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Sweet Azalea
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Old 09-30-2007, 09:17 AM

Children of Vampire descent have become stronger and trippled in numbers since a vampire lord discovered a methood to keep the children of the night safe untraceable till the eve of their thirteenth birth year.
The methood seemed flawless till a trator by the name of Xaikis leaked a map to the city that offered their foster care to these vampire children inturn for the immunity rights to not be hunted.

Hundreds of lycans began to gather to create what seemed to be an army of malicious vengeful rage and situated themselves around the city until their leaders would give the sign to attack. Each evening Lycans stormed the homes killing all before them.

The lycans began to call it, The Bloodbath Wars.

However, the vampires whom had worked so hard to protect their children did not sit back and watch. Instead they fought back with an equal furry clash with the beasts each night.

Both sides, killing each other off slowly...


Each child becomes aware of their past due to the personal body gaurd they 88 days after their 12th birthday. The body gaurds consist of human half breed demons and are loyal till death. Upon the eve of the child's thirteenth birthday they are taken to mansions spread across different countries to train till they are 18 which is the year they are accepted in to the covenent and thrust in to the war.

Sweet Azalea
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Old 09-30-2007, 09:23 AM

1) No Godmodding
2) Follow the Site Rules
3) No Killing with out a players permission
4) No Chat Speak

Character Sheet:

Race: (Werewolf, Body Gaurd, Vampire)
Special Skill: (Strength,
Weapon of Choice:

Name: Azalea
Race: Vampire

Appearance: Azalea stands at a height of 5'10" which was fairly tall for girls back home. She has broad shoulders and a slender frame giving her the appearance of a formidable opponent. She has bright pink sleek hair that brushes her lower back though she tends to clip it up during battles. She always wears a black scarf about her neck.
Weapon of Choice:Long Blade Sword engraved with odd markings along the side and a electric blue rose on it's hilt.

Bio: Her body gaurd is a tall male named Adonis who is a half piglet demon mutt was to be Azalea’s keeper till the end of her days. She trained in a mansion to the North. Not much is known about her past.


All right enjoy!

Sweet Azalea
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Old 09-30-2007, 09:33 AM

Azalea pushed open two large double doors with a deep sigh and let her trench coat slide from her shoulders to the floor before continuing deeper within the mansion. The dark halls were lit with the dim glow of candles and a few grand chaldoniers above her.

Adonis took up her coat and hung it upon the coat rack with a growl.
"Need I remind you that I am your body gaurd not your maid Azalea..." she said through gritted teeth and followed the asian beauty to her bedroom.

Several other vampire lived in the mansion each their own grand bedroom though most perffered to lounge in the seating area down stairs or burry their noses in books of the great library in the west wing.

"There was no need for them to take me out of battle, it was a mere scratch..." Azalea huffed as she sunk in to a large arm chair before the fireplace.

"A scratch that could possibly take your life in 48 hours..." Adonis reminded her as he removed a vile from his own coat and began to sprinkle what looked to be fairy dust upon her own wound. Azalea shifted and growled in displeasure, fidgetting like a child in her impaitence. Adonis's eyes seemed to narrow quite drastically and he lashed out shoving a hand upon Azalea's upper chest to still her movement.

Most bodyguards were almost like servants to their assigned vampires but Adonis was quite different, his temper damn near matched Azalea's. His strength was unmatched by any other body guard yet. He did not take orders, instead he gave them...and Azalea followed them though it was not with out a small fight for most of the time.

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Old 09-30-2007, 10:27 AM

Name: Elliar
Age: 19
Race: Vampire
Appearance: Standing some five feet and six inches from the ground. Hair dyed black, and bright-blue eyes concealed behind glasses more often than not, one would hardly take a second glance at her. whatever beauty she possesses has been deemed frivolous in battle, and tucked away in exchange for the ability to blend into a crowd unnoticed.
Special Skill: speed.
Weapon of Choice: Carbine 5.56mm M4.
Bio: Her story is a common one, Drafted at 18, sent into the 'war' with no end in sight. confrontation after confrontation, she proved herself able. Her speed aided her in many silent missions, dirty deeds with high-ranking rewards, off the books. She has more experience under her belt than most her age, but her rank remains as low as her profile.

