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Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 01-21-2011, 03:16 AM

Wicked left the temple growing board with it as she walked back to the underground. She smiled as she saw the over grown dog she had learned to love. "Good boy, who's my handsome boy?" She said as she reached out finding the heads of the dog beast fighting for her to pet it. She laughed as she picked one and rubbed it then kissed it as the best nuzzled her affectionately. She laughed as she walked to the gate and stared at it. "Father should praise you more for your job Cleb" She said using her nick name for it as she turned and looked at the beast. She walked up to the massive beast and wrapped her arms around one of its legs as she hugged it. Cleb was the best thing about the underworld to her and she loved him. "If I ever end up there please let me stay by the gate and watch you. I would hope father would just let me be your care taker." She said as she felt the heads of the best trying to all nuzzle her. She just smiled as she looked up at them. "I better go to my room and put my things away before the others come back from their battles. I think I might get a few cyclopes to have some fun in town soon and see what the heroes can do doesn't that sound like fun?" She said as she smiled and kissed on of his heads before turning and walking down the dark hall deeper into the darkness her own fire giving her light as she soon found her small room away from the others near Dryks. She walked into her room seeing that nothing had changed no one had even been in her room for what looked like years not that it surprised her Hades was the only one allowed near her room. She walked to her wall as she placed her black sword on it. She walked to her desk and placed her glasses on it as she walked up to her bed and fell on it closing her eyes as she enjoyed the darkness feeling at home for once.

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 01-21-2011, 03:16 AM

The blonde stopped his momentum mid swing as the girl stepped out to help him. He grinned at little and held his hammer ready. Ambrose assumed she was returning the favor and that was very nice of her. He hoped that Anthy was alright back in the barn. Then again he was sure she was. The grin slid from his face as he looked toward the other male saying nothing. He tried to look just as tough as Megara was sounding though the freckles and blonde hair threw his bad look off.
Acacia looked at Drayk and smiled. As his eyes dropped she giggled a little. She had to admit he was rather cute as well. Her amber colored eyes raised to look at the battle and she shrugged. "The girl has decided our fun time is over," she said softly, "I like her. She's pretty spunky... but if you would still like to pick a fight be my guest. I can always watch... I'd like to see what you can do." The blonde winked with a smile. She was honestly not dressed for battle. Perhaps if she removed her cloak it would be fine.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-21-2011, 03:25 AM

((I think i'd like to make it the next day soon so ima start having people head to bed. ))

"Well actually i'm a little on the tired side.. so maybe you'd like to escort me back to my home so you may get some rest?" He asked, putting out a hand. " Eh, they'll be more time for fun tommorow but since its getting late we might as well go now." He said softly, grinning slightly at Megara. "If only she was a villain. She'd be one of the greats.." He muttered, frowning slightly since the only reason he as created was to try and be one of the greats. "Come along everyone, we should get some rest." He said softly.

Words are meaningless unless you...
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Old 01-21-2011, 03:26 AM

Jen grinned but made no attempt at replying to the males words he simply gave him that bit of acknowledgment and sat patiently. After another brief moment it seemed that the male realized that the fight wasn't over yet and that things were only just now getting interesting. Finally the male attacked and not surprisingly Jenesis had little trouble dodging or parrying the man's strikes. He obviously wasn't used to this weapon and that made the necromancer not want to fight any longer. Then before he had a chance to call off the fight there was a dagger at his throat and he was being threatened. Grinning slightly Jen dropped his blades and then he latched onto the woman's wrist and snapped her over his shoulder and retrieved his blades. "You should've killed me when you had the chance rather than trying to threaten me, you'll regret that decision soon enough. But I have lost interest in this fight since your friend is not at his peak it seems, so we will postpone our match for another day I suppose." Turning around Jen walked back to where their base was and approached the female who had arrived once he was starting his fight. "Whom might you be, if I may ask," he said calmly looking at the unfamiliar blonde.

Last edited by Marsyas; 01-21-2011 at 03:32 AM..

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-21-2011, 03:30 AM

Megara did a small flip to land on her feet. "Well sorry for threatening you but I'm tired, cold and nobody is going to keep me from getting my sleep." She said with a small grin. "Well when you do come back, he will be a lot more ready and will be able to take you down easily." She said, trying to be intimidating but since she could care less it kind of came of as a goodbye. She watched at the Villains started to leave, knowing she would block that tunnel once they did.

