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Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 02-02-2011, 06:27 AM

In a world where assassins are genetically mutated to enhance their performance as assassins. Two of the top find themselves on each others to kill lists. Yet what if they find themselves unable to kill the other then what? Will a love be able to bloom between the two or will the heartless kill each other, and if they do who will kill and who will be killed? These two assasins are about to find out, and maybe discover a little along the way.

Name: Issai
Age: 21
Hair color: blonde, almost white, completely natural, his hair is kept kinda shaggy and longish falling over his left eye enhancing the deadly look in his visible right eye.
Eye color: electric green, looks like they’ve been enhanced genetically.
Skin color: A light tan, darker than average but not brown

Weapon of choice: Twin kodachi, though he is proficient in many other weapons including throwing weapons. He almost always chooses two hand fighting. His kodachi have dragons twining around the handles that have bright green jewels for the eyes and the hilts unscrew on each kodachi to reveal vials of poison.

Clothing: Issai wears tight black leather pants that almost seem to mold to his form, his shirt is a tight black tanktop with silvery designs on it. He wears a belt that is black with silver buckles and that holds some of his last resort weapons and stashes is sheath. He wears a pair of big steel toed boots that are adorned with silver buckles and concealed in the heel of each boot is a through dagger. He also has strapped to his right leg a dagger. He has a stud a silver stud in his left ear and three silver hoops on the cartilage of his right ear. He also wears around his neck a bright green jewel, which upon closer inspection reveals itself to be a vial of poison. He has a green jewel in his left nostril and a green jewel in his left cartilage. Over his shirt he wears a long black jacket that hides his mouth (kinda like Auron’s) when buckled and it is adorned with silver buckles.

Genetic Mutation/Enhancement: the ability to fade through space, he can travel anywhere from an inch to 50 feet on a whim. This aids him in being able to kill without a witness since as a boon to this ability he gained superior camoflauge abilities. However a detriment to this ability is that he was originally part of a Gemini pair, his twin sister (Aziza), was the other half together they could travel space and time. When his sister mysteriously vanished, not only was he no longer able to travel through time but if he ever travels outside his boundaries (travels to far) he will be lost within the time space continuum.

Appearance and Personality: A very slight man who at first glance appears feminine but upon closer inspection it is extremely obvious that he is male. Issai is small and sweet looking, his face has extremely feminine features, his green eyes seem to emphasize this feature until you notice the cold and deadly look in them. He is very shrot, barely capping in at 5’7.” However don’t let his size fool you, Issai is fierce and will kill without a moment hestitation or remorse. His jobs are always completed quickly and efficiently. Issai has earned a reputation among the assassins for his heartlessness, which is saying something since the assassins are trained to kill heartlessly. It has been said that he would kill his own twin without even hesitating. He has the alias of the Silent Shadow for he has never been seen when killing someone. Never.

warning to anyone who may decide to read this randomly. My character is a creeper. I don't condone his actions but they are there. It is weird to be scared of your main character.

Last edited by Wings of Writing; 01-21-2012 at 07:20 AM..

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-02-2011, 07:54 AM

name: Sahen (means falcon)
age: 20
hair color: brown in many shades from almost blond to nearly black. layered and shaggy. the longest strands go just past his ears
eye color: rose red thought enemies tend to see it as blood
skin color: dark golden brown color.

weapon of choice: a number of long chains with dagger tips. the metal is gold in color and very strong and fast. Keeps a chain tucked into his gloves with the dagger tip out for easy launching. has more chains hanging from his belt and one wrapped around his ankle in case one should break.

clothing: wears a black sleeveless top that ties behind the neck, beneath the arms, and at the waist which leaves open holes to see his back. He wears something like a cape but it starts at the waist and is clasped with a belt decorated with twisting gold vines and thorns. His pants are brownish gold with black designs covering a good portion of them. They fit loosely and end in black leg wrappings that go down to his ankles. brown sandals with straps that go up his leg. he wears black gloves that have a red rose design and black armor plates on his forearms. his only jewelry is a single gold teardrop earring in his left ear.

mutation: he can manipulate metal which is why he uses chains. he can change the shape of the metal into anything that uses the same amount of metal. obviously he can't create something bigger than what he started with. Just by thinking, he can bend the metal any which way as if it were liquid that can cut, but to do so, he has to really concentrate. if his concentration is broken, then the metal returns to its original state.

appearance/personality: about 5'9" in height and made of lean, compact muscles. Through the gaps in his clothing you can see black tattoos covering most his body. the tattoos are tribal and some incorporate abstract rose-like designs in red. on his back is the most notable tattoo of a rose (ref: x looks like this with one large center rose and rose petals falling as well. colors: x)
he's known for seeming cocky and quick tempered. he likes to have fun and considers fighting really strong opponents, lazing about, and eating as fun activities. he's ruthless yet no one treats him as heartless because of his child-like manner and his association with roses makes people think of him as elegant.

