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I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 01-08-2008, 07:50 PM

If I ever see one of John Stewart's or Colbert's books on sale, I think I'll have to get it. I'm just curious about their writing. I just don't know if I would find them as funny on paper.

Alaunt, if you want some recommendations, just ask! I'd give you a few titles right now, but I'm not so sure what genres you're interested in.

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Old 01-08-2008, 08:13 PM

Padfootsy's Book List 2009:

1. Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk | 304/304 pages (the pages count down backwards)| 1/1/09 1/18/09

Total 2009 Books: 1 /50 or 2%
Total Pages: 304 /15,000 or .02%

Books I plan on reading:

House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire
Seeing Redd by Frank Beddor
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz
The Martian Chronicles by Bradbury, Ray
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
The Handmaid's Tale by Margarot Atwood
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith
The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
Fight Club: A Novel by Chuck Palahniuk
Choke by Chuck Palahniuk
Diary by Chuck Palahniuk
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
Everything Is Illuminated: A Novel by Jonathan Safran Foer
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Buddha: A Story of Enlightenment by Deepak Chopra
Hairstyles of the Damned by Joe Meno
The Secret History by Donna Tartt
Virtual Mode by Piers Anthony
Fractal Mode by Piers Anthony
Chaos Mode by Piers Anthony
DoOon Mode by Piers Anthony

Books Read in 2008:

1. The Golden Compass by Phillip Pullman | 399/399 pages | 1/1/08 - 1/9/08
2. The Subtle Knife by Phillip Pullman | 288/288 pages | 1/9/08 - 1/23/08
3. The Amber Spyglass by Phillip Pullman | 465/465 pages | 1/23/08 - 3/10/08
4. What Are You Afraid Of? Stories About Phobias edited by Donald R. Gallo | 189/189 pages | 1/17/08 to 8/12/08
5. Pretending You Care: The Retail Employee Handbook by Norm Feuti | 298/298 pages | finished 3/15/08
6. A Series of Unfortunate Events: Book the First: Bad Beginnings by Lemony Snicket | 162/162 pages | 3/30/08 - 3/31/08
7. The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor | 358/358 pages | finished 4/12/08
8. The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson | 272/272 pages | finished 4/08 (Yes, I finished it before it came out. I got an advanced copy.)
9. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer | 544/544 pages | 6/19/08 - 6/20/08
10. New Moon by Stephenie Meyer | 608/608 pages | 6/21/08 6/20/08
11. Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer | 640/640 pages | 6/23/08 - 6/24/08
12. The Host by Stephenie Meyer | 624/624 pages | 6/25/08 - 8/24/08
13. Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer | 756/756 pages | 8/2/08 - 8/8/08
14. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephe Chbosky | 224/224pages | 8/13/08 - 8/18/08
15. Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn & David Leviathin | 183/183 pages | 8/18/08 - 9/5/08
16. Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk | 272/272 pages | 9/5/08 - 9/9/08
17. Extras by Scott Westerfield | 417/417 pages | 9/9/08 - 9/11/08
18. Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk | 297/297 pages | 9/12/08 - 9/20/08
19. The Society of S by Susan Hubbard | 320/320 pages | 10/1/08 - 11/2/08
20. The City of Ember by Jeanne Duprau | 270/270 pages | 11/17/08 - 11/17/08
21. Confessions of a Shopaholic by Jeanne Duprau | 378/378 pages | 12/13/08 - 12/15/08

Total 2008 Books: 21/50 or 42%
Total 2008 Pages: 7,970/15,000 or 53%

Last edited by padfootsy; 01-20-2009 at 10:18 AM.. Reason: I can't stop reading O.O

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 01-08-2008, 08:49 PM

^ I liked The Bell Jar when I first read it, but Sylvia Plath's fiction is nothing compared to her poetry. If you're at all familiar with 'Ariel' or 'Winter Trees,' you'll see the difference in style. And I think that makes it just a little bit harder to get through her novel.

Cute Things Kill People
Alaunt is offline
Old 01-09-2008, 12:46 AM

@Knerd - I tend to drift more towards Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and some Historical Romance. (Not actually Romance)

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 01-09-2008, 02:55 AM

Patricia McKillip writes amazing fantasy/romance novels.I wouldn't call them true romance, but they're geared more towards girls, and the way she writes is just very flowery and light. She has a talent for really sucking you into the story and getting you interested in the characters. Alphabet of Thorn and In The Forests Of Serre are my two favorites of her's.

Robert Heinlein is always fun for science fiction. Most people know him from Stranger in a Strange Land and Starship Troopers, but I don't think that they're his best. Some of his other novels center around the same people and time period, and that makes them more fun to follow. Time Enough for Love tells the story of Lazarus Long, the eldest man in the universe. In follows him through most of his life in a futuristic society and takes the time to explain his relationship to each of his family members. If you read any Heinlein, you should read this first.

There's also Ray Bradbury, Douglas Adams, Tim Powers, Steven Sherrill, Philip K Dick, and Isaac Asimov.

And...That's all I've got for now.

Cute Things Kill People
Alaunt is offline
Old 01-09-2008, 02:59 AM

Thanks. I'll look into them. Ray Bradbury is the only one mentioned that I recognize.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 01-09-2008, 03:13 AM

Once you start looking at book titles, I think you'll recognize at least one or two more of them. (Like Douglas Adams wrote the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, for example.) I think that these are some of the more popular 'classic' sci-fi guys.

