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Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 09-25-2016, 01:14 AM


kelseydee is offline
Old 09-25-2016, 01:19 AM

Goodnight zzzzxxxxxzzzzz

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 09-25-2016, 10:05 PM

I napped this afternoon after my walk.

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 09-27-2016, 06:27 PM

Hello, Peoples!
How has stuff been for you all?
Things are still kinda uneasy at Hope's house...
Hooe's dad and I had our first trying to open his eyes to all the things he misses about Hope in the name of "structure" and "conformity"...him taking it as an insult...
(I am really sorry that constructive criticism can't be done without some form of criticism! *sigh*)
When I threatened to find somewhere else to stay, his tune changed and he nearly begged me to stay!
I realize that I am in HIS house...and I do my very best to be a respectful as I can be...but nearly been both parents for Hope for the past 3+ years and I think I know her and what works best for her better than he does...
I reminded him that she will be grown before we know it...that she will reach a stage in life when she won't want or need her parents to always be there...and that he should be soaking up all this cute sweetness while it's still available...and that some rules might need to be bent sometimes and that conformity can happen a little later...when it matters more. has been spending more quality time with Hope...having fun doing projects...Hope even went to a 3-D movie and sat through the whole thing!
Hope seems much happier now that dad is trying to be more fun and not just the rule-maker/enforcer.

Sarah has been getting more comfortable with the living arrangements...meaning that she is whining/moaning more and more each day...
She had 3 seizures on Saturday...making her pretty quiet for a couple days, but she was pretty noisy after dinner last night.

I am....just "here!"
I try to do things that need to be done...but the only joy I feel is when I'm watching Hope playing...
I want my own roof to make decisions not feel like I'm walking on not feel like I'm an inconvenience....
...In good time....if I am deserving...I will have what I want...

Hope's mom caught a cold at a mountain Hope caught it...and I am doing my very best to not allow it to get its claws into me...
Being in the city...the city smells! Ugh! exhaust, fast food joints, lots of airplanes and helicopters's hard for me to tell if I'm getting sick or just super sensitive to the nasty, dirty air I'm being forced to breathe! Lol!

Well...I promised Hope a I better get on that!
I hope everybody is well and having a good life! !

kelseydee is offline
Old 09-27-2016, 07:14 PM

Like all crappy things, this too shall pass

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 09-29-2016, 10:59 AM

I hope things get better for you soon.

kelseydee is offline
Old 09-29-2016, 11:58 AM


Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 09-30-2016, 05:16 AM

Originally Posted by Inzanebraned View Post
Hello, Peoples!
How has stuff been for you all?
Things are still kinda uneasy at Hope's house...
Hooe's dad and I had our first trying to open his eyes to all the things he misses about Hope in the name of "structure" and "conformity"...him taking it as an insult...
(I am really sorry that constructive criticism can't be done without some form of criticism! *sigh*)
When I threatened to find somewhere else to stay, his tune changed and he nearly begged me to stay!
I realize that I am in HIS house...and I do my very best to be a respectful as I can be...but nearly been both parents for Hope for the past 3+ years and I think I know her and what works best for her better than he does...
I reminded him that she will be grown before we know it...that she will reach a stage in life when she won't want or need her parents to always be there...and that he should be soaking up all this cute sweetness while it's still available...and that some rules might need to be bent sometimes and that conformity can happen a little later...when it matters more. has been spending more quality time with Hope...having fun doing projects...Hope even went to a 3-D movie and sat through the whole thing!
Hope seems much happier now that dad is trying to be more fun and not just the rule-maker/enforcer.

Sarah has been getting more comfortable with the living arrangements...meaning that she is whining/moaning more and more each day...
She had 3 seizures on Saturday...making her pretty quiet for a couple days, but she was pretty noisy after dinner last night.

I am....just "here!"
I try to do things that need to be done...but the only joy I feel is when I'm watching Hope playing...
I want my own roof to make decisions not feel like I'm walking on not feel like I'm an inconvenience....
...In good time....if I am deserving...I will have what I want...

Hope's mom caught a cold at a mountain Hope caught it...and I am doing my very best to not allow it to get its claws into me...
Being in the city...the city smells! Ugh! exhaust, fast food joints, lots of airplanes and helicopters's hard for me to tell if I'm getting sick or just super sensitive to the nasty, dirty air I'm being forced to breathe! Lol!

Well...I promised Hope a I better get on that!
I hope everybody is well and having a good life! !
It's that darn Purina pet food plant, isn't it? You should get a job at the TA on Quebec street and meet lots of nice truckers.

