I was rude with you." She turned back to the man with the purple eyes. "I dont think I ever caught your name in all the rush to get me here. I'm Kay. Thank you for helping them get me here so quickly." She waited for him to respond, waited to find out if he would be friendly like Nyx was, or as cold as his stare seemed.

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Old 01-08-2010, 07:05 AM

The human was speaking, a soft sigh passed from his lips and his wings twitched slightly. His hand rested on the pommel of the sword at his waist. "It was not entirely for your sake that I aided you, but for the protection of those in Underhill." He frowned slightly. "Humans don't often wander into our midst and we are usually careful to stay out of their sight." His stare was directed to Nyx for a moment, as if to convey his meaning to her. "What has happened cannot be helped, however. If you harm any citizens of Underhill I shall place you under arrest and toss you into our Queen's dungeon without a second thought. Understand?" Then, as an afterthought he added. "You have my permission to address me as Kiryn." His voice had gone a little bit softer when he spoke that last sentance.

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Old 01-08-2010, 07:36 AM

"Well, Kiryn, I understand you well. But I dont think in my previous state I was much a threat to you or yours. But thank you anyways." Kay looked around her. "So... now that I am here, is there anything important I should know? Like laws that you all follow, or what might try to eat me?" Kay still had the odd dragon birds on her mind and was worried they might make her into a snack.

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Old 01-08-2010, 07:50 AM

"Nothing will harm you here..Some will be more afraid of you than anything. Most of the Folk may hide from you so there is a chance you won't come in contact with many people or..creatures..But nothing here should be dangerous to you." He frowned for a moment, as if trying to remember something. Then he spoke again. "Don't eat any food that a fairy tries to give you. Fairys are tricksters and though mostly harmless they do like to play pranks." He glanced at Nyx. "However, I think it would be alright to accept food from that one. She doesn't seem the tricksy kind."

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Old 01-08-2010, 08:09 AM

"Thank you for the advice." Kay mulled over what Kiryn had said about most Fey not even coming into contact with her out of fear. The little girl did not seem too frightened of me though. Maybe children are fearless because of their youth. Then a thought stuck Kay. How will I know the tricksy kind? If Nyx is one of the only ones I can accept food from I may soon starve. She looked at Kiryn trying to find out if he was also safe, and wondered if Lyre, who was still in another room, was also safe. Well, they dont seem too tricksy, at least Lyre doesn't, otherwise he might not have helped me. But this man, he seems to know alot about tricksy things, so maybe he is a tricksy fairy. Maybe I can ask Nyx more about him when he pays attention somewhere else. All Kay knew for sure is that she was tired and very hungry. At that moment her tummy gave a ferocious growl.

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Old 01-08-2010, 08:31 AM

Kiryn watched her carefully. She seemed to be thinking over everything he had told her, and that was good as far as he was concerned. It meant that she was trying to behave herself, or she wanted him to believe that she might behave. Humans could be more tricksy than any fairy or pixie he had ever known. "Watch out for the pixies, they have green skin and are often more tricksy than a fairy." He had added that as an afterthought. Kiryn didn't miss it when her stomach growled, he smiled slightly though and shrugged a bit. He would ask Lyre, when the elf returned, if he had any food suitable for a human.

Last edited by Kry; 01-08-2010 at 08:34 AM..

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 01-09-2010, 01:44 AM

After he had placed everything back where he had found them and placed the used moss in another hollow section of the tree he moved to the kitchen to get some things for Nyx, Kiryn, and the human depending on what he found. A few moments later he had a tray filled with a random assortment of things in front of him. He picked it up and balanced it on one hand while picking up a book he had left on the floor with the other.
When he returned to the sitting room he smiled at the fact that Kay was awake and set the tray down in the midst of the three others, "In case any of you are hungry. Those are for the human, so be careful of what you choose." He said, pointing to the smaller pile of food. It was mainly berries and such, he didn't have much human food with him, he'd have to go back out tomorrow. then he seated himself next to Kiryn and flipped the book open, turning the pages slowly, wondering why he left it in the kitchen in the first place.

