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Shoot to kill
CycloneKira is offline
Old 11-29-2014, 01:17 PM

The world is an enormous place, full of all kinds of people. These people go about their mundane lives, following a routine every single minute of every day. But, what these people don't realize is that among them are six people who are nothing like them. Each of these people has his/her own special power - control over each one's respective element. Interestingly, none of these people knows that the others exist. Will they know as time passes? What is their fate?

---------- Post added 11-29-2014 at 07:09 PM ----------

Name: Elena Acevedo (changed her name, Emily Warren seemed too normal)

Age: 16

Personality: Elena is a girl with a short temper. She tends to lie a lot, and gets away with it most of the time. She is a loyal daughter, sister and friend, and will go any distance for her loved ones. She is independent, and doesn't trouble her parents for anything. She has a strong sense of right and wrong and an even stronger sense of when to merge the two. She loves music, and will lose herself in it completely once she starts singing.

Powers: The power of fire and heat. She can incinerate an entire city at will or simply heat the air around her to keep things warm during the winter.

Bio: Elena's power was first discovered when she set fire to her bed at the age of seven. Her parents were at first worried about her, thinking that she may not be able to control her new powers, but she proved them wrong.Only six weeks after the burning bed incident, she had managed to keep her powers under control, just enough to keep them from burning the house down whenever she had a nightmare. Her brother, Elton, helped her out immensely during this phase, resulting in her becoming as independent as she is now. Recently, she has moved out of her parents' home to test her true abilities in the world. She hopes to find others like her, to help them if they require it.

Name: Zazel Filius Michaelis

Age: 25

Personality: A seemingly silent man, Zazel is a man with an extremely festered brain, caused by years of emotional pain that changed him forever. He thinks that the world is a dismal place, full of greed, corruption, pain and suffering. He seeks to rid the world of all these by destroying it altogether, including himself. He enjoys punishing those who he deems "unworthy" of living in a way that he sees fit.

Powers: Zazel can shroud an entire area in complete darkness if he wishes. He also has the ability to draw the life force (or anything else) from a person.

Bio: Zazel was born to two very normal parents. Or so he thought, until one night changed his entire life. His parents' fates were written in their early teenage years, when they where involved with all kinds of criminal organizations. One of these organizations caught up with them, ready to move in for the kill. Zazel's father, hoping to keep Zazel and his sister out of the entire affair, hid the two of them in a cupboard in their room and ordered them to stay there, regardless of what they heard or saw. The criminals broke into the house, and Zazel watched as his father struggled to fight them off and was eventually killed. His mother, defenceless, tried to run, but she wasn't fast enough - she met with the same fate as her husband. Not knowing that there were two more members of the family, the murderers turned and left, leaving Zazel and his sister alone with their dead parents. Unable to handle the grief, Zazel's sister fell critically ill and soon, succumbed to the illness. Zazel was never the same after that. He went from being a innocent and talkative little boy to being a silent, precocious and negative-minded one.

(SuperZombiePotatoe: Lady Chello: Dandelioness: Villain profile uploaded! Who wants to start posting?)

Last edited by CycloneKira; 12-01-2014 at 11:37 AM..


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 11-29-2014, 04:02 PM

Name: Asher Leith

Age: 19


Personality: In many ways, Asher is a true child of the waters. He is a person of strong emotions. When he is happy, it is like a leaping spring, when he is thoughtful it is like the surface of a calm lake and when he is angry it is like the crashing of waves against the rocks. He feels with his entire self. Asher is a person who embraces change and can adapt to many situations. He goes with the flow. But, besides all of that, he is kind, helpful and usually very calm. He enjoys learning new ways to improve his magic and wants more than anything to use it to help people.

Powers: The power of water which includes ice and snow. Asher can use water to heal wounds, can immerse himself in it in order to travel quickly, build defensive walls of ice and use it's sheer force for a number of attacks.