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Old 09-30-2007, 10:52 AM

"So... You've managed to hurt yourself yet again, Lady Azalea?"
These soft words floated to the ears of the aforementioned with an air of mirth. Distinctly female, the soft-spoken voice was soon revealed to belong to a woman, standing off in the less-visible corner of the room, with her back towards the owner of the room, and her face inches away from the glass window which she looked through with some interest.

A cold laugh, and Azalea would find the other woman dropping a rather thick envelope into her lap, and informing her that; "I've been instructed to give this to you, which answers your next question of 'why are you here'. seems you've made a friend somewhere higher up in the chain. I wouldn't go dying just yet if i were you, i took a glance over that letter earlier... seems that somehow or another your amazingly clumsy ass has been chosen for a raid party... wouldn't it be a shame if your wounds kept you from getting that kind of front-line action?"

Sweet Azalea
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Old 09-30-2007, 05:06 PM

"Bite your tongue Elliar..."clumsy" as I may be, I still rank higher then you...I'll trust that you know your place..less the lord hear your treacherous words upstairs" Azalea barked back then slid her finger tips over the envelope with a spark of curiosity. It was a simple letter with a place, time, and general description of the meeting area like most letters they recieved. She held the letter up for Adonis to take hold of if for himself and leaned back in her chair.

"Tell me Elliar...Who sent you to do such a task?" asked Azalea with a narrowed eyed glance. It was well known to people whom actually took notice of Elliar that the girl had a distinctively blunt bark to her yet what kept her around though she normally spoke with disrespective words was her untouchable speed. Thus her bite was definately worse then her bark which the covenent need upon the battle ground.

Asian eyes roamed the room once over then spoke, "And where is your body gaurd? they are to be with you at all times...It's been a year since you've joined the war, you should know this by now..."

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Old 09-30-2007, 05:56 PM

"She was annoying me, so i sent her off to amuse herself. This house is built on the principle of it being a safe place, so it shouldn't matter weather she's here with me, or off flirting with the lords of the house. She's nice to look at, but useless when things start blowing up..."
Grinning darkly, Elliar slid into the armchair that Azalea was seated in, so that she was sprawled across the other woman's lap, bushing painful up against her wound.
"as for your first question; I'm not at liberty to say. But, obviously someone with the authority to authorize an officer of your rank to get in on this kind of mission. You're a lucky, lucky girl... I hope you won't squander this chance by dying... Though, i don't see how that would be possible with your precious Adonis there to bail you out. You would have to be pretty retarded if you manage to die under his care."

ShadowRunner is offline
Old 09-30-2007, 06:23 PM

Appearance:Shadow stands at about 6'10,shoulder length white hair,has a rather well built body,wears all black which is usually a plain torn shirt,trousers and shoes with a long trench coat that touches the ground and cowboy-like hat.Also bares a scar down his right eye
Special Skill:Enhanced Senses
Weapon of Choice:Twin Revolvers
Bio:Training in the Northern Mansion Shadow became known as one of the toughest young ones to be trained,much or his past is unknown such as how he got the scar and never reveals his past not even to his closest friends.He has a history of bodyguards that have all died protecting him on his missions which being one of the toughest makes them hard.

Dead Account Holder
DemonsSpawn is offline
Old 09-30-2007, 07:17 PM

Name: Peter
Age: 24
Race: Vampire
Appearance: He has black hair that drapes over his face covering all but one eye and half of his mouth is 5'. He is small but well built and usually wears a dark green shirt and black baggy pants, his shoes are black dress shoes.
Always seems to wear a tophat to keep his hair in place to cover a burn on his face that has long since passed and became a scar
Special Skill: Flight
Weapon of Choice: Katana
Bio: Not much is known about him since he is a drifter who only stays in one town for no longer than a week. His past is like him and not a lot is known to anyone else.

Dead Account Holder
DemonsSpawn is offline
Old 09-30-2007, 07:23 PM

the double doors boomed open as Peter walked in not showing any signs of interest in the others in the room.
He sat in a chair and stared at the fire waiting for the day to be done as he had other days.
Till he stated in his grumbling tone " This war is pointless as are most in the past as well."

ShadowRunner is offline
Old 09-30-2007, 07:29 PM

"Oh looks like Mr.Grumpy got here before i did"said Shadow grinning slightly as he slipped into the room as the doors went to close after Peter's Entrance.

