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firedragongt is offline
Old 05-10-2007, 10:24 PM

After resting his wings for a while, Ciaran tries again to fly. This time, he is able to actually fly, though he has very limited control over his direction and ends up hitting a tree. "Ow." :oops:

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Trinitydoll is offline
Old 05-11-2007, 01:17 PM

((I was talking about your teen heheh ^^, look Mara gave us very little to work with so I think we better move on and do our own story if you have any ideas? cause im tired of waiting, I just pmed you))
Wow .....there is a light in you think they are still here? omg I think we will ghet into careful....we shouldnt expose the little one....

Mnyonywaji is offline
Old 05-11-2007, 07:25 PM

((hehe))((have you read my PM...? ^^ how do you like it? I won't rp it now, as you have to accept it ^^))

- Well. Let's try to move at the doors silently, and listen what tey are talking about.... - Hijaaa'h moves towards doors. He then stops, and pulls his ear at the door.
He moves his paw, to show Star and the little one, to move closer to him.

firedragongt is offline
Old 05-12-2007, 03:30 AM

Ciaran climbs back to the top of the tree stump he dragged to the top of the hill and gets ready to fly again. "I'm going to learn to turn, just like I learned to stay in the air! hurting myself a lot.." :?

Mnyonywaji is offline
Old 05-12-2007, 12:14 PM

An annouuncement is there for you!

As you might know, Trinitydoll was allowed to be a mod in this thread, more, she was the one who made it - why?
Maracia doesn't have much time to be a Game Master for this roleplay - it's understandable, if we see, how hard she works with our's pets growings!

But, it's also understandable, there are some players, who would LOVE to have a proper plot, action etc.

That's why me and Trinitydoll decided to make it for you! We would like to play any NPCs needed, and give you a wonderful plot, hopefully well-fitting into the Maracia's idea on the world ^^

There is already an idea, what the plot would be like, but first, we would like to hear your comments - if you want us to lead you with this plot, and if you agree with us being some sort of Game Masters.

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Trinitydoll is offline
Old 05-12-2007, 07:46 PM

I agree !!! hahahah isnt that obvious? ^^

Mnyonywaji is offline
Old 05-12-2007, 08:07 PM

Originally Posted by Trinitydoll
I agree !!! hahahah isnt that obvious? ^^

hehe. I could've made everything up, without your permission ; P

Starshine is offline
Old 05-13-2007, 01:42 AM

What I would really love to see is a plot summary, or more like a what happened so far summary, it doesn't have to be long, or it would be too much work for Trinity, just a few lines so anyone can jump back into RP at anytime <3

I really like the idea of an organised plot too, although just going with the spur of the moment has worked very well in the past too. I had heaps of fun in my first RP dialogue with Veen, and I don't think either of us knew what was happening next, it made things more exciting XD It came to an end because of lack of NPC player, so I think someone playing as the NPCs is very important too.

veen is offline
Old 05-13-2007, 06:04 AM

I think a somewhat broad plot outline would be nice, just so that anyone can join at any given time, rather than not knowing where to start off an all. But it should be lenient enough so that there's a lot of on-the-moment RPing as well, since those are always the best <3

But yeah, someone playing GameMaster/NPCs would be real important, seeing as how Star said, our RP kinda ended cause of that. DX

firedragongt is offline
Old 05-13-2007, 06:27 AM

A plot outline would help. I'll probably still RP on my own sometimes, just because I tend to be alone here, so I post every so often just to have something to do.

Mnyonywaji is offline
Old 05-13-2007, 01:46 PM

I think the play with no special plot is very nice.... for a few days - - after that, everybody got bored. That's why we came up with the idea!

I think none of us, me and Trinity wanted to play the plot hour after hour... that would be too hard and - fe. me, don't have that much time....
But if there happens something sometimes, connected to the plot... that would be it! And the players would know, what to roleplay... Me and Trinity had a problem - as our characters are entering the Temple now, and are on the way to meet The Old Guys, mysterious group, who entered the Temple.... And we had no idea how to roleplay them, as we didn't had a plot at all given....