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Old 01-09-2010, 04:32 AM

Kay started shoving the food from her pile into her mouth. "Whatcha readin' " she asked between mouthfuls. She was so hungry, and it tasted so good. She asked another question "So the people on this side of the tunnel we came through, are they really guards because they did not stop us, and they didnt even react to our passing." She looked from Lyre to Kiryn hoping one of them knew the answer and continued to eat as quickly as seemed polite.

Hero Complex
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Old 01-09-2010, 04:41 AM

He nodded to Lyre when the food was brought for them. Reaching out and taking a piece of fruit that was a very nice violet color. It nearly matched his eyes in color. He didn't bite into it yet. His eyes on Lyre. "Thank you for the food." Once he had thanked the Elf, he now took a bite from the fruit. Savoring its juicy sweet but somewhat tart flavor.

When Kay spoke, he looked at her, nodding slightly. "Some don't take their job seriously enough."

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 01-09-2010, 04:58 AM

"And others still, take their jobs too seriously." Lyre added, "I'm surprised it was the lenient guard today." He held up the book he was reading so Kay could see the cover, "It's an old faerie tale collection, I doubt you'd understand the language it's written in though." Then he reached under another pile of cushions and pulled out a writing pad, passing it to Kay, "Write down what foods you like, I'll go get them for you tomorrow."

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Old 01-09-2010, 05:08 AM

Kay laughed, "What do you have a human food super market or something?" She began writing down what she liked, chicken, hamburgers, tacos, and she digested the information that Lyre and Kiryn had just given her about the guard at the tunnel. She finished her list and handed it back to Lyre. "Do you mind if I stretch my legs a bit? I've been stuck in one position for a while, and still havent had a chance to work out the muscles in my legs, since I have just been sitting here."

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Old 01-09-2010, 05:20 AM

He had finished off the purple fruit while Kay wrote down her list. When she handed it to Lyre he moved a bit so he could look at it as well. Brow furrowing and eyes narrowing slightly, that nose of his wrinkled in slight distaste more than once as he skimmed over that list. When she asked for permission to move about his head shot up quickly and he pinned her with an intense, but not completely cold gaze. "You can walk around this room...for now..." There were several reasons why Kiryn confined her to this room only. One he wasn't ready for her to go about amongst the world of the Folk, the other was her strength hadn't completely come back, not that quickly and so the second reason was mostly for her own safety..he voiced neither of those reasons.

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Old 01-09-2010, 05:29 AM

"OK Thanks" she shot back at Kiryn, missing all of his good intentions. She wandered around the room very slowly, looking at trinkets and knick-knacks and realized that her legs hadnt been ready at all for a long walk. Well maybe that guy does have some sense she thought to herself. But by her 8th time around the room, she was feeling like her normal self. She kept walking laps though because it gave her something to do. "So, you think you will have any trouble with my list of food?" she asked while fingering a pretty green glass bottle full of a bubbly liquid.

Last edited by cedura; 01-09-2010 at 05:34 AM..

Hero Complex
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Old 01-09-2010, 05:48 AM

He had watched her make a few laps around the room. His body a bit tense, as if he were ready to move at a moments notice..though with the intention of catching her if she started to fall. He had good intentions, but sometimes he tended to come off as being abit harsh or uptight. He glanced back down at the list once he was almost certain she wasn't going to fall. That nose wrinkling a bit. "We'll manage, I'm sure.." He had glanced up from the list to look at her, watching her toy with the glass bottle. "Don't break anything.." The words came out a bit gently, but still sounding rather uptight. At least he hadn't told her not to touch anything at all..but then it wasn't his house so he couldn't tell her what she could and couldn't touch.

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Old 01-09-2010, 06:04 AM

Kay had noticed how tense Kiryn's body was as she had walked around the room. I bet they have a very fast reaction time, these people who live in Underhill Kay started back onto the subject of the guards at the tunnel "So if those guards are so lazy, are they any good? Surely they arent as competent as you think they should be Kiryn. Im sure you would be much better at their job, much faster to react?" Kay watched out of the corner of her eye to see his reaction. She didnt think he would tell her the complete truth about his own abilities, but she hoped his face gave something away. She slowly moved on to bigger jar with something black and smelly in it. It had something resembling a warning label on it, but it was only a picture of a mouse with X's for eyes. Warning enough for her about its contents.

