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Roka is offline
Old 09-13-2011, 04:23 AM

u n b o u n d .

Picture credits to LadyLockeout on Deviantart.

unbind, verb;
1. to release from bonds or restraint as a prisoner; free.
2. to unfasten or loose, as a bond or tie.

The Slaves' StoryX

It started about fifteen years ago - the New Slave Era, that is. You had been what would be considered lower middle-class to lower-class up to that point, when your government decided to push the lower half of the middle class and the lower class into slavery, taking away any of your humane rights and your freedom. Now, you are either in a slave shop of sorts, or busting your ass to make your master proud, or at least avoid a whipping tonight. All of your hard-earned money will now go to your master, whoever he or she may be, and a percentage of that will go to that bastard government. However, it's not like you can do anything about it - your master is now in control of your rights, what you can and cannot do. If you step out of line... well, it all depends on how nice your master is, then; the smallest fault can get you killed if that is how they want it. Of course, you could try to escape, but if you're caught anywhere in your country, you'll just be arrested again and put into the same situation. Basically, you're screwed either way, and the only way to get out of this hell of a life is to either convince the government to set you free, or start the next revolution. But who's brave enough to do such things?

The Masters' StoryX

Fifteen years ago, you were considered upper middle-class to upper-class by the government, which favors your kind so greatly. At first, when the New Slave Era idea was put into an actual law, some of you were even disgusted by the idea, but oh, how your views have changed. Not only do you get to keep your enormous homes and/or your land, but now you don't need to tend to them yourself, either. You have slaves to do whatever you please. You get all the benefits - their salary, deciding what they shall do, and hell, even the joy caused from their pain and/or suffering, and the greatest thing is that all of these things are legal. The government has decided that it's what's best for you and the country, and they only ask for a rather small percentage from your yearly income at that. But you do realize that a stir has been occurring for the last few months within your slaves, and you can only hope that the sneaky little peasants are not hoping to overthrow you or the government. How long, do you think, can you and the government can hold off the sure-to-come revolt of the slaves? Days? Weeks? Months? Years?

inspiration from S U R P L U S, by me, found here.

Last edited by Roka; 10-14-2011 at 10:38 PM..

Roka is offline
Old 09-13-2011, 04:24 AM

r u l e s .

o1. My word is the law of the land.
o2. IC Drama is encouraged - OOC Drama is not.
o3. PAY ATTENTION TO THE PROFILES. Follow all the guidelines of the skeletons. Unless you're absolutely sure of what you're doing, I'd advise you not to touch them at all. I'd rather you not, because I spent a hell of a time putting those together.
o4. No God-Moding, Mary-Sues, Gary-Sues, or Know-It-Alls. I hate those types of characters, and I will take action.
o5. The limit on characters is three per person, mules included.
o6. Use "quotations" for talking and italics for thinking; you should already know how to explain, in detail, your character's actions. Your character's color post is preferred for both thinking and speaking.
o7. I'm asking you to post at least one to two meaty paragraphs per post. I understand writer's block, but I just won't accept anything under one paragraph (which, by my standards, is about six to eight lines). We're not children who can only string together three simple sentences. You should be more advanced than that by now, and if you're not, this isn't the roleplay for you.
o8. I have the right to add or remove rules as wanted or needed. I'll be taking full advantage of that.
o9. If you can't accept my rules, then tell me and I'll take you out of the roleplay.

Last edited by Roka; 09-14-2011 at 02:24 AM..

Roka is offline
Old 09-13-2011, 04:24 AM

s k e l e t o n s .

Don't be scared by the size (that's what he said). It's very simple to fill out, and the most trouble you'll go through is finding three colors.

I do wish that you can be creative with the appearance - go into detail! I would like to avoid pictures altogether, but if you really want to add one, I won't stop you. Just link the picture into the "things I forgot to mention" line at the bottom.

I won't beat around the bush. Just put the name of Brittany Spears' song (that is apropriate to this story) as your subject line.

HTML Code:
[SIZE="6"][color=yourfirstcolor]❧[/color][COLOR="White"][SIZE="1"]x[/SIZE][/COLOR] [color=yourthirdcolor]N a m e .[/color][/SIZE]