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 09-30-2016, 12:38 PM

*yawns* Not happy that I have to adult today.

kelseydee is offline
Old 09-30-2016, 03:30 PM

Originally Posted by Kirin Rosenbaum View Post
*yawns* Not happy that I have to adult today.
That's never fun .😒😒😒

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-01-2016, 05:42 AM

Originally Posted by Kirin Rosenbaum View Post
*yawns* Not happy that I have to adult today.
Make being an adult fun by yelling at kids from your car while they ride their skateboards. Or if you live in Texas, you can be obnoxious in your oversized pickup truck with exhibitions of speed and loud pipes. No cowboy from Texas is complete without an oversized pickup truck to over compensate for his failings in other aspects of his life. Yeeeehaaaw!

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 10-02-2016, 04:38 PM

Hey, Everybody!...How's it goin'?
I'm still alive and silently complaining every day! Lol!
Sarah has been making her noise so much lately that I find it difficult to stay in a good mood for more than a minute or 2...
She seriously gets on everybody's nerves in a short amount of time...and since she shares Hope's bedroom, I hate to leave her in there with the door closed because it limits Hope from wanting to play in her own room.
Yesterday, we were going to go to my oldest daughter's house to pick up a chair and a package that was mistakenly delivered to her address...
Sarah heard that we were going to go in the car and started that whine/moan she does...She expected to go in the car RIGHT NOW!
As it turned out, the day wore on and Hope's mom decided we would go after she picked Hope's dad from work...
Then, oldest daughter called to say that her crew was going out to eat and she would let us know when they got home...
So...we waited long enough that WE had to eat dinner....All the while, Sarah had been making her noise...and when we finally were told that they were back home, it was just too late to go...
I didnt want to go anymore, anyway...having heard Sarah all day long...I had turned into a bitter bitch who just wanted to dig a hole in the yard, jump in and bury myself!
We ate cheap Chinese food...Sarah didnt eat much and continued to be noisy...
I had joined Hope's mom for a cigarette, outside, when Hope came and laid her head in my lap and fell asleep!
Mom laid Hope in bed while I got Sarah's teeth brushed and into bed...
All was quiet for a while...then Hope woke, crying...
Neither Hope's mom or I could figure out why she was crying...and when we asked, she would only cry harder.
I suspect she may have night terrors...Her mom had them when she was young...they are kinda scary cuz the kid looks like she is awake, but she's not really awake...and there isnt a way to comfort her until she actually wakes up...
Well...Hope finally calmed down so I decided to go to bed, too.
She woke, crying, a few times before sleeping soundly all night.
She woke me up by moving all my hair off my face...
"Oh! Hi, Gramma! ...I want some milk!"
I got up and got her some milk and toast...and she watched the ipad till her parents got up.
Now, they are planning to go visit a friend...
Sarah and I will be alone...
I don't mind because I have had no desire to leave the house...
I hate the city and all its hustle and bustle and noise and stink...and everybody is always in such a hurry that nobody seems to care about anybody else...
There was a drive-by shooting the other night...a little ways from where we live...
The next night, I was on the phone with the BF when I heard 5 shots...then the sirens...
Someone shot 2 people just 6 blocks from our house...right on Federal Boulevard...shutting down the main road in our neighborhood.
The NEXT night, there was a fire in the high-rise a block over...and some more shootings...
Last night we heard a police chase go through the area.
I DON'T like being in the city!...and I DON'T desire to go out while I have to be here....So I am a little worried about my emotional state...becoming a recluse by choice, not because I don't have a way to get out...
BF wants me to get stuff...
I really don't want to...

So...not a lot else to takk about right now...
I think I'm gonna try to help Hope get ready to go with her parents...
Maybe I'll be back on later...
I hope everybody is well and having a nice weekend! !

kelseydee is offline
Old 10-02-2016, 05:17 PM

Has the bf had any good news . ?

---------- Post added 10-02-2016 at 01:18 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Mr. Wrong View Post
Make being an adult fun by yelling at kids from your car while they ride their skateboards. Or if you live in Texas, you can be obnoxious in your oversized pickup truck with exhibitions of speed and loud pipes. No cowboy from Texas is complete without an oversized pickup truck to over compensate for his failings in other aspects of his life. Yeeeehaaaw!
I'm 62 and have never grown up so now I don't have to. So there!!!!

