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Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 10-07-2010, 05:23 PM

OOC: A Wail of a Tale OOC

Pirates. Ruthless, skilled fighters, looters, and overall, a hardy type of being.
Magic. Natural, normal, helpful, a way of life.
The Wailing Magick. Ship, outkast, pirates...Upon this ship, a crew has been put together for their...singular abilities. In a world where magic is normal and usually serves a purpose, The Wailing Magick is a sanctuary for people who chose the pirates way of life but have a poor excuse for magic. A grand example of what I'm talking about is the captain. She's female, which in itself is not so unusal in this day, but her magic? All she can do is make inanimate objects spring up and dance. The first mate? Not much better. He can change the color of his hair or eyes into anything he wishes. That's it. Not really useful, if you ask me.

Now, after the Wail (the ships intolerable nickname) was first founded two years ago, they have made a couple enemies. Including the Royal Navy of several banded countries. For the last month, they have been running from one of the worst naval ships on record, The Dragon Ditch.

What will become of the crew? Will they survive encounters with The Dragon Ditch? Can they survive each others obnoxious abilities?

Positions on board the Wail:
Captian- Si'la Dartange
First Mate- Elliot Dawson
Quartermaster- Cedric Bellamy
Pilots- Open!/Open!
Lookouts- Nadia Swanson
Gunman (need 7 more)- Rayanna Rodgers/Benjamin Pewter/
Gunman Protectors (Need 7 more)- Jerik Kuu/
Master Doc- Lauriane
Master Cook- Codette
Cooking assistants (need at least one more)- Tobias Bridge/Elizabeth Amilla Elwood
Master Carpenter- Galfrond Hesselbight
Musicians-Elizabeth Amilla Elwood/Open!
Cabin Boy- Tobias Bridge
Boarding Men/Cleanup Crew- Gemini Starr/
Extras (:XD)- Open!

The Dragon Ditch's crew

First Mate- Syrine
Quartermaster- Elijah Dawson
Master Doctor- Liam Grand
Master Cook-Esperetta Edna Elwood

ONE MORE THING!!!! Ascadellia and KionaRedHawk are co-leaders and all-mighty pirates on this thread. Listen to them! :P

Last edited by kionaredhawk; 02-21-2011 at 05:31 PM..

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 10-07-2010, 05:30 PM


1. Keep things PG 13. Don't cyber or anything since we don't wanna read it. And, you can't really do it anyways. >.> Against the Mene Rules.

2. Write at least four or five lines. No one or two liners. I do understand writers block, so if that Does happen.. Give enough to work with. And don't ignore people who are trying to talk to your character.
Since, those just discourage people.
That goes for too long posts. X3; Don't want to have to read Too much when it can be lowered down to a simple three paragraphs.

3. If your going to be gone for an extended amount of time and you know you're gonna be gone, Please let us know! So we know to avoid getting stuck. Last thing we want is to wait for so long to reply back, and there's other people moving along in the RP.

4. On that note. If you're gone and the RP had jumped two pages and there aren't very long posts.. Don't ask for an update!! >.< You could at least read that much. x.x; It will only do you good to read it! Since some people might not know exactly, and thus we could give a update that isn't as epic as it was really written. Of course, you can ask for an update if, let's say, you've been gone for more than one or two days.

5. This is going to be a semi-fast pace RP. Obviously we'll have to wait if we get too far ahead of people. But don't expect it to go too slowly.

6. No txt talk, No ** for action, Basically the same rule you see in every RP. I'm alright with it when it's in the ooc thread of course. But just not in the RP since it ruins everyone elses experience.

7.When you send me the profile, put a yumeh in it so I know you read it. ^ ^-

8. Language/Cussing to a moderate level please. We can only take so much of **** and ***. x.x;

9. Don't make your character all powerful, or have hidden powers. The ones they have right now will stick. Doesn't mean they can try and expand on the thing, just.. Don't make it being able to control someones body to be able to do whatever they want. Or taking others powers by touching them. >.> that would be a bit too powerful. Remember. They also have to have some side effect of the thing they have. In example. You can't control everything with your mind and Not get tired. Unless you're uber experienced.
Send the profiles to Kionaredhawk And Ascadellia. If one or the other doesn't get it.. We're not going to be happy since you didn't Read the rules. Also. Title the pms "Wail's tale" so we know you read them.
10. Read all the rules or so help me I'll feesh you. >.<; highlight above..

11. Don't create mary sues/gary sues! Everyone has faults. And everyone also have good points. No overly depressed people please. This is supposed to be a fun RP. Saying a character has always been having terrible luck and never ever having a good point in his life is Very unlikely. So.. Make them well balanced.

12. Please! No colors that are hard to read. And no tiny tiny fonts that we have to squint to read. X3;

Profile Skeleton!

