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faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 09:05 AM

I've read most of the first book, but they're a pretty hefty read. You DO find out a lot of information that the shows miss though. I would say if you're a fan you should definitely try to read them at some point.

Ferra is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 09:25 AM

Originally Posted by monstahh` View Post
I've read most of the first book, but they're a pretty hefty read. You DO find out a lot of information that the shows miss though. I would say if you're a fan you should definitely try to read them at some point.
Yeah, I figured it would be impossible to cover everything in the books in the shows. But based on what my friends have said (who've read the books and seen the shows) they think the HBO version is pretty faithful to the story. I'll see if I can find myself a copy in Japan. I have a feeling it's not really a popular novel here. In fact, I wonder if you can even buy the DVDs considering how strict Japanese censors are...

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 09:30 AM

Well, the author of the books is working with the people at HBO, he's written new scenes and stuff for the show too that stay consistent in the story-line. :P So there's new content in the show as well. Some of the scenes are also changed around, but aren't altered enough to matter.

Hmm, that's a good question. I really know very little about Japanese censorship.

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Mimmu is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 09:30 AM

Hah! I knew it! You guys are talking about The Game of Thrones :]
I haven't seen it, nor read it, but mom has and she liked the show and the books. I've only seen the parody of "Payphone" by the Key of Awesome, and in that parody they sings about how awesome The Game of Thrones is x)


Seiki Nova
Wishing on Shooting Stars
Seiki Nova is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 09:45 AM

Originally Posted by Ferra View Post
Yeah, I'm planning on staying the full 5 years of my contract (I have to renew every year for up to five years) so that last move will be kind of annoying. But the contract limits recently changed, so it's probably based on the old system.

I try to do different styles whenever I can. I like to try new things, but there's definitely some styles I suck at. Avatars wearing normal clothes or cutesy outfits are really hard for me. Especially if they're non-matching. I try not to be super matchy-matchy, but I pretty much always put some color balance into the design.

Yeah, my social life died when in my last two years of uni. I was super social in my first two years since I was still living close to home and I was one of the few people who could drive (I was 16 - 18 years old then). But then I moved over an hour away and no one, seriously no one, ever bothered to come visit me. I always had to go back home or farther south to see my old friends. I didn't really hit things off with my dorm-mates either, so I just focused on school work.

I hope you find a car that works for you! And dang, I'm glad that you're not burnt out at least. I'd be dead if I was doing your schedule. XD I'd just want to sleep all the time.
I do just want to sleep all the time. Problem is, I have too much to do to sleep properly so I either don't sleep or oversleep and don't actually get much done. It's really crappy. It's my first semester doing this whole full time student full time worker thing so I just need to figure out a good way to balance all of my obligations properly. It would help if I had a morning job. I would rather wake up early, go to work/school, and be done early so that I have the rest of the day to get my work done. But instead I have an afternoon/evening job that means I get home around 1030 and then I'm up late trying to get all my school work and personal stuff done and then I don't sleep until 3 or 4 in the morning and I just sleep until I have to get up at 10 to get ready for school/work. /rant.

The social life thing is interesting for me. First semester I wasn't really that social because I didn't really know anyone yet; all of my friends lived at home and I lived nearly an hour east of my house depending on traffic conditions and I didn't have my car first semester to drive back and forth. Second semester I got a lot more active, but now I'm living at home because it's cheaper and I really miss living on campus.

I think I have the same problem breaking out of my avatar style. Like I've been working on trying to make a new avatar since I started this thread, and I finally came up with this one, which isn't my usual type of avatar. It was a lot of work though, and I don't know if I'm entirely happy with it. I don't know if I like the gradient or the color combination, and I think some of the items are just there for color and not because they fit but I'm calling it quits because I know I'll fall back into my usual stuff and I know that means I'll stick with my tried and trusted layers and item combinations.

Yeah, the last move is going to be dumb. You'll only be there for the one year after that move.

@ Game of Thrones; my mom has been trying to get my to watch Game of Thrones, and I won't do it. Not that it doesn't look interesting, but I really want to read the books first and I know that I don't have time to read them right now.

I've never heard of Person of Interest.