[B][SIZE="4"][color=yoursecondcolor]t h e b a s i c s[/color][/SIZE][/B]
[SIZE="3"][color=yoursecondcolor]✗[/color] [color=yourfirstcolor]You can call me [ Nickname ].[/color]
[color=yoursecondcolor]✗[/color] [color=yourfirstcolor]I am a [ slave / master ].[/color]
[color=yoursecondcolor]✗[/color] [color=yourfirstcolor]I am [ female / male ].[/color]
[color=yoursecondcolor]✗[/color] [color=yourfirstcolor]I am [ 10 - 30 for slaves ; 20 - 45 for masters ] years old.[/color]
[color=yoursecondcolor]✗[/color] [color=yourfirstcolor]I am [ 4 - 6 ] feet and [ 0 - 11 ] inches tall.[/color]
[color=yoursecondcolor]✗[/color] [color=yourfirstcolor]I weigh [ 90+, please ] pounds, and have a [ adjective ] body type.[/color]
[color=yoursecondcolor]✗[/color] [color=yourfirstcolor]I have [ color ] hair and [ color ] eyes, [ accented / complimented, or something of that nature ] by [ features; facial, skin tone, et cetera ].[/color][/SIZE]

[SIZE="4"][B][color=yoursecondcolor]t h e e x t r a s[/color][/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE="3"][color=yoursecondcolor]✗[/color] [color=yourfirstcolor]I think that I am [ personality, at least one full paragraph ].[/color]
[color=yoursecondcolor]✗[/color] [color=yourfirstcolor]My life isn't what you would expect. [ biography ][/color]
[color=yoursecondcolor]✗[/color] [color=yourfirstcolor]The few luxuries that I  can allow myself are [ four to five likes ].[/color]
[color=yoursecondcolor]✗[/color] [color=yourfirstcolor]Don't ever give [ four to five dislikes ] to me.[/color]
[color=yoursecondcolor]✗[/color] [color=yourfirstcolor]I think I forgot to mention [ anything else you'd like to add ].[/color] [/SIZE]

[SIZE="5"][color=yourfirstcolor]❧[/color] [color=yourthirdcolor]U s e r n a m e .[/color][/SIZE]

Last edited by Roka; 09-17-2011 at 01:42 AM..

Roka is offline
Old 09-13-2011, 04:27 AM

p r o f i l e s ; m a s t e r s .
Find whichever character's information you need, and then click the box. One-two-three.

Aiden MustangX

x A i d e n M u s t a n g .

t h e b a s i c s
You can call me Aiden or Mustang.
I am a master.
I am a male.
I am 23 years old.
I am 6 feet and 5 inches tall.
I weigh 181 pounds, and have a lean, but muscular body type.
I have long, silk-like chocolate-brown hair and stormy light grey-blue eyes - the shape being slightly almond-ish, both of which complement my cream, although now slightly sun-kissed, skin. I have a straight nose, which comes to a slight round point at the end, leading into my cheeks, which carry a trace of slight baby fat. My lips are neither thin nor all the way full, but fall somewhere between. I believe what makes me handsome is my strong jaw and the slight dimples I get sometimes.

t h e e x t r a s
I think that I am charming, more or less. I know how to talk, but I also know how to listen. I was raised by my father, Roy, who was a perfect gentleman, so I'm entirely chivalrous, nonetheless. I care for those who I call, and those who call me friend, and I am not one to back-stab those friends of mine. The only time I have ever hurt anyone at all was the once where I punched a man in the face as he was hitting on my little sister, Phoebe.
My life isn't what you would expect. My father, Roy Mustang, was a high-ranking officer in the military of his younger days, this of his own choice - the family name has always been that of power and wealth. Do not ask me how or why - such questions should be asked to my grandfather, and maybe even my father, who would trace back the family name into the Middle Ages, when we were still wealthy.
He met my mother, Lillian, some few years before my birth, when he held the title of Colonel at age twenty-three, she being four years younger than he. It was a wonder at that time how she was not married, as beautiful as she was, and still is. I seem to take after my mother, since my father had black hair and matching eyes, my only real features from him being the slight almond eye-shape, the soft cream of my skin, and the tall, lean and graceful build that is so obvious.
Anyhow, fifteen years ago, when this slavery thing began, it was my father who began to buy slaves by the number, putting them to work at the fields and the manor while he was away, doing whatever they do in the military now. I was only eight at the time, so it is safe to say that I have grown up around them, though I never do rely on them to do everything for me as my parents now do. I have moved away two years ago, away from my parents, and bought myself another large estate that I am planning to fill with slaves to tend. They will be fed and kept well, of course.
The few luxuries that I can allow myself are books, red wine, white chocolate, and a good, strong friendship.
Don't ever give tobacco, beer, spinach or spicy foods to me.
I think I forgot to mention that I have a tattoo of a feather across my shoulderblades.

R o k a .

Profile TwoX


Profile ThreeX


Last edited by Roka; 09-15-2011 at 12:05 AM..

Roka is offline
Old 09-13-2011, 04:28 AM

p r o f i l e s ; s l a v e s .
Same idea as above; find the character and click the box.