Magical Ability:
Nicknames (if you have any):
Position on Ship: (Role you play)
Navy or Pirate: (Which side you fighting for?)
Preferred Weapons (Limit is 3):
Likes: (At least five)
Dislikes: (At least five

Last edited by Ascadellia; 10-20-2010 at 04:38 PM..

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 10-07-2010, 05:36 PM

ARRR Matey's and Scalliwags.

Username:kionaredhawk (Co-All mighty Pirate)
Si'la Armand Dartange

Magical Ability: Can make inanimate objects get up and dance.
Nicknames (if you have any): CAPTAIN
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Position on Ship: (Position you play) El Capitan
Navy or Pirate: (Which side you fighting for?) Pirates baby!
Bio/Background: Si'la is secretly a lord's daughter, being raised "properly." She learned how to read, write, sing, and fight from her family as well as many other things. They had thought she was a late bloomer when it turned out her magic really wasn't useful. It was at that point that they started to ignore her and not care. So she was allowed to run around like a wild child. As she grew, she became more and more independent. At the age of 15 she ran away, tired of the endless boredom at balls and other social events. Even though she was the eldest and thus due to inherit her father and mothers "ladyship," she still left, determined to find a life that fit her better.
Thus, she boarded a pirate ship, hiding who she really is, taking the name Si'la Armand Dartange (Dar-tang). After a few years, she had learned all she wanted to, or needed to really, and finally had the money to buy her own vessel. She started her voyage with her best friend and her first mate...They make an interesting pair of commanders...

Personality: She has a temper that flares but only when it's called for...usually. She's a "good" person, if you can call a pirate good. She knows a lot due to her schooling as a lady and as a pirate. She's fair and loyal to her crew, as long as they remain loyal to her.
Preferred Weapons (Limit is 3): Chinese sword (in picture), a downsized version of the other weapon in picture, and throwing needles (She likes pressure points and acupunture...).
Likes: (At least five) fights, weapons, ocean (water), books, singing
Dislikes: (At least five)grumpiness, land, her parents and siblings, when Elliot changes his eyes and hair color without her noticing >.<, discrimination based on magical ability

First Mate
Username: ascadellia (Co-All mighty Pirate)

Elliot Dawson

Magical Ability: Ability to change his hair and eye color to any color he so wishes.
Nicknames (if you have any): Elli, Elliot
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Position on Ship: First Mate
Navy or Pirate: Pirate all the way.
Bio/Background: Grew up as a noble's son, but he wasn't the eldest so he was just allowed to do what he liked, so long as he didn't disgrace his family name. Of course he ignored this and went off with anyone who seemed like fun. Learned to fight this way, which he secretly taught his longtime friend, Si'la. He always played pranks by changing his hair color once he got in trouble for something. If caught, he'd just blink innocently and say it wasn't him. He didn't look like the culprit, as they had so and so hair color. And it was impossible to change it so fast. He loved his ability, as it gave him a chance to get away with things.When Si'la decided to become a pirate, he was right next to her. Of course, they do have their differences sometimes. But it's all in good fun. As for his family knowing about him becoming a pirate, well.. he'd prefer not to say.
Personality: Wild personality, he's a huge flirt sometimes whenever he sees a pretty girl. Serious only when in something is at stake. Sometimes he can be a bit two-faced, since he's an expert liar. Sometimes not even his captain can tell.
Preferred Weapons: Wire, pistol, cutlass.
Likes: messing with peoples heads, good card games, wine and playing jokes on others.
Dislikes: Order, Party poopers, getting caught, staying with one hair color for too long.


Username: MarzipanFrog

Name: Nadia Swanson
Magical Ability: Can generate small whirlwinds from her hands. They’re so small the most they can do is pick up a thin book, or a small dagger. In theory they can get bigger and be able to lift trees, but Nadia is nowhere near that powerful. She uses them to pick up knickknacks if she feels lazy.
Nicknames (if you have any): Nope, she’s just Nadia.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Position on Ship: Lookout
Navy or Pirate: Pirate
Bio/Background: Nadia is a gypsy of sorts. She grew up with a group of performers and traveled throughout the land, and had made a living as a thief until she landed the job as a lookout for the ship The Wailing Magic. She had picked up her wind magic from one of the performers, who was also her unofficial guardian. When Nadia turned 16 she decided to venture out on her own. She roamed the larger towns, getting into trouble from her pickpocketing, but always managed to narrowly escape. When she heard about hiring for a crew on a ship, she jumped at the chance. After all, what’s a better escape from “incidents” on land than getting on a ship and vanish from the district/town for months on end?
Personality: Nadia is curious and upbeat, although she is very lazy and likes to take short cuts. If she weren’t slacking she’d have mastered bigger whirlwinds by now, but she could still only conjure tiny ones, although that didn’t bother her much. Her curiosity sometimes get the better of her, and her obsessive collection habit of trinkets and other jewelry tend to make her go in places she shouldn’t really venture into. She’s friendly but didn’t talk much to strangers, and she was keen on picking up every conversation around her because she was nosy for potential useful info.
Preferred Weapons: daggers (carry on her belt), lockpicks
Likes: Ale, sharp knives, bells, necklaces, oranges
Dislikes: smoke (as in tobacco), brats, rodents, dust/sand, law enforcement (whatever this world’s equivalent of “police” is)

