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Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:12 PM

~Welcome to At the End of The Rainbow v.2~

Hello, everyone. Welcome to my charity, or if you have been here before, welcome back. I am glad to be back at Menewsha. Starting ‘At the End of the Rainbow’ back up, this time in a new thread. You can probably still find the old thread somewhere in this forum – in locked version – if you’re interested.

Because I have been away for quite some time, I am not completely up to date on what new items have been released during my absence. It also may take a while before this charity grows as active as it once was. Please bear with me?

To everyone who was here for the previous thread too, especially if you feel there is any unfinished business (on my side) from the previous thread connected to you, please look at the Other-post.

Here is an overview of the posts in this thread. If you do not want to read all of them, the rules are a must-read. I would also highly suggest reading About this Charity so you have an idea what this place offers – as well as eventual posts connected to things mentioned there if you’re thinking of joining in or applying for them. If you’re thinking of donating to this charity, or wondering about the difference between donations from this account and the charity mule, please read About Me and Donations.

Post 1: Welcome <= You are here now. A welcome to this thread.
Post 2: About this Charity – An explanation about my charity, the differences between this thread and the previous as well as an overview of what At the End of the Rainbow has to offer.
Post 3: About Me and Donations – A bit about myself, an explanation of the differences between my accounts and what donations from or to the different accounts mean.
Post 4: Rules – A must-read if you plan on posting in this thread. I’m serious. Read them.
Post 5: Updates – Anything significant that happened will be mentioned here.
Post 6: Games and Contests – Only the larger games and contests will be posted here. Small things like impromptu trivia games and (most pageprizes) won’t.
Post 7: Rainbow Newbie Welcoming Packets – New here? Don’t have much yet? Need a bit of help to get over your current state of nakedness? Check out the requirements. If you fit them, feel free to apply.
Post 8: A Quester a Week – Got too much for a Newbie Packet? Questing but need a bit of help? This might just be the place for you. Do you have a charity and need a bit of help? Same goes. Every week, one gets picked and gets some help.
Post 9: A Helping Hand – Know someone who really deserves a helping hand with their quest? Or who might not have an active quest, but could still use some help? You can nominate them and they might get picked.
Post 10: Other – Whatever doesn’t fit into the other posts and isn’t a link to a different thread goes here.
Post 11: Affiliates – Links to other great threads
Post 12-14 are reserved

Last edited by Silenia; 12-23-2012 at 06:07 AM..

Mule of Silenia
Mule of Silenia is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:13 PM

About this Charity

Most things will remain the same as they were the previous time around, but some things may change, take a while before they will be started up again or will not be done this time around. An overview of what this thread does currently offer:

- Rainbow Newbie Welcoming Packets.
Joined recently and want some clothes to get started? For that, look at post 7. Click on the link I just gave you, or scroll down, then read the requirements. If you meet all of them, apply. All instructions can be found there. I reserve the right to not give out such a packet for whatever reason, though such things will usually only happen if you do not actually meet the requirements or if my charity’s funds are extremely low.

-Contests and Games
I will also host a contest or game once in a while.
There are three kind of contests/games, which are listed here below.
-First there are the smaller, impromptu games – such as my trivia games, or the “first to quote this post”-games – which will not be listed in the contest post. If you are around when I decide to host one, you can just jump in. There are no pre-set requirements, else than an ability to follow Menewsha’s rules as well as this thread’s rules, nor are there entry fees for such games and contests. -Then there are the larger games and contests, especially those that take a while to be completed can however be found in the contest post. These games include lotteries, avatar contests, art contests and such.-There are also pageprizes. They usually take the form of “first person on page ... gets ...”, but it can also be something like “the first five” or “the ninth”, etc. Pageprizes can usually be found in the subject line. If a pageprize is still quite a while ahead, I might also add it to the Contest Post.

-Random Donations
Once in a while, I see someone posting and I just decide to donate to them. This can be from charity or personal funds. It might be to help with a quest, it might be because I saw them help others around, or because of something else they did that I can appreciate. As has been said, it is random. There is no way to apply for them, or specific requirements to follow.

-A Quester a Week
So you are questing, and you can use some help? You’re not too great at any of the games and contests I offer, perhaps, and have been around too long to apply for a Newbie Welcoming Packet? I might be of help. Look at post 8 for the details, requirements and all.

-A Helping Hand
You know someone who could use some help, who deserves a bit of kindness and donations? Here you can nominate someone else for a donation.

