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Alexander J Luthor
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Alexander J Luthor is offline
Old 02-18-2014, 10:09 AM

You know, that's what I could be working on right now.


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 02-23-2014, 02:52 PM

you know what? im going to join this and challenge myself to 25 craft items this year! but i am going to sewing projects in this... so halloween costumes and all!

Start: March 1st 2014 to March 1st 2015
Goal: 25 crafted items
Items so far:
1) Cushion:

2)Wall Hanging Fishy Embroidery:

3) Vanilla Jasmine Bath Salts:

4) flowery dress:

5) Bloomers:

6) Wall Hanging:

7) Halloween Costume: Sylveon:

8) Zombie Dress:

9) Unicorn Bustle:

10) Zombie Headband:

11) Halloween Quilt:

12) Lacy shirt:

13) Foxy dress:

14) Christmas dress:

15 and 16) christmas sleeping sacks!

17) Bunny dress:

18) Lacing added to a vest:

19) Fox Headband:

20) Bunny headband:

21) Peter Rabbit curtains:

22) Another Bunny Headband

23) Black Lacey Dress

24) wedding dress commission:

25) Unicorn Purse:

projects on the go:
- unicorn dress
- peter rabbit shirt/dress/skirt?
- Unicorn Headband?

Last edited by bloodstainedwings; 02-03-2015 at 12:54 AM..

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 02-24-2014, 05:18 AM

Hooray, welcome to the challenge BSW!


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 02-24-2014, 10:06 AM

thank you! hopefully i can do this!

Roxxi Shiagami
Roxxi Shiagami is offline
Old 02-24-2014, 11:17 PM

Welcome bsw! Glad to have you! :)


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 02-25-2014, 10:45 AM

thanks! i already have three crafts on the go so i think i can do this!


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 03-15-2014, 04:39 PM

March Onward to 2014!

Current Projects:
  • Crocheted Kitty Dolly
  • Learning how to crochet donuts xD
    • I watched a tutorial video to get the basic shape mechanics. Now experimenting with colors/adornments. Gotta find out where I put those darn beads for sprinkles.
    • WIPX

  • Some sort of colorful, washable basket for the kitchen table
  • Sand, stain, refinish old wooden dresser for bedroom
  • Potholders that don't let the heat through

  1. Felt catnip toy prototypes for potential fundraiser:
    • Animal Crossing Fossil (this was the favorite for my fat kitty, good shape?)


    • Severed Arm (kitten preferred this one due to the dangly yarn bits xD)


  2. Crocheted cat ball thinger for potential fundraiser:
    • Variegated yarn w/nip - success! Need to try one with a jingly bell inside next.


  3. Two nightstands stained to match bed frame & varnished
  4. Two quick little crocheted baskets to stuff Easter goodies in
    • Used fattest hook and three strands of different colored yarn. Single crochet in a round on the bottom, double crochet sides, quick fat chain stitch strap thinger.


  5. Crocheted an Oddish for Hadsvich's contest thinger.
    • Just freeform. Kind of lopsided, but still cute riiiight?


  6. Made a pile of crocheted owls from bits and bobs. (8)
    • So far these have only been gifted, but I keep meaning to load an Etsy store, so, maybe that will happen one day?


  7. Crocheted Donut w/Strawberry Glaze :D
    • No idea what I'm going to do with it. xD


Total projects so far: 7
Piece count: 17

Last edited by BellyButton; 05-10-2014 at 05:00 PM..

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 03-15-2014, 06:32 PM

Nice cat toys Belly! The severed arm is such a funny idea, I'm tempted to make one also.


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 03-15-2014, 07:26 PM

so far I have started two projects and have the goings on for my halloween costumes in the beginning stages of planning. so i think i am well on my way!

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 03-15-2014, 08:25 PM

Oh, Halloween planning is a good idea. I haven't gotten together a costume in ages.


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 03-15-2014, 11:03 PM

i always dress up, even if we are not going anywhere and we get no visitors. i just like to dress up.

edit: update on status of crafting
I have not yet completed anything so it is not an official update but I have so far started one of those heating pillows that you microwave.. a magic pillow or whatever its called. and i have started crocheting a bustle and i am learning how to crochet lace and once the lace is done i have too put it all together. currently im on stage lace. I also am planning on starting embroidery for my nephew's 1st birthday. not sure if im going to make a wall hanging or a pillow, but something like that. and i have come a long way in the planning of the halloween cosplay of sylveon, the fairy eeveeloution.

just so we all know where i am. I just wanted to post it because a month has gone by and i have not yet completed anything to put on the list. but i am actively working on it.

