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Cora is offline
Old 03-26-2024, 12:50 AM

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
I dunno, I just read some of this one and then some of that one and so on. They're all different kinds of books too so I guess that helps.
I can barely keep up with one book these days


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 03-26-2024, 03:49 PM

Haha, that's fair, I'm just a crazy person. I finished book number twenty two last night. It was called "A History of What Comes Next". It was a historical fiction about the space race. I felt like the story was interesting but the voice of the author less so. I gave it three stars. It's a series but I won't be attempting to read the others. I don't really care about knowing the rest so much that I want to read more of it.


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Old 03-28-2024, 02:25 PM

I just finished book number 23 yesterday. If I keep reading at this rate I'm looking at about 92 books this year. I'm hoping to beat my record of 101 though so I'll have to kick it up a notch! I'm in the middle of reading a bunch of books though so hopefully I can finish some of those up soon and add another batch to my read list.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-02-2024, 03:45 PM

I just finished book 25, whoo!!!

EDIT: Actually make that 26!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 04-02-2024 at 06:27 PM..


Kent is offline
Old 04-10-2024, 06:28 PM

I'm currently reading a fairy tale book of sorts about Reynard the Fox. Apparently a tale from the Middle Ages. Very interesting. Love the illustrations by Jonas Lauströer. * o*


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-12-2024, 05:29 PM

Wow that sounds really interesting! I'm working through a new audiobook, ebook, poetry book, and a few other things. Plus I got two new French books during my recent trip to Berlin!


Kent is offline
Old 04-12-2024, 07:15 PM

Oh, gosh, that reminds me I need to work on listening to the audiobook for Lady Joker Volume 1 for the next Japanese Literature Book Club meeting on the first of May. It's such a massive work with a huge cast. It's been a little hard to digest cuz the author goes into so much detail but it's a really intriguing story nonetheless that's based on true events.

Ooh! When did you go to Berlin? O: I love visiting bookstores in other countries. * o*


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-24-2024, 02:24 PM

That sounds like a big undertaking! I tried to read a book for a book club recently but I finished chapter three and realized I really didn't care about any of the characters at all or what might happen to them so I gave up, lol!

We were in Berlin earlier this month. I just went through all my French books the other day and realized I had actually purchased duplicates, oops! Hopefully I can find someone at the French Alliance here who might like them.

I just finished book number 30 the other day. I'm still working towards my goal though it's felt a little more slow going the past few weeks...


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Old 04-27-2024, 02:43 PM

Sure is! I'm only halfway through now with about 11 and a half hours left. I hope I can finish it up in 5 days. o wo; It really isn't a book I would be interested in reading on my own time but I can see it being a tv show or movie I would totally watch. I like how intricate the details of the plot are and how all the men come together to basically steal money from a huge corporation. It really teaches you about the history of discrimination in Japan too.

Oooh~ lol I hate when that happens. You should keep an inventory. :'D

I've been reading a lot of comics, manga, and graphic novels. I read novels so slowly.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-06-2024, 10:01 PM

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
That sounds like a big undertaking! I tried to read a book for a book club recently but I finished chapter three and realized I really didn't care about any of the characters at all or what might happen to them so I gave up, lol!

We were in Berlin earlier this month. I just went through all my French books the other day and realized I had actually purchased duplicates, oops! Hopefully I can find someone at the French Alliance here who might like them.

I just finished book number 30 the other day. I'm still working towards my goal though it's felt a little more slow going the past few weeks...
Book number 30 and she says it is slow going *hides her list behind her back*


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Old 05-09-2024, 01:30 PM

I finished book number 33. I have no idea what the heck I just read, it was awful. Definitely don't recommend The House of Cotton.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 05-10-2024, 11:21 PM

I just finished a book about the truth and fiction of the Day Vinci Code. It was pretty interesting though it took a while to get through.


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Old 05-13-2024, 02:30 PM

I just finished Inciting Joy but hated it.

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Suona is offline
Old 05-13-2024, 09:07 PM

I’ve been struggling my way through the Hades and Persephone books. They’re just SO horrible. I cannot bring myself to finish the last two. It doesn’t seem worth it.


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Cora is offline
Old 05-13-2024, 09:16 PM

That's a shame because I usually like Hades and Persephone stories.

I'm just starting The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella, my friend suggested it. I hope it ends up good haha.

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Old 05-13-2024, 10:36 PM

The ones by Scarlett St Clair? Those are the ones I refer to. And yes, I cannot handle the sniveling or constant “need for release,” no matter the situation. The writing just feels undeveloped and juvenile. More what I would expect from a high schooler writing fanfics than from a published series. There’s so much potential for an amazing plot and I like the story itself, but really can’t stand how it’s presented. It had SO much potential, and she clearly did a lot of research on Greek mythology and constructed and interesting world here. I prefer the Hades versions to the Persephone version tenfold, though. I just finished Game of Gods and I’m just DNFing the rest of the series. My friend just finished the latest Persephone book, and she actually enjoyed the other books, and she said it was so bad that she regrets having wasted her time on it. Perhaps I’ll listen to the next Hades book when it comes out, but for now I really don’t find the series very redeemable. And I know most authors have a line they overuse, but her use of “are you well?” was so beyond excessive that it drove me mad.

Okay, rant over. I did listen to Lightlark lately and quite enjoyed it. So much so that I actually bought Nightbane on my kindle to read because the library didn’t have it available at all and I wanted to continue with it. It’s rather simple but enjoyed it all the same.


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Old 05-14-2024, 04:00 PM

I finished book number 35 yesterday "A Place For Vanishing" which I enjoyed though it does come with a lot of trigger warnings. My library finally bought a book I've been pining after so now I'm reading "Wolfpack" by Amelia Brunskill.


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Old 05-30-2024, 04:53 PM

I started reading The Tatami Galaxy by Tomikio Morimi, the individual who wrote The Night Is Young Walk On Girl. I'm really not sure what to make of it. It's interesting but also a little bit like...I dunno how to describe it. Basically the main character has a very lamentable character. Actually all of them do really, and it makes me wonder what the heck I'm reading.

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Old 05-31-2024, 05:50 PM

It’s hard to get through a book when even the main characters are off putting.

I’ve been listening to The Halfling Saga and like it quite a lot. I’ve really enjoyed the world she’s created, and the BIPOC representation in it is beautiful. I’m on the third one right now. The covers also have absolutely stunning artwork.

Speaking of beauty, do any of you guys play videogames? I started Pandora lately and I’m absolutely blown away by it. Beyond stunning. Phenomenal graphics and gameplay. The plants and wildlife are so true to the films too. Absolutely obsessed.


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