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See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-13-2012, 03:39 AM

((*cough* Somehow this one just slid by my attention!))

Fenris heard Marquet, and finally took a more brutal action. Snagging Laiden's shirt, he snarled, tossing him away from the mast. "Don't get in my way, boy." He looked to Scarlett, clearly more frustrated than before. Lifting an armored hand to backhand her again, the male growled in annoyance as something interfered. Joseph had gotten to his feet faster than ever, throwing himself between the two of them once more.

His lean form was pressed against Scarlett's as he glared up at Fenris. He wasn't going to let his friend do something he'd regret later. He'd seen it too many times. "No," he breathed, the sound hardly audible over the rain. Laiden was shivering by that time, his bare feet and thin clothing offering little shelter from the winds that accompanied the rain.

Fenris hesitated, his raised fist clenching tight. "Joseph," he groaned, trying not to look disturbed. The boy was never this stubborn . . . unless it was absolutely necessary. With a growl, Fenris reached for Laiden's collar again. The teen swiftly turned away, managing to keep himself between Fenris and the girl.
He got a good look at her face for the first time. She was cold and shivering, just like he was. Blood slowly washed away from her features, and her eyes were wide. The Blackbeard had dark hair that was weighted down by the rain's tears. Laiden stood frozen for a moment before turning back to Fenris. "No, Fenris." This time his whisper was heard.

Looking startled at the whispered words, the broad-shouldered male frowned and stepped back. "Joseph, we didn't get on this ship to wander around aimlessly. She knows where we need to go. Now move." He didn't advance.

Laiden's blue eyes darted back to Scarlett, and he slowly shook his head. I know you'll regret it. You always do.

When Fenris finally grew exasperated with the ordeal, he moved forward and knocked the boy aside with a vicious backhand, feeling a sharp sting of regret as he did so. "I'm sorry." He then backhanded the woman once more, snagging her chin so she was forced to meet his gaze. "Tell me what you know." He looked tormented, yet he continued onward with the interrogation.

From where he was Laiden groaned, coughing as he tried to regain his breath. Fenris had never actually struck him before. The blow had left a gash on his cheek, and had chased the breath from his lungs. He squeezed his eyes shut as he felt the rain pelting his pale features, and tried to focus on something other than the tossing of the ship and the burning feeling as he fought for air. His ears picked up on the sound of Scarlett being struck again.
Joseph lay still, knowing that he couldn't physically stop Fenris. He'd thought that . . . he could stop him. A new kind of pain seared through the teen. He struck me like he would a slave.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-13-2012, 04:26 AM

Scarlett stared at the boy, not knowing his name until Fenris spoke it. When the boys eyes met hers she frowned. "Don't do this, he'll hurt you." She whispered. When the boy was smacked aside she screamed. "Joseph!" She said, only to be hit by on of Fenris' smacks as well. She felt him grab her chin, forcing her to look at him. Her emerald eyes sparkled from the rain drops that fell quickly down onto her face.

His newest hit had left a gash across her face, similar to the other one, though this one was a bit deeper, and just below her right eye. The female let a soft sound of hurt escape her lips, and cringed from letting herself show pain. She then raised her eyes to meet his. "Never, Will I tell you anything." She said again, puffing out her chest slightly against the ropes to make herself look taller. She smirked slightly. "Don't get too rough with me Wonder boy, or you'll never get what you want." She teased, obviously trying to make him mad.

She forced her head out of Fenris' grasps and looked down at Joseph. "Thank you for trying to help." She said, sighing as more blood went down her face and slowly inched its way down her neck. In a matter of minutes her white shirt just above her corset had two spots of blood on it. "So when do we get to the part where your actually intimidating?" She asked, her voice cold as she stared at the strong male before her. "No offense, Wonder boy.. but i've had lovers more fierce than you." She said, smiling.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-13-2012, 04:40 AM

((LOL!! I laugh every time she calls him that. "Wonder boy." Ouch. :lol: Man, it's just too funny!))