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 01-21-2011, 03:32 AM

{nvm, nvm, sorry Mars I thought you put Megara/the girl on your shoulder}

Ambrose was slightly discouraged at the comment by the male. Of course it was hard for him to fight with the hammer. His usual weapon was much lighter. Then he looked back up and nodded at him. "When we meet again, I'll be ready," he answered gently. The blonde turned toward her and smiled. she did really seem rather tired. Then he watched as they all began to clear out then back again to the girl. "Thank you for that. I'm not very good with blacksmith hammer," he answered graciously.
Softly Acacia placed her hand in Drayk's. "I would love to escort you. That way we can both feel refreshed for tomorrow," she answered gently. Her eyes looked toward her brother who was smiling at that girl. Turning back she looked toward Drayk. She had been about to leave when she heard herself being addressed. "Oh, my name is Acacia, pleasure," she said softly with a slight curtsy. Then her amber eyes looked toward Drayk then back to Jenesis. "Quite the fighter you are,"Acacia said to Jenesis.

Last edited by Dear Lelie; 01-21-2011 at 03:39 AM..

Words are meaningless unless you...
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Old 01-21-2011, 03:32 AM


Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-21-2011, 03:35 AM

(Nope, nobody kidnapped Meg oh and Mars, Meg = Megara xD)


((Or atleast I think he didnt? o . O ))

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 01-21-2011, 03:38 AM

Wicked rose from her bed as she felt the need to leave her own room and head back to the main room where she and the others had first met. She took a set as she waited for the others knowing they would be there soon. Happy to know that none of the souls that like to wonder the place or even her father was about. She didn't wont anyone to know her secret who her father was why she never knew.

Words are meaningless unless you...
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Old 01-21-2011, 04:35 AM

Jen nodded and took a polite bow, "Thank you lady Acacia." Then smiling he looked between the woman and Drayk, "Have a good night you two." Then he took his leave and made his way back to the house and found a vacant room not too large but not too small. The necromancer stayed up a while studying his books to better himself at his necromancy. He had spent nights on end trying to get skilled enough at it for him to perform the arts and still be able to physically move but so far he had found himself incapable of doing so. That problem was a bothersome one for Jenesis and on occasion it had kept him up at night but not this night.

Yesterday's fight was enough to get Jen's blood boiling that next morning as he had yet to be satisfied with the amount of combat that he had been apart of. And the image of that woman with the knife at his throat was burned into his memory. She annoyed him having the nerve to threaten him like that and it made him wonder what kind of hero she planned to be with those sort of tactics but he admired her strength. It was early and he assumed that he was the only one awake at the moment and so he went out deep into the caves that lead to the hill behind the hero camp and began practicing with his blades. For some reason he had a hard time sating his thirst for battle and this morning he was in high spirits.

Dmitri Blair
The Avid, Slightly Crazy Kid.
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Old 01-21-2011, 04:48 AM

(so much damn reading.. teaches me to get offline for a whole day.. we wil, just say that the little thing that wicked said frustrated him slightly and he had left the tunnels and sat by the lake, observing as the fight happened.)

Nikolas was spread next to the water, relaxed and collected as he watched a small fight ensue by the pretty boy and a girl. Frankly, he was going to go with the group to play with the mortals, but he simply didn't join. The comment from the feisty girl had rendered him nearly useless. No one ever spoke to him like that, really. Nik was used to authority. Sure, he didn't let it go to his head, but anyone should have been able to tell that Drayk and him had a little cousin rivalry. It was nothing big, just a progression of something that happened when they were young.

Either way. the tan male sat by the water, playing with the moist sand as the small little crashes of waves soaked through his clothes. His temper evened out decently and soon, Nik was back on his feet and ready to head back down into the pit of hell that they were being made to stay in. Others were starting to arrive, but Nikolas payed them no mind as he made his way to a room that would suit his needs.

The room had a small fountain in it, lined with gold. Flowing from it was water and ambrosia, the wine of the Gods. Sure, he couldn't drink the poison liquid until he was a full god, but that was fine. It made him feel more assured by just being there. The bed was smaller, which was fine. The sheets made of the finest of silks and the nicest of fabrics. Sure, it wasn't a very oceanic color, but it comforted Nikolas enough. Being here meant he was one step closer to being wiht his father. That was all that mattered. Toying with the trident pandant, he sighed, collapsing into the bed. 'I just want to be home with him... No more of this..'

