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Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 12-20-2014, 08:49 PM

The kingdom of Alensail while not a large kingdom did enjoy the wealth that one might come to expect from a larger mining kingdom. But they had a secreat, they had large deposits of gems below their ground. So large in fact that many a country woman have her own set of gemstone jewelry that a lower noble of the neighboring kingdoms would be envious of. Yet the people of the land knew that they should never let it be known outside of the kingdom. For if their neighbors knew they would come and take the kingdom from them and enslave them in their own mines. So in the comfort of their own homes they showed off their treasures and hid them under their clothes as they went about during their day.

For it had been forgotten that there was a guardian at their borders that lived in the mountains. One that if an army crossed into Alensail, would destroy them in the night. There were old wives tales of a monster living up on the highest cold peak of Winterhome Mountain, but that was just tales. Then the first note arrived in the throne room and no one knew where it came from.
My Lord,
The time had come for the Ransom to be payed again. I exspect to see the family waiting for me this night in the throne room for me to make my choice. If these demands are ignored your people will suffer.
With no signature the king thought that it was but a joke or one of the other kingdoms making a threat. He ordered the guards to increase their patrols and he ordered the archivist to find if ever there had been a Ransom paid that had been noted down. The old man never found the entry and so the family went to bed believing that it was but a joke.

Weeks pasted and the note was forgotten, till a villager of the lowlands staggered in reporting halve the village no longer being among the living. No one knew what had killed them but they were dead none the less. Their skin so pale they looked white but no wounds to show how they might have lost their blood. He sent out hunters but they could find no beast in the woods. Then a week passed and another villager came, this time form near Wintershome telling the same tale of loss of life. Yet this one bore a second note.
My Lord
I would have thought that one village would have awaked you to your duitys yet it seems that you do not worry for you people. Let this be a lesson to you, next it will be the people within your capital that shall suffer my wrath. That is unless you have your family waiting outside in the court yard this night for me to choice the one that I shall take.
The man quaked in his boots as he handed the note over to the king.


Last edited by Lunna Dea; 12-20-2014 at 09:05 PM..

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-20-2014, 09:19 PM

A slim, blond female turned away from the fountain with fish swimming in it, raising an eyebrow at the maid speaking to her. "Now?" Her voice was curious, and the bright blue eyes blinked at the other woman in disbelief. "It's nearly dark, what does he need?"

"I don't know, your Highness..." The maid answered. "I was just told to fetch you."

"Alright, then. Best not to keep him waiting." A slender form of average height stood, and the maid helped her into a heavy robe, covering the nightgown the princess currently wore. She brushed her long hair over her shoulder, and slipped her feet into slippers, before following the maid from the her room. Serenity Ashecroft was a princess in Alensail, fourth in line from the throne. She was nothing special: Her parents had nine children, and only one was a male. Serenity was a middle child, and as such had long ago figured she would most likely be bartered off in an arranged marriage. She was of age, after all. It wasn't too big of a deal, to be honest. Royalty did so all of the time. The female's skin was tanned from her love of sunlight, and hours of riding horses. Though tan, it remained rather smooth.

The female hurried down a few long corridors, puzzled. Her father had never summoned them this late before. She arrived in the throne room, lining up next to her siblings. They all looked just as confused as her. They waited a few more minutes, watching the tired old man on the throne. Once all of his children had gathered, the king spoke slowly and sadly. "I've received a note, it would seem...At first, I didn't wish to tell you because I thought it was false. But, now, it has become apparent that the note is very true. There has been yet another note sent, and I have thought all day. I wanted to find a way to avoid all of this."

The king sighed and rubbed his eyes. "The note asks us to gather in the courtyard tonight. It says that one of us will be chosen. I don't know what for, but, it has become clear it is one of us for our people."

Many of the siblings began speaking at once, but Serenity remained quiet, still puzzled. The king held up his hand, and his children fell silent. "We don't know who...or...what this is, but this must be done. No arguing. Go, and change back into decent clothing, then come to the courtyard...That is an order from your King." Her father's voice left no room for argument as well. Serenity stared at the ground for a moment, and then glanced around. Her siblings were talking among themselves. She approached her father on the dais his throne was on, and slipped her arms around him.

The blonde pressed her lips against her father's cheek, his beard scratching her lips. "Whatever it is, Daddy, we are here for you. It'll be alright." The old man smiled, and squeezed her hand, then stood with a sigh.

"I hope so, child...I truly do. Go on now."

Serenity obeyed, and made her way to her room. She was rather frightened right now. Forcing herself to focus, the female tugged on a dress that was rather plain compared to most, the light blue fabric seeming to catch the moonlight coming into her window. She tied her hair up with a matching blue ribbon, and tugged shoes on, before making her way down to meet her family. Before leaving the room, she glanced back, and moved to her beloved fountain, rubbing some fish food, and watching the creatures gobble it up. A big part of her hoped someone else would be chosen, so Serenity wouldn't have to face the unknown. Another big part wanted herself to be chosen, to spare her siblings. She felt guilty for even having the thought.

Soon, all of them were gathered outside, shivering slightly, and glancing about nervous. Occasionally, someone would speak. Serenity was playing a game of hide-your-face with her young brother. The toddler cooed and giggled, clapping his hands. "See? It was a joke, Daddy...Can we go to bed now?" One of Serenity's sisters spoke up, though the female didn't look, continuing to play with her tired brother.

Last edited by Kisu; 12-20-2014 at 09:46 PM..

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 12-20-2014, 09:59 PM

Watching the family gather down below him Alan pulled a strained of black hair out of his eye. He had been waiting for them to fallow his instructions for some time now and the smile that crossed his face was not the most kind. They were going to pay for the time it had taken them to remember the old ways. Maybe it was time again to let it be known throughout the kingdom that this was his kingdom and they were just the Stewarts of it.

He had been watching them for some time now trying to decide on which one he would pick. The oldest daughter seemed to have become a beautiful young woman but she was not as spirited as he would have liked. He had also heared rumors that the king had a price he wanted her to merry. It would be best not to upset the plans of kings that could force his hand on defending the kingdom. The prince was of no use to him as the young boy was only just passed the wet-nurse stage and still needed a nurse. That would be to many in his home that he would have to watch.

As one of the princess told her father that it was just a joke, Alen slipped down silently into the courtyard and fingered the leather of his cloak. He really must see about getting his wardrobe up dated. He looked like a country cousin decked out in leather leggings and Linen doublet. They were in shades of black and gray, one might think they had been wash a few to many times even though they were not thread bare.

The moon light caught on his dark sable hair that fell to his mid back as he walked out of the shadows. “no dear princess I asure you that this is no joke.” He looked her over with his one good eye the patch on the other glinted as he turned his head back and forth to get a better look at her. “But if you are so tired you might as well leave to your chambers.” He waved his hand at her as if she was the servant being dismissed. “and take your little brother with you, I would hate to take the next king from your family seeing as your mother is past childbearing age now.” Though he spoke without feeling there was a warmth in his voice that one would not expect from his mercenary appearance.

He walked up and down the line looking over each of the princesses. He would not take the king or his wife for they were past their prime and usefulness. “do you know why I ask for one of your family, my lord?” he turned back to look at the king standing there in the line with the rest of them. when the king shook his head Alan smiled. “for over a thousand years I have protected this tiny kingdom, kept its secreat safe and its people alive. I only ask that your family give up one of its children ever one hundred and fifty years as payment to me. I am not a crule master that takes all that he wishs and leaves the people starving under me.” Lifting the chin of one of the princesses he watched her father as he spoke. Maybe this time they would remember to put it down some where so that he would not have to go on a killing spree again.