Fenris snarled. Obviously, the woman's taunts were working. Faster than the eye could follow, he had a blade in his hand. It was swiftly rammed into her shoulder, pinning her to the wood behind her. "You're going to wish you had those men back when I'm through with you," he hissed into her ear, wrenching the blade up a bit. His dwindling sense of control seemed to dissolve as suddenly as his pity for both Scarlett and Laiden.
His clawed hand traced over her features for a moment before he forced her head back up to him. A sharp point dug under her chin painfully, drawing another bead of crimson liquid. "No one on this ship cares for your pretty looks." He wouldn't have an issue marring her for life. Not that her life was going to be much longer. "You'll beg for death before the week is out." Food? She wouldn't be getting any. Water? Sure. From the ocean as it washed over her. "I'll keep you from dying, foolish girl." He wouldn't let her starve herself. He wouldn't let her throw herself overboard.

With a growl, he moved to untie the rope. The part that was still attached to her wrists was pulled up above her head, keeping her barely able to touch the ground if she stood on her tiptoes. She wasn't allowed to lean against the mast, but instead was kept a good foot from it. She was tied to the rigging. "There will be no time for you to escape. I will always watch you."
Turning a challenging look to Laiden, Fenris gave Scarlett a slow spin. "How much pain have you felt, I wonder?" His gray eyes darted to Marquet questioningly, but he said nothing further on the subject.

Laiden finally regained his senses, carefully sitting up. Touching the mark on his cheekbone, he stared at Fenris while he tied the Blackbeard uncomfortably. He shivered in pity. This isn't going to end well. Slowly getting to his feet, Joseph moved back to where he'd stood beside Codette, meeting Fenris' gaze as he went. The look in his friend's eyes was feral. He hadn't seen a look like that before. Who are you? Why wasn't this familiar?

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-13-2012, 04:56 AM

Scarlett let out a cry as he stabbed the blade into her shoulder. Her eyes fluttered closed, and she bit her lip until it bled. When he twisted it up she almost screamed, but her pain turned to nausea. As the ship tossed and turned the girls face grew pale, trying her best not to puke. "Fenris please!" She cried, her shoulder flaming up so bad now that her arms were raised above her head. "If you untie me I will tell you all about the map. But I can only tell you." She said, her eyes looking to his. "And we have to be alone." She said, not wanting to be humiliated in front of the whole crew. The woman had a lovely figure, but she knew that pirates got very lonely on journeys. And if they knew what was downstairs locked away, she'd be powerless against their visits.

The girl squeezed her eyes shut, trying her best not to puke all over herself and the male. At his words she tried to hold back her comment. He couldn't keep her alive. She was already as good as dead. Only a few more days like this and she could make herself die. "Please, let me down before the storm gets worse. I promise you I will give you the map." She said, frowning. The pain in her shoulder was too intense to stay up here any longer.

((I think it's a cute name for him xD So yeah, I continue to use it for whenever she mocks him.))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-13-2012, 05:09 AM

"Fenris please!"
Those words nearly stopped him. When she relented, the male let his scowl fade. Instead, he let a neutral expression flit over his face. He pulled her down to stand on the ground again, letting her arms lower. He took her arm, giving her a strange look before pulling the blade free from her shoulder. "Alone?" he said skeptically, raising a pale brow.
Ignoring the blood that now seeped into one half of her clothing, Fenris scoffed. "Captain, I'll speak with you soon." With that, he took the rope that bound Scarlett's wrists and pulled her with him. When they were out of the rain, he wiped the liquid from his features with the back of one arm. "If I so much as smell a lie, I will stick this blade into those pretty eyes of yours."
They were back at the cell a few moments later. Wrinkling his nose at the food that was left rotting at one end of the room, Fenris pushed the Blackbeard into her cell. He kept her wrists tied, and kept between her and the cell door. Gray eyes narrowed, he snorted. "The map, girl?"