Username: Soturo Ayami

Rayanna Rodgers

Magical Ability: Techno-mancy , the ability to work and manipulate technology (stronger ones can create and build their own devices)
Nicknames : Ray
Age: 23
Gender: female
Position on Ship: Gunman (weapons specialist and tactician)
Navy or Pirate: Pirates
Bio/Background: She had started off sailing with her older cousin Shal. They had little to nothing when they left their cushy home in the noble class. They didn’t like where their life was headed. Neither of them wanted to get married so they set off. They were hunted of course, their parents worried and worried over them, however the wanted posters they put up made it impossible to discern what they were and they were eventually hunted by a group of bandits who wanted the money they offered. Shal was killed in the battles some time a year later. She was left on her own while they took Shal’s body back to their parents. The bandits were killed by the royal navy before they could leave port with their money. Rayanna was furious of course but she had no other choice then to protect herself and joined a pirate crew, the Wail (not so aptly nicknamed but she found it fitting though she would never say it out loud.)
Personality: Um….Lazy. Okay no I just think I am. I’m trying to make it in a…Ah oh well I just explained that. I have been called optimistic, quirky, boastful, loud. There is a list of things for sure. I’ll see what I can thing off for later. Sly is another one. But I have a tendency to be flirty and nosy its just my nature what can I say.
Preferred Weapons: twin pistols and a steel cutlass
Likes: food, dancing, fighting, pistols, rifles, sailing
Dislikes: the navy, her old life style, thinking about Shal, the reminder of he original boat and crew, common thugs and petty thieves, the thought of dying
Username: Graxdon

Magical Ability: can breath out small bursts of flame about 2 inches long
Nicknames (if you have any): Black Powder Benny, formerly Black Blade Benny
Age: 17
Gender: male
Position on Ship: (Role you play) Gunner
Navy or Pirate: (Which side you fighting for?) Pirate
Bio/Background: Benjamin Pewter, who's name was unknown for he simply called himself Black Blade Benny, was once a renowned criminal and killer, plying his skill with a halberd on the streets of the capital city. Feared by all as a dangerous killer from the age of 13, Ben made a fortune as an assassin. One day however, Black Blade Benny disappeared from the streets When Benjamin Pewter snuck onto the Wailing Magick which had docked at a nearby port city posing as an innocent kid, completely unrecognizable to the rest of the crew. Having seemingly forgotten his past, Benny has proven his effectiveness with black powder weapons, especially his hand bombs. To the crew, he's just a kid that likes blowing things up, but there is the mystery of the long, spear or halberd he carries with him, wrapped up and never used.
Personality: Happy, cheerful, and willing to help (especially if he gets to make things go BOOM!)
Preferred Weapons (Limit is 3): numerous hand bombs, the Black Halberd (hasn't used since joining the crew)
Likes: (At least five) explosives, sweets, cake, pulling Jerik's ponytail, playfully teasing the other crew members, Gemini
Dislikes: (At least five) anyone from the capital who might recognize him from the wanted posters, vegetables, people picking on his crew mates (only he gets to), anyone who tries flirting with Gemini, puppies (he has a puppy phobia)
Gunmen Protector

Username: kionaredhawk

Jerik Kuu

Magical Ability: Can create rainbows...that's it.
Nicknames (if you have any): None
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Position on Ship: (Role you play) Gunmen Protector
Navy or Pirate: (Which side you fighting for?) Pirates!
Bio/Background: Jerik comes from a desert tribe that lived far from any ocean. His tribe was based on survival and not treasure or greed. The desert tribes thought of all magical gifts as just that, gifts. They would not shun on just because the gift they bore was useless. The mark he bares on his arm is a symbol of his tribe and who his family was within it. All tribes and nomads that live within the sand there have such marks. Since his birth he was brought up as one of the warriors of the clan, taught to protect the family and the tribe from others. When he was younger, he was sent to another tribe to learn from them, an arrangement made some years earlier to do just that. While he was gone, his tribe was massacred, not without taking quite a few of the murderers with them. Jerik returned home only to find death and sadness. Because of who he is, revenge was thought of but never a consideration. Merely, he wanted to find a place where he would be safe and taken care of...and to take care of others.
He left his desert home, though his thoughts always remained with it, and found the sea. This was his first sighting of it and it remains one of the most beautiful things he has ever seen. He joined with the Wailing Magick when she was founded as a fighter. He found that magic was treated differently in the rest of the world and he did not like it. So, he joined the crew and remains faithful to this day.