Last edited by bloodstainedwings; 03-22-2014 at 11:02 AM..

Suzanne Sky
Suzanne Sky is offline
Old 03-23-2014, 07:49 PM

Ooooh.... I'm so glad I found this board and this thread! I think I'll join too. Hopefully it will motivate me to actually accomplish something. LOL!

START DATE: March 23, 2014


CURRENT: [COLOR="blue"]Im going to get my yarn out as soon as I get off the computer and start a striped crocheted infinity scarf.

COMING UP: More scarves, some Artist Trading Cards, and who knows what else.

Thanks for coming up with this idea, Roxxi!!! It's going to be fun!

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 03-24-2014, 03:35 AM

Welcome to the challenge, Suzanne Sky!

@BSW: Those all sound like great projects! It's making me itch to get back to work on some of my sewing and embroidery projects.
I need to finish unpacking all my stuff first though, so that I actually have somewhere to work. XD


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 03-24-2014, 08:55 AM

Originally Posted by Chexala View Post
Welcome to the challenge, Suzanne Sky!

@BSW: Those all sound like great projects! It's making me itch to get back to work on some of my sewing and embroidery projects.
I need to finish unpacking all my stuff first though, so that I actually have somewhere to work. XD
thanks! im trying to get something done but i just keep starting new projects! i think you should unpack and work one project at a time. not like me.

Suzanne Sky
Suzanne Sky is offline
Old 03-25-2014, 09:08 PM

Good luck with your projects, everyone. And about unfinished projects... When I went to get my yarn from the cabinet, I found a crocheted winter hat that I had started. So I got that out and worked on it, rather than starting a striped infinity scarf like I had planned. It is finished now except for sewing the top part together. Soon I'll have my first project done, and can start on that infinity scarf. That is, unless I find yet another unfinished project lurking in the cabinet! LOL!

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 03-25-2014, 10:21 PM

Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings View Post
thanks! im trying to get something done but i just keep starting new projects! i think you should unpack and work one project at a time. not like me.
I don't think I could limit myself to one project at a time any better than I can limit myself to reading one book at a time.

Originally Posted by Suzanne Sky View Post
Good luck with your projects, everyone. And about unfinished projects... When I went to get my yarn from the cabinet, I found a crocheted winter hat that I had started. So I got that out and worked on it, rather than starting a striped infinity scarf like I had planned. It is finished now except for sewing the top part together. Soon I'll have my first project done, and can start on that infinity scarf. That is, unless I find yet another unfinished project lurking in the cabinet! LOL!
That's cool that you actually finished your hat before starting your scarf. I'm so bad about starting new projects before the old ones are complete.


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 03-25-2014, 11:54 PM

Originally Posted by Chexala View Post
I don't think I could limit myself to one project at a time any better than I can limit myself to reading one book at a time.

That's cool that you actually finished your hat before starting your scarf. I'm so bad about starting new projects before the old ones are complete.
oh goodness! i cant read more than one book at a time. the stories get confused in my head enough as it is. its like every book i ever read is one giant book in my head. its just awful! my memory need some serious overhauling...

---------- Post added 03-25-2014 at 07:57 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Suzanne Sky View Post
Good luck with your projects, everyone. And about unfinished projects... When I went to get my yarn from the cabinet, I found a crocheted winter hat that I had started. So I got that out and worked on it, rather than starting a striped infinity scarf like I had planned. It is finished now except for sewing the top part together. Soon I'll have my first project done, and can start on that infinity scarf. That is, unless I find yet another unfinished project lurking in the cabinet! LOL!
isnt that a great feeling! finally completing something that you nearly forgot you started. its like a great accomplishment! i have a bucket under my desk of half started, incomplete or needs work items. i have a skirt in there someone that is just missing a button and i have the button. its been there for a month! but when i do it, oh boy is it ever going to feel great!

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 03-26-2014, 12:03 AM

Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings View Post
oh goodness! i cant read more than one book at a time. the stories get confused in my head enough as it is. its like every book i ever read is one giant book in my head. its just awful! my memory need some serious overhauling...

isnt that a great feeling! finally completing something that you nearly forgot you started. its like a great accomplishment! i have a bucket under my desk of half started, incomplete or needs work items. i have a skirt in there someone that is just missing a button and i have the button. its been there for a month! but when i do it, oh boy is it ever going to feel great!
Somehow I can manage to keep stories separate in my head, even when I'm reading a bunch. I don't think I could have survived as a Lit major otherwise.