Now that that’s done, I would like to point everyone towards the fact that this thread has rules. They’re pretty simple and not very hard to follow, but to prevent drama, I do want people to follow them. It doesn’t mean that if you break a rule on accident, you’re no longer welcome here. Either I or one of the regulars here will probably point it out to you, that’s all. However, if you keep breaking them, I will be pretty annoyed, so please do read them well. If anything is not clear, just ask in the thread or by PM.

|Welcome|About this Charity|About Me, My Accounts and Donations|Rules|Updates|Contests&Games|Newbie Packets|A Quester a Week|A Helping Hand|Other|Affiliates|

Last edited by Mule of Silenia; 09-21-2011 at 09:41 PM..

Mule of Silenia
Mule of Silenia is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:14 PM

About me
Hello there. I am Silenia, posting from my mule. I am also known by a fair share of other nicknames, including but not limited to Sil, Silly, Selly, Lenia and Nia. Feel free to address me however you like, as long as it is not insulting (and no, I do not consider Silly insulting, I am silly, after all) and I can tell you’re speaking to me.

I am the hostess of this thread, as I assume that you have by now noticed. I am currently 20 years old, female, born and living in the Netherlands. Yes, that means English is not my native tongue. Dutch is. I read and write a lot. I also listen to a lot of music. I’ve got a fairly broad taste, although I must admit that I am not too fond of jumpstyle, hardcore, house and dance.

About My Accounts and Donations
My personal mule is Mule of Silenia – the account with which I post this. My charity mule is At the End of the Rainbow. My main is quite obviously Silenia.

If you see either of those accounts around, or get a donation of them, it’s me. At the End of the Rainbow holds my charity funds.

This does not mean that none of my personal funds can be used for the charity, but it does mean that I cannot use my charity funds for personal reasons.

If you want to donate to my charity, send it to At the End of the Rainbow. If you want to donate to me/my personal funds, or want to leave it up to me whether I want to use it for my own quests or charity, send it to Silenia or Mule of Silenia.

|Welcome&About this Charity|About Me, My Accounts and Donations|Rules|Updates|Contests&Games|Newbie Packets|A Quester a Week|Other|Affiliates|

Last edited by Mule of Silenia; 01-03-2013 at 06:06 PM..

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:16 PM

As I said before, these rules are not that hard. While I am willing to forgive mistakes, it is important to me that you try to follow these rules.

-Follow the ToS and Menewsha's rules. Should be rather obvious.
-No begging.Telling me you're questing is okay, but please don't start crying about how hard it is to get a certain item.
- Be friendly or at least polite to me AND my regulars, as well as to people that are new here.I don’t say that you have to like everyone in my thread. I don’t say that you shouldn’t post if you see someone around you dislike. However, do not (re-)start a fight in my thread.
-Don’t complain if you don’t immediately get something.If you want a donation, hang around and talk. Just coming in, posting once and leaving again won't get you anything.
-Don't start drama. I don't like to see my thread and regulars torn apart. If you feel you are getting drawn into a drama, or almost-drama, please don't reply to the person causing it. It only serves their goal.
-If you want to join a game or contest from the Contest Post, fill out an application for something, buy a ticket in an eventual raffle or lottery, carefully read the rules and requirements of those, and follow them. I usually have better things to do than spending all of my time tracking people down that send things to the wrong account, etc. I might grant you whatever you sent in an application for, etc. anyway, but don’t count on it. It depends on my mood and how busy I am.

|Welcome|About this Charity|About Me, My Accounts and Donations|Rules|Updates|Contests&Games|Newbie Packets|A Quester a Week|A Helping Hand|Other|Affiliates|

At the End of the Rainbow
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At the End of the Rainbow is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:17 PM

Here you can find what is going on.

18th of February, 2008Original thread opened
21st of September, 2011This thread opened

|Welcome|About this Charity|About Me|Rules|Updates|Contests&Games|Newbie Packets|A Quester a Week|A Helping Hand|Other|Affiliates|

Last edited by At the End of the Rainbow; 09-21-2011 at 09:21 PM..

At the End of the Rainbow
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At the End of the Rainbow is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:19 PM

Contests and Games
Here you can find any larger contests going on.

Contests going on:
Pageprizes - normally not listed here, but there isn't enough space in the subject line:

250g for the last post at page 97; first at 98.
50g for every post at page 99 - Halloween Goodie Bag for 3rd at page 99.
One Sept. 11 CI of choice for 1st at page 100 - 200g for 2nd at page 100 - We All Float Down Here for 5th at page 100 - 25g for every other post at page 100.
100g for 1st, 2nd and 3rd post at page 101.
Commons of choice with a worth up to 500g for the 7th at page 102.
250g for the last at 105.

Recently Finished Contests:

|Welcome|About this Charity|About Me, My Accounts and Donations|Rules|Updates|Contests&Games|Newbie Packets|A Quester a Week|A Helping Hand|Other|Affiliates|

Last edited by At the End of the Rainbow; 10-01-2011 at 05:28 PM..