Shadow took his hat off putting it on the coat rack aswell as his trenchcoat revealing his revolvers in their holsters at his shoulders before he walked over and sat down on a chair oppisite Elliar.

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DemonsSpawn is offline
Old 09-30-2007, 07:32 PM

"What do we have to gain from this war that we don't already have?" he blandly stated as though he were talking in his sleep, " and don't degrade yourself with the mockery my name is Peter."

ShadowRunner is offline
Old 09-30-2007, 07:34 PM

"Remember Peter this started because of a tratior,and because of that person the Highers got offended and decided to make war"said Shadow sounding as if it was simple.

Dead Account Holder
DemonsSpawn is offline
Old 09-30-2007, 07:37 PM

"I am well aware of that but you don't answer my question what do we have to gain?" he began to show more interest as the conversation went on with Shadow.

ShadowRunner is offline
Old 09-30-2007, 07:40 PM

"Redemption i guess"said Shadow shrugging slightly as he didn't pay any attention while speaking as he just aimlessly looked around.

Dead Account Holder
DemonsSpawn is offline
Old 09-30-2007, 07:44 PM

" Now for the real puzzler. Why was no one aware of his actions do we have such horrible security as to allow this to happen?" a smirk crosses his face showing his fangs.

ShadowRunner is offline
Old 09-30-2007, 07:47 PM

Shadow shook his head slightly,"we focus too much on our enemies to notice the enemies within our kind"said Shadow.

Dead Account Holder
DemonsSpawn is offline
Old 09-30-2007, 07:50 PM

" Really is that so what proof do you have that at that time we were not as focused on us as them seeing as how important of a time it was."

ShadowRunner is offline
Old 09-30-2007, 07:52 PM

"I simply just stated my answer to your question Peter"said Shadow sounding abit annoyed.

Dead Account Holder
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Old 09-30-2007, 07:57 PM

" You must look at it in the big picture not just scene by scene until you find out your fate too late," he said in a matter - of - factly tone.

ShadowRunner is offline
Old 09-30-2007, 08:10 PM

"Whatever you say Peter"said Shadow who looked bored,"where is your bodyguard Peter?"asked Shadow.

Sweet Azalea
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Old 10-01-2007, 01:37 AM

Azalea hissed as he wound began to throb again, a annoying result of Elliar's preplanned movements. With the girl in her lap she seemed fairly nonchalant about it, probably because Elliar did this often trying to get a rouse from the female. "Your bodyguard must have some talent aside from beauty Elliar, it's your lack of care that is probably smothering it..." Spoke Azalea. She took in the notion of dying under Adonis's watch but could say nothing against the other. She knew as well as any in the mansion that Adonis was one of the top bodyguards, there was absolutely no desputing that. Any comment would otherwise insult him which would result in a week of hell to pay.

Glancing over to the two gentlemen who took a seat before her, she smriked slightly. "Bickering like an old married lovely to see you both this evening..." Said the tall girl bowing her head a bit.

"Come now Peter...the reason we fight is for the lives that have been loss...have you no interest in avenging the fallen unarmed children of the past? Perhaps your loyalty is begining to sway? I'm sure the lord would be quite interested in that bit of information..." She replied to the older vampire with a sharp look in her eyes.

ShadowRunner is offline
Old 10-01-2007, 05:56 AM

"And it's nice to see that you and Elliar are actually acting like a married couple,though i know whats running through Elliar's head right now"said Shadow smirking slightly.

Sweet Azalea
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Old 10-01-2007, 08:21 AM

"So do I...unfortunately she will neither view my tragic death or F8ck around with Adonis..." Azalea said with a sigh and tucked a stray strand of Elliar's hair behind her ear trailing her finger tips down the girls upper back before shoving her from her lap. Azalea stood and moved over to her intricately carved mahogany dresser jerking one of the drawers from it's resting place to retrieve a midnight blue corset. "No rest for the almost dead I suppose..." she commented then glanced over her shoulder to those who remained within her room. "I trust you all have tasks to be completed?" Spoke the asian female with a cock of an eyebrow.

ShadowRunner is offline
Old 10-01-2007, 02:30 PM

"Not me,you know what im like,they won't let me go out unless i have a bodyguard with me and my current one is getting his wounds healed"said Shadow as he looked at Elliar then Azalea.


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