Ferra is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 09:49 AM

@monstahh: Oh that's cool! If I was an author and my books became a TV show, then I'd really like to be involved with the production of it too. Yeah, of course they have to change things to make stuff work for TV, but I'm glad it fits with the books still.

Well nudity is generally blurred our or censored, so I imagine it would be troublesome. XD I checked Wikipedia in Japanese real quick and it looks like there's no Japanese version of the TV show yet, but the first few books have been translated I think. Too bad my reading skills are terrible or I could try reading it in Japanese.

@Mimmu: Hey! I think it's pretty good. It only took me about a week to catch up on the series since each season is only 10 episodes. I'd recommend it.

---------- Post added 09-24-2012 at 07:06 PM ----------


Yeah, I understand that. If I fall out of my sleep cycle then it really screws me up. I function much better when I can work in the day and sleep at night.

Are you planning to live on campus later on? I lived on campus for a year, then rented a house nearby with my brother for my last year. Maybe you could do a roommate situation to make things cheaper?

I like your current avatar. The face and hair is definitely "you", but the gradient isn't something I've seen you do before. I think think it looks fine as is.

Yeah, I'm not looking forward to the final move. Actually, I could potentially stay for 6 years (but you have to compete for limited recontracting positions) so I could stay there for 2 years as well. But I'm not sure if that's what I want to do. By that point, I better have my future employment goals sorted out so it would be probably better if I seek employment elsewhere if I plan to stay in Japan indefinitely.


re: Person of Interest: It's hard to describe, but more or less it's a suspense/crime drama about a pair of guys who try to stop crimes before they happen. It deals a lot with the concept of privacy and surveillance in post-9/11.

re: Game of Thrones: I felt that way about Harry Potter (reading books beforehand, I mean) but for some reason I'd rather watch GoT first and read the books after. It's such an elaborate story that it kind of helps to have the basics and visuals before I start reading. Maybe I'll change my mind when I start reading the books, but I don't regret watching the show first.

Seiki Nova
Wishing on Shooting Stars
Seiki Nova is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 10:46 AM

I really am unwilling to change my face/hair for an avatar. I used to change it all the time when I first got into making avatars, but then it became less important and I feel like it's a signature part of my avatars.

I would love to live on/near campus later on, but the whole point of living at home is to save as much money as possible for my study abroad in London, and it's much cheaper to spend $200-300 a month on the gas to commute to campus than it is to spend $500-900+ on an apartment/utilities/dorm/etc. The apartments around campus are SUPER expensive, even if you go a good ways away from campus and split the cost with a roommate.. And the cheapest parking permit (my current parking permit, which is a good mile from campus) is $240.

6 years seems like such a long time to me. I don't know if I could stay away from my family and friends for that long, but then again I can't wait to move out of Arizona after graduating to try something new, perhaps in New York or Boston; maybe Seattle. A change of scenery would be fantastic, and there are more job opportunities for my field in those locations than there are here in Phoenix. I need to consider if I want to go in to grad school right after I graduate, or try and find a job afterwards and get some experience before going back for grad school. Whatever you end up doing though is probably the right thing for you to do. And you're smart, you'll make the right decision.

PoI, ugh, 9/11. I try to stay away from that topic. It makes me so uncomfortable!

GoT, I've seen bits and pieces of the show from when my mom was watching it, so I feel like I could piece the images together from that and the IMDB page/trailers without actually having to watch the show first. But like I said, I need to find time to sit down and read before I can even think about starting a new series or show.

Oh, oh, oh! I just remembered, The Casual Vacancy comes out this week, and The Mark of Athena comes out next week! Two books I've been anticipating for a while now within a week of each other! I've got to remember to go to Barnes and Noble on Thursday to pick up TCV and on Tuesday for TMoA.

Ferra is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 11:06 AM

I'm the opposite. I used to never change my avatar's hair (maybe you remember that light blue that I always used) because I felt like it stood out and suited my style. But once the options for avatar customization expanded, I realized that I could still make avatars that were "mine" while being totally different. Looking at my runway thread, I've noticed a lot of patterns and item combos I use frequently, but I think I achieved my goal of having a lot of variety. That reminds me that I need to update it...