((:XD Did we lose everyone again? :sweat: We're the only ones posting, it seems.))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-13-2012, 05:21 AM

((I believe it's because no ones on at the moment :3 But once they see the new posts they will return. ))

Scarlett rolled her eyes at his remark about stabbing her in the eye. "Now don't get too excited Wonderboy, I'm not stripping for you." She said, happy that she was down from that very uncomfortable position. The female stepped back from him in the cell and carefully untied her underbust corset, careful not to hurt her shoulder. She then pulled off her white top and let her black skirt fall to the floor. She still wore her laced black panties and bra, but through out her whole right side, front and back was a map. It started just by her left knee and went up the side of her leg, wrapping around her back,doing a few curves before wrapping around to the right side of her chest just below her bra, though her bra was blocking where the X was.

"My grandfather kidnapped me a couple years back and had it marked on me. So I haven't had any lovers.. or else they'd know about the treasure." She said, letting out a deep breath. "So sorry, Wonderboy." She said, looking up at him. Her emerald eyes looking to see his expression. "You may need to mark down the map with something, and I'll finish the end of it since it goes into places i'd rather not have you see..." She said, knowing that bits of the map did fall under, or in between her ample breasts, and she wasn't about to let Fenris, or ANYONE see them. Though with almost all her clothes removed, the girl looked weak. Blood trailed from her shoulder down her body, and bruises were clearly shown on her neck and arms from Marquets previous punishment before he got a crew. She let her head drop, her eyes looking to the floor. Blood still dripped from her face, and the cold from the rain made the woman shiver. She had been defeated.

Tears came to her emerald eyes but she quickly lifted a hand to wipe them, and some of the blood away. But by now the blood, tears, and rain had all mixed together, so it was pointless. "It was wrong of you to hit that boy. He trusts you." She said, her eyes looking back up at him. "I can understand why you'd punish me..but an innocent boy?" She asked, shaking her head slightly as if to show how disappointed she was. "This is going to be a very long, horrible journey for you. If you will easily turn your back on your friends for the treasure.. it may be your last journey too." She smiled sadly.

Last edited by Katie Scarlett Divine; 01-13-2012 at 06:40 PM..

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 01-13-2012, 03:20 PM

Codette gasped and tried to stop Laiden from rushing to the mast, but failed. She watched the scene play out infront of her.
The rogue-ish pirate trying to make nice with the Captain. Fenris' anger increasing, and his near attempt to strike Scarlett. Codette watched as Laiden stopped him, frozen in place when the boy finally spoke. The tears pricking her eyes at the Blackbeards strength, were hidden by the falling rain.

Curls plastered to the sides of her face, Codette took out her ponytail, allowing the curls to droop flat with the weight of the water. As Laiden approached her, Codette placed a hand on the boys shoulder. Taking a deep breath, she murmured. "Desperate men do desperate things. Fenris must believe that goodness for himself and you will come from the treasure." She looked at the spot where Laiden had been struck. "It looks alright. He just hit you hard enough to move you." she brushed her fingers lightly over the red splotch. "I'm sure it's killing him inside, doing this to Scarlett and hitting you. There is a point when the heart just can't handle any more. I'm sure that once he's done finding the map, he wants nothing more than to see you." Her voice was soft, as she attempt to assure the boy that he hadn't lost his friend.

\ (•◡•) /
TearRose is offline
Old 01-13-2012, 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by Katie Scarlett Divine View Post
Marquet looked over at the male. "Oh? Then how do you get the treasure?" He asked, smirking at the male. He ran his hand through his dark hair and looked down at Scarlett. "Fenris, keep that boy in his place." He growled, agrivated by the stand off. The male stood up. "I'm not in the mood for a scam, so if thats what your trying to do then get back to the deck." Marquet said, glancing back to Jack.

((Esmme: & TearRose: ))

"Well, with this," he held up his compass (that doesn't point North) showing the captain of the ship. In the back of his mind Jack had a feeling that this man wouldn't believe him, but he also tended to ignore that nagging subconsciousness.