Yeah. I think it would still contain much of roleplaying on your own, or in pairs (stupid timezones, did I say that already...? XD) But it would be nicer to have the possibility to join something bigger too....

That's great, you agree with our idea.. As we have no answer from Maracia, we take it for as she agrees ^^ Well, there is nothing to disagree about.... XD

We will maybe try to play some NPC soon to give you a bit of the plot ^^

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Trinitydoll is offline
Old 05-13-2007, 03:40 PM

I wanted to add something, as far as I know there is a sort of summary I did on page one but well to keep it updated could be hard but I will try to do it at least generally important things etc...
and Waji and I will rp NPC characters for you and try to write a little guideliness for you to know what is going on with the plot ok? *hugs all*

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Trinitydoll is offline
Old 05-13-2007, 08:41 PM

Ok guys now, I have updated post number one, please if you want to catch up see the part that says SO FAR ok? if you have questions pm me ok? and we have decided on a plot to follow so rp and we will act as NPCs to guide you out the way (sorry double post)

Princess of your Heart
Princess of your Heart is offline
Old 05-13-2007, 09:02 PM

((good job guys I wanna join))

Snowy was wondering around all sad....his little cave was destroyed after the earthquake and he didnt know where to go....also he was all shaking and scared since he had evoluted in the middle of the earthquake and he was still dizzy and not feeling very well....

Mnyonywaji is offline
Old 05-13-2007, 09:21 PM

Hijaaa'h listened to he old guys.

- Hey, Jafaah, do you have the Wrath's Soul?
- Yes, Master. It's here.
- That's good. Now, the only obstacle is getting a Dragon's Scale. Who wanna get it for us?
- Me! Me! I want be the one, who will help this much!
- All right, Zoora. Go now, we have to have it as soon as it's possible. The Demon's Ressurection is CLOSER AND CLOSER, my prescious followers!
And then.... When the Demon is ressurected... NO ON WILL STAND IN OUR WAY TO CONTROLLING WHOLE SHARENTI WORLD!!!!!!
But now, dear friends, we must hide. No one can ever know, what we are doing here..... Go to your caves. The next meeting will be in 2 days....

Hijaaa'h waited for a moment. Some steps were heard, but went silent. Hijaaa'h slowly opened a door.

There was a small jar with something like mist inside.

"A Wrath's Soul!!!" - Hijaaa'h thought. - "They want to destroy everything what is good! We can't let them do that!" - and, with no thinking - he took the jar with him, hiding it between his feathers.

He left the room.
"Star, kit, we have to hurry! They might return in anytime now! We have to go to the village and tell the others, what they are planning to do!"

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Trinitydoll is offline
Old 05-13-2007, 09:25 PM

Starlight was paralized, she heard the voices too....what do they want to do....?
she looked at Hijaaa and then to the kit....let's go she said understanding there was no time.....
when they were leaving she saw one of the old sharentis coming out of the second entrance and giving them a dark look....omg...she though he saw us!!!!
Hurry guys lte's fly!!!!!
She took the little kit in her back and tried to fly the fast she could
lets go to my cave it is at the top of that hill nobody will see us there!!!!

firedragongt is offline
Old 05-14-2007, 12:26 AM

seems she is setting up an RP of her own..

MaraciaNiAsa is offline
Old 05-14-2007, 01:46 AM

((Mara apologizes for leaving you hanging - didn't mean to, just got preoccupied and didn't realize how long it's been. >< Anyway, I'm going to tie things into the point of everyone following the suspicious Sharenti into the temple - or ruins as I'll refer to them. ))

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Trinitydoll is offline
Old 05-14-2007, 02:36 AM

Ok then let's ask a mod to close this one....


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