As he lifted Princess Serenity’s chin to look at her he saw her father tense ever so slightly. Ah so this is the one you love the most. looking her over more closely he raised his eyebrow. “dressed for a night of riding have you? Almost like you wanted to leave this castle before you even knew that I was looking for someone to take.” His voice was soft, wrapping around her like silk as he looked down at her. Reaching out he brushed aside a hair that had staid from her ribbon. “What would you say to coming away with me to my home, in exchange I will give your father and brother a kingdom safe for 150 more years. And you will not want for much of anything.”

Last edited by Lunna Dea; 12-20-2014 at 10:04 PM..

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-20-2014, 11:03 PM

It wasn't much longer that the royal family waited until a voice cut through the cold air. Serenity stood quickly, and licked her lips nervously. The man before the group looked like he had stepped out of a time machine. His clothes were old, and starting to get worn. Was this the monster they were so afraid of? The man didn't look very scary. Her blue eyes sought out her father as the female tugged her younger brother behind her.

When her elder sister was dismissed, Serenity watched her quietly, letting her tug her younger brother away. The boy clung to Serenity, until she shooed the boy away. The only thing that should could think was that now there were seven of them to chose from. Somehow Serenity doubted this man was after her mother or father.

Why did this man want one of them? Even when the long haired man spoke, his voice wasn't cruel. Still, Serenity couldn't bring herself to look at the male in his good eye.

She became more frightened when he viewed each of her siblings and herself. Trying not to show her fear, Serenity pressed her hands together in front of her, staring at the ground. That changed quickly when the man slipped a hand under her chin, lifting it. The female wanted to recoil. He felt cold! While it was chilly outside, it was no where near as cold as this man.

"I...I love to ride...almost all of my dresses are tailored to make it easier to ride." She explained, glancing over to her father. She didn't want to answer that sweet, soft voice. "I-if you choose me, I don't have much of a choice, do I? A princess must put her people first..." She recited the mantra she had been taught since birth. Her blue eyes shut quickly as the man's hand came towards her face. She felt a strand of her hair brushed away from her face, and opened her eyes again, staring at the male. When she spoke again, she attempted to keep her voice neutral. "So my feelings on the matter truly don't matter." There was a moment's pause, before Serenity blurted out, "What do you want with one of us?" She may be quieter and complain less than her siblings, but Serenity was no pushover.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 12-20-2014, 11:24 PM

Alan could smell the fear that rolled off of them as he looked them over. How many had been there the last time he had looked down the line? Three? Or was that the time before. No matter each time they showed fear and each time he gave to the captive all that they might want and no one suffered. He might feed from his captive ones in a while but they came to enjoy it just as much as he needed it. A few of them had even bagged of him to embrace them but he would not do that. He knew that the royal line did not need another long lived member that might one day lay claim to the throne because they did not like the new family.

There was a bound between this princess and her father that was a lot stronger then any he had seen in a long time in the royal family. It would be dangers for him to take her but it would also make it that much harder for her father to come for her if her life was threatened. “it is good you love to ride, I have land where you can ride to your hearts content. And since you already have dresses tailored to ride I will not need to worry about finding some one to make you them.” his lips started to pull back in a snarle but they never parted as she spoke of how she had no choice. “one always has the choice to accept the hand fate has dealt oneself or to fight againted it. His violet eye seem to twinkle as she blurted out her question.

“long ago a pact was made between me and your family.” He would not say that it had been his master and his family when frist the pact was made. But now this family was so distant from his other then by name that none would have known that it was the same family. “that they would never take more land then they have now unless they were attacked and I would protect this land from all who would seek to do them harm. Over the years there have been small plots of land added and lost through marrage but I am still able to protect this whole land. At I had one child from each generation to keep your family from hunting me down and killing me. Now it is more of a payment to me that I might have some company in my secluded home while I protect this land.” Looking over at her father Alan smiled.

“My Lord I have made my choice, you and the rest of your family may leave no to your bed and a good nights sleep. It might be wise to write down for future gent rations of this pact so this does not happen again.” His eye went cold as he pointed a finger at her parents. “mind you if you try to come and save your beautiful daughter I will destroy her and your whole kingdom.” His voice for the first time was cold, cold as the wind of Winterhome. “I will treat her well and she will want for nothing.”

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-21-2014, 12:35 AM

Serenity listened quietly as this man explained. She stared at the ground, wanting to hug herself, however, it would make her seem weak, so the female kept her hands at her side, balled into fists.

When the man told the King and Queen to go, and that he chose her, panic started to well up. She looked at her parents in alarm, taking a step back. Her father stared at her for a moment, then took her mother's arm. He led the Queen into the castle, and the rest of Serenity's siblings followed. The woman was left without a goodbye.

The female watched them go with wide eyes, almost calling out. Would she ever even be able to see her family again? She kept her composure, however, and turned to focus on this man. "You don't know me. You don't even know my name, nor do I know yours. What are you, that you can protect us, or destroy us as you choose? You aren't human, are you? Are you a demon?"

The female glanced back to the palace. "Do I...Do I gather my things, or have them sent to me?" Serenity was shaking, and trying hard not to cry. She didn't want to leave her home. If she refused, this man would hurt more of her people, wouldn't he? She had no choice but to go with him. She had no idea where they were going, or what to expect when they arrived. Was she now a prisoner, or a ward? What could she expect of the future?

Last edited by Kisu; 12-21-2014 at 01:27 AM..

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 12-21-2014, 08:18 AM

Alan noted when she balled her fist as he spoke and a smiled teetered at the corner of his lips before disappearing again. She would be a fun one to have around his fortress in Winterhome. She would hate it at first, fighting him for ever little thing he wanted her to do. Then as time went on she would grow to see the beauty that he did in his frozen domain.

He was surprised though when her father took her mother away without a good bye. He could see it in both their eyes that they wanted to say it. He was not as cold hearted as that to deny her a final good bye. Those that had come before had requested a day to have their final goodbyes and he had granted them that. But here was her father a man that clearly loved her with all his heart turning his back on her without a word. A cold anger settled in his heart, he would find a way to make her father suffer for the pain he could see clearly on her face.

“ I know that you are the fourth in line to the throne and that your name is Serenity. That your father though he dose not say it often loves you deeply, sad he did not wish to say goodbye.” Stepping forward so that he was close to her, so close that their breaths merged in the cool air. “I am the monster that your ancestors approached to keep their kingdom safe, they made the bargain with me many, Many” the weight of eons seemed to slip from his lips as the word came out. “years ago.” Slowly he glided acrossed the stones of the courtyard as he looked upon the changes that had been made over the years.

Each time he came here it became harder and harder to turn away from the stones that he had known as a child. To let another rule in his place where he could be the eternal king. But that was not the way this worked, his kind could not be king of any place. All too soon people came hunting him, calling for the monster that stole their children and blood. Not that he would have ever touched them, he had ways around the need. Reaching out he brushed his hand along a cut in the stone that now was almost faded with time.

