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Zhoent is offline
Old 08-14-2013, 10:15 PM

Originally Posted by The_Crow View Post
Zhoent: Welcome! I personally found Menewsha a breath of fresh air compared to Gaia. The forums here are actual forums and not "chat rooms" so you might have to wait a little while for a reply... but people do tend to actually give you thought, not skip you over, and go out of your way to help you in various ways.

Have you read the first posts on the front page, yet? They will tell you what you need to do to get some clothing and a gift or two :)
I wish I found this site earlier then! There is really a close-knit community here, something that would've been great on Gaia when I first started. Also yep, I practically memorized it! This will be my third post but I'll stick around to chat once I meet the requirements.

---------- Post added 08-14-2013 at 06:21 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Serika View Post
I love this site because it gives me less demanding time for me to be around in comparison to other sites (aside that the pixels are very cute too)

How long are you playing from GaiaOnline?
Hallelujah! My prayers have been answered! I never thought there was an alternative to Gaia that didn't suck up all of my free time/didn't pressure me. I'm definitely sticking around then! Also I played Gaia for about four years before switching over to this site as of yesterday. How long have you been playing Mene? And did you ever play GaiaOnline?

Ore no Turn~~!! Draw!!
Serika is offline
Old 08-15-2013, 04:32 AM

I have spend amounts of time in Menewsha mainly to get new clothing. This is nearly my 1st week staying in Menewsha. But other than that, Im free to talk with peers in this forum. I love the way people treat newbies around. I was donated 500g by a certain lovely menewshan :D (you know who you are lol)

I do used to be in Gaiaonline but looking back at it now, I prefer longer legged pixels because it gives more room for details in clothing designs although I find the shoes lacking.

I hope you like the set of clothing that I gave you. Sorry if you dont like pink xD A certain lovely someone did made so many effort to help me on getting on that set of clothing as well.

Saravi Boo
Licking threads since 2010!
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Old 08-15-2013, 10:56 AM

*shows the thread some love* Hello peoples new and old! How is everyone today? ^_^

Zhoent is offline
Old 08-15-2013, 11:17 AM

Originally Posted by Serika View Post
I have spend amounts of time in Menewsha mainly to get new clothing. This is nearly my 1st week staying in Menewsha. But other than that, Im free to talk with peers in this forum. I love the way people treat newbies around. I was donated 500g by a certain lovely menewshan :D (you know who you are lol)

I do used to be in Gaiaonline but looking back at it now, I prefer longer legged pixels because it gives more room for details in clothing designs although I find the shoes lacking.

I hope you like the set of clothing that I gave you. Sorry if you dont like pink xD A certain lovely someone did made so many effort to help me on getting on that set of clothing as well.
I agree, clothing is definitely a big attraction with this site! Everything is so detailed. And oh my gosh, yes! I didn't even think about the possibilities with longer avatar legs! You'll finally be able to see stockings underneath boots without squinting. That was my worst pet peeve on that site believe it or not; all the avatars looked like gingerbread men cutouts.
Also thank you so much for the clothing set!! I'm no longer streaking across the forums. And I love all colors, so pink is perfectly alright with me! I can't thank you enough!

---------- Post added 08-15-2013 at 07:26 AM ----------

Originally Posted by Saravi Boo View Post
*shows the thread some love* Hello peoples new and old! How is everyone today? ^_^
Hello Saravi! And I'm doing great today, thanks for asking! This is my first day with a fully clothed avatar (thanks to Serika!). I'm ready to take on the world nude free!
Edit: How are you doing?

Last edited by Zhoent; 08-15-2013 at 11:27 AM.. Reason: I forgot my manners.

ShadowGrimReaper87 is offline
Old 08-15-2013, 04:34 PM

Hello all and how are you today? ^_^ I just got done doing some yard work, before we got more rain. lol Not complaining about the rain, but the hubby is. XD lol

Saravi Boo
Licking threads since 2010!
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Old 08-15-2013, 04:51 PM

I am doing well. ^_^ Congratulations on getting clothes! That's is an exciting milestone on Mene. ^_^ We love our nekkid peoples too but it's a great feeling to get that first outfit on your avi, ne?

I used to be on Gaia, once upon a time. Then I found Mene and pretty much never looked back. Mene is so much more friendly and caring than Gaia. That and people actually talk to me here. ^_^' lol

Zhoent is offline
Old 08-16-2013, 12:04 AM

Originally Posted by Saravi Boo View Post
I am doing well. ^_^ Congratulations on getting clothes! That's is an exciting milestone on Mene. ^_^ We love our nekkid peoples too but it's a great feeling to get that first outfit on your avi, ne?

I used to be on Gaia, once upon a time. Then I found Mene and pretty much never looked back. Mene is so much more friendly and caring than Gaia. That and people actually talk to me here. ^_^' lol
Thanks! And I agree, the community here is definitely much nicer than Gaia's! Everyone is so respectful here. I hope it stays this way!
Also I hope I don't sound too forward, but what made you change sites?

