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TeeJayeDee is offline
Old 01-09-2010, 06:24 AM

Tank Girl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First, the Plot!

Tank Girl and associated friends/crew have heard rumors of a great and wondrous place, the Last Convenience Store! At first, they ignore such silliness, but when they come across a DWP truck (after, of course politely convincing the owner to leave (read, blow the bejeezus out of him with various and sundry weapons), they find a cold six-pack of beer and a receipt from the Last Convenience Store, and so surmise not only is this place real, it must be close! At least close enough for an air-conditioned DWP truck to have a still cold six-pack. So the Quest is ON! Once they reach it, the Devil and Tank Girl only know what will happen!

The Characters
Some of these will be canon characters, and some will be originals. Feel free to come up with your own original characters as well. I'm excluding some of the characters because, either they're insane, or won't be useful or motivated to find the Last Convenience Store, or I just can't see how they'd come into play (Like Sub Girl and Boat Girl, this plot is far from any large body of water).

- Tank Girl's Side
- Tank Girl Played by TeeJayeGirl
- Booga (TG's current boyfriend, a mutant Kangaroo)
- Stevie (TG's ex-boyfriend, a blonde aborigine)
- Jet Girl

-- Original Characters, Alliance to be Determined, feel free to make up your own too! --
- Joaquin Sloely (Mutant Fruit Bat, Male, and yes he can fly, when he's not too drunk.)
- "Cow" Patty (Human female, rides a cow print Kawasaki, which speaks to her in Japanese)
- Winifred "Winnie" Bago (Human Female, middle aged, drives - what else? - an armored Winnebago)
- Hyatt Ashbury (Human Male, a throwback to the 1960's drives a bus that looks like it was stolen from the Partridge Family)
- Niko (Mutant Koala biker, gender undetermined, drives a mini-bike)
- "Panzer Girl" Alexandria Played by darkninja0200

If anyone wishes to play a character NOT on Tank Girl's side (Whaddya got, a death wish?) You can do so... Just make it either a DWP officer of some kind, or come up with some good story on how Tank Girl killed/blew up/maimed/stole something or someone close to your character and we'll work with that.

Please PM me with your character bio before posting!
Other than that, just keep to Menewsha's rules and that's all I require.

The opening scene is at a rest stop, where all of the characters happen to be just after Tank Girl liberated the cold six-pack from the DWP truck. Assume that the bragging was so loud that even if you play a character who doesn't know Tank Girl yet, you now know of the Last Convenience Store.

Accepted Characters:

Originally Posted by darkninja0200
Name: "Alexandria" Panzer Girl
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Peronality: Hyperactive and mentally insane... constantly breaking the fourth wall. "Fourth wall my ass... I can clearly see the people out there reading this."
Vehicle of choice: A pink Abrams tank with yellow flowers on it here and there. Otherwise just like TG's tank. "You guys loving my artistic genius?... I painted it my self"
Bio: "Okay I'll take over here... Okay let's see I'm a gemini I like people and cake and pie and games and violence and hitting people and killing people and sex and breaking things and jugs and wait I'm running on again arent I oh well I don't care I drive a tank obviously and I also want to be just like tank girl and will try to befriend her and/or kill her depending upon my mood." Whoah... she's more hyper than I am. *Panzer Girl stabs me in the gut and I fall down holding my stab wound* "That outta teach you to call me hyper... oh and I like to stab people with my knife and blow things up and keep blowing them up until it's considered overkill and then do it some more then burn their remains and then piss in their ashes"
Appearance: While I have escaped from this crazy girl I will tell you what she looks like. She has long blonde hair down to her waist and stands at 6'0". She is rather busty at a DD cup. She wears tight bellyless tank tops and boys jeans. She wears a pair of black combat boots as well. She is very tanned and has a very athletic build though not muscular athletic... just toned athletic. "GET BACK HERE!!" Crap *runs away with Panzer Girl chasing behind*

Last edited by TeeJayeDee; 01-13-2010 at 07:58 PM.. Reason: Accepted Character!

Gonna be gone for a couple of mo...
darkninja0200 is offline
Old 01-13-2010, 03:34 AM

Alexandria has heard of Tank Girl's latest expedition and has decided to steal her six pack in order to become her friend. How that works I don't know but it's her mind and I'm not gonna argue with a girl who lives in a tank. Panzer Girl see's Tank Girls Tank in the ditance and moves in on it to see Tank girl in the distance gettin ready to crack one open. She aims her tank cannon beside Tank Girl about 10 feet away to her left and fires to get her attention and pops up out of the top "Ahoy there mateys It is I the one and only Panzer Girl who is in no way a wannabe of Tank Girl because I was created by an american and not a limey brit!" she starts to balance a loaded revolver on her finger as she waits for TG to acknowledge her.

((I told you she was crazy))


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