((and now my brain died.... sorry))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-13-2012, 04:48 PM

Marquet looked at what seemed to be a broken compass. "A broken compass is supposed to lead me to the treasure?" He asked, smirking.

((Well once Scarlett tells the map, then we'll skip ahead a few weeks to get their 'journey' ))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-13-2012, 11:59 PM

Fenris eyed the woman with mistrust as she showed him the map. When he saw the markings, the male's expression changed slightly. You've got to be kidding me. The map was on her. "You do have the map," he whispered, gray eyes seeming to commit the course to memory.
He realized she was shivering a few moments later. Taking a slow breath, Fenris seemed to have calmed down. "As long as we have a course . . ." he trailed off then, hearing the woman's words. "That boy knows very well what I expect of him!" His anger returned, and his features shifted into a glare once again. "He knew better than to interfere! He shouldn't have, and he knew it!"

Frustrated, Fenris slammed a clenched fist against the side of the cell. Instead of taking his anger out on the girl, the dark-skinned male seemed torn. He moved out of the cell and closed it loudly, about to leave her there. Just as he reached the doorway, he growled something and left with only a pause.
It was many minutes before he returned. With a growl, he pushed a blanket through the bars. "Get some sleep. It will help you heal quickly." Fenris waited for her to take the thin fabric with a frown on his brow. When she finally did, he sighed and leaned against the bars. In his other hand was a paper and some sort of pencil. A map, and something to mark it with. "When do we head North?" Pushing the map out, he met Scarlett's gaze steadily. I'll leave you alone once we know.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking up, Laiden's troubled gaze met Codette's as she started to speak. He said nothing. With a slight smile at her words, the teen blinked when his cheek was brushed. He reached up and snagged Codette's hand, swallowing thickly as he met her gaze. Something in his eyes showed that he wanted to believe her. Something else revealed that Laiden was still hurt. Fenris was thinking of the treasure, yes . . . but he was also thinking about his past. He was a rough sort of person, but not usually that cruel.
"No," he whispered, shaking his head slowly. Looking down at the woman's hand, he sighed quietly and ran his fingers over hers. "He won't come to me. He never has before." Joseph's whispered words were nearly stolen by the wind and rain as the storm worsened. His blue eyes lifted to look at Codette once more, and he released her hand lightly. "Thank you."

"There is a point when the heart just can't handle any more."

With a sudden movement, the teen bit his lip and turned away. He couldn't handle the sincere attempt to reassure him. Codette was nice . . . almost too nice. He wanted to trust her more, heck, he did . . . but that didn't mean he could take her words as complete truth. With a final glance to Codette, and then the captain, Laiden moved past a few of the crew members and found his way to the bunks.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 12:40 AM

Scarlett nodded sadly at his whispered words. "Now you know my burden. Being killed just for being alive." She said, her eyes looking down. "Please don't tell the crew, or Marquet that the map is on me." She pleaded. "Just tell them I told you it. Please, Fenris." She said, her eyes looking up at his pleadingly. She took the blanket. "Thank you." She said, sitting the blanket on her cot. She looked back at him. "He didn't want you to make a mistake. Which, obviously you got what you wanted from me, so it wasn't a mistake to hurt me." She said, glancing to the hole in her shoulder.

"I too know pain. And I know what it's like to be treated as a slave. Hell, I've been one ever since I turned four." She said, glancing up at him. She knew by his appearance that he had a history of slavery. "Just don't let your anger take you over.." She said softly. She turned her back to him so he could see where the map starts, just above her knee on her left side. "Once we hit Puerto Principe, go north to Port Freedom. It's an island owned by pirates. So be warned, they will try to take everything and destroy the ship." She said, trailing a hand up from Port Freedom, around her leg and to her mid back. "Once your at Port Freedom it will take you a weeks time to get to Mayaguana for food and supplies, then head to Barbados. Once were at Barbados you'll be needing me to lead you to where the treasures hidden." She said, knowing that she'd be kept alive longer if they needed her.