Allindes DelanleyX

x A l l i n d e s D e l a n l e y .

t h e b a s i c s
You can call me Alli, Lindy, Linds, Al, or anything else that's cute that you can come up with. (My name is pronounced Ah-lean-dehs, by the way!)
I am a slave.
I am female.
I am 13 years old.
I am 5 feet and 2 inches tall.
I weigh 97 pounds, and have a small and "athletic" body type.
I have reddish-brown hair and medium brown eyes, accented by high cheekbones and a slightly stubby nose.

t h e e x t r a s
I think that I am shy and willing to let anyone control me... at least from what I've heard. I don't go out of my way to talk to people, and I don't really want to be noticed.
My life isn't what you would expect. I was born into this system, probably a lot like other kids, which isn't that suprising. Though, what would be is that I'm actually upper-class, or I was until my parents decided they didn't want me. I don't remember much of that upper-class life, because I wasn't old enough to remember those things - I could barely walk! Though I do remember growing up and being raised by a woman called Deidre, who was forced into slavery herself. I lived with her and her master for some time.
I remember when Deidre died. Her master liked her, though didn't show any of that feeling towards me. He was never outright rude to me, however, because some word got around that he loved Deidre and he wouldn't do anything to cause her grief, even in the grave. Instead of keeping me and having to go out of his way not to do anything to me, he sold me to the nearest slave shop at ten, I believe, or maybe the beginning of my eleventh year.
It was there that Sir Mustang found me and bought me. I've been under him ever since, and I don't really want to leave. He's better than the other master, for sure, and I am content.

The few luxuries that I can allow myself are happiness, the quiet days, making Sir Mustang happy, and not much else than that, really, unless it is the food I eat.
Don't ever give cheese or dead animals to me, and please don't treat me in a mean manner. And please don't make Sir Mustang unhappy.
I think I forgot to mention that I am one of Sir Mustang's personal servants.

R o k a .


x Ellana

t h e b a s i c s
You can call me [ Ellana or Lana ].
I am a [ slave ].
I am [ female ].
I am [ 18 ] years old.
I am [ 5 ] feet and [ 3 ] inches tall.
I weigh [ 102 ] pounds, and have a [ small ] body type.
I have [ long silky honey blonde ] hair and [ bright golden ] eyes, [ complimented ] by [ high cheekbones, a dainty chin and nose and flawless tan skin ].

t h e e x t r a s
I think that I am [ optimistic, knowing that one day we will be free of this dreadful and demeaning situation that we've been forced into. I am rebellious and I have an attitude that fits into my curious and sneaky habits that often land me in trouble. I have spirit and determination and plan to escape this lifestyle before it kills me, but not alone and without taking down some of these slimeballs who call themselves masters ].
My life isn't what you would expect. [ I was born into a life of slavery, taken away from my mother when I was able to perform specific duties, around the age of four. I worked in sweat shops until I was older, filling out into a more womanly figure when I was purchased by a man and added to a collection of slaves. I have various scars on my body from years of abuse, but they haven't broken me, only strengthened my will. ]
The few luxuries that I can allow myself are [ small potted flowers, a small music box, a gold anklet from my mother, chocolate and a few art related materials ].
Don't ever give [ icey cold things, snakes, sugary sweets, books or fire ] to me.
I think I forgot to mention [ my ability to remember almost anything, as well as my suprising smarts despite the fact I was never taught reading, math etc. ].

K y a K a t s u m i .

Profile ThreeX


Last edited by Roka; 09-28-2011 at 11:03 PM..

Roka is offline
Old 09-13-2011, 04:29 AM

t h r e a d u p d a t e s .
OOC Thread: [ x ]

September 12th, 2011 Thread created
October 14th, 2011 • Thread Closed. For Good.

Last edited by Roka; 10-14-2011 at 10:38 PM..

Roka is offline
Old 09-13-2011, 04:29 AM

r e s e r v e d .

Last edited by Roka; 09-17-2011 at 01:43 AM..

Roka is offline
Old 09-15-2011, 12:04 AM

o p e n .

Send in those profiles.

Last edited by Roka; 09-17-2011 at 01:43 AM..

Roka is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 12:28 AM

A i d e n M u s t a n g & A l l i n d e s D e l a n l e y

The manor was simply too quiet, Aiden thought upon waking. Usually there would be a scuffle of feet going across the floor, or some clang of pots and pans as his breakfast was being made. He stood as he woke for the second time, this time completely. With a quick yawn, he moved to wash himself, and before he knew it he was dressing, Allindes bringing in his light blue overcoat as he was tucking his breeches into his brown leather boots. She helped him pull the long sleeves of the buttoned-up silk shirt through the sleeves in the overcoat, and then stepped away, bowing her head to let her dark mane fall over porcelain skin and before her eyes.

