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hanahaki disease
hanahaki disease is offline
Old 03-07-2016, 12:16 PM

Hello Menewshans, I'm craving some 1x1 RPs for entertainment and as a means to improve my writing I post at most once a day, at least once a week. Sometimes RL gets the better of me and I take longer, but I always keep you informed. I'd rather keep you waiting than give you a half-arsed post.

As to my skill level, I'll let my writing do the talking for me:



Zlatica sat on the cane swing on the veranda, fingers wrapped around a warm mug of chamomile tea. She sipped, gazing at the darkened horizon with unseeing eyes. She had been unable to sleep since the dream. Gently rolling hills, grass twinkling with dew, sometimes in tufts, sometimes patches that extended into an expanse, worn paths and muddy trails, weatherbeaten rocks and a clear morning sky. It might have arisen from a subconscious memory; however try as she would she couldn't recall having ever been to such a place.

Tea finished, she sighed and swilled the dregs in her cup. So much for chamomile being a sleep inducer. She still felt wide awake. She supposed she'd have to put her mind to rest first by solving the enigma of the place. She went to the kitchen, washed up briefly and rested her hands on the counter, closing her eyes and summoning the picture of the hills again in her mind. A few moments later she felt solid ground slip away from under her feet and only insubstantial whirling around her. A minute or so later when everything steadied, she opened her eyes and took a deep breath. Here it was, it was real, all around her. It must be memory then, not something her brain cooked up in the delirium of sleep.

She began walking, taking everything in avidly in hope that something would trigger the memory, whatever it was. She stopped when she noticed the silhouette, tiny by virtue of distance, of a lone figure on one of the hills. That person, whoever they were, would be able to tell her what this place was called, tell her where in the world she was. She teleported again, and found herself at the top of the hill. She found the person was a boy, clad in attire she'd never seen before. As he stood with his back to her she said, slightly meekly because she didn't want to startle him, "E-excuse me?"



Finn hadn't for a moment imagined she'd ask if she could go with him. He should've felt dismay because coordinating their deaths might get complicated now, but instead he felt a sudden warmth and propinquity. It struck him then that as for concerting their deaths there was a way: they could die together.

"Oh, yes! Thank you," he said, grinning, aware that she might not understand his gratitude but unable to hold the words back. He walked closer to her and said, "It's kind of hard to have fun all on your own," the smile evident in his voice. But that tone slipped away and his words turned weighty when he said, "However, that means if we still want to die the same way, we're going to be jumping off at the same moment, at midnight." He took a deep, shaky breath. If she thought better of her decision now it'd be a blow he wouldn't be able to bounce back from; he was afraid to look at her as he held his hand out to her, palm facing upwards.



"I'm right here, ya bunch of sissies," repeated Snow White to herself in a murmur, trying to replicate Cathair's accent and tone, beaming delightedly in the shadow of her hood. When he yelled at her to go, something swelled and burst in the region of her sternum, a burning swoop that left her breathless. She got to her feet swiftly and walked hurriedly; none of the people around took notice as they were engrossed in watching the battle between Cathair and the knights. The moment she crossed the border she broke into a full tilt run, she could see the hill in the distance. After she'd sprinted far enough from the border that it was out of sight so that she felt relatively safe, she gave in to her protesting lungs and slowed to a brisk walk.

She climbed a small way up the hill then crouched behind a boulder from behind which she could watch the path that led from the town to the hill for Cathair's approach. She wished she could watch some of the fun the townspeople would be getting to gander... she almost couldn't bear to stay here, straining her eyes for movement and ears for the sound of horses' hooves. She realized dimly that it wasn't a feeling of deprivation that was making this wait tortuous but... dread. She'd never really felt anxious about someone else before. It tasted foreign, like something she wanted to retch out. It settled somewhere in her gut. Maybe the thought of Cathair possibly dying rankled so because the burden of her indebtedness would become much heavier, too much to ever be lifted, if he gave his life for hers.

In order to keep it out of her mind she sought a thought to distract her. It occurred to her that she was leaving her life and identity up until now completely behind. She was a new person now, whenever she met someone she wouldn't introduce herself as Snow White... that was what her mother had called her- as an endearment. She died before Snow White's first birthday when the naming ceremony was usually done, except her father hadn't bothered in her case because he thought any name for her should've been decided together with her mother.

