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When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-23-2014, 03:59 PM

Earth was always so exciting! The sun beat down brightly, heating the world below. Arizona was always so warm, and it was Sidriel's favorite place to visit. The heat coming from the pavement made waves, disrupted as people moved through them. Curious grey eyes soaked in the movement below, bright and lively.

Unseen by the mortals moving on a rather busy street, a brown haired creature was sprawled out on top of a street light. Large white wings jutted from his back, curving elegantly around the humanoid form. They dangled down, towards the humans walking below, fluffed up and enjoying the heat. Baggy black jeans covered pale legs, and a red shirt covered the being's chest, a few sizes too big.

The being was an Angel, on Earth for work. He had been sent down on yet another message delivery mission. Once the message had been delivered, however, the angel had stuck around. He couldn't return was always cool in the clouds, and Sidriel loved the heat. So, here he was, watching people and idling, a smile dancing on his lips. The humans were always so interesting, and rushed around like crazy. A close second to his love of the heat, Sidriel's second favorite love was people watching.

The doomsayer across the street was the most interesting human on this street, and had been what attracted Sidriel to this area. He spouted off about 'the end of times' and the Angel chuckled, shifting his weight slightly. The human really had no idea what he was talking about, and kept referring to the Angel race as 'divine beings'. Really, they weren't too special. They were just created without Sin, and had the ability to fly. They were similar to humans in many ways. An Angel had to eat, for one. They had souls as well, although theirs didn't get to rest. Unless their soul was permanently destroyed, their soul returned to their Creator, and the Creator remade their bodies. Heaven, as well as Hell, were denied to them as permanent resting places. They didn't possess magic or any of the other things the human was shouting about. They did have flaming swords, but that was only a small number of them. Messengers like Sidriel typically had no weapons, which was why they were supposed to do their job, and return. They also healed much faster than a human.

A breeze blew past, providing a quick respite from the heat. The Angel lifted his head, and closed his eyes, enjoying the breeze. It floated between his feathers, ruffling them slightly, and making the male shiver. They were sensitive, able to detect far more than one would originally think. As a matter of fact, Sidriel had heard of wings being used as torture devices for demons. Even plucking a feather was excruciating, and Sidriel had heard of Demons cutting wings off, and letting them regrow, just to do it again. As his thoughts moved to the Demons, Sidriel stood up on the pole, stretching his arms and wings. It was time to get back. He had lingered long enough, and no one wanted to be caught out here.

Still, one last listen...Unable to help himself, Sidriel's gaze moved back to the doomsayer, listening as he continued talking about the end of days. Was that truly how humans believed the world would end?

Last edited by Kisu; 12-23-2014 at 04:09 PM..

Is a Happy Hooker! XD
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Old 12-24-2014, 03:54 AM

Andreas licked his lips as he walked out of the alley, skin tight black jeans sat low on his hips and a tight sleeveless shirt clung to his toned body. He looked up just as a breeze drifted through, red eyes widening at the sight of the angel. 'Oh...he would be delicious.' he thought and cocked his head to the side.
He yelped as he was pushed against the bricks, a forearm pressed against his throat. He could easily get the burly human off of himself, but he wanted to try and attract the ethereal being on the light post. So he stayed in his human form, unable at the moment to get the man to budge. Red eyes bugged out as thin lips smashed into his own and he frantically started to try and shift the larger man's grip on him just enough to get that blasted cross the man had on his wrist off his flesh. How could this person possibly have True Faith and do something like this? Andreas wondered just as the man's tongue invaded his mouth.
The humans on the street seemed oblivious, or even looked and just turned away, more than a few looked disgusted and turned away as if the larger man was not trying to force the smaller into something he did not want.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 04:08 AM

Standing and grinning at the soothsayer, it wasn't too much longer before a loud yelp reached the Angel's sensitive ears. Puzzled, Sidriel scanned the street below him, although he didn't see which human made the noise. It took a few more minutes of scanning to locate the source of the noise. An alley across from him, a large man had pinned a smaller one against a brick building. They were barely on the street, but people were still walking past, ignoring the scene, or even worse, shaking their heads and continuing on.