She pulled on her now semi white shirt. tied on her underbust corset and then pulled on her black skirt and belt. She turned pale, leaning against the wall from the pain in her shoulder. She had a fever now, and she already felt slightly dizzy. "Can you get me some rum please?" She asked, knowing she wanted some for her shoulder, and some for her. She made her way over to the bars, leaning against them in pain so that she could look at Fenris. "Your not so bad when you calm down, Wonderboy. I do hope this treasure brings you the happiness you've been longing for.." She said, looking to his shoes.

Last edited by Katie Scarlett Divine; 01-14-2012 at 01:52 AM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 02:05 AM

"Easier said than done,"Fenris rasped, shaking his head. His anger was a huge factor for him. It typically drove him through everything, including daily encounters. It was difficult for him to regain a sense of mind, let alone keep himself on the straight and narrow path. He ignored the comments about Laiden, for he didn't want to talk about the subject any longer.

Scarlett slowly began to describe the route they needed to take. Fenris made notes on the map that he had with him silently, watching and listening as directions were both shown and given. By the "end" of the map, he raised a pale brow. She was at least a bit intelligent. She would have to be kept alive until she gave up the remainder of the treasure's location. "Then perhaps the next time we meet, I won't need to pry the information from your lips." His gray eyes moved up to find her redressing in her wet clothing. He could see sweat beading on her brow, and knew that it wasn't water. She was getting sick. Or, perhaps she had already been sick and this event just sent her over the edge of wellness.

His initial reaction to Scarlett's request for rum was a growl. Of course not. But the pain on her face made him hesitate. Instead of pulling away from the cage as she neared, he felt her lean against the bars that he was still leaning against. She was still shivering.

"I do hope this treasure brings you the happiness you've been longing for."
"Do you always assume the best of everyone?" Fenris finally pulled back, the map in one hand. Her farewell comment made the tall male sigh, a frown returning to his features. Could treasure bring him any amount of happiness? He liked to believe so. "Just sit tight." He left as swiftly as the tossing of the ship allowed, heading first to his bunk. He dug through his things before finding a clean, long-sleeved black shirt. After that, he went for the kitchen storage. He soon found a bottle of rum, taking it with him as he headed for the cell. Why am I doing this?

Fenris returned, finding Scarlett leaning against the bars weakly. "Don't waste it," he said, slipping the bottle through to her. He glared at her, passing over the shirt as well. "And don't let yourself get sick." Or, more sick. He snorted, backed away, and headed for the main deck to find Marquet. Despite his supposedly angry demeanor, her words flit through his mind.

"Just tell them I told you it. Please, Fenris."

When he reached the main deck, the dark-skinned male motioned for the captain's attention. "Captain," he said over the noise of the now-violent storm. He kept the map safe under the leather of his jerkin, but it wouldn't remain undamaged forever. "I need to speak with you below deck once you have the time."

Joseph watched Fenris enter the large room. From the top bunk he saw the male rummage through his belongings, withdraw a shirt, and head back the way he'd come. Laiden said nothing; he didn't even move. If anything, he hoped Fenris wouldn't notice his presence. Many moments after his companion had left, the teen slowly lowered his bare feet to the floor. He had one pair of spare clothing, so he dug them out and swiftly changed.
Dry, but not completely content, Laiden found his way to Codette's bunk. He stared at it for a few moments, mesmerized by the fact that this woman reminded him so much of his family. She had the same warmth that he couldn't expect to find from Fenris. Thinking nothing further, Joseph went back to his things and found his blanket and pillow. He pulled them down, headed for the bunk above Codette's, and tossed his things up there.
Within moments, he was resting in the new cot, watching the door for movement.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 02:28 AM

Scarlett frowned at his words of asking if she always assumed the best of everyone. "I try." She said softly, watching as he left. She also knew that once they got to where the treasure was, they'd have to kill her and spill her blood into the "fountain" or else the passage way leading to the treasure could not be opened.