Guess something's the same, at the least,
Aiden thought as he exited his room and headed towards the kitchens, Allindes on his heel. She pulled out a chair for him as he sat, and then pulled another out to sit by his side and relay any news from yesterday.

"Last night, as you were retiring, Sir, word of your father passed through. The man who was sent implied on seeing you as soon as possible, Sir, however, it was not a spoken message but written."

"My father... Very well; I will see to it after breakfast. Any more?" Aiden asked, watching as his other servants came through the doors with breakfast in tow. And so it was for the news portion of the day, until Aiden actually did get around to reading his father's message (being only a check-up on his son, wanting a visit soon), along with a few others. When the other parchments came, he learned that the Government had allowed him the land behind the manor - a full five acres. He realized he would, unfortunately, need more servants.

"Allindes?" Aiden called, the girl's head popping up obediently. "Let's go to the Slave Shop, shall we?"

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 02:51 AM

Ellana was leaning, both arms crossed on the window sill of the tiny shared room, staring up at the sky dreaming of freedom when she felt a tug at her dress. Snapping back to reality she turned to face one of the three slaves she shared the room with as the younger girl spoke to her, "Lana we're going to be in trouble if we don't hurry to our duties," she said.

Ellana sighed and shooed the girl away. She wasn't going to be in trouble by anyone today. Today was the day she was going to escape. She had it all planned out. Her master would be furious, but she didn't care. He never treated her too poorly, in fact, he was more of a pushover than her last owner which worked to her advantage.

As the other girls got busy cleaning, cooking and tending to their master, Ellana slipped barefoot, out into the hall, down the stairs, and out into the courtyard. Her eyes darted about searching for guards, but found none. The lazy oafs, too trusting of the poor servant girls... bah! Across the yard, the walls were tall, as to be unclimbable, and beyond those, freedom. If she'd timed it correctly, the doors would be opening soon for a man to unload a cart of drinks for the masters get together to be held this evening. That's when she would escape.

She picked up a bag of seed as she made her way towards the doors, filling bird feeders that were placed among the greenery and gardens. Her eyes glued to the doors, she waited.

Roka is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 04:22 AM

The carriage stopped, and Allindes hopped out of the carriage and onto solid ground, swaying slightly as she regained her balance. She followed Aiden, who had waited patiently for her to regain her footing, on his right-hand side, slightly behind him, taking in the surroundings as they walked down the edge of the block. The carriage would be parked in the same spot when they got back; traffic in the front of the shop was heavy, and Aiden had told the driver that he'd rather walk a few feet than be caught up for nearly half an hour.

Allindes remembered how Aiden had forced the trip into their daily plans. The sudden decision to leave the manor had more or less been a shock to her, and it was all she could do not to speak out of line or do something that she would later regret. She remembered the way she had bit her tongue to keep all of her protests and future suggestions held back, in the literal sense of the phrase. She had been allowed to bathe and dress more appropriately for the occasion, and had been allowed a light jacket for the crisp, cool morning air.

A bell chimed as the pair stepped through the doors, and Allindes kept her eyes stuck on a spot on Aiden's shoes. Aiden himself, however, looked around, pretending not to notice his most-trusted servant's behaviour. He knew that she hated the slave shop - she had been here once herself, where he had found her and taken her under his wing, and he'd learned that the sellers often beat the slaves to keep them quiet and "adjusted." One of the shop's sellers sought him out, asking questions and making suggestions, even sneering at Allindes when Aiden introduced her. The seller then proceeded to inform Aiden why the slaves at the shop would be so much better than Allindes, and all the things wrong with her upon glance that his slaves didn't have. The final question got to Aiden the most: "Would you even like to sell her now, take another home, to see what I mean?"

He'd never wanted to punch someone in the face as hard as he did then.

Once back in the carriage, Aiden rubbed Allindes's shaking shoulder soothingly, as a brother might do to a younger sibling. "We won't be staying around here, Maxwell," Aiden called to the driver. "Take us home; there will have to be another day for such adventures."

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 04:53 AM

Ellana's master, Vincent Scoggins, was in the dining room, sitting at the head of the table, reviewing the evening's guest list. He was throwing a small party for some of the masters and their families tonight. There was no special occasion, just something he did semi annually. He was mumbling the names aloud as read down the list. "Aaron D'lore, Aiden Mustang, Baron Michaels..."

He looked around the room for a moment as he realized he haden't yet seen Ellana this morning. He motioned for the single guard nearby as he whispered something to the man as to not allow any of the servants to hear. If that Lana was trying to escape again he would lock her in the cellar where he kept the slaves that needed punishing until he was certain she would never have the confidence to try again. Maybe he had been too easy on her when she was caught last...

