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Old 02-20-2009, 01:37 PM

How to lose a guy in 10 days ( i hope the title is correct) 7/10

It's was fun at the beginning when she was really trying, there were some hilarious moments. Though at some point it got a little annoying. The twist of the story was very predictable and cliche. Still it was good enough entertainment.

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Thunder is offline
Old 02-20-2009, 08:35 PM

The last movie I went to the theater to see was My Bloody Valentine. I did it more because I've never been to a 3D movie than because I hoped it would be good. Well, it wasn't horrible. Predictable though. And what happened near the end was stupid.

Spoiler Warning

Mr. Killer is perfectly still while strangling her husband, and she doesn't freaking shoot him? It's not like they're spending the whole time moving while fighting so she can't get a clear shot. They completely stop moving at one point. And she just stands there like a complete idiot and doesn't help her husband, who then suffers a serious wound that could have killed him. Way to go. :roll:

End Spoiler.

You'd think someone who watches so many horror movies would realize by now that they're all stupid, in some way. xD I just can't get over stupidity on that level. Little things you can ignore, but that? I can't. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I'm getting married soon and there's no way in hell I'd act like that chick...Even if my husband was a jerk like the one in the movie.

I give it a 6/10.

Last edited by Thunder; 02-20-2009 at 08:38 PM..

Michy Lea
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Old 02-21-2009, 05:07 AM

I haven't done this in a while...

Another Cinderella Story


It was a bit... over-dramatic. Otherwise, it was a pretty good movie for what it is. Extremely unrealistic as it was...

The Note II: Taking a Chance on Love


It was good. I didn't really see the need for it. They could have just left it alone, just having the first movie. There weren't any unanswered questions. It was almost just a whole different movie with little aspects of the first movie thrown in.

Coach Carter


I've seen it before. I love it. I love Antwon Tanner and Robert Richard and Rick Gonzalez... Rob Brown and Channing Tatum aren't bad to watch either. It's just a good cast and a nice, real story. I like how it shows that you can overcome things, like where your born or what people expect of you or what you expect of yourself. It makes me want to watch Sunset Park yet again.

Steel Magnolias


It's a classic. The funeral scene makes me cry almost every single time.

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Old 02-21-2009, 07:15 AM

Last movie I saw was the Japanese version of Dark Water.
I would give it a 8/10. ^^ I liked it.

spicedroses is offline
Old 02-22-2009, 08:40 PM

Let's see the last movie I saw was pirates of the caribbean that I have on dvd I would give it a 9/10. I thought it was great.

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Old 02-23-2009, 03:34 AM

the last movie i saw was push, it was a pretty good movie, the ending could have been better, but it was over all pretty good, i give it a 9/10

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Old 02-23-2009, 05:29 AM

Saw Coraline today in 3D. Maybe it was too hyped up for me... but I don't think it lived up to my expectations.

I guess I'd give it a 7.5 out of 10. =X It didn't draw me in as much as I might have expected.

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Risque is offline
Old 02-23-2009, 08:13 AM

Last movie I saw was A Scanner Darkly, with Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder. Yum. >3

It would get an 8/10 from me, the animation style was really neat, and I liked the general story, the acting was alright, and it wasn't bloated with crap that bores me. c:

Salamander is offline
Old 02-23-2009, 10:55 PM

The last movie I saw was Paul Blart: Mall Cop (a comedy). I'd give it a 9/10 really. It has to be one of the funniest movies out there that has pretty much 0% dirty material what so ever (and most of them overdo it as well!). I'm not a movie person really, but I really loved that one! :)

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Old 02-24-2009, 04:17 PM

I downloaded another movie recently.


Hugh Jackman.... Depite the messy and filthy look he had on, he is is still Hugh Jackman and he can look like a violent mutant, a distinguished gentle gentleman from the 1800s or a horse back riding Australian cowboy and he can still trigger my fancy! He seriously made me sigh so many times in that movie! and because he is in the movie with one of the sexiest leading ladies ever, my outlook on this move could possibly biased! XD And I guess I should also ignore the fact that Nicole Kidman plays a characters whose surname is my real first name... The acting really was nothing short of amazing! The characters were realistic enough despite the fact that they were probably too good looking and clean to be true. But the way they were portrayed was really interesting and I really liked Nicole Kidman acting spoiled and rich but she still had a very sensitive side to her. Same goes for Hugh Jackman with his hard and rough exterior. The movie's pace was a bit weird though I have to admit. The villain appeared really only after all the romance has happened. So much so that the romance took a big chunk out of the movie ^^" And a few of the important parts I feel were not really emphasized. A lot of important people died but it was just that they died and were never mentioned... It was too simple. Even the villain died a much too simple death! I was expecting something much more dramatic! One thing about the movie which I liked was that it wasn't exactly predictable. Sure we all knew they would end up together and live happily ever after with the kid... ladida... but I didn't know how it would end up that way. The process of it just wasn't as smooth as I thought :)

So overall, I'd say it was an engaging movie and would give it 9/10

fancy heavenly-angel
fancy heavenly-angel is offline
Old 02-25-2009, 04:54 AM

The last movie i saw was HSM3. I would give it a 9/10.