She looked up at the male when he returned. "Thank you." She said, taking the items. Once he was gone she stripped down to her undergarments again and slid on the long sleeved black shirt. Surprisingly it ended just above her knees, so she would wear it as a dress. She put on her underbust corset over it and smiled. She now wore a short black dress with sleeves and a dark blue underbust with engraved black roses on it. She was instantly warm as she curled up with the blanket. She was now sitting on the cot, her sleeve pulled slightly down so that she could pour the rum on her wound, instantly letting out a cry of pain. She bit her lip, letting tears run down her tanned face. She ripped the sleeve off of her old white shirt and tied it around her shoulder, then lifted the sleeve back up.

She lifted the bottle of rum to her lips and quickly gulped down some to rid her of the pain. Thats when the dark haired beauty finally cracked. She let all her pain and fear out and started to sob. She pulled her knees up to her chest, burying her head into her knees. "What have I done to deserve this? Have I wronged someone? Killed someone? Never. And yet here I am, in a cell.. on my way to death." She said, sobbing again.

Marquet stood next to the Rudder, watching the storm. Almost everyone had gone below deck now, but the male stood against the wind and rain to look out into the nothingness of the sea. At first he didn't hear Fenris' words. Or even see Fenris. Let alone turn his head. The male seemed to be frightened by something, but yet there was no one there. Suddenly as if awakening from a dream, the male jolted and looked to Fenris. "Yes? Come into my quarters." He said, pointing to the door behind Fenris. He walked towards it and opened it for him, ushering him in. Once Fenris was in he made his way in as well.

He pulled the door shut, sighing as more rain poured down. He had already commanded for the anchor to be thrown into the sea so that the ship wouldn't go off with the waves. "Do you have the map?" He asked, his eyes lighting up at the thoughts of treasure. If only he could get the treasure. Then he'd be too rich to be haunted by the ghosts of his sins.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 02:34 AM

"I have it," Fenris said, pulling the damp map from its place beneath his shirt. He looked at Marquet strangely for a moment before passing the document over. "Are you alright?" He'd seen the strange expression on the captain's face earlier. He was lost in thought - as he often was - but this time it was different.
Shaking wet hair from his face, Fenris yanked a gauntlet off of his hand. Flexing his fingers, he frowned. "She gave it to me quickly. I thought it would have taken more time." His gray eyes moved over the captain's quarters slowly. There were books here and there, a few shelves with mapping tools and other books, an inkwell . . . and a rather large map near the desk area. It was strange to see his blond friend as the captain of such a ship.

"I didn't think I'd find myself in your company again." For once, Fenris' tone was almost light. "Strange, how fate twists your perceptions with time."

((Awww . . . Scarlett!! :cry: I will have L come to her soon . . . the poor thing still hasn't eaten, and now she's hurt!

:XD SOrry it's so short.))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 02:46 AM

Marquet took the map and made his way over to his desk, laying it out and putting two skull paper weights on the side to hold it down. "Hmm.. Barbados? Interesting." He said, then looked back to Fenris. "I'm...fine." He said, his voice hoarse. "I just..really need to find this treasure." He said, trying to not think of the bloodied woman. "I've never seen a woman torchured before besides my mother." He said, sighing. "I didn't know it would be so amusing, yet hear wrenching." He muttered. "Though now all I feel is emptiness. For she'll die anyways." He said, looking away from his friend.

"Yes. It's funny how fate does that. Never once did I think i'd be a captain. I always thought i'd be that poor french boy that no one even batted an eyelash for." He said, then looked back to the male, his voice soft. "I'm sorry I made you hurt them." He said, looking down at the map on the table. "But it had to be done." He said, sighing.

((Its fine, mine is too. Lol And yes, poor Scarlett! I'd sob my little heart out if I was locked away to be killed >.<))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 02:55 AM

Amusing. Fenris blinked slowly hearing the word, never thinking he'd hear it attached to some sort of torture. When he heard Marquet continue, he turned away, shaking his head. "You might have called me out of the crew, captain, but I made the choice." He understood that Marquet was trying to make things better, but to Fenris it sounded like he was offering an excuse. "It was done. It's been done before. I have no doubt it will happen again." The dark-skinned male fingered a strange carving on one of the shelves, thinking of something to say.