Oh right! I forgot you're saving to go to London. In that case, I'd say it makes sense to stick with your current situation. And yikes, that's really expensive! College prices really are crazy, aren't they? If it's not the course fees, it's the book fees, lab fees, parking tickets, etc. My school was pretty affordable but I still racked up a lot of debt.

Six years is a long time, but I'm already starting to consider making the move permanent. I really love living here, so if I had a reason to stay (i.e. boyfriend and/or nice job offer) then I think I'd decide to stay. But that's a big decision that I really need to consider carefully, so for now I'm sticking to my contract limit. Thanks for the vote of confidence. <3

Likewise, I'm sure you'll land on your feet wherever you decide to go. I wish I traveled more in the US before I left. Any of those cities you mentioned sound like a great place to start for new opportunities. And you may end up moving around for awhile until you find the place you'd like to settle down.


PoI: Yeah, it's a tricky subject but the show isn't focused on that. Mostly it explores how surveillance has changed since 9/11. In the show, they've built a machine that spies on everyone 24/7 to catch terrorists.

GoT: Makes sense. I felt some urgency since I started playing the board game with some friends and everyone else had seen the show. I was the only one struggling to remember the names of the houses.

Hmm, I've never heard of those. I hope you get those books soon!


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 03:16 PM

*sleepily makes her way into the thread*

Seiki Nova
Wishing on Shooting Stars
Seiki Nova is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by Ferra View Post
I'm the opposite. I used to never change my avatar's hair (maybe you remember that light blue that I always used) because I felt like it stood out and suited my style. But once the options for avatar customization expanded, I realized that I could still make avatars that were "mine" while being totally different. Looking at my runway thread, I've noticed a lot of patterns and item combos I use frequently, but I think I achieved my goal of having a lot of variety. That reminds me that I need to update it...

Oh right! I forgot you're saving to go to London. In that case, I'd say it makes sense to stick with your current situation. And yikes, that's really expensive! College prices really are crazy, aren't they? If it's not the course fees, it's the book fees, lab fees, parking tickets, etc. My school was pretty affordable but I still racked up a lot of debt.

Six years is a long time, but I'm already starting to consider making the move permanent. I really love living here, so if I had a reason to stay (i.e. boyfriend and/or nice job offer) then I think I'd decide to stay. But that's a big decision that I really need to consider carefully, so for now I'm sticking to my contract limit. Thanks for the vote of confidence. <3

Likewise, I'm sure you'll land on your feet wherever you decide to go. I wish I traveled more in the US before I left. Any of those cities you mentioned sound like a great place to start for new opportunities. And you may end up moving around for awhile until you find the place you'd like to settle down.


PoI: Yeah, it's a tricky subject but the show isn't focused on that. Mostly it explores how surveillance has changed since 9/11. In the show, they've built a machine that spies on everyone 24/7 to catch terrorists.

GoT: Makes sense. I felt some urgency since I started playing the board game with some friends and everyone else had seen the show. I was the only one struggling to remember the names of the houses.

Hmm, I've never heard of those. I hope you get those books soon!
I do remember your blue hair. You wore it for a very long time. I was super upset when the hair system changed because I lost my gray and wasn't able to get it back. It went from this very pretty light gray color to this darker version, and while this one is close, it's not the same. The highlights are different and the gray is darker, and you can't make gray using a base and a highlight because it looks weird. I was very upset about it.

College is expensive, especially considering I'm going nearly for free. I'm trying to stay as debt free as possible so that's why I'm giving myself so much time to save for England. I want to minimize the amount of loans that it will take for me to go, so if I can save up as much as possible then I can take out less loans. And school fees are the worst, especially if you go to a big university.

I've hardly traveled at all. I can remember going to three different states in my life, Oregon, California, and Oklahoma, plus my home state of Arizona. I've never left the country or been away from home for longer than a week (meaning not being within driving distance of my family). When I do my flight to England, I'm hoping to do a long layover in New York so I can wander around and see things.

Morning Cora! I would love to say I can stay and chat more, but I have to get ready to go to school. :(


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 06:04 PM

meh I'm at work anyhow.