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-21-2011, 03:47 PM

Megara nodded slightly. "Your welcome.. and thanks for helping." She gave him a kiss on the cheek for his kindness and then started to worry about where Jerik was. "Ermm.. I gotta go, its getting late. But thank you for all your help." She said, skipping back cross the pillars and finding Jerik. "You okay?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at him. She felt bad about leaving Ambrose after his help but she had sent Jerik off by himself so it was better that she found him first.

Drayk didn't wish to be rude but it was getting late so he led Acacia threw the tunnel and into his home. "Well, thank you for coming along to the fight with us. I hope you sleep well.." He said, giving a small bow before releasing her hand. He then made his way to his room and laid down in bed, almost instantly falling asleep since he was rather tired. In his sleep he was thinking of thousands of things that he could do to kill all the heroes in training.
(Sorry its short but can everyone start getting their people to be so I can make it the next day soon? O: ))

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 01-21-2011, 06:37 PM

Jerik looked at Megara and smiled a little bit, not his usually big smiles but it wasn't angry or sad or anything. He had been trying to find Aristos but had been unsuccessful so far. "I'm glad your okay. I'm fine. Just feel bad that I left you alone like that. Next time, I'll stay and help. Your all right, right? Nothing broken or scar worthy?" He grinned when he said that last bit.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-21-2011, 06:45 PM

"No, This boy named Ambrose helped me.." She said, then grinned a little. "But since i'm so strong I got rid of em." She said, flexing her arm with a laugh. "And you don't have to feel bad.. I'd rather you be away from Villains anyway." She said thoughtfully. "Thanks for taking me to the garden though.. It was nice until the sudden attack." She said, brushing her bangs out of her face before looking towards the Heroes in training home. At the top of the building was where the bathing area was which she needed to get to after getting a leaves and twigs in her hair from climbing to get away from Tyler in the garden. "Pretty much the only thing bad that happened to me was getting leaves n my hair." She said, taking one out and throwing it on the ground. "Deffinetly have to make a trip to the bath house.." She said with a small sigh.

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 01-21-2011, 06:52 PM

Jerik laughed. He pulled a twig out of her hair and grinned. "I don't know. I think the look suits you rather well. And your welcome. Maybe we'll do it again sometime, though perhaps with a few more people. Make it a group thing so that if the Villians attack again, we won't have to worry about it too much." He smiled. "Though I suppose we should start heading to bed and whatnot. Got more training in the morning." He rolls his eyes. "If I'm awake for it anyway."

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 01-21-2011, 07:19 PM

Ambrose watched her leave and looked down to his feet. He often spent his time alone, so he wasn't exactly surprised. Stretching he looked at the hammer in his hand and decided to return it. Walking away with his hammer in hand he twirled it as he walked. Was the blonde really that weak? He had obviously seemed weak though he was able to defend himself with little injury. The worst part was the cut on his cheek. Returning to the barn he saw Anthy was rather distraught. Setting the hammer where it belonged he went over to his steed and did his best to soothe her. Lightly Ambrose stroked the horses nose and grinned. "Get good sleep Anthy, I need to get cleaned up," he said softly.

Quietly the boy left the barn and went to his room. Throwing fresh clothing and soap into his bag he walked off for the male bath house. Amb stripped down in the bathhouse and slipped into the warm water. He felt the sting of the cut on his arm when it hit the hot water. Taking his soap and a cloth he quietly hummed to himself as he cleaned himself off.

The blonde looked over towards Jen and nodded. She was not expecting anything out of this, besides she felt far too tired. Acacia returned his bow with a curtsy. "No trouble at all, Drayk. I hope you do as well," she answered softly. Opening the door to what she would assume was her room she smiled. It was rather cozy at least for now. She could make up decorations later or pick out some flowers. Taking off her cape, skirt and bodice. She slipped beneath the cotton sheets. By the feel that had been imported from Egypt to her pleasure. Acacia was sure that her friend, Persephone, had something to do with it. Within moments she had slipped softly into sleep.

Last edited by Dear Lelie; 01-21-2011 at 07:54 PM..

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-21-2011, 07:23 PM

Megara grinned. "Sure it is. But anyways, i'm going to go wash up. But hopefully i'll see you at training tomorrow. "She said, blushing slightly. "Sounds like a plan." She said with a small laugh. "Well bye Jerik." She said, turning and walking up the stairs to the inside of the heroes building. She went to her room and grabbed a large cloth like towel and then a black dress to sleep in before heading up to the bath house. The bath house was like a giant pool with a short wall in between. Degrading, Yes. But at least you could was up. She slipped her dress off and was only wearing black shorts and a black sleeveless slip on top. So she was covered and started washing her dress that she had gotten dirty from all the fighting, then laid it on the wall and started on her hair.