Because her knees were cramping from crouching she settled down cross-legged and wondered who she was henceforth. A first name was more important and defining, so would be harder to think of. So to begin with last names, just as she was vacillating between Jedermann, meaning 'every person', and Mustermann, meaning 'any person,' she heard the sound of hooves and scrambled up.

My post lengths tend to vary according to what's going on and what I'm given. If you want x number of words per post compulsorily I'm probably not the partner for you.

I do have some requirements:
OOC is a must. Along with plotting for the RP I like to chat and get to know my partner. I don't like this aspect to be neglected.
Please don't leave me hanging. If you're going to be gone a while, have lost interest or don't want to RP anymore just tell me. I'll do the same.
Romance is fun but not necessary. I'm comfortable with any gender and orientation according to what the story might require but I find I have the most fun with (in order of preference): ⚢,⚤, nonbinary, ⚣

Now onto my interests.
Hindu mythology
Fairytales with a twist
Realistic (trying to get more comfortable with this.)

Mentorship genres: I'm a noob about these genres but if you're willing to mentor/guide me I'm all for learning and getting more comfortable with them.
Sci-fi and its subgenres like cyberpunk, etc.
Other mythologies like Greek, Norse etc.

And with that, hit me up with any plots/ideas/cravings you may have! I may be picky sometimes but don't hesitate on that count. I do have plots and pairings listed further on but they're not the only ideas I'm open to.

You made flowers grow in my lungs, and although they are beautiful, I can't breathe.

hanahaki disease
hanahaki disease is offline
Old 03-07-2016, 12:18 PM

The ones I'm craving have a next to them. By no means am I limited to what I've listed here! Please don't hesitate to throw your own ideas at me!

light fantasy
Prince A was adopted by the king and queen when they thought they could beget no heir. Then a few years later the queen did conceive, so Prince A was no more heir to the throne. Soon after he came of age war broke out. Prince A was sent to fight rather than his brother. Then the two kingdoms decided on a truce between the kingdoms- forged by a wedding. Prince A's parents wanted to offer a princess for Prince B of the warring kingdom to wed so they approached the witch to turn her son into a female. (Prince A was totally against this so his mother sent him on his way disguised as a female.)
Then when he arrives at Prince B's kingdom, he reveals that he's male (to Prince B alone, perhaps) and Prince B wants to throw him out and avenge the insult with another war- but then the witch keeps switching their bodies. So though Prince B is sure Prince A is doing this on purpose, he can't get rid of him and risk finding himself in his place banished and on the road and never switching back. So they gotta stay close together. And of course eventually they fall for each other.

people deforested an area regardless of the damage to its life, and wood nymph died with a magical curse on her lips. a forest began to grow from her grave, it took over the town and keeps growing; though ordinary fauna live alongside magical creatures in this forest, no human can survive it, for it is cursed. red riding hood is a vampire living on the outer edge of the forest and though she lives off animal blood she is thirsty for human blood after long deprivation. she decides to walk through to the other side of the forest where her grandmother lives. her grandmother is human with the slightest lineage of vampire blood in her which is how she survived the forest, and is snow white's only option for a blood meal. but unknown to snow white, a werewolf, the most powerful creature in the forest is marking it as his territory and won't like to let a vampire pass safely through his forest and live around it depending on its resources.

fantasy personification
preferred role: Death
optional third role: Earth. 1x1 OR a group of three.
Life continually generates new souls because it's in their nature to do so regardless of whether they think it's a good idea or not. Death continually kills off bodies, but the souls just get redirected to new bodies, on top of which ever since humans evolved self-cosciousness they've been on the side of life. There are those who believe in Death and gift Death their own and others' bodies but they're in the minority. What happens when Earth begs Life to stop because they can't support any more? Will Life take pity on Earth and allow Death to destroy all life, when it also means Life themselves will cease to exist? Or will they allow the slow death of humans to play out, even though Earth will have a painful, long-drawn death?

I don't know how successful this would be as an RP because it seems pretty dead-ended, but if you can think of a way round the ultimatum this could be interesting.

hindu mythology
preferred role: Either, but I'm leaning towards Surya because I found a face claim for him :3

I can't imagine how they ended up together after all they went through so it'd be challenging and interesting to work out the psychology of it. Unlike most Hindu mythology it's not intricate or interlinked with other myths. There are just varying (sometimes widely) versions of the myth. I want a partner who's willing to do minimal research because I want us to go through several versions and pick out details we want to work into the RP, and be creative, not just pick one version and stick to it.