Ellana was pouring seed into the final bird feeder when the door began to open. She had timed it right! A smile brightened her face as she dropped the bag and made a run for the door, shoving hard to swing the door open. She hadn't been outside of these walls in so long, she barely remembered what the outside world looked like. She looked to her right as it appeared to be blocked by the cart of her soon to be ex master's party refreshments.

Quickly Ellana turned to her left to bolt down the drive and smacked right into one of the guards. Looking down at her he grabbed onto her arm tightly, "Where were you planning on going? We're out in the middle of nowhere you know... Boss isn't going to be happy," he said, as he began dragging her back towards the manor.

At this point Ellana was hardly struggling, as she contemplated his words. She had planned her escape from the walls of her prison, but nothing past that. Stupid, stupid... She was frowning up at him as she followed the man back to the house. "Let go of me you big oaf," she said as he shoved her inside.

Vincent was standing just inside the door as one of his guards returned his property. Shaking his head at her in dissapointment, he ordered for her to be taken to the cellar. He had far more important things to attend to today and couldn't be bothered with her shenanigans. It was a shame he would have to keep his most beautiful slave locked away for this event instead of serving his guests, but he couldn't risk her causing a scene. He wondered if he shouldn't just sell her away and save his self the trouble as he made his way to his bath.

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 09-21-2011 at 04:55 AM..

Roka is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 11:09 PM

"Good grace, look at the time," Aiden said, rubbing his eyes and peering at the large grandfather clock in one of the corners. He was caught up in doing paperwork, something that he mostly hated, that was supposed to be done weeks before. With a sigh, he called forth Allindes, who had, no doubt, been asleep the whole time. She did not complain, though did look a little like she needed the rest.

"Yes, Sir?" The young girl asked, covering her mouth as a small yawn escaped. She didn't remember the last time she'd had such a pleasurable nap - Aiden had dismissed her shortly after they had returned. She glanced at the clock for the time, and then had to do a double-take - it had been that long already? - when Aiden spoke.

"You realize that Vincent Scoggins is holding one of his parties again tonight," he began, and Allindes was mildly suprised as she guessed his intentions: "and usually, the families of the masters are invited as well. Seeing as I've forgotten to call my family in the appropriate time to have them come here and attend, it would please me greatly if you would go with me." His eyes never left her face, and it was all she could do not to lower her head and hide herself.

A minute passed.

Then: "Of course, Sir."

Aiden called forth two more servants one to fetch and help Aiden into some of his finer clothes, and the other to fetch Allindes's finest clothes and get her as presentable as possible. Aiden was speedy with his dress, wearing a black overcoat with a soft golden trim, a white dress shirt with a white waistcoat, a pair of tan breeches, and a dark pair of brown leather boots. It took him slightly longer to decide on how to wear his hair, opting to let the wavy dark brown locks fall to his shoulders. When he exited the room, he had in mind to wait upon Allindes, but she had beaten him.

She herself was dressed nicely, her dark red-brown curls had been pinned away from her face, her bangs hanging just short of her eyebrows while her ringlets fell just short of her shoulderblades. Although Aiden couldn't see the chemise and corset through the long olive-green dress, he didn't doubt that they were there as he noticed a slight hourglass shape that certainly hadn't been there before. He almost groaned, but didn't want to upset the servants. She was only thirteen, for the lord's sake, it wasn't like they were going out to find her a husband!

Nevertheless, that didn't stop him from taking her hand when the time drew near, and lead her to the carriage, where they proceeded to ride toward Vincent's home. No words were exchanged here, and Aiden could see Allindes shift in discomfort. He offered to help her out of at least one of the many ridiculous layers, and each time she refused. He sighed and saved his next breath for when they neared Vincent's home, where he told the guard, "Please inform Vincent that Aiden Mustang has arrived," as they stopped just outside the manor.

A bit lengthy reply, though I felt like killing time a bit.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 09-22-2011, 02:23 AM

Vincent was standing among the crowd, dressed in his favorite burgandy tailcoat, accessorised with his marble cane and top hat. His slaves were walking about the party making sure his guests had exactly what they wanted and tending to their every whim.

Gesturing wildly, Vincent was telling a joke, swinging his cane around as if it were a sword. He was quite the entertainer. The men and women gathered around him were all laughing, drinks in hand, when he was approached by one of his guards. His face lit up at the news that his good friend Aiden Mustang had finally arrived as he headed towards the entrance where he would greet his friend himself.

Stepping into the courtyard and breathing in a fresh breath of the clear cool air, Vincent immediately noted that Aiden had not brought his family this time, but instead appeared to have that servant that followed him about so loyaly. A wide smile plastered to Vincent's face as he walked to meet the two, "Aiden you old rascal! How are you my friend?" he asked, grabbing the man's hand in a large shake as he steered him towards the party.