Last edited by Kat Dakuu; 02-05-2011 at 05:03 AM..

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 02-03-2011, 02:49 AM

Issai grumbled and stared down at the sheet of the paper it wasn't often that the Colonel summoned him for an assignment typically he just got a piece of mail and that was it the target was dead within twenty-four hours. 'Must be something really big,' he thought groaning as he walked into the hallway. Standing across from in the hallway next to the Colonel's door was a cetain tattooed assassin that Issai found himself in constant competition with. He couldn't understand how the bumbling fool could be one of the top in the company. Issai scowled and glared at the figure, 'what is that fool doing here?' He growled softly to himself before pulling himself up to his full height, which wasn't very much and shaped his face into a mask of indifference. He approached the door.

Last edited by Wings of Writing; 02-03-2011 at 04:58 AM..

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-03-2011, 05:18 AM

Sahen found himself summoned by the Colonel, a rather strange thing. He just got out of his meeting a few seconds ago and was now leaning against the wall next to the door as if he didn't have a care in the world. The slip of paper he'd received from the Colonel was still clutched in his hand when he caught sight of something real interesting, that being Issai. Why was that interesting? It so happened that the face that was now scowling at him was the same as the one of the paper in his hand of his next hit. Despite this, he just waved at Issai. "Hey there, shortie! You here too?" Sahen laughed jokingly.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 02-03-2011, 07:10 PM

Issai growled at Sahen and said, "It would seem obvious considering that I am standing here that I am of course here." his tone conveyed how idiotic he though Sahen was. "I hope the Colonel doesn't expect me to team up with you" Issai sneered at the taller (and all around larger) man, I don't need a lumbering fool slowing me down." He reach up a hand and knocked on the Colonel's door, waiting for permission to enter.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-03-2011, 07:23 PM

Sahen glared at Issai, his hands clenching. "lumbering fool?" he sneered. "We'll see about that...." he muttered to himself before stalking away. There were only so many insults he could take from his target. He wanted to tie Issai up in chains because of that arrogant attitude of his. It really was hard to refrain from attacking now, but he knew the Colonel would yell at him again if they fought inside.

once outside, Sahen walked a distance so that he would be away from the Colonel wrath, but still able to see the door. A simple hop for him and he was hidden high in the branches of a tree. Now to wait for Issai. It was going to be soo fun to teach that shortie a lesson in losing!

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 02-04-2011, 02:38 AM

About fifteen minutes later, (yeah i'm being lazy) Issai walked out of the Colonel's office with a smirk on his face. It seemed he would finally get to put the fool in his place. There was nothing Issai liked better that a good challenge and a good fight. The hunt for Sahen would be fun. He walked out of the building already imagining plans on how to murder the other man. The colonel's words floated back to him, 'We believe Sahen has become to much of a risk to the company, we have decided to eradicate him. We need you to take care of him.' Issai's smirk grew.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-04-2011, 02:46 AM

(oh yes, just admit to being lazy...)

Sahen was just starting to get bored of waiting when he saw Issai exit the building. A shiver of excitement went through him and he loosened his chain in preparation. He was going to do this in style! Issai was walking right for the tree Sahen was hiding in. The second the other was in range, Sahen let loose his chain right for Issai.

"Get ready shortie because today I'm going to kill you!" he cried out in glee.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 02-04-2011, 03:12 AM

(i shall)

"Oh Really?" Issai said transporting back before Sahen's chains could connect, his kodachi in his hands when he reappeared about ten feet back. "I think it shall be me killing you." he shouted, sneering. He then vanishe d, not reappearing instantly giving Sahen time to sweat.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 01:40 AM

Damn, this guy was too fast! Sahen was fast, but true the the rumors, Issai was one hard mouse to catch. Well, It was a challenge so he was fine with it. "Tch, me lose to you?! In your dreams!" Sahen snapped before swinging his wrist loosely, sending his chain spinning in a windmill motion to form a barrier as he waited for Issai to reappear. Contrary to what Issai might have been expecting, Sahen was grinning like mad. He sure wasn't going to be intimidated by a little trick like this.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 02:06 AM

Issai chuckled softly to himself as he appeared in the tree above Sahen's head, a distant total of 25 feet traveled, and looked down on the man, he looked like a goof spinning his chains around like a wild man. "Do you really think that will do you any good Sahen?" he whispered before dropping down out of the tree, landing on Sahen's head.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 03:24 AM

Sahen hissed and swung his chain up about his head like a helicopter blade. "Bastard, quit playing with me!" He jumped backwards, to get some distance between him and Issai, pulling out a chain with his left hand at the same time.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 03:30 AM

Issai smirked at Sahen, a strange glint in his acid eyes, "But this is so much fun" he said, his eyes tracking the movements of both chains looking for an opening. In the meantime he kept phasing in and out rapidly moving so quick that he seemed to be in multiple locations at once.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 04:51 AM

Sahen's eyes narrowed. It was time to up the anti. He lunged forward suddenly, whipping one of his chains around. The chain morphed, turning into a liquid snake of metal which began to wrap around Issai while he aimed his other chain for the man's throat. "Now this is what's fun!"