An Empire For Two
forbidden relationship-age difference
preferred role: younger nonbinary
This is based on OMAM's Empire music video. This would make for a beautiful romance RP! We'd use the same face claims: Erika Linder and Ingmari Lami. The director's take: ❝This is a Harold and Maude type relationship. The older character actually has the more youthful, liberated spirit which inspires the jaded youngster. It's a twist on the conventions of age that is often borne out in real life. The fact that they are both women has a magical dimension in that Ingmari the elder can see herself in Erika, but I think the profound effect one person can have on another is quite magical.❞

My muse and your muse by an incredible coincidence, on the same day, at the same time in the early hours of the morning (sometime like 3 am), go to the same bridge intending to jump off. They'd planned for nobody to be there and are startled out of their determination. Neither wants to change their plan of jumping off the bridge so they decide to die together except this time they'll have planned for it. They make a suicide pact to live just that one day spending it together and die at midnight. United by theur depression and the common fate they wish for, they decide to live this last day to the fullest. They'll live in the moment in a reckless and pleasure seeking manner. (My muse happens to want to suicide not because of some insurmountable problem but because he hates living an empty life. It's like fighting with nothing to fight for and he's so tired he wants to 'sleep forever'.) After living like there's no tomorrow, will they live or die at midnight?

Rented Heart
preferred role: keeper
Based off the manga one-shot of the same name. One character becomes assistant to the proprietor of a shop that rents out hearts (of any person in the world) to anyone willing to pay the price. The keeper doesn't question their ethics and is ready to let someone's heart starve or shatter if they can't pay the price or renew the rent on the heart they crave. The customers that visit are sad, desperate, lonely or lovesick, with their own stories to tell. How this works:


If you want someone to love you romantically, but they don't, you can rent their heart and make them. The keeper casts a sort of spell. They won't really truly love you but they sure as hell will think they do, they'll be obsessed with you. However you have to keep renewing the rent, once you're unable to pay the rent the spell will break and cannot be evoked in that particular person again. So, you can't miss a single payment. (The payment plan is according to when the spell is cast, so if the spell was put on the person on the 17th of April, payment must happen 17th of every month- this is as decided by the proprietor. The manner of payment is also decided by him, it's not always money especially as he likes collecting magical artifacts and more sinister things and sometimes wants to have something done for him.)
The Angel Cupid is supposed to have the power of evoking true love- doesn't have choice, but must follow what's decided by Fate. The Devil on the other hand can rent hearts for infatuated obsession and can gift this power to others too.

UNAVAILABLE Wonder vs. Order
twisted fiarytale: alice in wonderland
preferred role: alice
possible doubling/NPC manipulation
1x1 (OR) GROUP
Wonderland had always been weird and wonderful, for its inhabitants a place perfect for crazy capering, and magic always abounded. The magic was what kept everybody's wonder at the world intact, because not even the most well-versed sorceresses and warlocks could understand or control the mysterious power underlying everything. Even if the people faced unhappiness they never felt like the world was dreary, that life was pointless.
But now, frightening legends were spreading like wildfire, too fast to be completely curbed by the efforts of the Queen of Hearts. Everywhere, it was being said that the Age of Order is approaching. When nothing would happen that couldn't be explained by fundamental laws. Everything would follow rules. Everything would be 'ordinary'. Life as the inhabitants of Wonderland knew it, would be transformed- and not in a good way.
Some people said that the Queen of Hearts, who was currently ruling, would establish the Age of Order by the end of her rule. These people were swiftly executed by lopping off their heads. In these days when the citizens should have been treasuring the last days of the Age of Wonder, they were instead despairing. Their only hope was that the legends that sprung up in answer to those about the approaching Age of Order were true: Someone called Alice would traverse a dark portal to reach them. She would lead them in a revolution to overthrow the Queen of Hearts before she could muster enough power to curse the land with Order. The Age of Wonder would be saved.

I'm thinking the Red and White Queen join in the chaos with their armies. The White Queen wants to fight for Wonder so attacks the Queen of Hearts' kingdom while the Red Queen fights alongside the Queen of Hearts to defend from the White Queen. The canon would be the original books by Lewis Carroll and any character from the books could be played, after taking a side.

These aren't developed ideas but they're sparks/settings I'd like to work with.

Modern-day India

A water nymph and nyx in Venice

A bard and a scribe are tasked with the quest of completing stories for the Archive, which involves travel and adventure.


Sleeping Beauty (dark/twisted fairytale. I have the rough outline of a plot for this, if you're interested please ask)
You made flowers grow in my lungs, and although they are beautiful, I can't breathe.