---------- Post added 08-15-2013 at 08:08 PM ----------

Originally Posted by ShadowGrimReaper87 View Post
Hello all and how are you today? ^_^ I just got done doing some yard work, before we got more rain. lol Not complaining about the rain, but the hubby is. XD lol
Hey Shadow! I'm doing great today, thank you for asking. And how can he complain about rain? It's so soothing to hear (especially when you're sleeping); though I suppose everyone doesn't feel the same as I do.

Mime From Hell
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Old 08-16-2013, 12:09 AM

By the way, for anyone new who is under a week or two old but still has clothing, feel free to submit an application anyways for a gift from the charity if you have been posting. :) Since others have been kind, I still get to make 'executive decisions' on how to distribute my charity birds's "shinies".

Zhoent is offline
Old 08-16-2013, 12:16 AM

Edit: Sorry for not remembering. Let me go crawl back under a rock.

Last edited by Zhoent; 08-16-2013 at 11:19 AM..

Mime From Hell
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Old 08-16-2013, 01:58 AM

Zhoent: I think you are the first person who has posted this AND managed to get the 'secret phrase'. However, the directions do say you need to PM me the form... the reason is that I have a file of _everybody_ to whom I have given a donation.

Ore no Turn~~!! Draw!!
Serika is offline
Old 08-16-2013, 04:47 AM

lol gotta love those legs : )
No problem. Im thinking of changing my avatar again but I dont have ideas at the moment.

What is your avatar style preference?

Zhoent is offline
Old 08-16-2013, 11:05 AM

Originally Posted by Serika View Post
lol gotta love those legs : )
No problem. Im thinking of changing my avatar again but I dont have ideas at the moment.

What is your avatar style preference?
I honestly don't have much of a preference, anything can look good as long as you're being creative. Incorporating two colors or more is always a plus though for me; I think it would look a bit bland otherwise.
Personally, I tend to do more of the fantasy and nature type themes: fairies, monsters, witch doctors, etc. But all in all, it's your decision! With your sense of style, I'm sure it's going to turn out great! Be sure to give me a heads up when you're finished, I'd love to see the final product!

Saravi Boo
Licking threads since 2010!
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Old 08-16-2013, 03:51 PM

I left Gaia because there just wasn't any real feeling of community on that site anymore. I had been a member since 2004. Also, I didn't like how money grubbing they had become. It was also very annoying that people had a tendency to spam any thread I put up and moderators would do nothing about it. *shrugs* It just put a bad taste in my mouth for the whole place.

I switched to mene I think. Now I only occasionally go on Gaia to play paper dolls with my avatars. I haven't done so in almost a year though.

Mime From Hell
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Old 08-16-2013, 07:33 PM

Zhoent: Your form has been received, correctly, and safe and sound. Now, I'll spread the word to Phobos and Deimos and they will make sure that you get a little something worth your while. Now seeing as how you _just_ received other close, I do ask you to either use them to mix and match your outfit, or give them to another New User as opposed to just selling them back to a store. You'll also receive a bonus gift or two... those you can keep or do what you like with.

@Boo-dear- After reading your observations about Gaia... I kept smirking to myself and thinking "I know, right?". I was watching there around 2003 but was annoyed because it was active competition with the community on my own domain. The homebrew system in which my friend hand-coded did have a system for "items", but it was much more in the Neopets way... they had nothing to do with your actual avatar and you could only "claim" that you were "wearing" an item. To Gaia's credit, they were the FIRST avatar + message board site but the only thing it has done since I joined in Jan 2004 was go downhill... the real road-sign was when they couldn't call the DONATION LETTERS "DONATION" items anymore because they were clearly a FOR PROFIT site at that point.

To reassure all of the new faces, the two monthly collectibles are the ONLY way Menewsha makes money. We have no Corperate ads bombarding you... in fact Inso follows the model I have on my own site and manages to keep it ADVERTISEMENT FREE. Mene is also "not for profit" and the captive audience are not cattle to which they force ads of Skittles or whatever upcoming films coming out.

The 237-sided dice lands on 44

Phobos and Deimos
The New User's First Stop Charit...
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Old 08-16-2013, 07:41 PM

What do we have for Zhoent? Let's see...

- 500g (Because you just barely missed our last fly-over!)

- A Valentina White Frill Top

- and a BONUS Black Oriental Lantern

... we hope that this isn't too meager of a return for asking the horrendous price of you making five posts and sending a PM ;)

Take care, and don't be a stranger!

- A Plum Teenie Skirt

Mime From Hell
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Old 08-16-2013, 07:45 PM

By the way, Zhoent-dear, I forgot to add that to get your items, what you need to do is click the "TRADES" tab up among the top navigation (just in case you don't receive an alert).

Once you do, you will notice the incoming trade. You don't have to put anything on it, just accept the trade as it is and all of the goodies will then appear in your inventory. -gives thumbs up-

So, are you good?