Personality: Calm. Always calm and level-headed. Does not care for the greed of pirates but finds that he enjoys their company. He doesn't tend to talk so much, though when he does, he usually tries to offer a different point of view. One of the things he's been described as is strong, meant in all forms, not just physical strengths.
Preferred Weapons (Limit is 3): double large Broadsword and a standard pistol,
Likes: (At least five) quiet, soft calming music, wind on the sea, the desert
]Dislikes: (At least five) harassment (of women in particular), RAINBOWS!, people tugging on his ponytail, sadness


Except red hair.

Magical Ability: Body art. Depending on her mood, she'll gain or lose tattoos, or they'll just move to another part of her body. Can do so for others as well
Nicknames (if you have any): Coddy (hates it) or Cook
Age: 22
Gender: female
Position on Ship: Ship Cook
Navy or Pirate: Pirate
Bio/Background: Grew up the kitchen wench for her parents tavern. She learned to cook from three different cooks ensuring her knowledge of recipes. All her life she dreamed of life on the open sea, being away from the drunk patrons of the tavern. When she was 16, there was a pirate and navy battle in the harbor. With all the commotion, she ran away, and signed up to be the ship cook for the Wailing Magick.
Personality: Flirty, sassy, and has a really nasty temper when angered. People tend to forget that she's around sharp knives all day. She can be very soft, but also sarcastic
Preferred Weapons (Limit is 3): Kitchen Knives. Thats all she needs.
Likes: (At least five) dancing, cooking, feeling the salty wind on her face, drinking, and her tattoos
Dislikes: (At least five) Navy..... when people mock her cooking, land, drunken idiots (mainly the ones that grab her butt), people who live life too seriously.
Cabin boy/Cooking assistant

Username: 13althazar13

Tobias Bridge

Magical Ability: Moving small objects across the floor, max size the size of his tiny paring knife which drains him of alot of energy.
Nicknames (if you have any): Pip-squeak, Boy,Little Fry
Age: 9
Gender: Male
Position on Ship: (Role you play) Cabin Boy/ Cooking Assistant
Navy or Pirate: (Which side you fighting for?) Pirate
Bio/Background: Tobias was born in the slums and was abandoned when he was 3 to fend for himself on the streets. As he learned to steal and run the streets, often getting in trouble and having to hide to avoid the law. Having to avoid the law has made him dislike and type of law and also growing up alone on the streets has made him extremely awkward in social situations and he also doesn't always know what he says. Having to steal all the time he learned how to use his ability to slide small objects across a solid surface to be able to eat and survive. When he was 8 and a half he was running away from the law and he ran aboard what he thought was a warehouse and fell asleep, only to wake up aboard the Wailing Magick.
Personality: He is extremely bubbly and he also is running from one place to another, though very shy and reserved when he is confronted or a harsh tone is directed at him. He never understands when he might be getting in the way or when he might be saying something wrong.
Preferred Weapons (Limit is 3): Metal bucket, small paring knife, and in a pinch he will bite.
Likes: Helping out, running, talking, stories, playing with his knife (though it normally ends with him cutting himself.)
Dislikes: Being yelled at, being made fun of, reading, not having a family, people who make a mess
Musician/Cooking Assistant


Elizabeth Amilla Elwood

Magical Ability: When she sings she glows
Nicknames (if you have any): Trapper
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Position on Ship: Musician/ cook assistant
Navy or Pirate: Pirate
Bio/Background: One of the daughters of Sir Edward Elwood the Third, Trapper is the stubborn, adventurous, and easy going. Trapper grew tired of her Upper Class life and needed to go out and explore. When her sister made the announcement to join the Navy, Trappers decision was made for her. She couldn't stand her Perfect sister Esperetta any longer. She hid out on a port marketplace for a while, until she met Codette and the Captain of Wail of a Tale. After hearing all the stories from Codette, she convinced the Captain to let her aboard.
Personality: stubborn, adventurous, easy going, loves music, sarcastic/smart mouth
Preferred Weapons (Limit is 3): 2 pistols (one in her hair), and a dagger
Likes: (At least five)music, the sea, men, sunsets, stars and moons
Dislikes: (At least five)land, Esperetta, upper class, sunrises, being considered stupid
Master Carpenter

Username: Feral Fantom

Galfrond Hesselbight

Magical Ability: He can rearrange printed letters (but not handwritten ones)
Nicknames (if you have any): Platinum Beard, Grandpa
Gender: Male
Position on Ship: Carpenter
Navy or Pirate: Pirate
Bio/Background: Galfrond is a pirate veteran. It all started when he was young and the navy invaded his country. He and some other boys from his town formed a pirate crew to resist the Navy's intrusion. Since then he has learned much about battle and ships and loves to give advice to the younger pirates. One day he happened upon the lively pirate crew of the Wail and saw much potential for them to be great pirates, so he decided to go along for the ride. He is very strong, especially for his age, and often surprises enemies who underestimate him. He can fix almost anything, especially if it relates to ships.
Personality: He likes being the oldest and giving advice to others. He is very goofy but knows when to be serious. He makes horrible jokes and laughs at them himself. He is very kind but will not pamper people, he believes people need to learn things for themselves sometimes. Sometimes he loses control of himself and will start hitting on ladies he shouldn't.
Preferred Weapons (Limit is 3): Musket, Nail Grenades, long polearm with large hammers on either side that can be spun like a staff.
Likes: Ladies, Giving advice, energetic people, building things, being useful
Dislikes: People looking down on his age, Liars, men with more muscles than him, quitters, bald people
Boarding Man/Cleanup Crew/Deckhand
with emerald green eyes,a cross-shaped scar on left cheek,and a rose tattoo on upper right arm like
Gemini Starr