Last edited by hanahaki disease; 06-02-2016 at 02:00 PM..

hanahaki disease
hanahaki disease is offline
Old 03-07-2016, 12:22 PM

Thank you for taking the time to look through my thread
Hit me up with what ya got!

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-07-2016, 06:13 PM

I want to write your midnight moths plot so badly!!!! It's a kind of plot I've played with before and it's on my mind.

hanahaki disease
hanahaki disease is offline
Old 03-08-2016, 02:39 AM

Kat Dakuu: Sure thing! I'm thinking the characters will be young adults, like 16-17 years old. What gender pairing would you like it to be and who'd you play?

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-08-2016, 03:27 AM

That age range sounds fine. Late teens anyway. I'm open for anything but male is my preference to play. I guess m/m.

hanahaki disease
hanahaki disease is offline
Old 03-08-2016, 03:43 AM

Perfect! I made us an OOC and pinged you to it so we can discuss further there ^^

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 03-10-2016, 08:44 AM

Hm...Wolfie has one question. Do you do fandoms?

hanahaki disease
hanahaki disease is offline
Old 03-11-2016, 12:50 AM

~Wild Spirit Wolf~: I don't have much experience playing fandom's but I'm willing to try if it's OCxOC ^^ and there are few fandom's I'm familiar with but if it's not too difficult to get familiar with it, like if it's just one season long or something, or if reading the wiki would be good enough I'm willing to try that too, but it depends. What are you craving?

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 03-11-2016, 04:09 AM

Wolfie has been thinking of an Undertale rp, but if you haven't at least watched a playthrough of the game it's not worth it.

hanahaki disease
hanahaki disease is offline
Old 03-11-2016, 05:14 AM

Unfortunately I haven't. How long is the playthrough?

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 03-12-2016, 04:48 AM

It's a six hour game, so playthroughs are generally pretty short. Wolfie would recommend NateWantsToBattle's playthrough, since he has finished the whole game. Him or Brett Ultimus. Both entertaining and easy to binge-watch XD

Kiyoto is offline
Old 03-12-2016, 09:20 PM

I don't think the other one is going to get up and going right now x.x

If you were interested in doing a one on one, I have plenty of already made characters through my blogs or my request thread. Or I can make a new one if you have some sort of plot in mind. Just let me know.

hanahaki disease
hanahaki disease is offline
Old 03-18-2016, 03:57 AM

~Wild Spirit Wolf~: Yay, that's not long at all! I've exams at the moment unfortunately, but you seem to be a regular on Mene so I'd love to work out an RP with you once I've gone through the playthrough, hopefully in a few weeks!

Kiyoto: I actually like the Order and Discord idea for a 1x1. I'm leaning towards playing the being of Discord if we decide on writing that plot. Alternatively if any of the plots I've listed catches your eye I'd be happy to do one of those :)

Kiyoto is offline
Old 03-18-2016, 04:01 AM

You mean the one from my other group rp request? I would not mind turning that into a one on one.

hanahaki disease
hanahaki disease is offline
Old 03-18-2016, 04:02 AM

Yes, that's the one I meant :3
Cool, shall I make us an OOC then?

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 03-18-2016, 06:09 AM

Siren Sonder: that's cool! Wolfie will definitely still be here, so you focus on your finals and get back whenever you can ^.^

hanahaki disease
hanahaki disease is offline
Old 06-02-2016, 02:00 PM

Updated with new plots.

a possible comeback (?)
LaClef-a-Verite is offline
Old 06-03-2016, 02:59 AM

Hiya! I'm really interested in the Surya x Sanjna pairing if it's still available! I'll do the research for it, of course. It'll be something I haven't tried out before so it should be fun!

hanahaki disease
hanahaki disease is offline
Old 06-03-2016, 03:19 AM

LaClef-a-Verite: Hey! Yep, it's still available :) Awesome
Which role do you think you'd like to play? Should I make us an OOC?

a possible comeback (?)
LaClef-a-Verite is offline
Old 06-03-2016, 02:12 PM

I did see the note that you made a face claim for Surya so I'll be playing Sanjna! And yeah an OOC would be easier to communicate in than a PM :)

lElectricSquirrel is offline
Old 08-08-2016, 12:21 PM

I dropped you a line. I hope to hear back from you soon.

hanahaki disease
hanahaki disease is offline
Old 08-10-2016, 12:43 PM

I replied to you! Thank you


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