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-03-2016, 08:11 PM

Originally Posted by Inzanebraned View Post
Hey, Everybody!...How's it goin'?
I'm still alive and silently complaining every day! Lol!
Sarah has been making her noise so much lately that I find it difficult to stay in a good mood for more than a minute or 2...
She seriously gets on everybody's nerves in a short amount of time...and since she shares Hope's bedroom, I hate to leave her in there with the door closed because it limits Hope from wanting to play in her own room.
Yesterday, we were going to go to my oldest daughter's house to pick up a chair and a package that was mistakenly delivered to her address...
Sarah heard that we were going to go in the car and started that whine/moan she does...She expected to go in the car RIGHT NOW!
As it turned out, the day wore on and Hope's mom decided we would go after she picked Hope's dad from work...
Then, oldest daughter called to say that her crew was going out to eat and she would let us know when they got home...
So...we waited long enough that WE had to eat dinner....All the while, Sarah had been making her noise...and when we finally were told that they were back home, it was just too late to go...
I didnt want to go anymore, anyway...having heard Sarah all day long...I had turned into a bitter bitch who just wanted to dig a hole in the yard, jump in and bury myself!
We ate cheap Chinese food...Sarah didnt eat much and continued to be noisy...
I had joined Hope's mom for a cigarette, outside, when Hope came and laid her head in my lap and fell asleep!
Mom laid Hope in bed while I got Sarah's teeth brushed and into bed...
All was quiet for a while...then Hope woke, crying...
Neither Hope's mom or I could figure out why she was crying...and when we asked, she would only cry harder.
I suspect she may have night terrors...Her mom had them when she was young...they are kinda scary cuz the kid looks like she is awake, but she's not really awake...and there isnt a way to comfort her until she actually wakes up...
Well...Hope finally calmed down so I decided to go to bed, too.
She woke, crying, a few times before sleeping soundly all night.
She woke me up by moving all my hair off my face...
"Oh! Hi, Gramma! ...I want some milk!"
I got up and got her some milk and toast...and she watched the ipad till her parents got up.
Now, they are planning to go visit a friend...
Sarah and I will be alone...
I don't mind because I have had no desire to leave the house...
I hate the city and all its hustle and bustle and noise and stink...and everybody is always in such a hurry that nobody seems to care about anybody else...
There was a drive-by shooting the other night...a little ways from where we live...
The next night, I was on the phone with the BF when I heard 5 shots...then the sirens...
Someone shot 2 people just 6 blocks from our house...right on Federal Boulevard...shutting down the main road in our neighborhood.
The NEXT night, there was a fire in the high-rise a block over...and some more shootings...
Last night we heard a police chase go through the area.
I DON'T like being in the city!...and I DON'T desire to go out while I have to be here....So I am a little worried about my emotional state...becoming a recluse by choice, not because I don't have a way to get out...
BF wants me to get stuff...
I really don't want to...

So...not a lot else to takk about right now...
I think I'm gonna try to help Hope get ready to go with her parents...
Maybe I'll be back on later...
I hope everybody is well and having a nice weekend! !
Nice neighborhood. Wow. Sounds quite dangerous, actually.

What causes Sarah to moan like she does? When I met her it seemed as though she wanted to be a part of the converation, but her condition has left her with no powers of speech. My guess would be that Sarah doesn't want to be left alone her room for long periods and wishes to be near others.

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 10-03-2016, 09:09 PM

I have a case of the sneezes.

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 10-04-2016, 12:20 AM

Well, Mr. Wrong....We don't really know WHY Sarah makes that noise...when she has many other sounds available to attempt to make a point or ask for something.
See...she didn't used to make this sound...She used to drive us crazy saying "hi," and "knock knock" and "I'm fine," among other sounds and words that she would repeat until someone would respond...But, when she became too old to attend public school, we enrolled her at an Adult Daycare Facility for Disabled Adults, where she would get attention and have activities presented for her to choose to engage in...
They had a client there who just sat and moaned all day...
Well...that moaning must have made quite the impression on Sarah, because she started doing it, too!
Now, she hasn't attended that facility for years, yet she continues to make the noise...
It is THAT NOISE that causes her to be banished to her bedroom to be alone!
She will make that noise while someone is talking to her/asking if she wants something...
She will make that noise while someone tries to engage her in even her most favorite activities...
She will look one right in the eye, after being asked if she would please stop making that noise, and...make that noise AGAIN!
THAT is why she spends lots of time in her save everybody else's SANITY!
It is rather discouraging when you make every attempt you can think of to find out what she wants, only to have her continue to make this same sound over and over and over and over and over and over!!
When you met her, you were "new!" ...she is ALWAYS eager to say "hi!" to new people!
Strangers always say how cute and sweet she is...only because they haven't been around her long enough for them to not be "new" anymore and the noise ensues!
If I had not seen that she does this same thing to her sister and Hope and Hope's dad, I would have assumed that she just has grown to hate me and wants to be away from me...but she has begun to drive Hope's family a little bonkers...I have heard the whispers of just how annoying she can be...
...I just wanted to clarify that Sarah is not left alone in her room until she moans....she MOANs until she is PUT IN HER ROOM!
Also...after hearing this sound, daily, for years, doesn't take a lot to cut my fuse short and my patience to wear thin...
....and my hair is suddenly greying faster than I thought!!