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 05:07 AM

Issai quickly stopped the speed distraction and phazed back in the tree, doing quick calculations on how far he could travel before getting trapped. He transported up a few branches in burst of twenty feet at a time until we was far above Sahen. He looked down at the other man and tried to come up with a strategy. He always forget that Sahen wielded metal, "Of course why else would the idiot fight with such cumbersome changes." Issai muttered. Issai transported down exactly fifty feet, his limit and landed neatly on a branch, though he felt the pull of the trap of the continuum. He watched the silver snake twist and turn as it searched for him and growled slightly. This was too dangerous, he need a truce, more time, time to study Sahen's battle style. "Hey fool!" he shouted, "May I inquire as to why you want to kill me?"

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 05:25 AM

Issai teleported away before Sahen could get him. as annoying as ever. Now Issai was too far away for Sahen's weapon's to reach. Before he could chase after him, Issai suddenly asked a question. Sahen stopped in his tracks, his concentration broken. He stood there, gaping up at Issai, normal chains in his hands.

"Wha? Why are you asking that now and does it matter? Besides, you said you were going to kill me too so I can ask you the same question!" Sahen complained. He didn't like his battle being interrupted.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 05:39 AM

"Well it's rather unusual for two assassins to kill each other just on a whim." Issai said then sneered, "What did you get tired of being second best? Decide to take me out, so you can be number one? I don't think the Colonel would be too happy with you. And as for why," he scoffed, "I never turn down a challenge."

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 05:50 AM

"I'm not second best!!" Sahen yelped, obvious bristling more from that insult than any of the others. "Besides, the Colonel was the one that ordered me to kill you in the first place. Said you were a nuisance! I'm not so petty as to kill on a whim unless I'm challenged first." Sahen was about ready to knock Issai out out of that tree and because of that taunting tone.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 06:03 AM

Issai laughed at Sahen and then scowled a growl rumbling in his throat, "The Colonel did what?" he hissed. He growled again before saying, "The Colonel is playing us against each other then. It seems you are a nuisance as well. Seeing as I have orders to kill you on sight." He contemplated jumping out of the true, but decided it was safer to be at an advantage in case the full decided to attack. Issai for his part though was already imagining inventive ways to murder the Colonel.

(yeah have i mentioned i'm not entirely sure issai is all human...)

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 06:29 AM

Sahen's mouth dropped open. "You have orders too?! I'm going to kill that fuckin bastard of a colonel! I don't like being used!!" He seemed to forget about Issai and immediately turned back to the building and stalked towards it, swinging his chains dangerously.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 06:38 AM

"Wow, wow, wow!" Issai shouted, dropping out of the tree and transporting forty feet to stand in front of Sahen, "Don't be stupid you idiot!" he snapped. "It is broad daylight and the colonel has dozens of guards. You'll be dead in five seconds." He smirked deadly and said, "Don't think I don't want to kill the bastard as well. However, it's a big crime, kill him now or without thought, you won't live long enough to enjoy the satisfaction...."

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 07:07 AM

Sahen stopped and ground his teeth in frustration. "Ugh, you don't think I know that?!" He ran a hand through his hair, making the strands stick up. "It would almost be worth it to have the satisfaction of killing him even if I died the next second...." Sahen trailed off as a thought occurred to him. He turned around and looked at Issai with one eyebrow raised. "Why did you bother stopping me? wouldn't letting me die help your situation? Besides, you hate me right?"

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 07:10 AM

Issai scoffed, "Maybe I just want the pleasure of killing the Colonel myself," though he then added, in the same tone, "Hate is such a worthless emotion, you are my competition, target and a fool. There is no reason to hate you. Are you a thorn in my side? Yes, but then the world is." Issai shrugged, he didn't mention he was considering denying the Colonel's orders just to spite him.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 07:28 AM

"Yeesh, so cold..." Sahen said with a roll of his eyes. He stretched and let out a yawn, seeming not to care in the least that the man he was supposed to kill was standing in front of him. "You know, this whole mess has just ruined my enthusiasm. How about we call it a day," he said with a bored expression. "unless you still want to fight," he added a with a slight smirk.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 07:46 AM

Issai looked Sahen over and smirked, "We could spar, but with a no killing rule in place. I'd rahter not die just yet." he said, "Plus I haven't had a new sparring partner in weeks. The Admiral has had me training newbies and they do not make for worthy sparring. The only boon I have gained is dodging surpise mutation attacks" he grumbled, "It's amazing the lack of control they have." He slowly sheathed one kodachi, keeping the other out as a back up before looking at Sahen, "there's a large plot of woods nearby, we could fight no holds barred without worry of being distrubed."


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