Bio: Asher was born to a normal family. Well, normal by his standard. His mother was a mage and his father had no powers at all. The youngest of three children, Asher was the only one who inherited his mother's gift of magic. So, at age 13, he began to learn from his. Over the course of his studies, it was discovered that Asher had a connection with water. He then began training to control and use this power. By the time he was 19, Asher had successfully completed his training and was now had a good control over his powers. He spends most of his days travelling, offering his services to those who need it in exchange for money or food and lodging. Along the way he tries to learn more about his special powers and to find out if his hopes are true: that he is not the only one with powers. One must live a life of continuous growth is what his mother always said.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 11-29-2014, 04:48 PM

Name: Rose Springwood
Personality:Stubborn and head strong she tends to do things her own way. She is good person at heart but is known to have a bad temper. She is a loyal friend with a big heart. She will stand up for whatever she believes is right. Unlike her brother she wont hold anything in she is thinking.
Powers: Can summon rocks into any shape she chooses. She can send a pebble or large chunks of mountains at people. Besides rocks she can use sand turning it into anything she chooses. She has the ability to make golems or stone monsters for defense.
Bio: Rose is the sister for Blaze they come for a fairly wealth family. However at a young age the siblings powers showed themselves in a kidnapping gone wrong. They lost their parents that night, forcing them to choose foster care or to retreat to the safety of the forest. Rose chose for them making the forest her home living among the animals and trees. Unlike her brother she isn't social with the outside world and prefers the trees over streets any day.

Name:Blaze Springwood
Personality: Clam and collective he is hard to anger. Unlike most people he keeps his thoughts in. He would rather find peace than fight a trait that makes his sister furious. He loves to find simple pleasures in life, and is always looking for a silver lining in things.
Powers: He can grow any plant, and communicate with them. He is able to to summon roots and vines with a touch of his hand on the ground. He can also heal any plant.
Bio: The back story of his life is the same as his sister rose. However he chose to make something of himself. He went to school and has become a plant doctor or that is what the people call him. He has his own thriving business. Is known fairly far for his skill with plants and can always be seen around them. If he isn't at his shop he is in the forest with his dear sister. One day he hopes she'll settle down. He knows that is far from happening anytime soon.

Myoxine Melomaniac
Dandelioness is offline
Old 11-30-2014, 07:48 AM

Name: Sabiya Nakiah

Age: 17


Personality: Elusive and aloof, she thinks life is meant to be transient so has been practically nomadic all her life. She doesn't want to get too attached to people or places so moves around a lot. She's dreamy and quite detached. She doesn't want anything or anyone to get too important to her but she's equally afraid of her life becoming meaningless, so deep down she's struggling and confused.

Powers: Wind and air pressure. She can make the air so thin you wouldn't be able to breathe, or churn up hurricanes and cyclones. She can also give you a gentle, soothing breeze if you're tired of an evening :)

Bio: As a child of four she churned up a whirlpool of wind, placed herself at its eye and transported herself across the ocean, to the western continents. She was found and put in an orphanage, but she couldn't or wouldn't tell them which country she'd come from, all she'd reveal was her name. Her childhood was relatively stable but on reaching adolescence she made sure to keep moving from one foster home to another.

Last edited by Dandelioness; 11-30-2014 at 07:51 AM..


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 12-02-2014, 07:51 AM

The was a cool mist hanging over the world. It looked practically grey as the sun was just beginning to make it's way over the horizon. In the distance the lights of a far away town began to one by one go out. Asher Leith had his eye fixed on them. He sat under a tree quite a while away from the town. The tree had provided him with some shade the previous day when the sun was blazing. But, the main reason Asher had chosen to spend the night under it was because the tree stood next to a river. The water made him feel safer than any walls ever could. In fact, he had fallen asleep as he trailed on hand in the water. Most people thought it was a strange obsession, but they didn't truly understand. Asher had a connection with the water. It was in him, literally, and he had practically built his life around it. He loved working on boats, he had read countless books on irrigation, he had sold ice and shoveled snow, he had spent every day of an entire month helping to build a dam, the list goes on! He did do other odd jobs, of course, but the kinds that allowed him to be close to water were the ones that held his attention for the longest times.

Right now, though, Asher's attention was focused on breakfast. The last time he had eaten was the previous day. Once he'd finished helping that nice man to paint his roof, he had offered Asher a seat at the morning table. It was one of the best meals he had had in a long time and thinking of it made his stomach growl. He fished around in his pockets and delighted to find that he had a few coins left. It would be enough to get himself some bread and cheese and maybe cup of something hot. If he wanted to get there quickly he should've been moving by now. So, he packed up his blanket and book, put on his shoes and then quickly washed his face and head in the river. feeling refreshed and ready for the day, Asher began to make his way down the road that lead to the town. Perhaps someone would need some odd jobs done and he would be able to find a good bed to sleep in. It had been a while since he last stayed in a place more than two or three days.