I'm actually reading one of Tim Power's novels right now, and his writing is addicting. I'll probably finish it by tomorrow.

kitkat is offline
Old 01-09-2008, 03:55 AM

I am into fantasy and romance. Anything that is not
possible in real life <3

Cute Things Kill People
Alaunt is offline
Old 01-09-2008, 04:04 AM

@Knerd - Oh. I haven't actually read that, but I do know what it is about.

@kk - Would you like a list of many authors that might entertain you?

kitkat is offline
Old 01-09-2008, 04:11 AM

@alaunt: that would be lovely x3

Cute Things Kill People
Alaunt is offline
Old 01-09-2008, 04:17 AM

Okay. This is going to be off the top of my head, so there may be some authors that I am missing.

---Dennis L. Mckiernan
---Michelle Sagara
(a.k.a. Michelle Sagara West - She writes under both names)
---Irene Radford
---Susan Copper
---Susanna Clark
---Christopher Paolini
---Barb & J.C. Hendee
---Kristen Britain
---David Gamell
---Steve Perry
---Philip Pullman
---Tamora Pierce

and that is all that my brain will currently rack up.

kitkat is offline
Old 01-09-2008, 04:22 AM

Wow thanks x3 I will check on this thread later, bye for

Cute Things Kill People
Alaunt is offline
Old 01-09-2008, 04:23 AM

Okay. Night!

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 01-09-2008, 04:54 PM

If you like fantasy, you might like reading Gregory Maguire and Holly Black. They're the only two I can think of right now. And I'm not a big fan of their books, but they seem to be popular enough. I think I see stacks of their novels every time I enter a bookstore...

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Heiyuu is offline
Old 01-09-2008, 04:57 PM

Originally Posted by Knerd
If you like fantasy, you might like reading Gregory Maguire and Holly Black. They're the only two I can think of right now. And I'm not a big fan of their books, but they seem to be popular enough. I think I see stacks of their novels every time I enter a bookstore...
Tithe? Roiben will always stick in my mind. Just the image of him when what's-her-name, the main character, first meets him. See? I remember him better than her!

Cute Things Kill People
Alaunt is offline
Old 01-09-2008, 06:17 PM

Originally Posted by Knerd
If you like fantasy, you might like reading Gregory Maguire and Holly Black.
I'll look into them.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 01-10-2008, 12:23 AM

Yeah, Tithe is the only one of Holly Black's books that I've read, and it really didn't impress me. She was trying way too hard to seem dark and gothic. It was fun to read through, but it's really just fluff.

The Librarian
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Old 01-10-2008, 12:26 AM

  • Working on: The Humorous Verse of Lewis Carroll, by Lewis Carroll
    Pages: 440ish

    1. Access All Areas: A User's guide to the art of urban exploration, by Ninjalicious (dead serious, he's the force behind it all)
    218 pages (without appendixes)
    2. Making History, by Stephen Fry
    380 pages
    3. Interesting Times, by Terry Pratchett
    295 pages
    4. Murder of Angels, by Caitlin R. Kiernan
    335 pages

    Page count so far: 1,228
    Not doing terribly bad nine days into the year n.n
    I read like crazy, though. I don't have anything better to do D:

kitkat is offline
Old 01-10-2008, 01:05 AM

*laughs* 'the librarian' i really don't like librarians
now, my school librarian said i didn't turn in a book,
i paid for it anyway, a year later it mysteriously showed up,
mysteriously, she said i still owed money for
the book that i turned in, that i paid for, and was on the
shelf. She gave me my money back when i told her :3 but
later the computer said i still owed money, by then
i wanted to do horrible things to them xD


anyways, Knerd, the colors of the staff keep changing D:
why? o.o

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 01-10-2008, 01:13 AM

Hey there Librarian! I'll add you to the front page in just a minute.

@kitkat: The admins have been fooling around with our colors lately, trying to find a palette that everyone likes. And right now it looks like we're Easter themed.

I kind of miss being Red. I was always able to match my avatar's outfit to my color if I wanted to, that way I could be all coordinated, but I can't do that now. And it makes me a little sad.

The Librarian
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Old 01-10-2008, 03:11 AM

  • @Kitkat, Aw ;-;
    She's just a bad example. Librarians are wonderful people usually <33
    At least, we should be >.>
    I'm more of a librarian in training.
    It's harder than it would seem, who knew?

kitkat is offline
Old 01-10-2008, 03:22 AM

@Knerd: Oh. I thought I was just imagining things when
I kept seeing the colours of the staff change. I think it
would be pretty if it was a rainbow, admins red, whatever
below that, orange, etc.

@librarian: oh your an actual librarian? wow :3 I almost
had to miss the Turkeybowl at our school because of our
librarian (if we have depts at the library they don't let
us do any fun 8th grader stuff :0)

The Librarian
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Old 01-10-2008, 03:58 AM

  • Not quite one yet, well, alright, many years away from being one xD
    I'm perusing a master's degree in Library and Informational Sciences.

    Oof, yeah, that wouldn't be fun. I kinda understand why the system is in place, though.

Last edited by fiarra; 02-15-2009 at 02:25 AM..

Cute Things Kill People
Alaunt is offline
Old 01-10-2008, 04:15 AM

Hello Librarian!

Sorry to jump in the conversation. I always thought that being a librarian would be fun. Just the thought, of being surrounded by the many beloved books, warms my heart.

kitkat is offline
Old 01-10-2008, 04:34 AM

Yeah I would be reading a book and ppl come up to me to
get library help then I would be like, 'leave me alone,
i'm reading here' then be fired... then check out books C:


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