“if you need a name to call me by it is Sir or My Lord.” He did not want to give her a name that she could use if she knew enough magic. Not yet anyways, maybe later she would earn it. “and as for your things you may go and pack them.” turning to look back at her he smiled, his lips curling up sweetly never showing his teeth. “go find your father, say goodbye to them and your sisters. But be back here tomorrow by sundown. We have far to travel and I do not like to move by sunlight, he waved at his only eye. “it pains my eye, it is to bright for me to go riding in.” he sounded sad as he admitted this.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-21-2014, 05:28 PM

Again, the female listened quietly. When the male stepped close to her, however, the female backed up quickly, and raised her chin high. Boundaries. Maybe if she began to lay them out now, he would respect her later. She was frusterated, as he hadn't answered either question. Serenity still had no name, and no clue what this male was.

She wasn't, however, going to argue with being given a day. Her blue eyes watched the male move around the courtyard. He seemed almost sad. Good. He was taking her from her home, so it only felt right to Serenity that he felt some form of torment. She didn't wish to call this man any title of respect, but if she was to go with him, then he would have power over her life, and could make it very hard. Sir was lesser than my Lord, so Serenity chose that. "It was probably too hard for him, Sir." She finally stated defensively. "Daddy never wants to seem weak in front of people...He just doesn't object because you are killing our people. If we don't give you what you want, then more will die. No matter our wants, we are Royals. We have responsibilities."

She was taken aback by the smile, and it made her frown harder. He was letting her choose and do much more than someone would normally expect to let a hostage do. It didn't sit well with Serenity. Why was he permitting all of this? Was he unable to support an addition to his household, or did he truly wish the two of them to get along?

The male continued on, touching the stones that made up the courtyard wall, but Serenity refused to let herself feel sorry for him. She glanced to the castle, and back to the male. "Well, then, I suppose you have no more business here tonight. Thank you for the day...Sir. I need to know how much to bring, before you depart my home. I see no carriage...I can supply one, and it would allow me to bring two of my horses." Her tone was clipped, hiding a whole mess of anger. Realizing this, and that it could make the male angry, Serenity worked to remedy this. "I-if you wish, Sir..? I do not know what kind of housing you have, or how much to bring, or if I will be permitted my horses."

It had gotten colder, and Serenity allowed her hands to crawl up, hugging herself tightly. At least it could be contributed to the cold. Really, the woman felt like she would fall apart if she didn't hold herself together. It was good, that he had chosen her. Her family would be safe, as would her people. It was alright that she would go with this monster. It would be alright. It's just like an arranged marriage. Except there is no marriage. Serenity kept talking to herself, trying to assure herself of this. She kept trying to ignore the fact that once she walked out of the castle with him, for all intents and purposes, she would be considered his property. A man she knew nothing of, except that he had the capacity and ability to kill innocent people sleeping in their beds.

For the first time since being chosen, the thought of running crossed her mind. Serenity tried to shove it down, but it kept popping back up.

Last edited by Kisu; 12-21-2014 at 05:36 PM..

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 12-21-2014, 09:27 PM

Watching her take the step back he mentally smiled. How cute it was that she tried to make sure he did not get close to her. If he wanted he could have taken her and feed from her without her being able to stop him. His fingers twitched as he fought the urge to grab her and force her to stay near him. if he was not careful he would drive her to run and while that would be fun he did not have the time to do that. There was a small scouting party on the western border preparing to sneek in that he had to deal with soon so chasing her down would have to wait if she did run.

“dear child, I have stopped invasions for longer then you have been alive, and the only payment your family has ever given me is one of their children ever 150 years. I have done more for your kingdom then the few lives I have taken from it. They are not even half of what would have died if I let the last army a few years ago enter and take over.” His voice wrapped around her and a warmth enfolded her. The cold of the air faided as he smiled a cold smile.

“As for your father seeming weak,” Alan shook his head as he looked up at her fathers window. “he is not a weak man but it is petite of him to just walk away not saying goodbye. Or is he trying to make it look like he has accepted your going but he plans to steal you back?” his eye twinkled as he looked back at her. Oh he would love it if her father tried to take Winterhome and take her back. He could send all his best men to fight and save her, but in the end he would lose.

“my horses are outside the gate of your fathers castle, they could not enter the same way I have.” He said offhandedly. “if you wish you may bring one horse but my stables are not the kindest place for horses that are not used to the cold air that is always around my home. They may not do well in my home.” He seemed to float acrossed the ground as he moved around her in a wide circle. “I would not want them to grow sick and die for want of a warm home. Leave them here and let them live in luxury till you come back for a visit.” While he did not say it, it was clear that she would have to earn that visit.

Stepping back into the shadows he smiled a toothy smile. “pack what you want my dear, but pack for the cold and cool. My home is not known to be warm even in the summer months.” With that he faded from her sight. Now came the waiting part. Each time he would let them have a day and see what they did. This day would be no different then all the others.

Passing through the streets of the city that surrounded the castle Alan watched as the humans prayed upon each other. How could she be offended at him for taking what was needed when her own people killed each other each night for no other reason then they were drunk. A man fell at his feet gasping as the air escaped his lungs from a hole a knife had left in them. bending down Alan smiled. “this was not your night dear man.” In the morning the city watch would find the man dead, the blade wound clear as day and his gold missing. No one would think about how he came to be pale from the lose of a few pints of blood with a wound like that.

The sun was just rising when he walked into the cave that overlooked the palace. Here he could keep an eye on her and all her family and she would never know.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-21-2014, 10:09 PM

Serenity barely noticed the new warmth in the air, her despair growing the more the man spoke. He was moving around her, and Serenity fought to keep herself from bolting away. He moved and acted so strangely, and it set her nerves on edge.

She loved the warmth...loved the sun...loved riding horses with nothing pinning her hair down, feeling the wind on her bare arms.

Again, she didn't voice any of this, although once the male was gone, she gasped for air, not realizing she'd been breathing as shallowly as possible. He wasn't human, she knew it! How could anyone expect her to live with him? To leave her home? Why hadn't her father said goodbye? Serenity felt so lost and alone at this moment.

She stood like that for a few long minutes, clinging to the pillar and fighting the urge to cry. Unable to face any people right now, The blonde woman moved into the stable, approaching her favorite horse. It snorted and looked at the human, expecting a treat. None came, but the beast stood still as the female stroked it. She brushed the animal slowly, taking her time. She hadn't expected, even when she married, to have to leave almost everything. She had a winter wardrobe, however, most of her clothing had been made for the summer. And the male had been right, in harsh conditions her horses would have a difficult time. They weren't bred for the constant cold. "Neither am I."

Eventually, Serenity made her way back inside, although her family had retired to their rooms. She wasn't even sure if they were asleep. Unable to sleep, she spent her night packing and repacking, ending up with only two trunks of items. It was far less than would be expected, Serenity was sure, but things weren't very important to her. Her family was. At least the one-eyed man had mentioned visits. So, it wasn't goodbye forever.

She arrived at the breakfast table once everyone else was there. The talking stopped, and her father looked surprised, before he looked angry. The female had already guessed he would assume she had run, and the female rushed to explain. "He said he would come back tonight. He said I could have one more day..." She paused, her tone accusing. "To say goodbye." The King's face softened, and he embraced the girl. Unable to stop it, Serenity broke into tears finally, clinging to her father. "Why did you just leave?"