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Old 02-26-2009, 02:33 AM

Another movie review yet again! XD


Who doesn't love this movie? Okay, so the whole cartoon is almost utter rubbish if we actually read through history. But I wouldn't have known if this movie didn't come out honestly, I would probably not have believed it but I just wouldn't know so it really was this cartoon that got me interested in reading up on the Russian Revolution. Well, for its era, the colours were vibrant and the drawing though it had some times when I thought the characters looked older than they were but other than that the drawing was pretty well done. They managed to get the cuteness into the animal characters too! the animation of the background was all done with computer graphics so it was a little obvious that there were some differences in movement and all but they did it really well since the movie was released all the way back in 1997 when computer animation was really new. Meg Ryan and John Cusack were really good as the lead roles! O.o Their voices suited the characters really well and that was the same with the people who sang for them. The music selection was really something else. I loved watching it just to listen to the songs again and again! And my parents think I'm crazy shouting out songs about my journey! :P Even the evil character songs were pretty nice! And the ending was of course very predictable. It is a cartoon movie after all... but it was a really ungrand ending. Yeah they love each other and kissed ladida but I was kind of in disbelief with her not taking the crown! That was a bit weird. But overall, I loved the movie! One of my favourite cartoon movies of all time!

Rating for it would be 9.5/10

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Aëlorgalen is offline
Old 02-26-2009, 05:07 PM

The last movie I have seen was Coraline 3D. It was absolutely amazing and seeing the other new 3D films coming up was exciting! I have seen Coraline three times since it has come to theatres. Once in non 3D and twice in it. It is amazing and I would recommend seeing it NOT before 3D so you can appreciate it. If not the other way around works well too. it was wonderful and I hope to see it again sometimes soon. Sure it is three dollars extra but I can take that cost. Hmm.. I would definately give it a higher score than ten out of ten. It deserves SO much more. I cannot waid for 9 to come out either. Tim Burton is on a roll! I am also thrilled for the new Alice in Wonderland. ♥ Well, Coraline was amazing. See it!

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Old 03-01-2009, 08:44 AM

The last movie I watched was Tinkerbell in 3D

She talks! I mean its weird to hear her talk because all she does is flutter in Peter Pan and she is so different in this movie! I expected her to be spoilt and easily angered all the time but she really shows her good sides here. The story itself is so classic Disney. Cute, innocent with a lot of moral values! I was really shocked there wasn't any romance going on. Sure there were some hints but I thought there would be more than that and I was kind of disappointed by that actually ^^" I thought it would be really cute to have Tinkerbell fall in love. But the characters are pretty good. The development was not there but I didn't expect much since it is quite a short movie but the design was really good actually. I could see the special characteristics that differentiated every character and they even made some characters that resembled other nationalities which was really great! The design of their costumes was beautifully done and artistic and the other creatures were just as cute! I especially loved 'Cheese', the mouse! Every time he appeared, I wanted to grab him and cuddle him to death XD The good thing about this movie is that there was no true villain. I think the most 'bad' character ended up being okay in the end. I love the colours of it too. Wow, it made you want to have a summer retreat in Neverland O.o Everything looked so beautiful. I loved the movie because it sort of links to Peter Pan as well. The writers were really smart to make the links like how she got her name 'Tinkerbell' and also it ended when 'Wendy' was introduced! I sort of guessed the little girl mentioned would have been Wendy though ^^" All in all, a very cute show. Not much substance but good enough to entertain me.

Rating: 7/10

CreatioExNihil is offline
Old 03-01-2009, 09:45 AM

The last movie I saw was Coraline. I would give it an 8. I liked it a lot, but I am a fan of the book. Hardcore fan of the book. I was disappointed in some bits. It was still fun and weird and beautiful though. 3D made it that much cooler.

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Old 03-01-2009, 11:11 PM

The Uninvited
I loved it. One of my favorites now. I give it a 5/5. :]

Last edited by taytaylalala; 03-01-2009 at 11:25 PM..

Captain Howdy
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Old 03-02-2009, 01:47 AM

I went to see Coraline today with my sister. Free passes kick ass, by the way. I went into this film with no expectations. I'm a big fan of Neil Gaiman's work, but I haven't read the original story.

Reading through the Media forum, opinions seem to be split between "OMG! This was the best film EVAR!" and "Meh. It's overhyped." So like said, no expectation. But I really did enjoy it. The stop motion was genius and very pretty to look at, but equally as important, the story was nice. I'd certainly like to buy it when it comes out on DVD.