After maybe an hour of walking, Asher came up to the entrance of the town. It was just beginning to wake up. All around people were opening up doors and windows. No all he had to do was find a good meal and then get to job hunting. He took his time strolling down the streets and gained a few odd looks. It was true that he did wear a quite a bit of blue. But, what could he do? It was his favourite colour and the blue coat he had gotten for a bargain. or, maybe the looks were because he was newcomer to the town. That seemed more plausible. Hopefully he would be new for too long.

Last edited by SuperZombiePotatoe; 12-02-2014 at 08:38 AM..

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 12-02-2014, 08:30 AM

Blaze woke early as he looked around his shop. He had fallen asleep there again it appeared. He shook his head as he fixed his suit. It was one of the new fashions something he hadn't grown use to yet. He felt more like a doll than a person at the moment. After a few moments he gave up and removed it completely. He ended up wearing just his long pants and shoes as always. Yes it was not appropriate by any means but it was comfortable. He hated wearing clothing that was tight and seemed to chock him. He let out a sigh as he pulled out his faithful black trench coat that he simple buttoned up, to hide his lack of clothing. He picked up a simple brown messenger bag and threw the strap over his shoulder. Before leaving he looked around the shop he noticed it needed some cleaning and the flowers could use someone else to water them as well. He placed the help wanted sign in his window again before leaving. At the bottom he put he would be back in half a hour. He shut the door locking it as he slipped in between his building and the one next to it. He easily cleared the protective wall as he landed on the other side.

He just smiled as he looked around seeing only the forest a head of him. He felt alive as he started to walk further into it. He smiled hearing the plants as they spoke telling their stories. He looked around after a while as he saw no sign of his sister. He could only shake his head as he headed back into town. He mumbled to himself as he unlocked his door and took the sign down about him being gone. He left the help wanted sign as he walked to the back to make himself a pot of tea. Hopefully at some point today his sister would make her appearance.

Rose watched the strange man decorated in blue for most of the early morning. She had seen him in the hot of the day take refuge under the tree. However she hadn't expected him to spend the night. She found him fascinating with his blue attire. Most people were stuffy and to uptight however he didn't appear that way. Her good mood ended as she watched him head towards the village a sore spot for her. She slowly reveled herself from the forest looking more wild than most animals. She had made her life finding rare gems in the earth and loved to adorn herself with them. Most of her jewelry and timings for her outfit she made herself. The animals of the forest helped her when they could happy to give her unwanted feathers or things they no longer needed. She frowned as she watched him leave, turning and leaving herself as she headed deeper into the forest. She moved with great speed using the trees to get around. After a while she reached the meeting point for her brother, only to find she was to late he had left. She hung her head knowing this meant she had to go into town to see him now. She hated being trapped in towns, she had spent most of her life exploring though her brother made her get a formal education with tutors that followed them across the world. He made her dress accordingly when they where there or she had to go to school. But when she was done she went back to her old ways. The forest had always been her home though she missed her brother living with her. For some odd reason he chose to stay in this one village. It was smaller than the others they had seen. She did like the fact there was a massive forest around it and a mountain not to far so she could collect her gems. Though the thought of having to dress like a lady repulsed her. Her bother would be mistaken if he thought she was going to change her attire and her way of life for some village. She had learned to live off the land at a young age and planed to die doing the same thing.

Shoot to kill
CycloneKira is offline
Old 12-02-2014, 11:06 AM

Elena watched from the top of the building as the people below went about their lives. It was funny, really. Her powers mystified even her sometimes. She could do anything and everything with her ability to control fire and heat, it seemed. She could warm things up on a cold winter night. She could create a fire to cook over. And here was the funny thing. If she concentrated enough, her fire could act as a kind of jet propeller that could throw her up to any height she wanted. That was how she came to be on top of the building she was sitting on.

Elena had no friends. She had left her parents' house ages ago and was trying to test herself. Sometimes, she regretted her decision. Other times, though, she felt strangely... alive. She had rented an apartment in the city - a pretty cheap one, but comfortable. The rent could be payed by working at a local restaurant. Her parents still payed her school fee (against her will), but everything else, she did on her own.