"Captain . . . what happened? To your mother, I mean. I I don't know you've told me before . . ." he trailed off, his gruff voice fading to silence. He needed to hear something else besides what they were going through at the moment. That, and he couldn't recall what had happened to Marquet. Strange, how his memory just shut down occasionally. He couldn't remember much of his past, but the new present that he'd constructed remained in his mind. Most of it, anyway.

((Agreed! Locked away to die . . . for no reason! :cry:))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 03:05 AM

"My whole family was taken for owing debts that they could not repay." He said, sighing. "But I was around eight or nine, and my mother had hidden me away in one of the cabinets when she heard the french soldiers banging on the door. My father, Mother, Grandfather, and Uncle were all killed that day. My aunt and grandmother were later found, and hung the same day as my darling parents." He said, looking down at a glass of rum he had on the table. "After the soldiers left I snuck my way into town square to watch them all be hung, one by one. But when they got to my mother she spit on the soldier that put the noose on her. Like Scarlett spit on me today.." He said, frowning.

"And because of that she had a punishment far worse than death. She got torture. In front of everyone they stripped her, whipped her, beat her, stabbed her, anything you could think of.. And then they tied her to a post and left her there until she died." He said, glancing back up at Fenris. "So I vowed that one day I would make something of myself."

"I suggest someone watch the girl. She seems like the type to either try and escape or kill herself." He said, his eyes staring out the large, wall window on the side of his room. He seemed lost in his memories again. "I've done a lot of things i'm not proud of Fenris. Don't follow in my footsteps."

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 03:13 AM

An ironic smile crossed Fenris' features. "It's a bit late for that." They'd both done things that they regretted. It seemed that life really had a dark future for them both. He then stepped toward the door. "I'll leave you to your thoughts, captain." With a final glance at his friend, the male shut the door behind him. The moment the light from the captain's quarters was shut out, Fenris paused to let his eyes adjust to the dim lighting. The only light came from the room down the hall, and it was a badly flickering candle.

I just made you relive your worst nightmare. Fenris cringed, and stepped toward the crew's sleeping area. It didn't take him long to realize that Laiden wasn't in his bunk. In fact, the entire cot was empty. A spike of worry shot through him. Did he do something drastic? Calmly touching the top bunk, Fenris shook his head. He needed to find the boy. It was time for Scarlett to have some company, and who better but the boy who'd tried to save her life?

((:XD I'm going to wait for miss Codette to post before posting as Laiden. :lol: Have fun, friends! You have a lot to read. . . . . again. :rofl:))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 03:28 AM

((Kay <3 Lol I keep rereading this page! Lol I love Scarlett and Fenris' fight! Lol ))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 04:42 AM

((*beams a smile* Same here! Very dramatic. :lol: Though . . . Fenris backed down. He doesn't want to hurt her again. *grimace* I just don't want him to be too bad of a bad guy! I didn't have him planned as the bad guy . . . just a grumpy person. :sweat: Ah, well. Characters tend to form themselves after I create them, it seems.

This is a great thread. :eager: I want to keep going! :lol:))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 11:34 AM

((Eh, Scar will make Wonderboy a better person :P ))

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 01-16-2012, 04:37 PM

Codette sighed. This was a very unusal trip. Laiden looked so sad and she didn't know how to help. Her heart nearly melted when he spoke to her.

"No," he whispered, shaking his head slowly. Looking down at the woman's hand, he sighed quietly and ran his fingers over hers. "He won't come to me. He never has before."

The girl tried to think of a way to comfort him, as he walked down to the bunks. The girl walked back to the shrouds and swung herself around to sit on the ropes. She worried her lower lip and thought. Fenris really didn't like her for some reason, and really didn't want her near Laiden. However with his current actions it seemed as if Laiden wouldn't want to be near Fenris.