Seiki Nova
Wishing on Shooting Stars
Seiki Nova is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 06:05 PM

That was a shockingly fast response though!

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 06:19 PM

I try to keep to a 'flavor' of me, but I fairly indiscriminately change my avatar's features to what I need them to be.

Ferra - :) That's pretty cool. With all the sex and nudity I wonder if its edited at all in Japanese. There are some times I forget how uncensored 'art' is in the US compared to other countries.

Also having watched the series doesn't make the books less enjoyable, instead, you spend the whole time going, YEP, that is the perfect way for them to look/act in the show.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 06:25 PM

you happened to catch me....

err....also I've been terrible today.

spunky is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 08:41 PM

I like "Person of Interest" a lot. Season 2 premieres on September 27! I can't wait to see the first episode of the second season. There are so many unanswered questions.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 08:43 PM

Person of Interest is AWSOME!

Castle premeres tonight.

All the best shows start this week!

spunky is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 09:07 PM

Woohoo! I haven't watched Castle yet, but I'll start tonight. I heard great things about the show.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 09:20 PM

It might be weird.....castle ended in a weird place.

spunky is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 09:33 PM

Oh okay. I'll prepare myself for the worst then haha


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 09:38 PM

oh it probably wont be bad....just weird.

Ferra is offline
Old 09-25-2012, 02:36 AM

Originally Posted by Seiki Nova View Post
I do remember your blue hair. You wore it for a very long time. I was super upset when the hair system changed because I lost my gray and wasn't able to get it back. It went from this very pretty light gray color to this darker version, and while this one is close, it's not the same. The highlights are different and the gray is darker, and you can't make gray using a base and a highlight because it looks weird. I was very upset about it.

College is expensive, especially considering I'm going nearly for free. I'm trying to stay as debt free as possible so that's why I'm giving myself so much time to save for England. I want to minimize the amount of loans that it will take for me to go, so if I can save up as much as possible then I can take out less loans. And school fees are the worst, especially if you go to a big university.

I've hardly traveled at all. I can remember going to three different states in my life, Oregon, California, and Oklahoma, plus my home state of Arizona. I've never left the country or been away from home for longer than a week (meaning not being within driving distance of my family). When I do my flight to England, I'm hoping to do a long layover in New York so I can wander around and see things.
I never changed my hairstyle/color until the system changed, so I guess it was 9 months or so? I forget exactly. But I've never looked back. Trying to make any avatars in my current style using that hair always results in failure. There were a few things I missed, like having non-manly bases if we wanted to, but I think the improvements far outweighed the losses.

Yeah, I agree. Two of my college years were "free" but thankfully my parents offered to pay for the multitude of fees that stacked up. But it sounds like you have a solid plan for funding your trip to England which is way better than what I did. I just applied for a job overseas and hoped for the best. I'm so lucky I got it or I would have been screwed financially.

Likewise, I haven't traveled much in the US. I've only been to states on the west coast, and I haven't even been to the bigger cities in California. I went there for a wedding so I wasn't free to travel and sight-see. How was Oklahoma?

Originally Posted by monstahh` View Post
I try to keep to a 'flavor' of me, but I fairly indiscriminately change my avatar's features to what I need them to be.

Ferra - :) That's pretty cool. With all the sex and nudity I wonder if its edited at all in Japanese. There are some times I forget how uncensored 'art' is in the US compared to other countries.

Also having watched the series doesn't make the books less enjoyable, instead, you spend the whole time going, YEP, that is the perfect way for them to look/act in the show.
I do the same. I think most of my avatars look like my creations, in some sense, but I changed the features all the time.

Yeah, I've never tried to rent a DVD with "adult content" in Japan, so I'm not sure how far the censors go. But I've heard from friends that they blur out pictures in magazines and such.

As for Game of Thrones, I'm interested to read the books and see what's different.
Originally Posted by spunky3 View Post
I like "Person of Interest" a lot. Season 2 premieres on September 27! I can't wait to see the first episode of the second season. There are so many unanswered questions.
Yeah, I'm excited too! It left off on such a cliff-hanger. I've been rewatching old episodes to refresh myself with the story.