Elena was excited. Her brother Elton was coming to visit her. "OH MY GOD, THE HOUSE IS A MESS!!" she screamed and ran, top speed, back to her house to clean up. She opened the door and looked at the mess. No, mess just won't cut it, she thought. A better word would be "pig-sty." She cleaned up the house in a matter of minutes (the garbage was burned up) and stood back to admire her work. Too clean, but worth it.

The doorbell rang. Elena rushed to greet her brother. They sat and caught up for more than two hours, until he had to go home. "Mom'll be upset if I go home late again." he said, smiling at her. Kira gave her brother some cookies to take home and give their parents. Her cooking had improved dramatically since his last visit. Elena waved goodbye to Elton and shut the door. She was feeling strangely tired. She cleaned up, got chanhed and crashed into bed. She was asleep in seconds.

Zazel was having trouble staying calm. All these people in the bar - there were six - were laughing and talking about their latest heist as though it were the greatest thing in the world.. "Man, that chump was so easy rob. All you had to do was distract him and I pulled the wallet out right from his pocket! It couldn't have been more stupidly simple." they laughed and talked on. Zazel couldn't have cared less about these street idiots. But the relish with which they talked of robbing another man... it annoyed him.

Suddenly, the lights in the bar went out. "Wha-What the heck? Hey, barman! Who put the lights out, huh?" one of them screamed. Suddenly, in the darkness, a pair of blue eyes glowed, like a cat's. A deep, yet boyish voice seemed to be issuing from them. "You think it funny when other people lose what's theirs, do you? That's not good. Didn't your teachers teach you anything at school?" the voice asked in a slightly teasing manner. "Allow me to teach you something then. Lesson number one: No one likes to be ripped off." The lights came back on. The eyes were nowhere to be seen. The rogues checked their pockets and let out howls of protest. "Hey give us our wallets back you sneaky little -" The lights went out again, and the eyes returned. This time, the rogues were less confident. The voice said,"Lesson number two: When a person's life force is stolen from him..." The men started screaming in pain as their life forces left them. They screamed and screamed, until they dropped dead. The lights came back on. Zazel stood there, looking down at the dead bodies. "...that happens." he said. With that, he walked out of the bar. He did not want to be seen near those bodies when the police came sniffing around.

Last edited by CycloneKira; 12-02-2014 at 12:36 PM..

Myoxine Melomaniac
Dandelioness is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 10:33 AM

Sabiya was glad that she'd left the city behind. This little town-nearly-the-country was much better. There weren't all the tall buildings blocking the wind from free movement, for one thing. For another, the wind itself wasn't burdened with impurities, heavy emissions and colloided lights. If the wind was happy and healthy she felt better herself.
She wasn't sure what she'd do here; she'd just wanted to get the hell out and about. She had a friend back in the city who used to move around too but Sabiya didn't much like how she managed it: moving in with one guy and running off with another. It was parasitic. It was pathetic.
No, she was fine on her own. She'd always be on her own.
She walked past the residential areas and through the streets without any particular destination in mind till she came to the road that led straight into the forest. There were just a couple of scattered houses. Now she saw one of them had a board on top of a pole saying 'Constance's Warehouse' and on the cottage's awning a crooked banner that said 'Salesperson Wanted'. Sabiya wondered briefly why a warehouse would need a salesperson, then decided she might as well go see if she could apply for the job since she needed some way of earning her living while she was here.
She was halfway across the road when a car came speeding from nowhere. She screamed, the wind howled and eddied around her but she couldn't lift herself into the sky in time. She saw blackness, but her mind worked for a few minutes more before shutting down. She'd been stupid to not pay attention to the road. But she'd never expected a speeding car on this lonely road that didn't even have many walkers, in this nearly deserted area of town.


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 12-09-2014, 06:11 AM

The town was beginning to buzz. It was strangely laid-back, though, like the towns you'd see in movies, the ones a bit out of the way of civilisation. The forest was a nice touch, thought Asher. He had been wandering around for a little while, getting a feel of the place. It had a homey vibe and he liked that. Home was so long and far away, it was about time he had another familiar place. His stomach was still growling, though, so he was constantly on the look out for a store or even better a place with a hot meal. He had also noticed an interesting looking book store along the road. When he had looked in the window he had seen shelves lined with old looking books. He would have to pay that store a visit some time. His attention, however, was drawn away by another sign her had been eagerly searching for. "Help Wanted", it was almost shouting at him. Asher walked up to the window and set down his travel bag, which surprisingly wasn't blue. He cupped his hands over his eyes and peered into the window. The shop had quite a few plants in it, but it didn't seem to be a florist. Asher smiled widely. Working with plants sounded like a nice enough way to make a living for a while. And, it would probably mean him dealing with water at some point. That made him smile all the wider.