Hero Complex
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Old 01-09-2010, 06:18 AM

He frowned slightly at her words. Insulting to his ears but she was human, she didn't know any better, really..or maybe he was being too nice, giving her the benefit of the doubt. He only frowned at her, his wings twitching slightly with irritation. "You have no right to speak about those guards in such a way. They are not lazy, just lenient with who comes and goes in and out of the tunnels. I am certain that if you had tried to enter on your own, without the company of an elf and fairy child they would not have allowed you to enter." His eyes had flashed for a moment, with anger and hurt from the insult. "Nor do you have a right to insult me. My station is far above being a tunnel guard." His words might seem angry, but his tone had been oddly soft. Afterall, she was a human, she didn't know anything about Underhill.

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Old 01-09-2010, 06:32 AM

Lenient, that was all I needed to know she thought as she continued to play with the dead mouse bottle. And its obvious I stuck a nerve with him, so that is good. At least I will know how he might react. Besides, he had said that they would not have let her enter, he had mentioned nothing about her leaving. And she had to get out. She knew this was not a world for her. More to the point, she was scared to stay. Not knowing who was safe to trust or what was safe to eat, both were things Kiryn had warned her of. And even though he said the Fairy folk would be scared of her, that didnt mean they wouldnt hurt her out of fear, he himself had said he would be the first to toss her in a dungeon if she caused trouble. But that would mean I would have to give him a reason, and I plan on being gone before that happens. And I doubt they are as lenient in their prison system as they are back home. No, I dont want to take my chances there.

And with that decided, Kay tossed the Jar of goo into the air and shot through the front door. She knew she would be pursued, but she planned on making a straight run for the tunnel, and didnt plan on looking back.

((Dont worry, I have a twist up ahead for everyone, I just hope it works out :D))

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Old 01-09-2010, 07:18 AM

He watched as that jar went up, and then the human had dashed from the room. Kiryn was on his feet in a matter of moments, not worried about the wasn't his home and so it wasn't his mess to clean up, nor his responsibility. However, the human was his responsibility. His feet had only touched the ground once, and then they were an inch off of it, his wings dong most of the work as he chased after her. For her own protection, really, and to make sure she didn't hurt anything or anyone as well.

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Old 01-09-2010, 07:37 AM

Kay ran through the fields with flowers, and past the odd dragon birds, past the little people in the grasses and towards the clearing she knew held the tunnel, she reached the clearing and nothing was there, no people no guards, no tunnel. She kept going
Maybe I didnt go far enough She ran through a thicket upsetting a group of horse people and came upon a second clearing, still no tunnel. She ran head long into a wood, but was too weak. She tripped on a large tree root and tumbled down a hill. She knew the first clearing had been the right one. But there had been no tunnel. A horrible thought occured to her, Maybe Kiryn didnt say they would stop me from leaving because that isnt a tunnel that lets people leave. And if that was the case, then that meant she was stuck here.
She got up from the ground and decided the best thing to do was to go back to the elf's home and face what ever consequences awaited her there. But as she came back to the top of the hill, she realized she did not know where she was, or which direction the elf's home was. Well I am officially the dumbest person in the world. She sat down on a stump at the top of that hill and hoped that someone pleasent would find her. But she really hoped it was Kiryn or Lyre, they might be really mad with her, but she hoped they would understand her desperation to get home and forgive her incredibly stupid rash act.
Maybe I am the only human they have met and they will attribute this to humans just being incredibly stupid. I hope.

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Kry is offline
Old 01-09-2010, 08:17 AM

Kiryn followed after Kay. When he lost sight of her, he followed her footprints. And yes, she had left footprints. Not extremly noticeable onces, but the Folk stepped lightly, so they didn't leave impressions on the earth the way a human would, especailly a running human. A frown was on his lips as he touched down on the ground lightly, kneeling to inspect a print carefully. Once he was certain it was the humans, he was running in that direction. Through a clearing, then a thicket and out into another clearing and then into the woods. He had hesitated a moment, before plunging headlong into the woods, one hand resting on the pommel of his sword as he followed her trail.


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