Megara looked over the wall and noticed the Ambrose boy there.. but unlike her he wasn't covered by other clothes. She blushed a little. "Hello again." She said with a small smirk

Last edited by Katie Scarlett Divine; 01-21-2011 at 07:59 PM..

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 01-21-2011, 07:31 PM

Jerik raised a hand in farewell. "Goodnight, Megara." He was grinning by the time he walked into his room he shared with Aristos. He just plopped onto his bed, hands behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. He was actually starting to like it here....of course, because of the girls. He wondered if people would noticed if a couple items went missing...An almost evil grin spread on his face as he continued to think about pickpocketing things.

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 01-21-2011, 08:10 PM

The blonde was surprised when he heard a voice and turned to see the girl from earlier. He believed her name was Megara. Then he realized he was entirely naked. Moving his arms he covered up slightly and blushed. "H-hello. How are you?" he asked quietly. Softly Ambrose smiled at her though he was a bit embarased.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-21-2011, 08:23 PM

Megara grinned. "Good I guess.. a little ticked that theirs no privacy in the bath houses though." She said, showing that she was wearing her black sleeveless outfit. " So I decided to just wear something every time I come here." She said, then turned around. "Sorry, i'll give you some privacy." She laughed.

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 01-21-2011, 08:47 PM

Ambrose chuckled at her and nodded. "It's very true. I just assumed that no one else would be here so late. Otherwise I usually try to be slightly dressed," he answered with a smile. When she turned around he joined in her laughter. "It's quite alright, but thank you very much," he answered. Amb finished washing up and slipped on his shorts. He stood by the wall and tapped on it. "If you're almost done, I can wait for you. Then we could walk back together," the blonde suggested quietly. He shook his head trying to dry his wet hair.

Emmery is offline
Old 01-21-2011, 09:05 PM

[It was fun, but I can't keep up with something so fast paced. I have school, and other activities. I have to quit. Sorry.]

Away with family!
Vanth is offline
Old 01-21-2011, 11:27 PM

Zahhy felt her eyelids grow heavy, she found it harder and harder to keep them open. The fight was long over, but she couldn't bring herself to stand from the position she was in behind the rose bush. She'd never really smelled a rose before, and something about the scent of it made her increasingly sleepy. She laid her head down in the soft grass and quickly fell asleep right where she was in the garden.

She dreamed of feathered wings and a rainbow that shot across the clear sky. She felt as if she was floating, and looked down to see that she was still in the garden, standing in front of a statue of the goddess Iris. She always admired the goddess, being so swift like the wind, and the golden wings at her shoulders. Zahhy even stopped, in the middle of streets even, on rainy days to admire the rainbow which she left. As she stared at the statue of the goddess, she noticed pieces of the stone begin to chip away, revealing the living goddess underneath them.

When she spoke, Zahhy did not see her mouth move, but felt her words travel through her, much like you do not see the wind, but feel it as it brushes your skin. She seemed to say, "In everything you do, let your heart guide you with confidence. If you fear of failure, you will never succeed." Then the goddes stepped down from her pedistal of stone, brushed a hand against Zahhy's cheek and spread her wings to disappear as quickly as she'd come.

((ha! i found out that the name Megara is one of the greek furies, and it means 'the jealous one' :) a little food for thought))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-22-2011, 07:53 PM

Megara got out of the water still in her black outfit and wrapped a towel around herself, bringing her clean washed clothes with her. "Thanks for waiting.." She said softly, looking at him for a moment. She yawned a little. " Well we might as well be off to bed. Its getting fairly late.." She muttered. She was a little sad that she heard Blur went back to his home after the villain attack, so she was tired.

((xD Really? Well she is easily jealous.. well once I get her to bed we can start a new day ^^ Oh and I guess goodbye emmery. I'll just say your charrie went home..))

Last edited by Katie Scarlett Divine; 01-22-2011 at 07:59 PM..

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 01-22-2011, 08:49 PM

Ambrose smiled when Megara came out of the bathhouse and nodded. "No problem," he said softly. When she yawned he chuckled a little then ran a hand threw his blonde hair. "Yeah I was planning on it. I just wanted someone to walk back with," he said with a small shrug. The blonde had also heard that Blur had gone home. He hadn't really known the boy, but it was still sad to hear. Amb started walking away and looked over his shoulder at Megara. "You coming?" he asked gently.


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