Picking up his bag, Asher walked into the shop. There was no one around that he could see, but the door was unlocked so he wasn't trespassing or anything. He remembered that one time a few months ago when he had just walked into an orchard (the gate was open!) to pick and apple or two. He had been virtually chased off the property by the owner and his three dogs, although they looked more like wolves. Asher had never run so fast in all his life and the thought made him shiver. Best to look forward. He picked up the sign from the window and called out,"Hello? Anyone here? I saw the sign in your window."

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 12-09-2014, 07:48 PM

Blaze turned as he heard a voice. He left his stove as he walked to the front of the store. He smiled as he saw a young man standing there. He notched the man held the help wanted sign as he held out his hand to the man. "Hello there, I'm Blaze how can I help you?" He said as he couldn't help himself. " Are you interested in my help wanted sign? Some of the plants here need more attention than I can give them some days. I'm looking for someone who wont mind spending the day with them watering them and talking with...I mean to them. Of course I'll be here but I sometimes get called away for different things. If your interested I'll pay top dollar. I know this isn't a job most people would want. I don't know to many people besides me and my sister who enjoy working with plants so closely. I all so have a small apartment upstairs if your interested." He said as he watched the plants look interested in the strange man. He lessen as the plants seemed to like the young man not finding anything wrong with him. One of the reasons he offered top dollar. Plants believe it or not were good a ready people. He turned he heard his kettle on the stove. "Oh, why don't you follow me and I'll fix us some to eat." He said as he turned and headed to the stove pulling the kettle off. He grabbed two cups and poured the boiling water into the cups the tea bags in them starting to steep. He looked around the small kitchen as he found some bread placing it on the table with some fresh fruit and cheese. He had a large cake on the table already. He had bought it for Rose knowing cake was her favorite. He pulled out two plates and took his seat as he waited for the strange man.

Rose walked to her secret hiding place and fetched her gems she had foraged for the other day. She slowly made her way towards the village not happy about the idea of being there. But today was her delivery day and she needed to have the gems to her brother for Brutus to pick up. The brawny man always came at the same time every three days to see what she had found. He gave her top dollar for her gemstones something she appreciated. Though she didn't live in the village her brother did, so having money made her feel as if her brother was taken care of. Yes he had his own money from his job, but she made more faster. Her main worry was him and his happiness. She jumped the large wall landing on the back porch of her brother's shop. She let herself in through the back door walking down the steps from the porch.

Shoot to kill
CycloneKira is offline
Old 12-12-2014, 11:41 AM

Elena loved coming to this part of town. No traffic, no incessant honking, nothing. She came here every Monday evening after school to buy her groceries. The store that she bought from was run by an old couple, Mr and Mrs Jones, who had become grandparent figures for her over time.

There was no one on the street today, except for her and another girl. Elena walked on, hoping to find a taxi somewhere ahead. She needed to get home fast and finish her homework or else the Joneses would lecture her next week.

The other girl in front of her made to cross the street. And then, everything went nuts. Suddenly, a car came out of nowhere, hit the girl, and went on its way. "OH MY GOD!!!" Elena screamed at the top of her lungs. She ran forward to where the girl lay bleeding like crazy. "YOU SON OF A B****!!! GET BACK HERE NOW!!!" she swore at the car a bit more but knew that there was no use. She whipped out her phone and called an ambulance, which reached them fast. Elena climbed into the ambulance, claiming to be the girl's sister. She didn't know why, but she wanted to know that this girl was going to be okay before she let her go.

In the hospital, Elena waited as the doctors did their work, and listened with keen interest to the updates the doctors gave her. Finally, the doctors and nurses came out smiling. One of them told her that "her sister" was fine and she'd probably come to in a couple of minutes. "Would you like to go in and see her?" Elena nodded and went in. The girl looked like she'd been run over by a car (which she had) but otherwise looked fine. She sat next to the girl, waiting for her to wake up.