Zhoent is offline
Old 08-16-2013, 09:26 PM

Saravi Boo: I can very much relate to your threads being spammed, it's awful! Not a whole lot of people took what you had to say seriously on that site. And here I thought I was going to work for that company when I grew up, being an admin and all. Also you've been on this site for a long time! What keeps you coming back?

The_Crow: Thank you so much for your generosity! You've been so nice to me and I can't thank you enough for what you've done! Also yep, the trade went through perfectly. And thank you for the donation! Ack, there are so many things I want to thank you about.

Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
Dottie Mae Evans is offline
Old 08-17-2013, 12:23 AM

Sorry I haven't been around much, I wasn't feeling all that great. :S

Ore no Turn~~!! Draw!!
Serika is offline
Old 08-17-2013, 03:05 AM

Originally Posted by Zhoent View Post
I honestly don't have much of a preference, anything can look good as long as you're being creative. Incorporating two colors or more is always a plus though for me; I think it would look a bit bland otherwise.
Personally, I tend to do more of the fantasy and nature type themes: fairies, monsters, witch doctors, etc. But all in all, it's your decision! With your sense of style, I'm sure it's going to turn out great! Be sure to give me a heads up when you're finished, I'd love to see the final product!
I want to dress you up like a doll thats why xD NekoLen just donated me some of the items from my avatar. He's so nice!! I want to give him something back right away if it weren't for my stuff to do.

I really love dresses but the ones that I like were nearly 1k or more but Im in no rush to get them one day!

Thanks for the donation! I have sent you something good for your fairy theme!!

Zhoent is offline
Old 08-17-2013, 07:42 PM

Originally Posted by Serika View Post
I want to dress you up like a doll thats why xD NekoLen just donated me some of the items from my avatar. He's so nice!! I want to give him something back right away if it weren't for my stuff to do.

I really love dresses but the ones that I like were nearly 1k or more but Im in no rush to get them one day!

Thanks for the donation! I have sent you something good for your fairy theme!!
Aw, thanks!! I feel like a model now! Also wow! That is really nice of him. I'm glad you achieved your goal and so quickly too! You're growing up so fast.
And thank you so much for your gift!! It's super cute! I can't wait to try it on.
Edit: It's fine, I'm always happy to help a friend with quests.

Mime From Hell
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Old 08-17-2013, 11:31 PM

@Lizzy-dear- Even though you've been gone, I still appreciate that you make the effort to come in when you can. No pressure, but I do like hearing from you.

@Serika- Wow, you're looking really fancy these days. Just as how I'm waiting to give people their first "boost" here on Menewsha, there are others waiting to help you along even further.

@Zhoent- I'm glad to see that you at least have a few options of what to wear and also now have enough money where you can consider getting things you _really_ want. The lamp you're holding, I believe was given to me by a moderator at the end of an event. You see, sometimes if there is anything "left over" from an event, the moderators occasionally donate them to the different charities.

A Dreamers Wonderland
A Dreamers Wonderland is offline
Old 08-18-2013, 04:16 AM

I have no idea how to start this so...
I am A Dreamers Wonderland, I am new and I was sent here by a very lovely person.
Thank you~

*Something about Charity Threads just make me smile
(Such inspiring individuals)

Last edited by A Dreamers Wonderland; 08-18-2013 at 04:32 AM..

Ore no Turn~~!! Draw!!
Serika is offline
Old 08-18-2013, 04:26 AM

Originally Posted by Zhoent View Post
Aw, thanks!! I feel like a model now! Also wow! That is really nice of him. I'm glad you achieved your goal and so quickly too! You're growing up so fast.
And thank you so much for your gift!! It's super cute! I can't wait to try it on.
Edit: It's fine, I'm always happy to help a friend with quests.

What are you questing at the moment?

A Dreamers Wonderland:
Hi Dreamer~! :D

@ The Crow:

Yea, thanks to the people who helped me for the past week. Its something that gaia doesn't provide for the new account holders. Im trying to help the people newer than me in a little things i do :D

Last edited by Serika; 08-18-2013 at 04:30 AM..

A Dreamers Wonderland
A Dreamers Wonderland is offline
Old 08-18-2013, 04:35 AM

Originally Posted by Serika View Post
Hi Dreamer~! :D
Hello Serika!
Thanks for sending me here~

I am currently obsessed with the little Smilies...
They are so cute and I adore cute things.

For now I must head off to the wonderful land of sleep.
No more late nights for me.

Thanks again Serika!

Ore no Turn~~!! Draw!!
Serika is offline
Old 08-18-2013, 04:44 AM

Originally Posted by A Dreamers Wonderland View Post
Hello Serika!
Thanks for sending me here~

I am currently obsessed with the little Smilies...
They are so cute and I adore cute things.

For now I must head off to the wonderful land of sleep.
No more late nights for me.

Thanks again Serika!
@ A Dreamers Wonderland;
you can also join this charity thread as well. Menewshans sure have tons of lovely people helping out newbies!

You can subscribed the charity threads/other threads by clicking thread tools-> subscribed thread


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