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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 02-13-2013, 11:18 PM

Ashimu looked positively amused, "You silly thing, you are a lady and ladies should always be spoiled." She had giggled softly and turned towards the kitchen. "It shouldn't take too long." That bright smile was tossed Amy's way and then Ashimu was disappearing out a door, heading to the kitchen. After being gone only a few moments, she reappeared, two glasses of orange juice. Freshly squeezed. One glass she set in front of Amy and the other she sat on the table in the spot across from Amy. All the while humming happily to herself, she vanished into the kitchen again.

Soon the nice aroma of breakfast foods cooking would waft from the closed door. Ashimu wasn't in there too long, just long enough to prepare the meal. Eventually she came out of the kitchen with small plate of toasted bread, an even smaller plate with a bit of butter on it. Those plates were placed on the table between her and Amy's places. Ashimu was still humming, she vanished into the kitchen again, only to return with two plates in her hands. On the plates were scrambled eggs topped with some cheese, three strips of bacon, and two small sausage patties. She set one plate down before Amy, with a fork, then went to her place with her own plate and fork.

Ashimu watched Amy expectantly.


Staria is offline
Old 02-13-2013, 11:33 PM

"You have a very different definition then some do then...' Amy remarked casually as the other woman left. She smiled to herself and shook her head, watching as the other woman flitted about like a happy hummingbird. She couldn't help but rather enjoy the other woman's excitement. Was she really so eager to please in this form? No wonder the prince didn't seem to think much of her outside of the bedroom department, she was nothing like a woman here seemed like she was suppose to be as from the princes remarks and this she surmised this was the ideal woman in their culture. Yes, Amy would never be what was desired here. Too brash, too independent, too strong.....oh well.

As the food arrived she couldn't help but sit up a little straighter. It really did look very good and it had been some time since she'd had fresh juice. She simply couldn't afford it on the road, neither the time or the bits that would become tossed aside. She couldn't help but eye everything a little hungrily though she went to drinking the orange juice first. It really was as good as she remembered... The perfect combo of sweet and tart. She let out a pleased and contented sigh a moment before finally allowing herself the food. It really was very good... and such variety.

"You made a much better meal then i deserve and everything's delicious" She said in between bites. She soon had piled butter, eggs with cheese, a few crumbles of bacon, and a few bits of sausage onto one piece of bread after trying a bite of everything individually. She then cut off small pieces and ate it eagerly as it reminded her of the meals her father made to make sure she got all the nutrition he could give her where he combined everything together......well on the rare occasion he could afford to anyway. Of course even as she ate carefully enough not to have one fleck of food out of place or staining her mouth it was probably rather obvious that she could dress like the well fashioned ladies of her city but ultimately she had been brought up as a peasant.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-28-2013, 08:44 AM

"Everyone deserves a delicious meal." She smiled brightly at Amy, thinking the woman a little silly for saying such a thing as that. How could anyone not deserve a delicious meal? Ashimu ate her food rather daintily, the way a well behaved princess or any well behaved noble lady ought to. "I'm so pleased that you enjoy it." Ashimu's bright smile had turned a bit shy for half a moment at that, she truly was glad that Amy enjoyed the meal. "Did you find anything interesting in the library? My brother is extremely fond of books and he's nearly more protective over those things than he is over me. I was a bit surprised to find you in there without him." She watched Amy for a moment, innocent kind eyes, she seemed genuinely curious about how or why her brother would allow a stranger into the library. This personality difference, sometimes it was almost easy to forget that she and Ashira were one and the same, that the male part was the true form.