"I couldn't, child. I'm was wrong of me." Eventually, with a lot of tears, the female was sitting at the table, and staring at a plate of food. She explained what she knew so far, and they nodded in understanding.

Serenity wasn't able to eat during the day, too nervous. She did, however, spend as much time as she could with her family, doing various activities with each of them. It seemed to pass far too quickly, however.

Her father went with her to the Great Hall, and said a private goodbye that night, giving his daughter a kiss on the forehead. Serenity had agreed to meet the male herself, not wanting to ruin the happy day with tears.

And so, once again, the female was standing in the courtyard. This time, however, two trunks sat next to her, and her riding clothing was much heavier. Her hair was braided and tucked into the cap on her head. Running, however, was once again on her mind, and she was staring at the stables and biting her lip, wondering how quickly she could saddle her own horse.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 12-21-2014, 11:07 PM

Upon entering the cave Alan had called awake the mirror that lay hidden behind the small waterfall. How long had it been since this place had been used before? He had not needed to worry about the last prince, he had practically run away to Alan when the time came. He had stayed in an inn that time. Lifting his hand he waved at the layers of dust that had built up around the room. It did show that there had been no one here in the past hundred years.

The mirror flashed as it came to life, the waters of the falls parting to show its surface clear. Its surface wavered and cleared to show her packing her simple possessions. As he watched his brows furrowed as one after another he set aside dresses that would be suited well to his fortress. Why would she set them aside when they would look nice upon her and keep her warm? Did she think that when he said to pack for the cold that his whole house was frozen? How would he survive if his place was made of ice?

As the sun rose he fought the call of sleep that came ever sun rise. The pull of the suns power while growing weaker as time passed was not lessen enough that he could stay alive during the full day like his master. Even with his magic he could not stave off the little deaths that came with the sun. as he settled for the days rest he set two spells. One would protect this place from prying eyes and curios kids. The other was to take all those dresses that he had thought would do well in his fortress but she had set aside. When they reached Winterhome she would find all those dresses neatly pressed, clean and hanging in her wardrobe.

Day passed in a blink of an eye as he awoke again as the sun kissed the edge of the world. Its red glow painted acrossed the mountains that he called home. The Mirror showed her having her last word with her father in the great hall. He smiled coldly as he put everything back the way it had been when he arrived but for the dust. “she is wound up like a bow string, now is the time to cut that string.” He laughed at his little joke as the spell encircled around him, transporting him outside the main palaces gates a horse and a fine built carriage at his back as he looked up at the guards.

“open the gates.” The guards in the watch tower looked down at him in surprise and startelment. For they had not heard the horse and carriage arrive below yet there they were. They pulled their heads back and he could hear them diccusing what to do with what looked to be a lord and his guard. “I am expected by the Princess Serenity herself. If you wish to keep her waiting then by all means take your time.” Their hearts skipped a beat as the thought of upsetting a royal scared them. she might not punish them but her father might. The gates swung open and the inner gates to the courtyard also oppend for him to drive through.

The horses hooves on the stones of the courtyard echoed through the tunnel cutting into the princess musings about running or not. Now that there were people in the tunnel she would not be able to saddle her horse and run, her way was blocked. The last rays of the sun touched the tips of the castles towers as he lead the carriage into the courtyard and smiled at Serenity. “My lady I hope that your day with your family was enjoyable.”

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-21-2014, 11:30 PM

Lost in thoughts, Serenity was rather surprised when she heard horses. Her chance to escape had passed. For now, at least. Her blue eyes turned to the entrance, and she watched a carriage come into view, the man steering expertly. He spoke, and Serenity looked away, keeping her true thoughts to herself as she spoke. "Yes, Sir...It was nice to see them before leaving. Thank you, for letting me have my goodbyes."

She glanced around curiously, obviously having expected a servant or doorman along with the carriage. When none appeared, Serenity glanced at her trunks in dismay. She'd never had to load anything herself before. She glanced about, before motioning over a stableboy. He came over quickly, glancing to the carriage, and the princess. "Load these, please..." The servant obeyed, and Serenity sighed, realizing the news of her leaving with a strange man would be all over tomorrow.

After the man had opened the door, Serenity peered at his hand, then back towards her home, and towards the tunnel leading from the castle, escape once again on her mind. She hesitated for a moment, until the stableboy had the items loaded, and was looking at her even more curiously. "My you require any more assistance?"

Realizing how long she had been standing quietly, Serenity shook her head no. "Thank you, Rufio...have a lovely night..." Princess Serenity told the servant, dismissing him. The stableboy hesitated, and gave a bow, then rushed away. Serenity peered at the gloved hand for a moment, before placing her own into it, stepping into the carriage and tugging her hand back quickly. Tears were starting to grow in her eyes, but she shoved them down, pressing her face against the window. When she looked up, her little brother was in his nursery window. Serenity waved to the boy, smiling so he would be comforted.

Last edited by Kisu; 12-22-2014 at 12:41 AM..

Lunna Dea
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Old 12-22-2014, 12:36 AM

looking over her outfit he sighed and climbed down from the carriage. He was going to have to teach her to stop looking away from him. he was not going to eat her for looking at him and showing him how she felt. How had she been taught that she thought she should not look at him. opening the carriage door he waited for her to order the servant boy to load her trunk. He held out his gloved hand to help her up into the carriage as he watched the boy.

He did not want the carriage damaged with the boys mishandling of the trunks but it would be wise not to show any more power over her and her belongings to this young man. For all the stable boy knew she was ridding off to visit a lady who lived on her estates and never came to court. The thought struck him as one of the best excuses that he cast a tiny spell to plant that thought in her fathers mind. Then if she did return no one would think it odd that she had been away with a man. It was common enough for a younger daughter of a lord to be sent away to be schooled in proper manners.

As the last of the trunks were loaded on the back Alan nodded to the stable boy. “Tell his Majesty she will be safe. The trip is not long and there are guards waiting for us outside the city. It was thought best not to bring them in and scare the populous.” His tiny spell worked as he spoke to the stable boy making him belive that there was nothing odd with this.

As she finely climbed into the carriage he closed the door and smiled up at her before climbing up into the drivers box again. “do not worry My lady, where you go there will be much to learn and see. You will not even notice the time go by before you are able to come home again.” The words were more for the servants ears around the courtyard then hers. But he did hope it would give her a bit of comfort.

He herd the little princes hands beat upon the glass as they turned the carriage around to leave by the gate. Looking back at her he smiled as she waved to her brother. If only he to had had family that looked out that window when he was taken away. If he had a working heart it would have skipped a beat for sadness at the thought.

The frist leg of the journey was out into the royal forest where darkness gathered under the trees so thick at this time of night that even the full moon above could not seep through. The lanterns on the carriage glowed brightly illuminating the woods around her to stave off the fear that many felt of this place. But they were not long in the woods, one moment they were passing through a tunnel carved into a hill the next they were miles away riding out of another tunnel looking upon the base of Winterhome. The air outside her windows grew cold, frost appering upon the window. But the carriage was as warm as her bedroom would have been if she had not left the castle.
Hours later they arrived at a small town, the locals peeked out their windows to see who passed so late at night but did not come out. Some who saw the carriage drew the sign of protection on their chests as they let their curtains drop to hide the sight. He stopped of water at the inn for the horses but the lights flashed out as the innkeeper saw who it was who drove the horses.