Sidriel hesitated, glancing upwards. He wasn't supposed to help...he wasn't a Guardian. Still, how could he just walk away? The smaller boy clearly needed help.

The Angel hopped from the lightpost, landing in a small patch of cleared sidewalk, and folded his wings. The extent of his magical abilities came into play, and Sidriel's wings vanished. They would come back the moment Sidriel wished, but it wasn't like he could walk around humans with them on display. His grey eyes searched the ground as he broke into a jog, crossing the street.

Just inside the alley, Sidriel found what he was looking for: A weapon. Angels weren't supposed to damage humans, however, this one was clearly a Sinner, and if was to protect another human, a punishment wouldn't be set into motion. Sidriel scooped up the bottle, and lifted it high, before cracking it down on the large human's head.

It seemed rather like the man had expected to go on ignored, and because of attention being drawn into the alley, he backed away quickly. Sidriel peered at him sadly, without saying anything. The man cursed, but clearly thought better of drawing yet more attention to the alley. If enough attention was focused on him, the police would be called. People tended to get braver once someone else took the first step. This man seemed to realize this, and he darted away.

Sidriel's gaze moved to the slimmer boy. "Are you alright?" He asked, dropping the bottle unto the ground. It hadn't broken when Sidriel had hit the human, and didn't break now either, letting out a loud clunking sound. The Angel stepped towards the human, and then frowned. He couldn't 'see' anything here. It was like this human didn't exist. There was something there, but it certainly wasn't a normal human's aura. What was wrong with this person? Growing more concerned, Sidriel took another step forward. "Do you need some help?"

Last edited by Kisu; 12-24-2014 at 04:28 AM..

Is a Happy Hooker! XD
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Old 12-24-2014, 04:57 AM

Andreas looked up with wide red eyes and blinked in surprise. "I...thank you." He said and slid along the brick wall to the floor, he rubbed at his neck where the cross had left it's mark. Pink, raw looking flesh as if the cool metal had been hot enough to burn his pale flesh.
"Please don't go!" He said suddenly and snatched the angel's wrist as he used his free hand to cover the cross mark on his flesh. "Why did you help me?" He asked softly and searched the Angel's face. He could feel the purity of this being radiating off of the young man. He let his own aura show, just a little bit to show the being his true nature, hoping that he did not run like any other would do. He did not need to worry about being sent back from this one, this one was no guardian, that much was obvious by the use of a bottle to get the assailant to leave.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 05:07 AM

Red eyes? Humans typically didn't have red eyes. He was turning to leave, when the male reached out, grabbing his wrist. Sidiel looked down at the hand, and back to the male, frowning. Angels didn't really touch one another, and contact was something strange to Sidiel.

Before the Angel could answer, the demon had released some of his aura. Sidiel's eyes widened, and he shook his head, "Let go!" He demanded, tugging his hand. A demon! They were very cruel, and Sidiel didn't really have a way to defend against them. The Angel glared at the other form. "I thought you were a human! I thought you needed help! Now I'm glad I got the human away from YOU!"

Is a Happy Hooker! XD
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Old 12-24-2014, 05:54 AM

Andreas' eyes filled with tears and his aura snapped back under his skin, he let his hand drop, the mark the cross had left on his flesh bare, the pinked skin shiny. He turned large red eyes on the Angel, "I did need help, thank you...please don't go!" Andreas said and stood, still holding onto the Angel's wrist. He needed to get the Angel to stay, he wanted this one and badly, if he allowed the Angel to leave then he would never get another chance. He had even used the p word! After having said Thank you, he had obviously been up with the humans for too long if such words were coming out of his mouth with out thought.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 06:13 AM

Confused, Sidriel glanced towards the Heavens, and back to the Demon. He snatched his hand away as if the male burned him, and stepped back quickly. He didn't, however, bolt away.