Staria is offline
Old 03-28-2013, 09:10 AM

"I suppose he figured i was asleep... I'm not sure if he found anything interesting. I did learn alot about your gods but the stories seem rather uncertain about some things. Did you ever meet with them?" Amy responded after a moment's thought, in-between bites of her food. She wondered absently what the response would be. As the prince the other had said he had not, but he also didn't trust her. As a girl she seemed to trust Amy completely so may be more useful in finding answers. For a moment she shifted in her seat, thinking again of the library. It was hard for someone who so loved knowledge such as she to resist the urge to go to such a place filled with it.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-28-2013, 09:41 AM

"Still, it's very odd for him let a stranger near the books. He must trust you a lot, to some degree, or maybe he was just lonely." She mused lightly, inwardly scolding herself for saying such a thing out loud and to Amy, but Ashimu was not quite like Ashira. She was honest to a fault, Ashira's deepest secrets could be let out by a slip of Ashimu's lips and it would be an accident. At Amy's question she shook her head lightly. "No. Ashira never saw them either, but father used to claim they came to him on nights of the full moon. I know my brother often prays to the moon when it's full but as far as I know, the deities have been silent to his pleas." She had frowned ever so slightly for a moment and looked away. There it was, she was starting to spill Ashira's secrets. She really was nothing but a silly girl. "Ashira is so lonely and I can do nothing to ease that loneliness for him, he feels responsible for this curse, he sees it as his duty and his alone to try and break it. You can help him though, I'm almost certain of it. He's rude at times, but he's just trying to deal with things the best way he can."


Staria is offline
Old 03-28-2013, 05:45 PM

"I think he's a little lonely rather then he actually trusts me yet, but yes... Loneliness I have several cures for. It use to be my profession for a while" Amy responded suggestively, winking at the other woman. Her tone left no doubt what kind of cures she had in mind. Amy was curious how the woman would react, studying her a moment. Would Ashimu reveal her knowledge of her profession or manage to feign surprise? Either way she'd likely be able to see if the memories were completely shared and find if the personality effect had to be spell related or if they genuinely thought they were two different people.

Still, it was true that she wouldn't mind sleeping with the man or the woman she currently spoke to. Gender was nearly a non existent thing to her and if she didn't find sex so useful she likely wouldn't really have a gender identity at all. They were both attractive enough, sweet enough, and at least it'd release some of their tension. Going without contact of another human being too long wasn't good for anyone and the sex itself meant little to her. It would have been the first time in some time she had given it away for no gain but she supposed sex could be pleasurable enough.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-28-2013, 06:42 PM

Ashimu's dainty little mouth popped open into a small "o" and a blush raced across her face at Amy's suggestive words and wink. "Oh my." She raised a hand to cover her mouth and maybe try to hide the rest of her face behind it. The princess shifted slightly in her seat and looked away for a moment, trying to compose herself. "That..That's hardly the way a respectable lady should act, you shouldn't do things like that just to cure someone's loneliness." She was looking at Amy again, but now she seemed very uncertain, very unsure. "Even if you are used to doing things like that, you certainly don't need to do them here. You should give yourself to someone because you want them have all of you, every single part, not so you can gain something or so you can ease a lonely person's loneliness. It would just make the lonely person even more lonely." She was still blushing and couldn't help but think of those actions she had taken against Amy when she was in her true form. Ashira could be so roguish at times, again she turned her head away feeling somewhat ashamed for trying to scare Amy with that male body.


Staria is offline
Old 03-28-2013, 06:56 PM

"I never claimed to be respectable or a lady." was Amy's laughing response. She was not ashamed of her past choices, she'd survived and she'd been good at what she did. Still, Ashimu's reaction confirmed Amy was correct in thinking they shared memories as that blush followed by those words revealed more then enough knowledge. She tilted her head to the side for a moment, debating if she should just tell the girl she knew. It seemed it might be easier in a way, and may at least tell her if the personality shift was part of the curse.....

Once she'd made her decision she swept to her feet and walked over to the other woman. She came behind her and wrapped her arms around her shoulders, a small smile of mischief on her lips. She nuzzled the other woman's shoulder slightly, a soft gesture easily mistaken as innocent even if her earlier words suggested otherwise. She wasn't intent on seducing the other woman but it would reveal a lot to see her reaction to it.... among other things. As strict as this kingdoms gender roles were she doubted that gay or lesbian relations were precisely accepted well.