Magical Ability: i can see and talk to doesn't help much.
Nicknames (if you have any): Lone Wolf,Wolf,Killer
Age: 16
Gender: female
Position on Ship: deckhand
Navy or Pirate: pirates
Bio/Background: i grew up in a port town with my mother,and always dreamed of being a day,after i turned 16,i left home to look for adventure like i used to read about.mother wished me well and gave me her favorite necklace,a gold chain with a small compass on it that belonged to my doesn't work,though.and i carry a katana with me.
Personality: cheerfull and always up for a challenge.i love working on deck,fixing things and doing other odd jobs.i'm helpfull and friendly,but you have to earn my trust.once you do,though,you've got a loyal and invaluable friend.
Preferred Weapons (Limit is 3):katana,pistol,dagger.
Likes: books,adventure,fighting,hearing stories from the ghosts and music.
Dislikes: mean people,ignorance,silence,dealing with the ghosts(they sometimes push me and hit me) and thunderstorms-they scare me.


[/COLOR]These be the devil's Naaavvy!

Username: Syraannabelle


Magical Ability: Changes the colour of her finger and toe nails at whim
Nicknames (if you have any):Syra, Sy, Lil' Brat (only by a few special people)
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Position on Ship: (Role you play) First Mate
Navy or Pirate: (Which side you fighting for?)Navy
Bio/Background: Brought up in a proper family, Syrine was supposed to marry a proper suitor. That was until her mother realized that her daughter had a desire to be do something different. With some convincing, her father paid for her to have the best lessons, and paid for her to be the first mate on one of the Navy's finest ships. Many may resent her, but she knows whats she's doing.
Personality: She's mostly rigid and cold. She's calculative and cunning. If she want's something, she'll stop at nothing to get it. There is a tiny bit inside her though that is soft. A little bit of her heart not frozen in ice.
Preferred Weapons (Limit is 3): saber, 2 pistols
Likes: (At least five) order, the sea, the colour blue, sharks, the Navy
[B]Dislikes: (At least five)[
/B] Pirates, rain, disorder, being on land, her betrothed.
Username: Ascadellia

Elijah Dawson

Magical Ability: He's able to change facial features, though has a limit. His powers go further than Elliot, as he change change hair length and the like.
Nicknames: Elijah.
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Position on Ship: Musician and Quartermaster
Navy or Pirate: Navy
Bio/Background: Related to Elliot Dawson, and is the younger brother. He used to admire his brother but was disappointed when he left everything to run off with Si'la. He's sworn to get his brother back to reason, and away from the girl. Joined the navy to make his family proud and ruin the Whail. He's not much of a fighter, preferring to use others to do the dirty work for him. But he's able to hold his own and more.
Personality: two faced honestly. Depending on his mood and whom he's around.
Preferred Weapons: Saber, whip, and poison darts
Likes: Order, cleanliness, his brother, music
Dislikes: Pirates, lawbreakers. Si'la
Username: Soturo Ayami

Liam Grand

Magical Ability: animate objects
Nicknames (if you have any): Li
Age: 27
Gender: male
Position on Ship: Master Doc
Navy or Pirate: Navy
Bio/Background: He was abandoned by his parents at a young age and made to make a living on the streets. One day he got the brilliant idea to kill a traveling surgeon. But it was an involved process. First he appealed to the surgeons good side, he was a young teen, smart for his age and the doctor was a lonely single man who had no family. They got along quiet well and the man took him under his wing, taught him everything he knew. He even loved the boy very much, but Liam, a sociopath although very charming did not feel anything for the man who thought to have raised him. Sometime later when he turned 18 he killed the surgeon and took his place. He had been called into the navy at the time, he answered that call and he stands as one of their top doctors.
Personality: A very charming fellow. One wouldn’t peg him for a psychotic killer. He is very meticulous, he cleans all his instruments after use, will scrub the whole room. He dislikes being in unclean conditions and all his victims look as if they have just paid a visit to the morgue. His hands a methodical the way they cut into flesh and bone, one would not notice the joy unless they saw past his eyes.
Preferred Weapons (Limit is 3): pistol, surgical knives, puppets
Likes: making puppets, causing pain, surgery, torturing
Dislikes: people interrupting his fun, lose of his hands, music,