He paid no attention to Aiden's slave as she followed, acting almost as if she wasn't there at all. He never let his servants out of these walls, so he found it mildly innapropriate that he had brought one at all. But Aiden was his good friend who could get away with murder in Vincent's presence if he so chose, so Vincent ignored it.

Roka is offline
Old 09-28-2011, 11:42 PM

[ Incredibly sorry for not being able to post sooner. ]

Aiden watched Vincent as he approached, and then as he closed nearer saw the glance he had given to Allindes. "Why, Vincent. Nice to see you again. I am quite well, and yourself?" He responded, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Allindes had followed, which, naturally, she had.

"I do hope that it sits well with you that I have brought one of my close servants with me, in a replacement of sorts that I had informed my family too late. I have thought of none else to bring but she, her being under my wing for so long that she could have been family." He made sure to put a slight emphasis on the could-have-been in that last statement, and he was quite sure that his friend would understand that he was considering her family, but not on his level. Though he treated his servants nicely, as one should, it didn't mean he would go to lengths to treat them as though they were on the same level.

However, his mind kept bringing up the incident in the slave shop. It was nothing, he thought, thinking that if he could think it many times he would come to believe it. I would have done the same if any lady in my presence had been insulted. His thoughts were interrupted by Vincent, and Aiden gladly listened and commented on the man's thoughts as he was led back to the party inside.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 09-30-2011, 05:42 PM

((All good :yes: I have endless patients and have been busy as well! And I hope you don't mind that I'm not bolding or coloring Vincent's text. I didn't really mean to have him play such a big role since I didn't create a character profile, but am still assuming he will be out of the picture soon.))

His smile never faultered as he listend to his friend speak. "Anyone you consider family my friend, is welcome in my home, any day," he said as they entered the large home. "I have been just grand old boy, my gold mines have been turning up a surplus of gold as of late and I'm actually thinking of investing in a handful of new slaves and moving. Somewhere near the ocean might be wonderful."

Vincent was yapping away, all the while Ellana was locked up tightly in the cellar/dungeon of sorts. She was angry, and pacing. It was the second time this month she'd been locked down there. It was lonely and cold with it's rock floors and walls. It was dark and musty. Vincent had let her out a few short hours later, but this time she'd already been there the whole day. Vincet was a nicer master than most, but he did have a mean streak. Fortunately Ellana had never crossed it, but she feared that she might have this time. When was he going to come for her? Was he going to let her starve down there? Next time she attempted to escape, she would need to be sure of the result of freedom.

Still walking Aiden into the party, Vincent glanced over his shoulder at the girl for a moment before directing his attention back to Aiden. "You know there isn't ever a time I take my slaves out of these walls," he said matter of factly, "They don't seem to mind it at all." His thoughts went to Ellana. He had left her in the basement all day, to teach her a lesson, but wasn't sure when he planned on retrieving her. "Except one," he added. "I don't know what to do with that girl. She's a great servant when the motivation is right, but she's a handful. She'd been returned to the shop twice when I bought her." He sighed. "If I take her back the third time, there's no telling what will happen to her," he said frowning. "But I can't leave her locked in the cellar for the rest of her life either."

Vincent's eyes were scanning the guests but he was clearly in deep thought, thinking about Ellana. She certainly was his most beautiful slave, which was the reason he had purchased her. But the months that she had been here had proven draining. She was a great cook and maid, and made for good company among other things, but she was moody, and it took a lot to keep her in line. He was too busy a man to deal with her anymore but didn't know what to do.

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Old 10-01-2011, 11:51 PM

[ Oh, no, I don't mind that at all. I know that it was necessary, so it's no big deal. It's needed for a little spice, eh? ]

Aiden listened to Vincent speak, and then, after a moment's pause, realized that the man had wanted him to say something. He quickly started with, "Well, if the mines have been producing as much as you say to buy more slaves and move, I think that this girl might be watered down among the new ones. They could get some sense into her, you know, make her realize that this may be better than some other places out there." A short pause. "I have been doing fine as well. I have gotten a letter from the authorities telling me that it was fine to have the few acres behind the manor. Though it was never my strong suit, I believe that I can turn that bit of space into something useful. I have needed new slaves myself, and went to the shop not long ago.

"Tell you what, I suppose that if you can't get through to this girl, or if your slaves don't help much, you can send her to me. I would refund you or trade you for a better slave. I've got a way with them," he said, stealing a quick glance at Allindes, "that makes them feel sure of their safety or whatever it is that allows them to feel fine with staying around me." He watched the guests at Vincent's party, their joy so contagious that he couldn't help but smile when a few of them began to dance.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 05:15 PM

Vincent could see Aiden's amusement of the party and couldn't help but smile too. He responded to him in a happy and excited tone, "Expanding your land old boy! Well done!" A servant approached with two drinks, one for Vincent and one that was passed to Aiden with a small curtsy.