He should. He could get into trouble for this, but Sidriel was curious. This Demon was acting far different than those the Angel had heard about. He folded his hands over his chest, peering at the male suspiciously. "Why? What do you want, Demon!?" He finally asked, spitting the last word out as if it was poison.

Is a Happy Hooker! XD
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Old 12-24-2014, 06:27 AM

"I am not just a demon!" Andreas snapped and crossed his own arms over his chest, looking away with a wince as the mark the metal cross on the man's bracelet had left stretched. "You know nothing about me, do you even know what kind I am?" He asked and looked back at the Angel, red orbs locking onto the etheral being. He allowed his aura loose once more, this time it was not visiable however, he used it this way to attract a human so he could take their energy, he had always wondered if it would work on an Angel.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 06:37 AM

"All of you Demons are the sa-" Sidriel left off, overcome with a sudden desire to go to the demon what? Sidriel wasn't quite sure. He shook his head and stepped back, realizing he'd stepped closer to the other male. The demonic aura was strong now, so the male must have released it. It made Sidriel slightly envious. Angels had no way to block their aura. Even with their wings hidden, a gifted human, or even a demon, could always tell what they were. "Same." He continued, confused.

"What do you want? If you don't come out with it, I'm leaving!" The Angel threatened, glancing towards the sky once more. They were supposed to help, so he was obligated to listen, right? He'd already attacked a human to save a demon, so he was probably in trouble already, and he was curious, wanting to know what the demon wanted.

Is a Happy Hooker! XD
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Old 12-26-2014, 06:34 PM

Andreas grabbed the Angels wrist once more and shifted just after realeasing his form and wrapping black feathered wings around the etheral being. once in a new location, in a building and a room with no windows he let the Angel go. "I want you! The energy I could get from you would fix me." He said as he pulled away, wincing as he spread his wings, the left one looked a little mangled and like it had been broken and never healed. "It wouldn't take much, I would even let you go afterwards. Virgins are just so powerful...and an Angelic Virgin? I wouldn't need to feed for three days if I wasn't hurt. Hell, even just an Angel's sexual energy would sate me for twenty-four hours." The demon ran a hand through his dark hair, his other hand tracing the burn mark the man's bracelet charm had left on his collar bone. "However it works much better with someone who is willing." Red eyes turned on the Angel and looked him up and down before focusing on his face.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-26-2014, 07:09 PM

Before he realized it, the demon had wrapped wings around him, and the ground lurched. Sidriel yelped, and pulled away, glancing around. They were in a building suddenly. There were no humans, and panic made the angel drop the glamour. His wings appeared, fluffed nervously, and trembling slightly.

Sidriel's eyes moved around the area. There were no windows. What was this? A warehouse building? The demon speaking drew Sidriel's gaze back to him. "Want me?" He questioned, puzzled, until the demon continued, and it became apparent what he wanted from the angel.

His head shook back and forth. "No. No way that's happening...If I gave that up, to a demon, no less, they'd banish me!" Sidriel turned away, heading towards the door quickly. "Leave me be! I just want to go home."

Is a Happy Hooker! XD
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Old 12-27-2014, 03:12 AM

Andreas shook his head, "Why should I let you go? I have done nothing to deserve what has been done to me! What ver they tell you we do not torture indiscriminately, and it is only a select few who do torture in the first place. Your kind know nothing about mine!" His own wings fluttered in agitation, causing the broken wing to move. Andreas hissed, his wings stilling in their movement. He moved to a corner of the room, slowly moving the injured wing closer to himself he stroked the dark feathers and shook his head, muttering.
"why would you care anyways...your kind would not help me anyways, and all because I was born of the dark." Andreas straightened any feathers that were out of place, shifting them and loosening those that were already loose, the dark feathers floating to the ground gently where he sat.


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