Opening the door of the carriage Alan stepped into it and sat down acrossed from her. He had spared no magic to make this the most comfortable ride that she would ever have had. “this is the village of Winterhaven, they are good folk but they are not that inviting to strangers. From here on the road will not be as gentle as it has been. If you would like we can ride the rest of the way on horseback and have your chest brought up in the morning. Or if you do not mind a bumpy ride I can drive the carriage up there.” Holding up his hand he stalled her from saying anything. “the road is not wide and it would take much longer by Carriage, there is a risk a wheel might slip and the carriage almost fall. It is up to you I care not ether way.”

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-22-2014, 12:53 AM

Serenity continued to wave until her brother was cut off by the tunnel. She barely heard the man speaking, but when his words did register, the female was filled with sadness again. When she did get to come long would that be? What would her family think of her, then?

Not wanting this new male to see her weak, Serenity tugged her cap down, and turned her head, finally letting a few tears spill down. Before she realized it, Serenity was asleep. She was used to waking early, and going to sleep with the sun. Plus, the night before she had been unable to sleep. Most of the view was lost on her.

She woke up as the one eyed man came into the carriage, peering at him fearfully. She was strangely warm, despite the fact that the windows outside were frosted over. Feeling rather powerless, Serenity fidgeted in the seat, avoiding looking at the male across from her, and rearranging her dress over her legs before speaking.

His raised hand was quite unnecessary, since Serenity had been raised not to interrupt. She waited quietly until the man finished speaking, and glanced outside, before tightening her cap. "I have no problems riding the rest of the way...if the road is rough...will the horses be able to manage it without hurting themselves?" She stood up, straightening her dress again, though it was more of an excuse to have something to do with her hands, and finally asked what had been one of her biggest questions. "Sir...what will be expected of me here? You had mentioned...last night...of company...You don't mean..." Her cheeks flushed, the blood rushing into them. "I just mean, surely it would have made more sense to take my brother, if it was just for company. As a hostage, it would have made more sense as well...Please, don't misunderstand, I am very, very glad you didn't take him...I just...was...wondering..." Serenity finished lamely, staring at the floor of the carriage and wringing her hands. "Surely you understand my concern? I know nothing of you...and you know much more of me than I had originally thought, if you knew my name..."

To be honest, however, Serenity rather looked forward to the ride. Riding calmed her, and she found it rather relaxing. It would be nice to stretch her legs.

Last edited by Kisu; 12-22-2014 at 01:00 AM..

Lunna Dea
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Old 12-22-2014, 01:12 AM

He was glad to hear that she was open to ridding the rest of the way. The spell to keep the carriage was starting to take a toll on him. he had been keeping to many spells going that would have not taken to much out of him, if he had not been doing them all. “the horses are used to this road and the mountains beyond. I usually leave the carriage here below so as to not have much stress put on the horses.” He said with a smile. It was good to see that she cared for those around her and did not exspect all to bow to her wishes.

“as to why I took you and not your brother, there are many of them. the chief among them is he still needs a nurse and he is to be the next king. Your prospects are to be married off to a duke or earl if not a prince of one of the neighboring kingdoms. It would not cause the kingdom to much trouble if you were to be taken off for a time. My last royal was the third prince, they clamed he had been killed in a land slide a year later so that the kingdom would not go looking for him.” he shook his head sadly. “ I hope that your father will take my suggestion and tell the kingdom you have been sent off to Lady Aberdeen’s home in the country. She is a well respected lady when last I checked and your reputation will not be marred for it.” Stepping forward he held out his hand to help her down onto the icy ground.

The horses now rested looked back at them in wonder. The pale cream mare whined then stopped her hoof as if to order them to move on from this place. He quickly had the horses unharnessed and saddled, waiting for her. “I believe that Winters Gift would be the better of the two for you to ride this night. Tomorrow you might go down to my stables and see what horses agree with you.” Holding out the reigns of the Mare he waited for her to take them. “do you need a block to mount or help?” he hoped she did not know but knew that some ladies never learned to mount a horse on their own.

After she was mounted he pulled himself up onto the black stallion that seemed to match his personality and mood. The beast pawed the air as he reared up, screaming a challenge to any other stallions in the area. Winters Gift shook her main and seemed to roll her eyes at him. “shall we ride?”

When Did I Become This?
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Old 12-22-2014, 01:45 AM

Nodding acceptance of his reason for taking her and not her brother, Serenity nodded, before growing confused. "You...You spoke to my father? When? He only mentioned notes..." As King, of course she didn't expect her father to tell her everything, but this monster had chosen her, so why wouldn't he have told her about it. " you..." The thanks you was the least she could do. At least the man had thought enough to suggest something that would keep her reputation intact. And since he had made no mention of ruining her reputation, she was very relieved.

As for the horses, the moon was bright, and it was likely they would have no trouble seeing. If they were used to the roads here, it should be no problem for them to ride at night.

Feeling rather relieved, Serenity hesitated much shorter this time, glancing to the one eyed man's face, then to his hand, before accepting his help from the carriage. Once outside, Serenity glanced around curiously. "Winterhaven...." She repeated to herself. It was a small town, if she remembered her geography lessons. It was where most of the kingdom received their ice in the warmer months.

Before she got too good of a look, however, the man had begun unharnessing the horses. Most men didn't like it when women helped with that sort of thing, so she waited quietly. Serenity eyed the two horses, sizing them up, although, again, her thoughts were interrupted as the man spoke to her. It was unladylike to mount by herself, but at this point, Serenity wanted to get going. And while the cream mare seemed very calm, it was clear there was spirit and personality in her. Excitement rising, Serenity stepped forward, gripping the saddle, and mounting. "I have no problems mounting, Sir..." She answered quietly, stroking the horses neck as she found her seat. "Winter's Gift, hmmm?" She spoke to the horse as if the stallion and man weren't present. "You certainly look like a Gift..." For the first time since her father had told her one of them would be chosen, a smile appeared on Serenity's face as Gift shook her mane. The man spoke again, and Serenity gave him a curt nod, speaking to the horse once again. "Sensible, hmm? All right, darling, I'm sure you know the way home..." She nudged the mare, and glanced towards the man in black, waiting for him to lead.

Lunna Dea
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Old 12-22-2014, 02:15 AM

“I did not speak with him. I left him a note with my suggestions in it. At one time the kingdom knew and accepted the tribute that was paid me and they would hold feasts for the one that was to go off to my fortress. But now I am relegated to old wives tales and frightful bed time tales.” Looking up and around towards Winterhome Alan sighed. “only the people here in Winterhaven believe that I still live and that the royal will come to live with me.” It was not uncommon for him to find children and infants left at his door each year. The babies he sent on to a family in the valley and there the child went who knew where but the children. Those that were left and could work did in his home. Many of his maids and servants were children left at his gates.

Looking back at her he raised an eyebrow. “yes Winterhaven. The last place winter releases to spring each year and the first it retakes as the season changes again. Long ago the tales say winter was made human and here she fled to escape the humans that wish to kill her. It was here she made a home and taught humanity why winter was needed.” He watched as she mounted and smiled. It was a warm cheerful smile, something she had not see from him yet. Knowing that she could mount on her own made his job and the job of his stable men that much easier.