"I never do things I have to, just what I want. Is it really hard to imagine that one can just want another person without caring about the long term or what's proper? Perhaps I should ask you in your other form Ashi my dear. I saw you shift the other night, not that it makes much difference to me. Man, woman, it's all the same to me." She whispered softly in the other girl's ear as she watched her in thought. She wondered if she'd be kicked out of the castle now..... but she needed to know if the personality was part of the curse. Just how much did gender matter to these gods? Enough to make a person follow their gender norms against their will?

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-30-2013, 05:09 PM

Ashimu looked up when Amy began to move towards her. She shifted slightly in her seat and waited. Those arms slipped around her shoulders and then she was nuzzled, it only made Ashimu blush more. Being held did feel nice, then Amy was speaking in her ear, and those eyes widened. Honestly Ashimu didn't even hear the rest of what Amy was saying, she heard the part about the secret being revealed. The proper princess jumped up so quickly, pulling away from Amy's grasp only to turn towards her. That embarrassed blush was gone, only a look of astonishment and not quite understanding was on that delicate face. "You couldn't have. If you saw, but the curse!" Clearly Amy hadn't disappeared, but that didn't make any sense. "Oh! Oh!" Those arms reached out and Ashimu grabbed Amy in a fierce, but very gentle hug. "You didn't disappear. You didn't disappear!"

Ashimu was overjoyed, her friend knew the secret and the curse hadn't made her disappear yet. Yet. That joy plummeted, and she held Amy back at arm's length now, eyeing her critically. Looking for any sign that she might be about to disappear. "What if you disappear? Knowing about the curse, being told about it. It makes people disappear." Those eyes that had been astonished and happy, now seemed almost tearful and fearful. "You're my friend, I don't want you to disappear." With that said, she pulled Amy against her again in another hug. This hug a little possessive, as if that could stop the curse from making Amy vanish.


Staria is offline
Old 03-30-2013, 06:48 PM

"Calm, Calm Ashi my dear. I won't disappear, I am of vila blood Remember? Perhaps I should explain that a little more..... A Vila is an undead, fairy like being that is neither of heaven or earth, neither heaven nor earth can bind me or the gods within heaven either. The only way to get rid of me is to out right kill me and I'm honestly not a hundred percent sure about that. Many vila seem to just become ghosts or wraiths, being I'm only half i'm not sure what will happen to me when die. At any rate, as long as I am alive you worry to much darlin'. I've been to many a cursed place and many a deity or demi god has tried to curse me. All fail. Some dirty can kill me I'm sure, but they can't curse me or make me disappear." She finally responded with a deep chuckle. She held the other girl tightly, surprised by how attached this woman was. She couldn't help but find it adorable and out of instinct she gave the girl a quick kiss on the forehead. A less innocent person she may have done something more suggestive but Ashimu was just too cute. It was hard to believe she and the prince were the same.

"I can't promise I can reverse anything or do anything useful, but I promise you I'm not going anywhere. Even if I have business elsewhere, I'll always return here and keep trying, keep working. Perhaps it's just my nature to be stubborn and defy a god, perhaps your just that cute." She added softly as she withdrew and held the girl to her chest. She wasn't use to being serious for so long a stretch at a time but she would for now, if just long enough to reassure the other. She held her softly, sweetly and stroked Ashi's hair softly, much as she would a child. Absently she wondered if the male personality cared just as much, because for now it was clear that Ashimu was not faking. She really was this emotional and gentle-natured, innocent and excitable. The gods had even forced the other form to fit their ideals ant seemed, and perhaps this kingdoms. Amy herself could not be more obviously the opposite of a 'good women' in their ideals.

Thinking of it she could not help but think she was actually rather glad to have grown up elsewhere, and not because she'd disappear. Growing up poor and in hardship had not been easy, but it had allowed her a freedom that in this place seemed impossible. Women and men had to act exactly as some deity had decreed, even to the point of having personalities magically changed to make it so? Here, a wild spirit such as herself simply did not belong and could not have existed. Her father's encouragement to be strong and willful and to question everyone, to find her own truth would not have happened here. Yes they would have gotten on better, maybe father would not have grown ill but he would have been taught everything he taught her which mainly consisted of letting her be herself would have been 'wrong.' Yes, if this was the price of a deity's protection, they could keep it!