Returning the conversation to that of the slaves he suddenly appeared to be in deep thought. "You know Aiden, I think that some slaves are just fine with their lives, it could be worse. But then there are some like my Elana, who live with their heads in the clouds. Their dreams are too big." He sipped his drink. "I'll tell you what old boy. You take this burden off my hands here and now, and we'll call it even. You're looking for a slave, if you're as good as you say, maybe she will act right for you. No need for compensation, I'm a busy man and I just don't have the time to fool with her any longer," he said almost sadly.

A couple of women strolled passed on their way to the gardens as Vincent removed his hat and bowed, sending them a wink. "In any case old friend I have guests that need tending to" he said excitedly, replacing his top hat. "Enjoy yourself Aiden, there are plenty of single women here tonight, if you know what I mean!" He said with a loud belly laugh as he turned to walk away. "Oh yes, before I forget. If you want to take a look at that slave, there is a guard at the cellar door, just ask him to let you in. If you want her, take her! Otherwise I'm going to send her away in the morning." And with that, he dissapeared into the crowd.

Roka is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 07:11 PM

Aiden nodded to Vincent. "I'll be checking in on the girl soon. I hope to see you well into the night. Best of luck, dear friend!" He called, just before Vincent's back turned into the crowd. He nodded to Allindes, and led her towards the cellar, being stopped every now and then by a woman or two who gave him appreciative glances as he politely excused himself from their conversations. Allindes was taken to well, and some of the other women had wanted to watch over her as Aiden went down to the cellar. "It is no place for a lady there," they said to him, and after getting confirmation from Allindes that she would be fine, he set off down to the cellar.

"Now, girl, keep your head up! Don't treat yourself like a slave," they said as they steered her towards a deserted area, "Because even though you are one of them, you've been honored by being brought here. Though we don't necessarily like the fact that Vincent allowed you in, we like you. So let us help you, child," one of the women piped in from the five, most of them middle-aged, but one about the age of twenty. "But, I... uh..." Allindes stammered, earning collective sighs from the women. "I see we've got some work, ladies," one of the women said, and they began to give the girl tips on how to be more of a lady. It will be a long night, Allindes sighed.

Aiden, who had made his way past the guards, stopped in front of the designated cell. It was there he shooed of the guard who had insisted to come with him, and watched the girl who appeared to be deep in thought. Clearing his throat, Aiden spoke up. "Hello, young one. I'd like to introduce myself as Aiden Mustang. I wouldn't be suprised if you've heard of me, or haven't, before." He allowed a short pause to let the girl get in whatever she had to say. When it was clear she had nothing, he quickly added, "I've made an arrangement with my dear friend Vincent to allow you to come to my manor and work under me for a while. I do hope you take me up on this offer; otherwise, Vincent plans to sell you back to the slave shop.

"You may wonder why I care. I just simply cannot bear to let one that was described as beautifully as you - and by this I mean talents and personality as well as the physical beauty - to go back to the slave shop, where you may be sold to another master who may take advantage of you, torture you, or do something all for his fun. This is my proposal."

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 06:36 PM

Ellana was sitting on the floor, knees bent, arms holding them close to her body, with her chin rested atop her knees, in deep thought. She heard the cellar door open, but she didn't look. She was going to give Vincent the cold shoulder, how dare he leave her in here for so long. She was cold, half dressed, dirty and hungry, that fool had another thing coming if he thought she could be so easily treated this way.

When someone who clearly wasn't Vincent spoke, Ellana raised her head to look at him. Aiden Mustang? Vincent's good friend, yes she knew of him, Vincent spoke of him often. She stood quickly as she moved to stand in front of the man, wrapping her hands around the cold bars as she stared up at him. "He wants to sell me away?" It was more of a statement than a question, and it caused Ellana to look down to the ground. She had been Vincent's favorite, and was suprised to find that he was finally fed up with her actions.

It wouldn't be the first time she was sold back or traded to the shop though. But she'd overheard what happens to slaves who get taken back too many times... she shuddered at the thought. Maybe if Vincent treated them more like human beings this wouldn't be such an issue. All Ellana wanted was the chance to see the world outside these walls and meet people, she needed excitement, and adventure, was that truely so much to ask? For a slave probably. Which was why she needed to escape this life.

Maybe this Aiden would be easier to get by than Vincent. Either way, it didn't look like she had any other choice if she wanted to steer clear of the slave shop. Her golden eyes met his, "Fine," she said with an annoyed tone, as if she were the one doing the big favor.