My rating: 8/10

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Old 03-02-2009, 04:56 AM

I rewatched another one of my favourite movies recently


Big burly men in nothing but diaper looking things going to war... Wow! The movie was really good for the lack of sets. Everything was shot in front of a green screen or just in a small studio according to my boyfriend so I was really impressed with what they managed to do because you could tell it didn't look real and yet it looked somewhat real. So the producers and art directors must have put in a lot of time and money for that. The acting was quite intense. I don't know anyone in the movie so they were all new faces to me and they were all very good in their roles. I thought Xerxes was hell of freaky though but whenever he talked, he cracked me up endlessly! He looked so feminine and pierced but his voice was so deep O.o I loved that they made the woman's role in this movie quite big even though she did not go to war, she was a very prominent and supportive character and even though we probably know it isn't real and Leonidas had probably bedded many other girls, the wife was quite an important character. And the warriors may they be the Persian army or the Spartans were really good during the fight scenes. Aand the fight scenes took up about 3 quarters of the movie. Even though it was just war, every tactic was different and didn't make it a bore to watch. Granted some of the creatures looked a little too fantasy for my liking, I would have preferred them to look more mortal. But it was still well done and they weren't exactly that far fetched. In conclusion, a great war movie on a very low budget XD

Rating for it: 8/20

Michy Lea
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Old 03-02-2009, 07:15 AM

Just Married


First of all, I'm a fan of Brittany Murphy. It was a funny movie. It made me laugh out loud. I liked that they didn't make the relationship seem like a fairy tale. I did like that it had a happy ending, though. I'm a sucker for happy endings. I hate romantic movies that end unhappily like Little Black Book.

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Old 03-04-2009, 03:00 AM

I last saw Almost Famous for the second time and loved it even more than when I saw it the first time. The movie itself is pure genius and feeds from the actual past experiences of the director, Cameron Crowe, as he was once a young writer for the Rolling Stone.

The dialogue alone was brilliant and I loved the ending. All the characters were so vibrant and down to earth and really help create movie magic. I'd give this movie four stars and recommend it to any music enthusiast.

Michy Lea
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Old 03-04-2009, 04:12 AM

Big Daddy


It's definitely not the first time I've seen it. I love it, just like I love most Adam Sandler movies. I'm also a fan of Joey Lauren Adams. I've liked her since I saw her on the show Second Noah years ago. I just love her voice. The movie has everything: drama, mystery, romance, comedy... Something for everyone. It made me laugh and cry.

tailer is offline
Old 03-05-2009, 01:43 PM

I've actually just watched Click recently.
I think it's an amazing movie, and I'd give it a 5/5, perfect score.
It has humor in all the right bits, and I actually cried in the ending, which I didn't expect, thinking that it had been a pure comedy.

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Old 03-06-2009, 07:35 AM

I think I rate too many movies! ^^" I have about 4 reviews on this page alone O.o This is going to be my 5th!


I feel like singing all of a sudden after watching this. Its really a different kind of Disney movie since it had so much sarcasm and with to what seemed almost like stupid humour. Its a family movie that older girls can definitely enjoy because I bet some of the jokes, younger girls wouldn't understand. I loved how they referenced it to the original Disney cartoons and how they were linked. It was just something that I loved to be able to notice and point out. That was really too cute. I actually didn't exp it that way since the beginning seemed so cute But yeah, the hoe fake a fairytale can be thing they pointed out is quite realistic. Like how they always end up marrying and living happily ever after without knowing each other. I thought the Prince was a hoot though! He made me laugh so much and the Giselle too! She can really sing though. Her voice is crystal clear and I really love the soundtracks no matter how flighty they sound. The tunes are so classical Disney but the lyrics are definitely not. The colours in the cartoon and the real life scenes were pretty well matched. Bright and bold. Very eye catching. I loved Giselle's outfits throughout the movie! they were stunning and generally, costume design for the movie was really well done. Though I was not expecting her last outfit to be so modern. I really enjoyed the movie actually. I thought it was funny cute, stupid but still something I could sit through and laugh and cry with.

Rating for it: 9/10

Aerys is offline
Old 03-06-2009, 10:43 AM

street fighter legend of chunli. it was ok... but its not that rewatchable

Hazardous Bubbles
Hazardous Bubbles is offline
Old 03-06-2009, 06:31 PM


I really really liked it, but I was a bit disappointed that some things were cut out, like how Rorschach got his mask, the newspaper stand/black freighter (?), and the original ending. Adding in the scenes at the newspaper stand would have made it so much longer, so I'm not too sad about that, but I really would have liked to see the other two. Also, the sex scene wasn't that great, hah.

Other then that, I really enjoyed it. I loved the opening with the Bob Dylan song and all the actors were really good. I'm tempted to go see it again.



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