Well...since I am writing this on the iPad and I promised Hope she could have it when I am done...she wants it NOW!!, I better go...
I'll talk at y'all later! !

kelseydee is offline
Old 10-04-2016, 12:28 AM

Originally Posted by Inzanebraned View Post
Well, Mr. Wrong....We don't really know WHY Sarah makes that noise...when she has many other sounds available to attempt to make a point or ask for something.
See...she didn't used to make this sound...She used to drive us crazy saying "hi," and "knock knock" and "I'm fine," among other sounds and words that she would repeat until someone would respond...But, when she became too old to attend public school, we enrolled her at an Adult Daycare Facility for Disabled Adults, where she would get attention and have activities presented for her to choose to engage in...
They had a client there who just sat and moaned all day...
Well...that moaning must have made quite the impression on Sarah, because she started doing it, too!
Now, she hasn't attended that facility for years, yet she continues to make the noise...
It is THAT NOISE that causes her to be banished to her bedroom to be alone!
She will make that noise while someone is talking to her/asking if she wants something...
She will make that noise while someone tries to engage her in even her most favorite activities...
She will look one right in the eye, after being asked if she would please stop making that noise, and...make that noise AGAIN!
THAT is why she spends lots of time in her save everybody else's SANITY!
It is rather discouraging when you make every attempt you can think of to find out what she wants, only to have her continue to make this same sound over and over and over and over and over and over!!
When you met her, you were "new!" ...she is ALWAYS eager to say "hi!" to new people!
Strangers always say how cute and sweet she is...only because they haven't been around her long enough for them to not be "new" anymore and the noise ensues!
If I had not seen that she does this same thing to her sister and Hope and Hope's dad, I would have assumed that she just has grown to hate me and wants to be away from me...but she has begun to drive Hope's family a little bonkers...I have heard the whispers of just how annoying she can be...
...I just wanted to clarify that Sarah is not left alone in her room until she moans....she MOANs until she is PUT IN HER ROOM!
Also...after hearing this sound, daily, for years, doesn't take a lot to cut my fuse short and my patience to wear thin...
....and my hair is suddenly greying faster than I thought!!

Well...since I am writing this on the iPad and I promised Hope she could have it when I am done...she wants it NOW!!, I better go...
I'll talk at y'all later! !
I'm so sorry. Hope the bf gets a place soon

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-04-2016, 03:04 AM

Well Inzaned One, you know what they say, silence is golden. Duct tape is silver.

Does Sarah make this moaning sound after she is banished to her room?

---------- Post added 10-03-2016 at 08:06 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Kirin Rosenbaum View Post
I have a case of the sneezes.
Bless you.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 10-04-2016, 03:56 AM

I miss hearing about Sarah.
I hope she eventually stops moaning for you guys.
Maybe she is bored? Why does she do that?

kelseydee is offline
Old 10-05-2016, 05:45 PM

Happy humpday������

Mr. Wrong
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Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-06-2016, 05:09 PM

Humpday was so yesterday.

kelseydee is offline
Old 10-06-2016, 09:53 PM

So was that post

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-07-2016, 11:09 PM

Yesterday....all my troubles seemed so far away.

---------- Post added 10-07-2016 at 04:40 PM ----------

Meanwhile, back at the motel, it is dark outside and someone is using a weed whacker to trim the grass in front the of guest rooms. Consider yourselves informed.

Last edited by Mr. Wrong; 10-08-2016 at 06:01 PM.. Reason: weed whacking words

kelseydee is offline
Old 10-08-2016, 01:27 AM

It's the weed whacker pot killer, RUUUUUN!!!!!!

---------- Post added 10-07-2016 at 09:28 PM ----------

Dazz, where did u find a llama!? Is there a camel ?

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-08-2016, 06:04 PM

Cap, that is George the Alpaca. To my knowledge, no camel exists on Menewsha. There is an item suggestion thread in the help forum where requests can be made for both CI and EIs.


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