I have so many clothes in my sewing boxes that just need minor repairs like a new button. >_< They've been collecting in there for years now, it's gotten pretty bad.


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 03-26-2014, 12:45 AM

yeah I was in the sciences for a reason. lol.

yeah the box of repairs tends to get bigger faster than it gets emptied...

Alexander J Luthor
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Alexander J Luthor is offline
Old 03-26-2014, 02:52 AM

I hate myself right now. Went to try and crochet something and apparently I lost my hooks. Now I'm on a hunt for that thick, rope yarn so I can learn to knot crochet.

Suzanne Sky
Suzanne Sky is offline
Old 03-26-2014, 03:45 AM

Originally Posted by Alexander J Luthor View Post
I hate myself right now. Went to try and crochet something and apparently I lost my hooks. Now I'm on a hunt for that thick, rope yarn so I can learn to knot crochet.
Oh, gosh, Alexander! Isn't that maddening?! I am aggravated in empathy for you. LOL! I have lost mine so many times. Now I keep them in a zippered thingy inside the cabinet where I (try to) keep my yarn. They are always there, because I always, always, always put them back. So now I just lose bags of yarn. ....sigh.... Because not all my yarn fits in the cabinet. And so I end up buying more, when I need a certain color and don't know I already have it....somewhere...

And all of you others who like me, have more UFOs (unfinished objects) than we can even remember, we need to form a support group. Maybe that is sort of what this challange is about...

So tonight I sewed up the top seam of the purple winter hat and it is officially, completely finished. So I was happy to be selecting colors for the striped infinity scarf I am excited to make. ...Only in going through the yarn cabinet, I came across yet another UFO - about a one-third of the way done baby afghan. Grooooaaannn....! I do NOT feel like working on a baby afghan at the moment. But I thought I'd better just get it over with. So I got it out instead and continued with it. I hope (HOPE!) to have it finished in maybe three days. Wish me luck with one!

Alexander J Luthor
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Alexander J Luthor is offline
Old 03-26-2014, 05:25 AM

I wanna get good enough to make stuffed animals. Imagine the cash flow at craft fairs! My perfect scale would be to make what I estimate to be a year's worth of inventory, then start selling while continuing production. If it made enough to support me without needing another job I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Good luck! And I'm stealing that bag idea.


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 03-26-2014, 08:54 AM

that would be amazing! making a living off of crafts is like a dream. i think its totally worth going after, but is going to be very hard to achieve. I would like my crafts just to be able to supplement my income regularly enough to compensate for my job only giving me the bare minimum they have to. but this too seems to be a dream..

Alexander J Luthor
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Alexander J Luthor is offline
Old 03-26-2014, 01:18 PM

To live off something like this it would have to be an array of things like stuffed animals, blankets, clothing. I'd also do paintings and whatnot.

Suzanne Sky
Suzanne Sky is offline
Old 03-26-2014, 04:04 PM

I don't have an actual job, but I write a weekly column for our newspaper and sell at the Saturday farmers market from April through December. I sell eggs from the house too. I pretty much dislike sewing, although I might be able to make very simple patchwork baby blankets if I would just get with it. I like to crochet, though, when I am in the mood. Last year I sold quite a few crocheted infinity scarves, and a few crocheted dishcloths. I used to crochet teddy bears, but haven't done that in ages. I really don't think I want to get into that again. These days I only enjoy making very simple things that I can work on while my attention is elsewhere - like on tv. LOL! I keep thinking I am going to do a few small paintings to sell at the farmer's market too, but I never get around to it.

I am not sure if stuffed animals would sell very well here, but in larger markets I am sure they would. That would be great if you could do that, Alexander. I remember a simple set of patterns that my mother used to have that were for stuffed animals. It was a very old, vintage, I guess, pattern. One of the patterns was for a dachsund. It was so cute. I wouldn't mind making one of those if I could find the pattern. Oh! And I forgot, I made several sock monkeys last year for an internet swap site I go to. Those turned out cute and I could probably get some of those done. I wonder how well they would sell.... And I made some smallish stuffed felt monsters for swaps too. It is so easy working with felt. When I started making felt things, I made a really cute owl phone case. It wasn't very practical though. It would have been better if I had lined it - double felt. But I only made one, and didn't want to make any more.



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