Esperetta Edna Elwood

Magical Ability: Instantly knows when people are around and their emotions
Nicknames (if you have any): Retta
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Position on Ship: (Role you play)Cook
Navy or Pirate: (Which side you fighting for?)Navy
Bio/Background: One of Sir Edward Elwoods daughters, Retta is a perfect lady on the outside, but as dangerous as a hungry shark on the inside. When her beloved, Benjamin, was murdered by pirates, Esperetta swore to exact her revenge. Upon hearing that her sister Elizabeth had joined the side of piracy, she became hurt and angry. Her vow to be rid of piracy has increased to be rid of her sister.
Personality: witty, sweet, noble, vengeful
Preferred Weapons (Limit is 3): whip, two fighting fans(one black one white, symbolizing yin and yang)
Likes: (At least five)sunsets, reading, quietness, men, sunlight
Dislikes: (At least five)sunsets, music, moonlight, carefree personalities, pirates

Last edited by kionaredhawk; 05-11-2011 at 08:42 PM..

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 10-07-2010, 05:48 PM

White List!

Black List.

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 10-07-2010, 05:51 PM


10/12/2010: Rp was officially opened ^_^
11/18/2010: As of 11/22, we will arrive in a port finish up what your doing!

Last edited by kionaredhawk; 11-18-2010 at 05:12 PM..

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 10-12-2010, 04:51 PM


Si'la yawned as she stretched, just getting up. She wipes the sleep from her eyes and moves to her trunk that holds her clothes, grumbling about drinking too much rum the night before. They were being chased, by the Dragon Ditch of all ships and had decided to drink it off last night, trusting Elliot to make sure they were still leaving them in the dust. Drinking sometimes helped her to think. Like it did this time.
She quickly dressed, taking a drink from her private stores of clean water and headed out her door. When she reached the deck, she breathed in the salty air and smiles. Then her stomach growls and she makes a mental note to talk to Codette about getting some food before the day goes on much longer. She turns and head towards the wheel, looking for Elliot, the wretch.

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 10-12-2010, 04:59 PM

Elliot was currently leaning against the railing near the wheel. He was wide awake, even having stayed up all night. They were safe for now, since he had outrun the other ship, and currently it was very relaxed. He had his hair a silverish color today, a bit darker than the night before. His eyes were still the same color. Usually he changed it up every so often to tick off his friend, but he normally came back to a few favorites. His shirt was open, since it was hot but a small breeze every now and then snuck in. He smirked a little, watching the waters. He heard Si'la's door open. She was awake. He slumped down and pretended to be asleep, fighting down a laugh to see what she would do if her 'faithful' first mate was sleeping at the job.

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 10-12-2010, 05:10 PM

Si'la walked up to where the wheel was and say Elliot sleeping by the railing. Her eyes grey eyes flashed in the morning light and her Chinese sword was instantly in her hand. She posed it just under his chin, lifting it slightly. She knew, for once, that he wasn't really asleep, only pretending. She knew how he slept and this wasn't it. But she figured if he was going to harass her, she would do the same.
Her voice was etched in dangerous as she said calmly, "Elliot, wake your bloody ass before I make you do so." She put more pressure upwards with her blade, making his head move this time, careful not to actually cut him. "I'll only say it once, man. Get up."

Feral Fantom
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Old 10-12-2010, 05:10 PM

Cedric was sitting on a crate on the deck, looking out at the sea. He had his log in hand, he liked to do his work out in the open, so he didn't feel so cramped. He had woken up quite early, but Elliot was already at the wheel when Cedric had gone out. He must have stayed on it all night.

He saw Elliot slump down just as he heard the captain's door open. He turned around and greeted her,

"Morning, captain!" He said with a smile, then held up his bottle of rum and said, "Care for some breakfast?"

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Old 10-12-2010, 05:15 PM

Elliot's eyes instantly snapped open in alarm. He hadn't really expected her to really poke him with her blade. He was always wary about them when they were pointed at him. Since, he could accidentally get hurt. "Oi! Calm down, love." he said, trying not to laugh as he straightened up, avoiding the blade and her. He shot her a small smirk. He knew that she knew he had been faking it. "One of these days, I'll pull a fast one on you." he said calmly before looking over at Cedric. He smirked a little shaking his head. "The last thing she needs is more rum right now." he commented, his tone amused.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 10-12-2010, 05:21 PM

The sun had just risen, and Codette was already half-way through her duties. Frowning she noted that they needed to make it to a port soon, or raid a Navy's Kitchen Quarters. She smiled at the last thought. Currently Codette sported a sea serpant tattoo that wrapped around her neck and down over her right shoulder, it's head sitting just over her showing cleavage. No one could ever mistake her for a prude, but neither was she 'easy', just playful.

Grabbing a small bucket, she threw in a few apples, and left the kitchen. She made her way up to the deck. "Mornin' Capt'n" Codette smiled, tossing her an apple. "Cedric, Elliot." She called their names to get their attention as she tossed apples. "Cedric, eat something before ya start drinkin'!"

