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Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 06:15 PM

RP: A Wail of a Tail

Pirates. Ruthless, skilled fighters, looters, and overall, a hardy type of being.
Magic. Natural, normal, helpful, a way of life.
The Wailing Magick. Ship, outkast, pirates...Upon this ship, a crew has been put together for their...singular abilities. In a world where magic is normal and usually serves a purpose, The Wailing Magick is a sanctuary for people who chose the pirates way of life but have a poor excuse for magic. A grand example of what I'm talking about is the captain. She's female, which in itself is not so unusal in this day, but her magic? All she can do is make inanimate objects spring up and dance. The first mate? Not much better. He can change the color of his hair or eyes into anything he wishes. That's it. Not really useful, if you ask me.

Now, after the Wail (the ships intolerable nickname) was first founded two years ago, they have made a couple enemies. Including the Royal Navy of several banded countries. For the last month, they have been running from one of the worst naval ships on record, The Dragon Ditch.

What will become of the crew? Will they survive encounters with The Dragon Ditch? Can they survive each others obnoxious abilities?

Alright, here's where we can all hangout outside of the thread. Also, this thread will be used to "update" people IF they were gone for too long. ^^ Enjoys!

Last edited by kionaredhawk; 10-07-2010 at 06:44 PM..

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 06:18 PM

:3 Huzzah. <3 sounds good. But we're always up for suggestions on how to make it better. XD

And. o.o So what's the title of it? XD

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 06:26 PM

Ya know....I was thinking Magical Pirates :XD not very original. about...I have no idea :XD

How about A Wail of a Tale?

Last edited by kionaredhawk; 09-30-2010 at 06:34 PM..

Soturo Ayami
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Old 10-01-2010, 02:56 AM

OO this look interesting.
I wanna do it XD *clings to it*
can I ?

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 10-01-2010, 03:12 AM

No you cant!! D:<
lol Just kidding, course you can joins. <3

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 10-01-2010, 05:32 PM

YAY! We've got one more person :XD alright, now we need a couple more and I'm sure we can start. :) Is there any particular position you want, Soturo? Or do you want to just be a crew member?

And what do you guys think of the name A Wail of a Tale?

Soturo Ayami
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Old 10-01-2010, 06:25 PM

GUN MAN *___*
I want gun man! ^^
Well actually tactician and weapons specialist but I call it gun man!

I like Wail of a tail.

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 10-01-2010, 08:13 PM

Gunman=ftw! XD
Hm.. we need, to make a profile skelly. >.>;

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 10-04-2010, 09:40 PM

Yeah we do. I'll start working on it and run it by you when I'm done.
Soturo, you can be a gunman :P

Anyway, so A Wail of a Tail sounds good to you Scade. Cuz I think I might keep it...:P And I think if we could get one more person willing to do it, we should get it started. That would make four. Sound good to you?

Soturo Ayami
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Soturo Ayami is offline
Old 10-05-2010, 05:24 PM

Can't wait. ^^

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 10-05-2010, 05:29 PM

That sounds cool. and alright then. We needs one more person. D: Where are yous?? XD

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 10-05-2010, 05:32 PM

Oh. I died and went up to computer heaven where virtual reality exsists through computer. You can ruleplay through these forums. It's quite fascinating, really :XD

Alright, then you two go recurit :XD i'm working on that too. And on profile skeltons. I might have it done by today, maybe tomarrow. This week for sure though. And I'll make a list of positions that people can take type thing. Scade, do you want to handle the rules?

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 10-05-2010, 05:35 PM

Yush. I'm good at rules. >:3
You've died? D:
We can make a ooc and profile thread too. <3 So the profiles would be in a different thing and then we could talk there too.

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 10-05-2010, 05:40 PM

I know your good at rules :XD Make sure you add one saying that you and I are in command of the thread :XD
Anyway, I'm good with making the two threads but I like having the profiles at the beginning of the actual rp. And of course an ooc where we could put updates and talk and stuff.

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 10-05-2010, 05:56 PM

lol I will. <3 And yeah. XD I dun like it when people don't read the rules. x.x; Ah yeah!!
Check it out? XD We needs people. x.x; And it's a good idea. ^ ^' I've been really wanting something like that. XD Zodiac one was like that too, but.. not enough people either. >.o

Ah, well that's fine. :3 I don't mind either way. I just dislike it when people post their profile on the thread lol But yeah, ooc=ftw. <3

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 10-05-2010, 06:01 PM

I hate it when people do that too. THere will be no posting of profiles in the thread. I like it sent to you or me type of thing and then we put it up in one of the first posts type of thing.

And I'll check it out, I just don't know about joinging more rp's at the moment :P They have to read the rules and state it in the profile pm that they read the rules or we don't use em :D

Soturo Ayami
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Soturo Ayami is offline
Old 10-05-2010, 07:01 PM

Reading the rules is a good thing.
It is irritating when you don't
Yes no posting profiles on thread.
We shall have OOC yes!? ^^ yay.

and..and no dying.
Dying is bad XD

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 10-05-2010, 07:54 PM

I didn't die :) it was just a funny thought about the computer roleplay heaven...:XD

Anyway, we're getting things rolling. Just one more person! :XD

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 10-05-2010, 09:21 PM

*sings* A wail of a tale and it's all true I swear by my tattooooooo!*

Lovely name, cute idea!

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 10-05-2010, 09:28 PM

Yays. :3 And how is you? Wanna join? *offers cake*

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 10-05-2010, 09:57 PM

*offers a bottle of glitter with the cake* pretty please?!!!

Soturo Ayami
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Soturo Ayami is offline
Old 10-05-2010, 10:16 PM

Yes? ^^

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 10-06-2010, 06:38 PM

sure! sounds like fun.....

Can I plug my group ro if that's okay?

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 10-06-2010, 06:39 PM

You can plug, since your gonna join :XD Alright, we've got four so far. I'll put up the profile skeleton on the first post so you guys can start working on it while we get the rp up and running :)

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 10-06-2010, 06:40 PM

Yays! X33


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