At the End of the Rainbow
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At the End of the Rainbow is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:20 PM

Newbie Rainbow Welcome Packets
New at Mene - or never been active before - an a bit ashamed by your nakedness? Or perhaps not ashamed, but you would still like some clothes? This is the place for you.

Please read these rules and requirements well, and fill out the form correctly. It can be a bit frustrating for me otherwise.

1. You have recently joined (less than a month ago) or have never gotten active after joining
2. You have less than 5k in gold on either main, mule or combined
3. You do not have some very expensive items, like Val 07 Event Items, Menewshan Crowns, etc.
4. You need to have made more than 5 but less than 500 posts on all of the site. You should have posted in this thread at least once before applying.

You follow all of these rules? Nice. You can apply for a Newbie Rainbow Welcome Packet with some basic clothes!
PM the following form, completed, to At the End of the Rainbow (this account), please, clearly stating you’re applying for a Newbie Packet.

Application Form
Date of Joining Menewsha: (either less than a month ago, or never got active before – you can find this on your profile)
Amount of Posts made: (you can find this on your profile too)
Mule's Username: (ONLY if you have a mule)
Amount of Gold: (Only apply if you have less than 5k, please)


Color and item Choice:
For each of these categories, you should pick only ONE color.

Singlet: Black, White, Red, Orange, Yellow, Light Green, Sea Green, Dark Green, Turquoise, Blue, Dark Blue, Lavender, Pink or Purple – choose ONE color, also note if you want a male or female singlet, please.
Shorts/Skirt (pick EITHER shorts OR skirt): Black, White, Red, Orange, Yellow, Light Green, Sea Green, Dark Green, Turquoise, Blue, Dark Blue, Lavender, Pink or Purple (note: Skirts and shorts both are unisex - if you pick skirt, brown is available too.)
Stockings/Socks (pick either socks OR socks):
Stockings: Black, White, Red, Orange, Yellow, Light Green, Sea Green, Dark Green, Turquoise, Blue, Dark Blue, Lavender, Pink or Purple - if you pick stockings, let me know if you want male or female stockings, please
Socks: White, Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Pink or Purple

|Welcome|About this Charity|About Me, My Accounts and Donations|Rules|Updates|Contests&Games|Newbie Packets|A Quester a Week|A Helping Hand|Other|Affiliates|

At the End of the Rainbow
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At the End of the Rainbow is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:25 PM

A Quester A Week
You are questing, but could use some help? You’re not new enough for the Newbie Packets anymore? Apply here. Once a week I’ll pick one of those that applied by a randomizer and help them a bit.

Any correctly filled out applies up to and including each Friday apply for the first upcoming draw, which will under normal circumstances be once every weekend, every apply coming in during the weekend, even if before the draw will be added to the next week’s list.

This has quite a few more requirements than you might be used to from me. The reason for that is that I want to make sure I help people who are serious about their quest and about Menewsha, who are not going to disappear immediately, as well as to make sure that everyone has a fair chance, rather than most of this going to the same person every time.

Please do not apply if:
-you’re a mule – I make an exception for charity mules here, though I request the name(s) of your personal account(s) if applying on behalf of your charity and I also ask that you do not apply for a personal quest during the same round.
-your account is less than a month old – unfortunately, I cannot tell who is serious about Menewsha when they have only been around for a short time.
-you have shown very little activity on the forums so far (less than 100 posts) – this is for the same reasons as the previous requirement.
-you have made less than five posts in this charity before applying.
-you expect your quest to be finished, or close to finished, before the upcoming draw.
-your quest has a total worth of less than 750g
-you are questing for pure gold without any plans to spend it on anything specific (be it art or items).
-you’re applying on behalf of another – to prevent some people from having a better chance at winning than others, I ask that you do not apply for someone else, since there is a chance that they will also apply. If you are questing for something specific for another, it is okay – it is still YOUR quest. Basically, “I am questing to get A. those Bee Slippers they love” is okay. “Please donate to A. as they are questing for Bee Slippers” is not. It is 1.) not your quest, 2.) it could be done to give A. a better chance at winning and 3.) it would fit better under ‘A Helping Hand’.
-You’ve won in A Quester A Week anytime in the previous three draws, and/or have won any prize in this charity during the seven days before applying with a total worth equal to or more than 1.5k, and/or have received a (random or not) donation from the At the End of the Rainbow-account during the past seven days.I want to give anyone a fair chance at winning.

NOTE: Also do not apply if you do not want it known that you applied (and, if you win, what quest you applied for), as I will give a full list of people who applied at every draw.