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kionaredhawk is offline
Old 10-12-2010, 05:22 PM

Si'la growled at Elliot, "And one of these days' I'll actually cut you, you sloth." Then turning to Feral, smiling a little, "Thanks. But here is right, unfortunately. I had too much last night. Maybe night time, Master Bellamy." She turned back to Elliot. "What is our position?" She was starting to get really hungry now, the idea of breakfast dancing through her head. But she needed updates so she could decide where they should go from here.
She looked at Codette when she came and smiled. "A little bit of rum in the morning never hurt the boy, trust me."

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 10-12-2010, 05:27 PM

"I'm sure it didn't Capt'n, but I'd still like to see people put food in their bellies before the booze!" She flipped her red hair off her shoulder and sighed. Her snake slithered to completely rest around her collar bones.
Moving to stand closer to Si'la, Codette lowered her voice. "We need to find more food soon. We have plenty of fish, but we're lacking in fruits, and bread. I'm not sure how much I can ration..."

Feral Fantom
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Old 10-12-2010, 05:29 PM

Cedric replied, "But everyone needs more rum."

Then he caught the apple that Codette had thrown at him. He took a bite and said,

"Thanks, although my stomach's stronger than this ship. It can handle a bottle of rum at dawn."

Cedric looked back out to the ocean. He couldn't spot the Dragon Ditch. Cedric was getting bored of all this being chased business. He liked action and fights and boarding other ships and slitting their captain's throat.

"When are we gonna fight these dogs?" He said, "My weapons are getting restless. And we could probably do with a morale boost."

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kionaredhawk is offline
Old 10-12-2010, 05:34 PM

Si'la sighed and whispered back to Codette, "I was wondering when that would happen. I'll talk with my first mate and Quatermaster and we'll find a way to stop for supplies. And soon."
She turned back to Cedric and raised her dark eyebrows. "Master Bellany, you are well aware of the situation we are in. We cannot afford to fight the Dragon Ditch because of the last fight we were in, which I would like to remind you was a failure due to the help the Ditch rendered our target. We will make port as soon as we are able to..even the odds, if you will. Fighting is all well and good and I do look forward to whomping the Dragon but right now is not the moment." She then grinned evilly. "If you are so itching for a fight, why not go for a little lesson with myself or Master Dawson here? I'm sure we could give your weapons a run for their money."

Feral Fantom
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Old 10-12-2010, 05:45 PM

Cedric frowned.

"I want to see other people's blood, not my own." He said.

He placed his apple and rum bottle on top of his head where they balanced. Then he opened his log and started looking through it. They were starting to get low on supplies because of the chase. The chase had also left them unable to hit other ships for loot and so they were running low on that as well.

Soturo Ayami
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Old 10-12-2010, 06:10 PM

Rayanna's boots clicked against the wood at the edge of the ship. She hadn't gone below deck to sleep last night. There was no need. There would just be nightmares. It didn't matter she could go one more day with out sleep then she'd eventually just crash somewhere. It was normal, for her anyway. The others were bound to be up by now. She can't imagine them being asleep this early in the morning.

It wasn't long till the captain was on deck, Rayanna was just checking things as they were for right now. She was trying to see what the damage to the ship was. There was not minimal, they had yet to actually engage the Dragon Ditch in combat without having to run. The last battle had been a loss on their part. She felt a little responsible but she wasn't the only one aboard the ship, the point was false. It was fact she could only handle three cannons at one time on her own. They were the only things with in her range where she stood to load them. Two of them were with her power and the last manually.

"Greetings Captain..." She said sitting on the railing of the ship as others bustled about. She greeted each in kind tapping her foot repeatedly against the ship so she could find smaller cracks and creaks. More often then looking she used sound to keep in constant on the health of the ship. They would have to dock somewhere soon so she could get wood for small repairs and they could get food.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 10-12-2010, 06:26 PM

As she approached the others, Codette tossed Rayanna an apple. "Morning Ray." She nodded. She glanced at Cedric as he looked through the log. He knew as well the state of their food supplies. She thought most everyone could guess, but she refused to vocalize such bad news. She'd rather ration until she could get the supplies needed.

Soturo Ayami
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Old 10-12-2010, 06:48 PM

Rayanna grinned at Codette, catching the apple thrown to her. "Thank you Cook." He eye scanned quickly over the crew. Everyone realized the state they were in, it wasn't hard to see. They'd hit a rough patch but they would get through it. They always had. There were times she wondered if going home would be worth it. An easy life where she didn't have to worry about going hungry or getting sick on the seas. Things would be more peaceful then for sure.

She had been born a noble, it was what she knew. But she was out here, she felt safer out here somehow. Ray had friendships and was closer to people then she had ever been living in the large almost castle like mansion back home.