“she is named that for I found her one winter at my door. None of the villagers knew of where she came from or who had left her. So I named her that, she liked it.” Barely touching his heels to his horses side they took off at a gallop, Winter’s Gift fallowing right behind. As they passed under the arch that lead to the road up into the mountains he let all the spells he held fall away. Each one had done its job and now there was no need for them to be draining him. the road was steep and the rocks littler the ground around the road. The Horses had little trouble running up the mountain road, their minds set on the warm stable at the end of this ride. Beside them on the left opened a great cleft into which the moons light did not seem to go. They road next to it for some time before splitting off from it into a beshadowed road.

Alan did not look back to make sure she was fallowing him, there was no place in hundreds of miles that would give her shelter or aid without keeping her there till he could come and claim her. As the moon set they turned a windy part of the road the trees parted and before them was his fortress. The road crossed over a stone bridge before stopping at the fortress carved into the stone of the mountain. The sheer size of it could not be completely seen as most of the place was in the mountain its self. But it was a breath taking view, and with the last of the moons rays on it he stopped so she could take in the beauty of her new home. “the only fortress in these mountains that can not be taken. It once was the last strong hold of the kings before your line. The last of those kings died leaving his kingdom to your fathers family. But this was lost in the history books.”

When Did I Become This?
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Old 12-22-2014, 02:28 AM

The man hadn't answered her before, but after he was done speaking, Serenity couldn't help but ask again, not really expecting an answer. "What are you, that the people are so afraid of you?"

Winterhaven didn't sound like much of a haven to Serenity, though she didn't voice it aloud, instead looking curiously at the various houses they moved through. She loved the sun and the warmth. This place seemed cold, unwelcoming. Serenity sighed, then glanced at the man, surprised to see him smiling. She looked down to the horse, touching the mare's mane again.

Once they were galloping, Serenity didn't mind the wind stinging her face now. She felt like a heavy weight was lifted from her. Serenity rode easily, and Gift's gallop was smooth. A smile took over her face. She'd miss her horses, of course, but this one was rather special.

The land was rather strange to Serenity, but she hoped she would have more time to explore it later. For now, she focused on riding.

Escape was far from her mind as she rode. She didn't know this land or these people yet, and asking for sanctuary would end badly. Besides, her focus was on the horse. Gift and the stallion ahead of her seemed to have no trouble, despite it being night with snow on the ground.

When they finally stopped, Serenity was beaming, and happily stroked the horse, until her eyes fell on the stronghold. A gasp slipped from her mouth as she looked it over. It was huge, and rather intricate. " did it fall to you?" Serenity finally asked, turning to face the monster. "Does it have a name?" Most great castles did, however, Winterhaven wasn't a large town, and Serenity hadn't realized it had a ruler. Perhaps this was why Winterhaven was unclaimed by any of her father's lords.

Lunna Dea
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Old 12-22-2014, 02:49 AM

He was not ready to answer her question of what he was. Giving time he might come to tell her of his nature but for now he did not need her to turn her horse and run for fear of what he was. There was a chance that she as the princess had never heard the tales of vampires but he did not want to risk her knowing the stories and running from him.
He watched her from his good eye as the stopped and smiled seeing her joy at Winter’s Gift. Maybe she would be the perfect horse for the princess. She never did wish to go to far from the fortress and would keep her safe if anything attacked her out here. Sitting proudly on his horse he looked over his domain once again. “it was my birthright through my mother’s side. It had been given to her father by the king of the time, as a wedding gift I was told.” The truth was her mother had been given it by the king when they married, as a place for her to retreat to when she grew tired of the court and all the petty back stabbing. “it and the mountain it is built into is Wintershome.” Wintershome was said to be the tallest mountain in the kingdom. Some even said in the mountain range. None really dare to scale Wintershome as the cold would kill a man in a moment’s thought.

“inside you will find all you could want from a fortress hidden away from prying eyes. My grandmother and her husband loved it here when they came to stay.” With that he led the horse acrossed the bridge to the gates at a trot letting her take in the wounds of the place. The giant wooden gates swung open as they approced revealing a large courtyard filled with light from torches and open fire pits to warm the air. A group of young men stood there waiting in white and pale blue uniforms, touch’s of fur along their cuffs and high collars.

“Evening my lord.” The oldest of them spoke as he walked forward to the head of the stallion to take the reigns. “There is food waiting for the lady in the great hall, and a massager for you in your study.” The young man’s eyes were a pale blue and his hair frost white. May of those around the courtyard also had the pale eyes and frost hair.

“evening Leim, would you see that she is shown around when she is rested?” he waved at Serenity before dismounting. Turning to her he bowed his head slightly. “I would show you around my self dear lady but it seems that there is a threat to your fathers kingdom that I must deal with.”

When Did I Become This?
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Old 12-22-2014, 03:00 AM

Serenity frowned at the man explained, eyeing the large fortress. It was amazing, truly, however, Serenity didn't believe it could have been passed down. Wouldn't her father, as King, have to give permission? It was another thing Serenity didn't say. She followed the man as he crossed the bridge, noting that again, he hadn't told her what he was. Was it so bad, that he couldn't even say it aloud?

Inside the courtyard, Serenity reluctantly dismounted, and handed the reins over to a strange looking male. Upon closer inspection, she noticed the strange eyes and hair, and her eyes widened in alarm. Why did they look so strange? Surely this wasn't how the people of Winterhaven looked, or perhaps the man had done something them? Cast a curse on them, or something along those lines?

Realizing the monster was speaking again, Serenity turned to him, nodding, though she was puzzled. A threat? But, really, it had been years since there had been a threat, right? So much of this was a mystery to Serenity.

Her gaze moved back to Leim, and she gave him a rather forced smile. "Thank you, for everything, but, really, it's been a very long way. I think I just wish to retire for the night...It was a rather long day..." Serenity didn't want to be offensive, but she just wanted time alone, even from servants, to attempt to digest all of this information.

Lunna Dea
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Old 12-22-2014, 03:33 AM

Leim smiled a sweet smile at her as he took the reigns from her. “My sister will be here in a moment, she can show you to your rooms.” He could understand why she would be tired even if Alan did not realize or understand. Handing the horses off to one of the younger boys he watched his master walk off slowly. There was a tiredness there that he did not like seeing in Alan but he could do nothing for him until his sister got there and relieved him of his duty to care for the new princess. “I am the head stable boy here,” a little laugh escaped his lips. “even though I am a grown man they still call us stable boys.” He looked at her to see if she got the little joke. “when you want to ride again come talk to me, I can show you around the stables and show you which ones are safe to ride.”

At that moment a young woman that looked almost like Leim but have Pale Violet eyes dashed down the stairs almost colliding with the slowly dispersing line of stable boys. “I am here sorry I am late, the rooms were not ready.” She said breathlessly to her brother before turning to Serenity and dropping into a curtsy. “welcome my lady to Wintershome. I am Jamie and I am to be your personal maid.” She looked around and her face wrinkled in confusion before faiding back to a smile. “I do not see your bags, are they down in the village? Do not worry I will have the stable boys fetch them for you.” Her voice bubbled like a summer stream. Turning to slowly walk up the stairs she had just dashed down she waved for Serenity to fallow. “it is a good thing that Master Alan had some clothes sent up for you earlier today. I would hate to have to find a suitable night dress for you.” She looked over her shoulder at Serenity as they walked.