Roka is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 09:40 PM

Aiden nodded his approval. "Seeing as it would be nothing less of rude for me to leave at this time just to escort you back to my manor, you have one of two choices. You can either stay here until the party ends, where you will then be taken back by me, or you can go to my manor now with Allindes and two of my guards in my carriage."

He gave the girl some time to think it over. He supposed that she would choose the second offer, thinking that she would get an easier way out or that she would be able to escape more easily. Just because he didn't want the thought to sink in, he added, "Mind you, if you try to escape from me in either of circumstances, you'll most likely be shot down or captured and sold to another slave shop. Maybe both, if you survive the first."

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 05:27 PM

Her hands were still wrapped around the bars as she listened to Aiden speak. She certainly didn't want to stay down here any longer, and there was a chance she could escape if she left without him. Before she could finish that thought Aiden was threatening her wellbeing if she tried to escape him. She sighed. "I'd like to leave now, please," she said, trying to be on her best behavior.

Her mother's words filled her head, This won't last forever darling, we will be free again, she had said to Ellana the day she was taken away and sold at her young age to a master in another town. She often wondered of her mother and if she would ever see her again, but she knew that would never happen.

Her hands released the bars and dropped to her sides as she waited to be let out of her cage.

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Old 10-05-2011, 05:58 PM

Aiden allowed a half-smile to play across his lips for a small second. "Very well, then. I will make the arrangements as soon as possible." Aiden turned to leave with a slight bow - he couldn't help not doing so or else he felt as if he were disrespecting a lady. As he neared the end of the cellar, he called back, "And please, Ellana, at least stay with me for some time before you try to escape from my manor. I'm sure you would like it."

Allindes searched around for Aiden. Where was he? She was over in the corner, being trampled by questions and on how she should act. It was all becoming scarier by the second, nevermind how friendly they had seemed in the beginning. She lowered her head and covered her face with her hands when she heard his voice reach her. Quickly, she looked up and spotted him re-entering and talking to some of the guests he'd encountered on the way up to the cellar. She pushed past the women and joined his side as he approached Vincent, talking about something that she'd tuned out in her happiness to be away from those ladies.

"Allindes? Did you hear me?" Aiden asked, watching the girl snap out of whatever she was thinking. "I've just made plans with Vincent; you're to accompany a new servant of mine to the manor, and then send the carriage back." Allindes inwardly winced as he became authoritative and noted how he only wanted the carriage sent back without her inside. She nodded and followed one of the guards out to the front, waiting for the carriage.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 10-06-2011, 02:29 PM

When Aiden bowed to her, Ellana blinked owlishly at him. No one had ever bowed to her, a slave, before. It made her feel, important, for a moment. Like she wasn't just someones servant or property, like she was instead a human being. The feeling quickly faded when he requested she not try and escape him. Rolling her eyes at his back she sighed.

A moment later the cellar door opened and Aiden exited while the guard entered, descending the rickety wooden stairs and making his way towards her. She frowned watching his big dumb movements. She hated Vincent's guards, they were all dumb oafs. He smiled in at her while unlocking her cell, "Looks like Master Vincent has finally gotten tired of you're piss poor attitude. You should feel happy he isn't keeping you down here for us," he said with another large grin.

Ellana shoved past him when the door opened, "Bug off," she said nastily. Frowning, he hurridly caught her by the arm. Lord, the boss would have his head if he lost her between here and the carriage. Without any ease, he pulled her up the stairs and down the hall, through the courtyard and to the gate where the carriage waited. Ellana was frowning deeply, "Let go of me you oaf, I can manage on my own!" as she stomped on his foot, causing him to release his grip on her. He reached up to back hand her and thought better of it since there were others in the courtyard. Instead he only scowled at her for a moment, a fire burning in his eyes before her turned, murmering a "Good riddance," before dissapearing back into the manor, leaving her standing next to Allindes.

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Old 10-06-2011, 05:18 PM

Allindes blinked at the scene in front of her, and how people only moved to let the "big oaf" by before they resumed conversation or their dances. The girl she was standing by made her feel inferior and lessened her self esteem. This girl had long, silk-like blond hair, whereas Allindes had a mass of untameable curly dark red hair, nevermind the fact that it was pinned up and actually looked nice for a change. It made her feel silly, though, and she quickly pulled the pins out of her hair, letting it hang free. She wondered how, exactly, this other girl could make her feel so... bad... about herself, even though she was obviously dressed nicer and treated much better. Stop thinking these things, she told - pleaded - herself.

"This way, please," she muttered to the other girl, heading towards the front gate, where the carriage would be. She didn't stop to see if the girl had followed, nor made any indication that she cared. The only thing that would make Allindes care for this girl's well-being was the fact that Aiden wanted her in the manor. That was all.


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