As she sat there, Elena remembered something odd from the accident. "Weird shit." she muttered to herself. The wind had suddenly gone crazy, as though it was trying to protect the girl. It almost looked like a tornado in its early stages. What could that have meant?

Zazel walked in random directions, not caring where he ended up. He still had some money left from the dead thieves' wallets. That would keep him going for the next week, at least. He turned a corner and found himself in a quiet street with no traffic at all. He found this strange. Almost every part of the city was crowded with all kinds of bastards but this place was practically empty. He went into a small building and went up to the roof. It was clean, empty and unused. It wouldn't be a bad idea to camp here for a while, he thought.

He went to the wall and looked down at the empty street. As he watched, he saw two girls walking, not more than three meters apart from each other. One of them was holding a grocery bag and wore a school bag on her back. The other had nothing. Zazel was surprised. Normally, the sight of these two girls would have filled him with the urge to kill them. But, he felt that these girls were going to be important to him. Why? He didn't know. He decided to watch them a while longer, hoping the answer would reveal itself.

A car sped by and hit the girl in front. The other one ran forward, used some very colorful language and, climbed into an ambulance that she seemed to have called using her phone. But there was something else. The girl with the bags had somehow left a trail of fire behind her as she ran forwartd to help the other one. The one who got hit, no the other hand had been wrapped by what looked like a cocoon of air. In a moment of stress, the girls seemed to have forgotten where they where.

Zazel smiled to himself. Two new powers. He wondered if those powers could strengthen him if he absorbed them. His limitation had always been distance. If he stood beyond a certain distance from someone, he could not absorb their life force. He looked back at the street, but the girls were gone. All that remained was a pool of blood on the road.

Last edited by CycloneKira; 12-12-2014 at 12:11 PM..

Myoxine Melomaniac
Dandelioness is offline
Old 12-16-2014, 10:56 AM

Sabiya's eyes flew open and she half-gasped, half-moaned. It was like the wind letting out of her too suddenly so that it hurt.
'Hey... how're you feeling now?'
There was a girl sitting by her bed. Her hospital bed. Sabiya could see nurses bustling about outside, noticed that the vein on her arm was plugged into an IV. The girl had long lashing hair, bright dark eyes and bold eyebrows.
'I'm... in hospital?' Sabiya half-laughed, then it all came rushing back to her. A car had hit her out of nowhere. This girl must have been the one to bring her to hospital.
She glanced again at the girl. There was something about the air around her. The wind around her was sending her a vibe, like an aura. The wind around her was... crackling. Like the air molecules had more kinetic energy than normal but instead of manifesting that energy in fast movement and creating a wind, they were releasing it as heat.
Sabiya shook her head. As far as she knew she was the only one in the world who could do weird things with wind and she somehow didn't like the idea of someone else being able to. She liked being special.
She also decided, she was going to go back to that area skirting around town, and apply to be a salesgirl at that warehouse. She blinked. While all these thoughts had run through her head like lightning the girl had leaned forward like she was going to say something.


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 12-21-2014, 01:26 PM

Asher beamed immediately. It seemed like he had landed himself in a good situation, for a change. Watering and talking to plants for a living, with an apartment to boot, how could it get any better? Though this man, Blaze, seemed pleasant and welcoming, there was a strangeness to him. Other worldly, perhaps, Asher couldn't tell for sure. But, of one thing he was certain, the man reminded him of... a tree; calm and serene and very grounded. It was strange comparison, but it did fit and the man's apparent love for plants only strengthened it. He held his arm out and shook hands with Blaze. "Oh, I'm definitely interested! In the job and the apartment, new guy in town and all that jazz. I don't know what kind of job I was expecting coming in here, but it does sound like the job for me. Been doing labour for a while. This seems quiet and I've always liked plants." Asher was more excited about the prospect of working with water everyday, but he didn't think it a prudent thing to say. "Yes, you don't find a lot of people who appreciate nature, nowadays. Well, you might if you look hard enough. I like to think of myself as a nature lover. It's... pure, you know? Like a stream in the forest... or the ocean depths!" He looked sheepish and stopped himself. He was beginning to ramble and not many people appreciated that, though he didn't get that vibe from Blaze. Nonetheless, better to be safe. "Oh, excuse me," He said, " I'm Asher Leith. Nice to meet you."