Originally Posted by Cora Lorington View Post
Person of Interest is AWSOME!

Castle premeres tonight.

All the best shows start this week!
Oh cool! I like Castle, but I stopped watching it when I came to Japan. I should get back into it though. Would you say it's still as good as the first few seasons?

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-25-2012, 05:02 AM

i think it's even better, Ferra.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 09-25-2012, 05:40 AM

Aha! I found the Seiki thread! I'm so clever.

Seiki Nova
Wishing on Shooting Stars
Seiki Nova is offline
Old 09-25-2012, 06:44 AM

Originally Posted by Ferra View Post
I never changed my hairstyle/color until the system changed, so I guess it was 9 months or so? I forget exactly. But I've never looked back. Trying to make any avatars in my current style using that hair always results in failure. There were a few things I missed, like having non-manly bases if we wanted to, but I think the improvements far outweighed the losses.

Yeah, I agree. Two of my college years were "free" but thankfully my parents offered to pay for the multitude of fees that stacked up. But it sounds like you have a solid plan for funding your trip to England which is way better than what I did. I just applied for a job overseas and hoped for the best. I'm so lucky I got it or I would have been screwed financially.

Likewise, I haven't traveled much in the US. I've only been to states on the west coast, and I haven't even been to the bigger cities in California. I went there for a wedding so I wasn't free to travel and sight-see. How was Oklahoma?
I figure it will all work out. We'll see how things go, but I know my parents can't afford to help out. They'll do what they can of course, but I wouldn't ever insist on them paying my way for me if I can help it.

Oklahoma is generally pretty boring. It's a midwestern state so obviously it's very small town and family oriented, which is something that I'm not used to. And there's a lot of religion which makes me angry so I try not to visit too often. But I have family there. It's nice for small visits, but I can't stay for long periods of time.

Plus, they deep fry/fry everything and I don't need to gain even more weight.

Cora, I had kind of a cruddy day as well. Right now I'm doing a bit of homework for English. I have an exam due at midnight tomorrow, but I'm going on a day-trip up north to see Sedona and visit Meteor Crater outside of Flagstaff with my best friend. We're going to be leaving at 7AM which is super early for me, and hopefully getting back around 8PM-ish. Plenty of time to do my exam if I can finish preparing. I just needed a break because I just got done writing explications for the 24 different readings we've done in the past three weeks. Now I just need to finish my essay outlines for the four possible essay prompts that are going to show up on the exam so I can write them quickly within the 95 minutes we have for the exam.

The good news is that this time I'm much more prepared for the exam whereas the first time I forgot about it until the last minute and kind of wigged out and had to rush through it. I finished with 19 seconds to spare, but I forgot a title for my essay and some of my explications were off because I confused my readings/poems/authors. I got an 85 on that exam, but I can do so much better!

Hi Cherrypie! :D

Ferra is offline
Old 09-25-2012, 07:00 AM

@hummy: That's good to know! :) Maybe I'll start watching it again.

Originally Posted by Seiki Nova View Post
I figure it will all work out. We'll see how things go, but I know my parents can't afford to help out. They'll do what they can of course, but I wouldn't ever insist on them paying my way for me if I can help it.

Oklahoma is generally pretty boring. It's a midwestern state so obviously it's very small town and family oriented, which is something that I'm not used to. And there's a lot of religion which makes me angry so I try not to visit too often. But I have family there. It's nice for small visits, but I can't stay for long periods of time.

Plus, they deep fry/fry everything and I don't need to gain even more weight.
Oh believe me, I didn't want my parents to pay my way but I did require their help when I started out since I had no income. They paid for some of my education, but the rest is my own debt. But I agree, I think things will work out in the end.

Ah, I got that kind of feeling but I wasn't sure. I'm actually from a small town, but I think it's different since I was never very far from a decent sized city. We had a lot of churches too, but I can't say it was extremely religious. For the most part I try to avoid talking about religion and politics, but it certainly has been popping up on Facebook more and more lately.

Lol, all of the convenience stores here sell friend chicken. It's always so tempting. I'm also trying to get into shape, so I have to cut it out.


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