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-02-2013, 06:25 AM

She was quiet as Amy elaborated more about being a Vila, it seemed to calm her fears somewhat. Though she believed Amy, there would still be that tiny bit of fear that at any moment her friend would just vanish. She clung tightly to Amy, though that tight clinging soon turned to light clinging, still she wasn't ready to let go of the other woman yet. For half a moment the kiss to her forehead made her feel like a small child being comforted by their big sister. Or something similar. The feeling only lasted a few moments and then it was gone. When Amy called her cute, Ashimu giggled softly. She held to Amy a little while longer before slowly pulling away.

"I don't mind so much if you can't break the curse, as long as you'll always be my friend, and always come back to visit." She bounced on her feet for a moment, holding back, wanting to once again throw those arms around Amy. Ashimu didn't hold back for long, only a few seconds of bouncing on those feet and hesitating before those arms were wrapped around Amy again. Now that all that excitement was over, Ashimu recalled the other things Amy had said. She pulled away again, head lowered slightly as she looked at Amy rather shyly. "I don't understand how two women can," She fidgeted slightly with her hands. "Have..ah..relations like that with one another."


Staria is offline
Old 04-02-2013, 06:33 AM

"The same way a man and a woman do, however they want and doing whatever feels good to them." She said with a soft laugh, after watching the woman a moment. She was surprised even as she returned each hug, thinking inwardly. So innocent... jumping around like a child on christmas. It was adorable but made Amy feel almost guilty. Perhaps it wasn't right for her to be so carefree about such matters when others were so constrained. She frowned at that thought, being constrained by what society thought was proper annoyed her. She pushed it aside and stroked the other woman's cheek a moment, mischief entering her at the very idea that she should contain who she was.

"Lips or hands, whispered promises, it's all the same from a man or a woman." She whispered softly before she leaned forward and gave the other woman's lips the softest of kisses. She then giggled and stepped back as she teased 'but you're too innocent to take advantage of.' With that she winked, curious how the other girl would react. She was sure that considering the strict gender roles she had likely just committed a major taboo..... oh well.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-02-2013, 06:51 AM

Ashimu kept her head lowered slightly, peering at Amy shyly. A soft blush on her face. She lifted her head when Amy stroked her cheek, her gentle gaze on the other woman. Those eyes widened slightly at the unexpected action that followed. A soft kiss. Ashimu's blush deepened and when Amy moved back, she just blinked and raised a hand to her lips, touching lightly with two fingertips. It had been a brief sensation, but it had made her tingle all over, her tongue gently peeked out to lick at her lips almost tentatively as she lowered her hand. That was what it was like for a woman to kiss another woman? A bit delayed, but a slight shiver raced along Ashimu's spine, causing her to take half a step towards Amy, her head lowered shyly and she reached out to grab the other woman's hand firmly with both of her own. The door that had been shut tight within her, the one holding back all that pent up lust, cracked. It would have happened much sooner if Amy had been a man, the way it had happened so quickly for Ashira. For a moment Ashimu looked a little confused, maybe even slightly scared, but it was gone quickly. "Could we..kiss again?" She asked the question so tentatively, looking at Amy very shyly. A little uncertainly.


Staria is offline
Old 04-03-2013, 06:19 PM

"We can.... but are you sure about this? Don't do anything you're not comfortable with love, I'll be here more then long enough for you to move slowly." She said softly, uncertain a moment as she saw the other's fear. She kissed the other woman's forehead again before she gently brushed her lips across the other woman's again, lingering a moment longer over the moisture. She knew it was likely unwise, even carefree Amy knew sex even between women had consequences, but there was something in the other woman's eyes.... perhaps it was that same need that Ashira had shown that made Amy simply want to help the way it was her nature to. The wild thing was good at curing loneliness even if society was a convention she wasn't quite able to fit in with.


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