Codette made up her mind. She'd stand up to Fenris. Codette wouldn't let Laiden be alone on this voyage. She swung around and off the ropes, briskly walking past her crewmates, paying them no mind.
She stepped down to the bunks and nearly ran into Fenris' back.
"Are you looking for something?" she asked softly, moving around him, to the bunk she had claimed.
She gave a small frown when she realized she didn't see Laiden over by his and Fenris' bunks, until she looked at the bunk above her own, and saw the boy. With a small laugh, she shook her head and sat on her bunk. "Are you comfy up there Laiden?" she asked.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-16-2012, 05:20 PM

"Yes," Fenris said slowly, glancing around the room. Laiden was conveniently hidden from his sight. "This is . . . ridiculous. He shouldn't-" The broad-shouldered male cut himself off when he saw Codette sit down and heard Laiden's name. His gray eyes narrowed, and his expression became unreadable.

Joseph had been watching Fenris, and now he shifted so he could see below him. He nodded to answer Codette, sending a wary glance in his companion's direction. "Yes." He was soon meeting Fenris' gaze, his own blue eyes full of stubborn refusal. He knew that Fenris wouldn't approve of his current position, but . . . he wouldn't do anything about it. Hopefully.

"Joseph," Fenris' frown was dark as he pointed to Laiden's old bunk. "Come here." The teen shook his head, not even bothering to add any words. His expression said more than his whispered words ever could. "Laiden," the tone went from commanding to dark with that one word. Still, the tall youth refused to leave his new bunk.
There was a moment of silence, and Fenris (for once) was the one to finally look away. "The Blackbeard needs food and bandages. The captain wants you to take care of it." The dark-skinned male sat on his bunk, his armored hands clasped under his chin. I'm sorry. The words never reached his lips. "The storm's getting worse. I suggest you do it while you can still stand up." He knew about the sea-sickness. Joseph had suffered from it every time he was on a ship.

Joseph looked down to Codette after he heard what Fenris had to say. The dark-haired teen sighed silently, slowly moving to the edge of his cot and slipping to the unsteady floor. He should tend to Scarlett before the night wore on.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 01-16-2012, 05:30 PM

Codette rolled her eyes. She could see a bit of pain in Fenris' eyes, but nothing she could garuntee. The girl sat on her bunk. "Would you like some more ginger root Laiden?" She asked taking the bag out from under her corset. She untied the corset and shook the white shirt off of her skin. Codette flipped out her dagger and held the two items out for the boy. "Take the bag and my knife, that way you can have some as you need it. Just remember not to take too much at a time." Codette smiled. She was wondering if there was a chance she could talk to Fenris about Laiden.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-16-2012, 06:10 PM

When Codette offered the ginger, Joseph gladly took it. He held the blade for a moment before giving the woman a brief smile. The teen then slid the bag into his pocket, carefully stashing the knife with it. Thank you. Laiden headed for the door, glancing back to Codette but avoiding looking in Fenris' direction.

Once in the hallway, he used the wall to guide him to the kitchen, and then back toward the Blackbeard's cell. He warily entered, glancing up to where the key once was. It was no longer on its hook, which surprised him. Joseph looked toward the bars, seeing the girl he'd defended earlier. The pale youth moved closer to the cell, slowly sitting down and setting the plate of meat and cheese beside him.
His blue eyes lingered on the girl for a few moments before he cleared his throat and pushed the plate close enough to the bars so she could reach the food.

((I just realized that Fenris never took the rope off of Scarlett. :sweat: Let's just say that he did it before he pushed her into her cell earlier. That makes everything easier.))

Fenris watched Joseph leave with an unreadable expression. When he realized that Codette remained, the male frowned and went about busying himself with preparations to sleep. They weren't completely alone: there were other crew members filtering down to find their bunks. Certainly, to Fenris, it felt like there wasn't enough space between them.


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