“there are not many young ladies here, most of the ones left at the gate are boys so you can see why it would be hard to find one that suited you.” She waved at her slightly plump frame. She was shorter then Serenity, though her joy seemed to glow from her as she spoke. “my brother and I are the only ones here that are related by blood but we all call each other brother or sister, when there are girls.” The words seemed to tumble off her lips like a waterfall never once did she think to stop and let Serenity speak. “every single one of us was left at the gate for being winter born.” She pulled at the frost white hair that she had braided in two braids on the side of her head. “pale eyes and frost white hair are the mark of the winter born. Those born of winter are to be given up to her at first snow…” she tried to keep her voice serous but a giggle escaped. “like winter would want a child that suddenly has frost white hair and pale eyes. The babys that are left he sends down to a midwife in the valley where they get good homes. We that are old enough to lean to work are given jobs.”

As she talked she lead them through large halls covered in banners of knights who fell long ago in battle. Some Serenity would recognize as old shields of nobles that now were married into other families. The walls were made of a white stone that seemed to be made of snow but if she touched it, it would be warm to the touch. The floors of the halls were covered in dark blue marble, marble that only a few rich nobles had in small rooms or combined with other marbles. Over head arches were carved to imitate the beauty of ice crystals. Leading her up many flights of stairs the halls grew smaller till at last they were in a hall where the roof was only half a man’s high over their head. “this is the royals wing. All who have come before you have stayed in this wing. Tomorrow when you have rested I can show you the other rooms here and you can pick the room best suited to you. But for tonight I only have this room ready. “ opening the door she stepped back to let Serenity look in.

The room was covered in tapestries of rose gardens and rose colored drapes. A warm fire burned merrily in the large stone fire place. Chairs and footstools were covered in reds and blues and greens suited to a garden. In an adjoining room was a large bed draped in rose colored gauzes and heavy baroque fabrics to block out the sun. a large window over looked a garden filled with flowers, the sun almost ready to set. “do not mind that” she waved at the window. “master Alan is a mage and he built the gardens and the lands beyond into the mountain. When it is night out there it is day in here. The true sun hurts his eyes so that he sleeps during the day and works at night. But he loved the gardens so that he had to make ones he could walk in the sun in.”

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-22-2014, 03:54 AM

Relieved as Leim mentioned a sister, Serenity nodded. "Thank you, Leim...I love to ride, so I am sure I will be seeing you a lot...." She chuckled at the stable boy, and smiled, "If I ever need to ask for you, I'll make sure to call for the stable man." She promised, making her own tired joke, before introducing herself. "I am Pr-..." Serenity faltered, and glanced at the man in black, who had turned away. She wasn't even sure if she should go by Princess any longer. "Lady Serenity." She finally stated. Lady would do well enough for her. Titles were another thing she didn't truly care much about, as long as the servants remembered they were not equals.

Speaking of which, Serenity raised her eyes in surprise at the sudden appear of the girl, calling herself Jamie. She spoke rather freely, and quickly. Serenity nodded her head to the maid, giving her a small smile. "Thank you for your welcome...I'm Lady Serenity..." Jamie seemed very bouncy and full of energy, making Serenity giggle, and follow along. "Alan?" She questioned, glancing behind her again. So that was the man's name. "He sent clothes for me?" She was rather puzzled, but didn't question it further, which was probably a good thing, since her new maid rushed ahead with words. Serenity listened intently, wishing to know more of her new home.

The village sent away children bearing certain qualities? It sounded barbaric, and Serenity flinched to find out this was happening in her father's kingdom. Her attention was quickly snagged by the various wall hangings. It was surprising to find so much history hidden away. It was also rather surprising to find proof of Alan's wealth in the castle. From his older clothing, she had assumed he would have a much more humble abode.

"Thank you..." Princess Serenity muttered, when Jamie opened the room that had been prepared for her. "A room is just a room...I think this one will be fine." She assured the female, stepping in and looking around. The room was lovely, but the first pang of homesickness struck her, and Serenity fought down tears. Jamie was talking again, however, and she forced herself to listen. When the girl was done, Serenity rubbed her eyes, and moved to the curtains, giving a small gasp. It was truly a lovely sight. "It's...amazing..!" Serenity explained, glancing back to Jamie in surprise.

She became rather serious then, looking back at the other female. "What is your Master Alan? He's not human, that much is clear...Is all of you?" Serenity questioned, hoping the female would tell her more about the male. Plus, this would give her more insight into the man. The news that he slept during the day, and was awake at night was actually more of a relief. Serenity would barely ever run into him, if that was the case.

Lunna Dea
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Old 12-22-2014, 05:30 AM

“I am not sure that they would think of me if you said that your Highness.” Leim said as she was lead off by his sister. Turning back to the door in which Alan walked into he quicken his pace.

Alan walked down the darkened halls as he listened to the sounds whisper around him. so many voices of those he had brought here seemed to blend into the silence as he walked. Those that had left him after he had taught them, those that he had not been able to keep alive even when he fought to keep them alive. Movement ahead of him caused him to raise his eyes to it. With the eye patch off he could see the magic all around him and the unseen servants that waited in the nooks for his command. There were more of them here then was really needed. The patch had hidden a fully white eye surrounded by a scar of white skin. When Leim opened the door behind him he smiled but kept moveing deeper into his lair.

He and his sire had worked long with magic to continue building into this mountain. It would never be finished as he kept adding to it each day. Never was he satisfied with what he had done. Turning a corner he opened the door onto his study. Deep blue flames flared to life revealing the creature that stood there in the middle of the round room. “what news from the northern fronts, scot.” The creature starched out its leathery wings as it looked upon him with a human continence that none would have thought the great bats of wintersfeld had.

“my master, the party moved acrossed the border at noon this day.” Its voice crackled reminding of the ice fall miles up the mountain. Few of the winter born could stand to hear one of these creatures speak in the human tongue. “my brothers wait for your command,” its eyes gleamed as thoughts of blood on the snow filled its mind. They were singled minded creatures that he had breed to be his scouts. Stepping forward he pulled back his sleeve and offered his arm to the creature.

“take back to your brothers my orders,” the creatures head bowed over his arm, its tongue flashing out to lick its lips at the thought of what he was going to offer it. “when they enter the forest there, feed from them and then leave the bodies where none shall find them.” he nodded and the bat’s teeth ripped through the skin of his arm, blood seeped from the wound and it lapped up what flowed till his arm healed. “ now fly.” The creature took off into the darkness of the dome overhead and into the night. Alan sighed and leaned on the desk. He would have to feed soon, very soon if this weakness was anything to go by.

“my lord?” Leim’s voice cut through his thoughts as the door oppend. Seeing that the scout was gone Leim smiled and stepped inside. “you did not feed while down there did you?” his tone was one of knowing sadness. He like the other winter born cared deeply for their ‘demon’ master. To know that their master did not care for himself while away as he should worried them.

“I did but he was a drunk.” Leim nodded as he walked forward slowly unbuttoning his shirt to reveal the small scars upon his neck. Alan pushed off of the desk and met Leim in the middle of the room to take him in a tight embrace. “thank you.” His head lowed as he drank deeply of Leim, a tiny gasp of pain disappeared into sighs of pleasure as he surrendered to his master.