Still tapping her boot she thought. Rayanna knew she still had some connections. A few of them couldn't be trusted not to rat them out to the navy for sure but there had been a few from her glory days that would still take a bullet for her if she asked. They owed her at least that much. Problem was, should she bring it up to the captain?

Not many people knew about her back ground besides the captain and her second for sure. They were in desperate times however and she knew a few venues they could take if they really needed it. Ray continued her stormy trail of thought as she munched on the apple in her hand.

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Old 10-12-2010, 11:33 PM

Elliot stuck out his tongue almost childishly before catching the apple with one hand. He chuckled, giving Codette a small wink in thanks. "You wouldn't dare." he said, giving Si'la a smirk before biting the apple. Once swallowed, he thought on where they were. "If it's supplies we need. we are close enough to a port. A day if we make haste. Two if we keep going at this pace." he answered, frowning a little before giving a small grin. "Wouldn't mind running into them. And, c'mon Si'la give the boy a break. We were completely caught off guard last time." he said, trying to lighten things up. He was pretty unhappy about that run-in, but no use worrying right now. They had bigger things to worry about. Like restocking on food and provisions. "Hello." he said, smiling a little as another of their crew joined them. He stretched a little and moved away from the ledge, nodding. "Well, is there anything to eat for now other than apples and rum?" he asked, his gaze going back to their cook.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 10-13-2010, 12:23 AM

Codette smiled softly "We have a steady supply of fish, and we have 2 casks of apples, but they wont last very long..." She brushed loose tendrils of hair away from her face."We have a few oranges but they're almost spoiled, but not much else, other than rum and whiskey." Setting down her basket she nodded. "We could easily last the two day it would take for an easy trip to a port. Hoping that the Dragon doesn't catch up...."

Soturo Ayami
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Old 10-13-2010, 01:00 AM

"Or any other naval ship trying their luck." Rayanna just snorted. "Yeah we might make the trip but the boat might not. Did we have any spear material somewhere?" She asks still tapping her foot on the deck.

They would make it but she could feel the irritation of the ship. It was living wood after all. It still absorbed water and the like. She rolled her eyes and turned her head out to the waters. They would make it to port no problem. The problem would come when they docked. If they could just pass for a normal merchant ship they'd get away without alerting the navy.

Though she supposed they were more her irritation then the ships. She liked things to be fixed when they could get fixed not after a waiting period. Of course fixing the ship meant stopping. They couldn't exactly do that right now.

Feral Fantom
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Old 10-13-2010, 01:34 AM

"Rum and whiskey's all we need. Or, at least, all I need..." said Cedric. Then he flipped open his log, scanning the pages while talking.

"About repairs. We certainly can't stop now, or at any port for a length of time, as that increases the risk of being discovered. We'll need to find an island or make it to a pirate-friendly town. We also don't have much repair supplies left. So we need to stop for supplies first, then a separate trip for repairs unless there's a pirate-friendly port with goods nearby." He stared and thought for a second. "Who's got the map?"

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 10-13-2010, 06:36 PM

Si'la frowned as everyone spoke their piece. She took a few moments while there was silence then looked at Elliot. "Master Dawson, make haste to the port. I want to be there before the day is out. I hope I am quite clear with that. We will spend no more than a few hours there to get the supplies we need. Codette, you and Master Bellamy get together and make a readable list of the supplies we will need. Once we have the things, we will leave and find a place to do full repairs." She turned to Rayanna. "Ray, because we cannot make full repairs because we are still running, I need you to help our carpenter, find others to help as well and make as many repairs as you can while we are in port and once we are back at sea. Be sure to listen to what our carpenter says, girl."
She looked once more at Elliot, eyebrows raised. "I want a good five days ahead of the naval ship, Elliot, before we dock and repair. We are quite capable of that speed and if we don't reach it, it's your neck, my first-mate."
She looked around her ship and at the other shipmates that are starting to stir, though not quite enough. Her eyes caught her largest member on the ship who was also the nearest. "Master Kuu, please make sure the rest of the crew are awake, save for the few that have night duties. I know your aware of which they are. Hop too." She bits into her shiny apples as she watched the hustling about.

Jerik had only just woken up when his captian gave him an order. He only nodded and went back to the sleeping quarters, where most where bunked in hammock or bunk beds that were nailed to the floor... and the walls. He didn't speak a whole lot, preferring gestures but this occasion called for it. His voice was very very loud as he bellowed, "GET UP, MEN! AND WOMEN! THE CAPTAINS ORDERS. RISE AND SHINE." That was all he said. He then turned and left, heading back towards the deck. The crew had been through enough together that those that had night duties just rolled over and ignored his summons.

Last edited by kionaredhawk; 10-13-2010 at 07:59 PM..

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 10-13-2010, 07:53 PM

Codette looked to Cedric then nodded to the Captian. She tossed an apple to each crew mate that awoke. She took a mental inventory, before walking to where Cedric sat, and took the apple and bottle off the top of his head. She held the bottle away and handed him back the apple. "eat." she warned, with a raised eyebrow.


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