Asher's stomach unceremoniously began to grumble and he remembered his other task. Thank goodness, he didn't have to go out searching for a solution to that problem. He followed the man into the back and sat at the table. he eyed the cake hungrily and took the tea cup between his hands. Taking a big sniff, he sighed. Hot tea in the morning was good. "Are you a mind reader or something, brother?" he said grabbing a slice of bread and cheese,"Breakfast was the second item on my to-do list. It would have been the first if I hadn't seen your sign. I can't tell you how grateful I am." And he munched and along happily. It was then that another person appeared in the room, a young woman. Asher wiped the crumbs from his mouth and stood up. He was a stranger after all, it was only polite and he had an idea of who this person was. "Oh, good morning! You must be... Blaze's sister? I'm Asher. New employee... I think." He looked sheepishly at Blaze.

Last edited by SuperZombiePotatoe; 12-21-2014 at 01:56 PM..

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Lady Chello is offline
Old 12-25-2014, 04:04 AM

Blaze looked up as he smiled and nodded at Asher. The man was quiet present he thought and seemed to be a very deep person. It reminded him of water calm and deep mysterious and power. He smiled and was about to answer when he looked up seeing Rose as she appeared. " Ah that is my dear sister Rose. This is Asher he is going to help me around the shop." He said as he shook his head seeing her dress again. "Your clothing is in my room. Please go change or go take care of the front. " He said knowing Rose wasn't going to change for him. He shook his head as he smiled looking to Asher. "Please don't mind her she is a bit off as we all are. I promise she isn't wild. Believe it or not she has a PHD under her belt in Geology. I wish she would be more modern however if she was she wouldn't be her would she?" He said as he got up and pulled down some more bread and Jam. "Here help yourself ok. Feel free to eat and make yourself at home. I'll show you around once your done. Please don't mind my sister." He said as he fixed himself some food.

Rose froze as she saw the guy she smiled however as she recognized him from earlier that morning. She then looked to her brother as her smile turned to a frown. She turned suddenly and walked out and took her place at the front of the store. She rolled her eyes as she saw a local coming in. It was one of the local mail men however he looked really happy for once to see her. She arched her brow as the Man came into the store and handed her a letter that had been left open. She was going to yell at him for opening it when the man rushed out the door. She shook her head as she read the letter. She slowly popped her head in the back. "Hey there is some work for you two in the city apparently. There is a rich lady who is having issues with her rose guardian. She want you to come now! She is offering over 10,000 if you will come and see her garden. Lady must have to much money on her hand for flowers." She said as she shook her head turning reading the letter again.

Shoot to kill
CycloneKira is offline
Old 01-03-2015, 07:08 AM

Elena looked at the girl laughing quietly to herself as she realized that she was in hospital. "That's right, Snow White. You got hit by that crazy car driver. He didn't even look back, I mean..." she shook her head in disbelief. "The doctors said you'll be fine in a couple of days. They'll probably discharge you in a week."

After a moment of thought, she blurted out the question that had been on her mind for quite a while. "Can you control the air?" she asked, immediately feeling weird about the question. "Okay, you know what, don't answer that. What am I thinking? People controlling the air like they're the X-Men or something? Yikes. And I wasn't the one hit by a car." she laughed to herself. But the idea didn't seem that ridiculous to her. She herself could control fire, couldn't she? There was every possibility that this "Snow White" girl could control the air.

Elena smacked her forehead. "Gods, where are my manners?" She extended her hand. "Elena Acevedo." she said, smiling at the girl.

Zazel lay down on the roof, his mind obsessed with the idea of becoming stronger by absorbing the life forces of those two girls with the powers. So much opportunity, he thought. His dream of destroying human life finally seemed fulfillable and soon. His mind was filled with visions of himself killing everyone on Earth, slowly and painfully.

And then his mood went bad. Those two girls were nowhere to be found and he had no way of knowing which hospital the girls had gone to. It didn't occur to him to look at the ambulance and try to follow it. And then there was the problem of keeping up with the ambulance. How would he have done that?

In spite of all this, Zazel smiled to himself. His fate was entwined with the two girls'. He would see to that. A new desire was born in his heart. And he would stop at nothing to achieve it. Thinking this over, Zazel turned over and fell asleep.


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