PM the following form to At the End of the Rainbow (this account), clearly stating you are applying for A Quester A Week.
Application Form
Mule's Username: (ONLY if you have a mule; if you are applying on behalf of your charity, please note down your personal account(s) here.)
Date of Joining Menewsha: (Must be at least a month ago)
Amount of Posts made:
Your Quest: (if you have a quest-thread, link to it, please)
Progress made:

Winners of the previous three draws:
There has only been one draw yet.
Draw of 25-Sept-2011: Newbie Charity Mule

|Welcome|About this Charity|About Me, My Accounts and Donations|Rules|Updates|Contests&Games|Newbie Packets|A Quester a Week|A Helping Hand|Other|Affiliates|

Last edited by At the End of the Rainbow; 09-25-2011 at 07:34 PM..

At the End of the Rainbow
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At the End of the Rainbow is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:30 PM

A Helping Hand
You know someone who can use a bit of help? Someone who deserves recognition and donations? Nominate them here.

Like A Quester A Week, this has a few more requirements than you might be used to from me (though gladly, less than A Quester A Week). This is mostly for the same reasons as there.

Please do not nominate anyone if:
-it is you, your charity or your mule
-the main account of the person you’re nominating is less than a month old – unfortunately, I cannot tell who is serious about Menewsha when they have only been around for a short time.
-They have shown very little activity on the forums so far (less than 100 posts) – this is for the same reasons as the previous requirement.
-you have made less than five posts in this charity before nominating someone.
-They have won in A Quester A Week anytime in the previous three draws. You can find back who won in the past three rounds in the A Quester A Week post.
-The person you are nominating has clearly stated that they will not accept donations.

PM the following form, completed, to At the End of the Rainbow (this account), clearly stating you are nominating someone for A Helping Hand.

Nominating Form
Your Username:
Your Mule's Username: (ONLY if you have a mule)
Their Username:
Date of Joining Menewsha: (Must be at least a month ago. You can find this on their profile)
Amount of Posts made: (this can also be found there)
Why do you feel they deserve a Helping Hand?

|Welcome|About this Charity|About Me, My Accounts and Donations|Rules|Updates|Contests&Games|Newbie Packets|A Quester a Week|A Helping Hand|Other|Affiliates|

Last edited by At the End of the Rainbow; 09-24-2011 at 03:30 PM..

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:31 PM

Anything that does not fit into the other posts will go here

Due to my rather sudden disappearance last time around, there is a lot of stuff I have to catch up on related to my old thread. This might take a while.

If you know I still owe you something (an entry fee from something that never was done, a pageprize, etc.), please send this account a PM with an explanation of what I still owe you and from what and– if possible – a link or such. This goes especially for pageprizes. Please note that the pagenumbers for pageprizes are now off from the truth, as the number of posts per page is now different than it used to be.

|Welcome|About this Charity|About Me, My Accounts and Donations|Rules|Updates|Contests&Games|Newbie Packets|A Quester a Week|A Helping Hand|Other|Affiliates|

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:31 PM


The Newbie Hangout And Charity

I am not going to add everything from my old thread here, since most of those were links and banners to no-longer existing or locked threads. If you want to link-swap, just send a PM to either Silenia or At the End of the Rainbow. I may or may not agree.

|Welcome|About this Charity|About Me, My Accounts and Donations|Rules|Updates|Contests&Games|Newbie Packets|A Quester a Week|A Helping Hand|Other|Affiliates|

Last edited by Silenia; 09-25-2011 at 06:09 PM..

At the End of the Rainbow
\ (•◡•) /
At the End of the Rainbow is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:32 PM

This post is reserved for future use.

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:34 PM

As is this post.

At the End of the Rainbow
\ (•◡•) /
At the End of the Rainbow is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:35 PM

My third and last reserved post. The thread is now OPEN!

Clair Voyant
Clair Voyant is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:35 PM

Hey! I'm glad to see the charity open again, my sister!

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:43 PM

Thanks, hon. Sorry, still had to add a few in-thread links to some of the posts here-and-there, as well as update the subject line.

Glad to be back. <3

Clair Voyant
Clair Voyant is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:49 PM

Would you like to swap thread links, my sis? :)

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:51 PM

Of course I would, dear sis. Might be easiest if you PM your link+banner's code to either this account or my charity mule. =)

Clair Voyant
Clair Voyant is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:53 PM

I shall PM the link to you! :D

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:55 PM

I shall PM the link of mine back once I've caught it for ya.

Clair Voyant
Clair Voyant is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:56 PM

Woot! :D So happy!

And wow... I'm on the first page of your charity... SO WEIRD!

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:57 PM

*pokes thread?*


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:57 PM

Steals a first page post xP

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 09:59 PM

Hey SDG, Cora. <3

Clair: Really, it feels strange to have posts on the first page? It doesn't look strange to me that -I- have a lot of posts on the first page.

...oh, wait, I created the thread. xD


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 10:00 PM

It feels weird that there is only one page. But I'm sure that wont be long xP


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