* * *

“you are no more a Lady then I am a char woman.” Jamie smiled back at her. “your highness. We all know where you come from and who you are. Only your name was not known to us until you came here.” Nodding she fingered the high collar of her dress, a dreamy look on her face. “yes Master Alan sent clothes up this morning. I made sure that they were all put away so that they would not wrinkle. I have never seen such nice things.”

“oh a room is not just a room it is a place of safety, a haven from the troubles outside its doors. Know that your room will only be entered by your or I unless you ask him in.” she did not think she needed to say who He was. There was only one he that was important here. As she turned she saw the tears upon Serenity’s eyelashes and the smile she had disappeared. “oh your highness do not be sad! He is a kind master, you will come to love it here. All others before you have.” Moving over to a book shelf in the room she pulled down a dark brown leather bound book. “see, here is Princess Jade’s book of thoughts. She too came here worried that she would die of the cold and loneliness.” She let the book open in her hands to the page she wanted. “latter she writes of the beauty she found here and the magic of this land that she never knew of before she came.” She quickly flicked through the pages to find one she wanted to show the princess before she held it out.

Setting the book aside as Serenity asked what master Alan was she shook her head. “if he has not told you what he is then it is not my place to tell you.” The sadness faded quickly from her face to be replaced by a look of joy. “he is a wonderful master. When one of us is sick he will come and see to our needs and will not force us to do any work till we are well. When one of us wish to leave he will give us letters of reference, money and a new set of clothes so that we might find jobs elsewhere.” Turning down the corner of the blanket on the bed she curtsied again. “would you like a small try of food brought up to you before you sleep? Or a bath drawn up for you?”
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Old 12-22-2014, 05:48 AM

Serenity looked like the maid had slapped her. "A Princess is still a Lady." She spoke quietly, frowning at the girl. She wasn't used to people being so frank. Perhaps this was normal here? She was, however, relieved to hear that no one seemed to view Alan as cruel. "What do you mean, you haven't seen such nice things?" Serenity found herself asking, before looking away and blushing. "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. Well, perhaps we can find a dress we could alter tomorrow for you. After all, if...Alan expects you to be my lady in waiting, then we will have to dress you for the part, right?" Perhaps it would be fun as well. Serenity had always enjoyed helping her little sisters make their dresses. Perhaps it would be along the same lines with Jamie.

Her cheeks burned again, at the suggestion that she would invite Alan into her room. That would never happen, Serenity was sure. When she was finally able to go home and visit, she wanted to be able to meet her father's gaze without shame.

"Princess Jade..." Serenity repeated the name, her eyes following the book as it was held out, and set to the side. "He does sound like a wonderful master." She finally admitted, sighing. "But, it's rather frightening, to be a..." What was she? Serenity groped for a word, finally selecting one at random, "Ward here, and not know anything about the man in charge. Besides, you already told me his name when he refused to. I am already here, and can't run away without anyone knowing...It only seems fair that I know what kind of monster rules, kind or no." Serenity stated, attempting to convince Jamie to tell her.

At first, Serenity was going to ask to go to bed, however, the mention of a bath sounded lovely. "A bath, please, Jamie. Very hot, if you don't mind...Thank you..."

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 12-22-2014, 06:49 AM

“yes but a Lady is not always a Princess, just as a char woman is always a maid but a maid is not always a char woman.” She hoped that she had not upset serenity. “a lady could be a very low person in the court, as a char woman is the lowest of the maids.” She would elaborate if the princess asked her what a Char woman was but she did not want to say more in case it seemed that she thought the princess dumb.

“though I have been trained to be a ladies maid I have never had the chance to see the fine clothes that a princess would wear.” She once again fingered the collar of her dress. The cut of the dress was a decade out of date but it was made of the best fabric one would give a servant. The fur on the collar and cuffs were of a white shade that no maid would have been give. “if you do not mind my lady, the master likes us to wear the same outfits. He says it makes the place look proper. Each of us know what the other is by the look of their clothes.” She fingered at the dress knowing that none of the other maids had such a fine fabric for their dresses. She looked down hiding the blush of worry at her thoughts of her master that she did not see the princesses own cheeks burn.

“Princess jade would have been your great great great great grandaunt,” she looked at her fingers confusion on her face. “at least I believe that she is that many greats to your line.” A smile broke through the confusion. “the last history book I saw had her written in as a great mage that aided her brother’s son in defeating a great fleet of ships from a kingdom from acrossed the sea.” She was proud of her memory and knowledge of history. The stories the princess would have heard told of how at a young age the princess mage had shown signs of magic and her father sent her away to lean. She returned to bring down a king who wished to rule all the country around the sea. Later she married the son of that king forming an alliance that only recently was lost when the old kings line died off.

“he dose not like to speak much of himself. There is something that saddens him when it comes to your family. I don’t know what it is but he grew sad as the days approached for the Ransom to be paid for the Pact to work. I don’t know what he would do if the Pact was not in place.” She shivered as she thought of what she know of the pact. “do not think of him as a monster, though he will say he is. We just think of him as a long lived human with winters touch on him.” a knowing smile tugged at her lips. “He is kind and will not mind you reading all that those that came before you have written. In fact he had ordered me to place Princess jade’s book and three of the others in here. But they are all princes’ and quite boring if you ask me. She had a way with words that makes you just fall into her story.” Hugging herself she closed her eyes in joy just thinking of the stories she had read.

“a bath it is your highness.” With that the walked from the bed room into the other room where she opened a door acrossed from the bedroom. It entered into a smaller chamber tiled in pale pink stones. The tub was carved from the same stone with tiny little roses around the outer edge. Dishes with rose lids were carved into the side of the tub. Reaching acrossed the tub she pushed on the wall causing a faucet to appear and start to pour steaming water. She had been old enough to remember the nights her mother would walk out into the cold to the pump to bring in the buckets of water for the inn so that those staying in the rooms could have baths. They had carried the steaming buckets up from the kitchen to the rooms. When the rose tub was filled with water she turned back to the princess. “your bath is ready. There is sent salts in the dishes along the side and soap as well.”

* * *

Pulling back Alan sighed and whipped the blood from his lips as he looked down at Leim. “I think it might have been too soon since last I had taken from you.” Leim’s legs were weak under him as he tried to stand and prove to his master that he was wrong. Alan smiled and gently pushed Leim into a chair. “bravado will get you in an early grave if you’re not careful.” Walking to the chair behind his desk he watched the young man slowly come back from the europhea that his bite left any human that felt it in. soon Leim would have to make the finle choice, to take the vow and become one of his feeders or to leave the fortress never to return. He was becoming addicted to the bite. “your time had come Leim.”

Leim lurched up out of his slumped stupor a look of sadness clear on his face. “but Master…” despair caused his voice to wobble as he spoke. If he took the vow he never would see his sister again until she too took the vow, if she did. The feeders were locked away from the other servants, kept where they could do as they wished as they slowly lost themselves to his hunger. A few of them would be embraced to go out into the world but never did those return.

“Leim both you and I know how much you hunger for my embrace, soon I will have to do something with you. The need will cause you to hunt me out even when your duties need you elsewhere. You already feel my hunger when I pass you in the hall. How much longer can I have you here till my hunger drives you to my side?” Alan was sad to see that it had come to this but he also knew that he should have seen this coming months ago and stopped it. But then nature drives one to do things one does not think upon till after it has been done. “send me my servant when you leave. please.” with that he turned back to the papers on his desk and did not react when Leim left the room to find his Man servant.
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