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Old 02-17-2011, 12:49 AM

Dungeons and Dragons
The super dorky activity just below LARP-ing. Role playing at it's finest. Grab your d20s and let us know why your d12 cries itself to sleep at night.
This is the chat to discuss your campaigns and current character designs. Have questions about certain aspects of 3.5ed or need help finding the door out of the gamers' closet, search no further!! Admit your love of the 20 sided probability and cheesy flaming swords of fire! Feel free to discuss your tabletop adventures here!

I'll start...
I am trying to create my dream character and was wondering if anyone has attempted to make their own race before? The closest I have come to finding what I want is a Raptoran Werebear hybrid only, this gives me my beloved BearHawk as a playable character. The thing is he can't pass the curse as he was a magical monstrosity and can't be understood by the other characters (this includes druids). I haven't been able to work out his specific stats because the lycanthropy templet is a bit wonky and aimed mostly at players who can shift between forms (whether voluntary or involuntary). But still I am one step closer to playing my dream character.

Last edited by ~LONGCAT~; 02-18-2011 at 12:59 AM.. Reason: more accesable discussion

Shin~The ladle monster!
Shin~The ladle monster! is offline
Old 02-28-2011, 10:58 PM

Hmmmmm sounds like you're in a bit of a bind with your character there. But no worries - I think this is a challenge that my DM would love to sink his teeth into. He loves playing with templates and stats and he's great at customizing things. Tell me more about what you want your dream character to be like and we'll see what we can do. <3

As for myself... I'm currently playing a level 17 character who actually has a custome prestige class. Her name is Shayla, and she's swiftly becoming my favourite. <3

Oh! Also, if you use the stats for an infected were creature as opposed to those of a hereditery one, then he won't be able to pass on the curse of lycanthropy. Lycanthropy can only be passed by an inherited creature. The only thing is they aren't quite as good... I think the level adjustment would be +3 instead of +4? You'd have to check the monster manual.

I definitely think Savage Species will be your friend in this endeavor.

Last edited by Shin~The ladle monster!; 02-28-2011 at 11:18 PM..

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Old 03-01-2011, 01:05 AM

I have three characters on and off in campaigns. Two clerics and a paladin. Level 4 Cleric with a large bird companion and only one arm. Level 14 cleric who was ridiculously racist, but now married to a tiefling, with a hired guard. and a level 4 paladin with a dog, and soon to have a horse mount, who would rather be out fishing. But if I can find a way to create and make a playable BearHawk creature, I will. The best I could think of how was raptoran werebear. If it helps link that is a picture of what I want, only with a battle ax.

I think I might have Savage Species on my external. I'll have to look through it. I'm generally really good at making standard characters with major flaws or quirks. But this monster is being troublesome and I just really want to play an original character. Especially one that would come with his own built in flaws, being a monster and not being able to communicate directly with other party members. Maybe I just like troublesome characters :/

Last edited by ~LONGCAT~; 03-01-2011 at 04:22 AM..

Shin~The ladle monster!
Shin~The ladle monster! is offline
Old 03-01-2011, 03:58 AM

It sounds like your characters all have wonderful personality! Lol, it makes Shayla seem quite generic by comparison. I bet you're tons of fun to play with.

Shayla has 7 levels of cleric and she *did* have 10 levels of Master of Shrouds (from Libris Mortis <3) but due to unforseen circumstances... the DM is allowing a complete reconstruction of her prestige class.

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Old 03-01-2011, 04:19 AM

I try to make my characters fun and more realistic. And whether I'm fun to play with or not depends on my party. My lvl 14 cleric was a TERROR to play at her lower levels (5-8) ((recently upped her level to bring her back)). The party had a Were-bat, a necromancer, and a psion with a crystal spider. My cleric was going to kill the werebat if he ever turned were, turned and destroyed everything the necromancer conjured, and tried to kill the psion's familiar. Oh and the entire campaign was on a pirate ship that was run by tieflings, catfolk, were-creatures, those creepy twin things, and formian bug type guys. My the end of the campaign, she had become an alcoholic and had tried to kill the captain at least 15 times before falling for his charm. So it all depends on the party I'm with.

I've had so many characters killed because of their "quirks". A cleric of Kord was killed by the barbarian in the party because she tried to convince him that fighting was an honorable endeavor and ended up insulting him while he was enraged. A dwarf cleric who thought she was a gnome was killed by an angry mob of city gnomes. A barbarian who wanted to draw monsters and eat bugs got killed by a demon because I couldn't roll to save my character. A fire sorc, who set a noble man on fire... yeah that didn't go over well... XD

Last edited by ~LONGCAT~; 03-01-2011 at 04:23 AM..

Shin~The ladle monster!
Shin~The ladle monster! is offline
Old 03-01-2011, 04:59 AM

That's hilarious! The first one reminds me of our campaign... Shayla was becoming a Necromancer but we also have an Astral Deva who worships Pelor on our party. xD

So you can imagine that a lot of my undead were slain one way or another. <.<

Also, I love the cleric who thought she was a gnome.
I freaking love gnomes. They so cute. :3

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 03-01-2011, 06:49 PM

Yup my cleric, Idalia, is a Aasimar cleric of Pelor who hates any unnatural, evil, or undead. hahaha the only thing that my cleric let live was a giant spider skeleton, because it became a giant walking pinata. XDDD and she killed it as soon as it wasn't useful to the party anymore.
I'm sure that if Idalia and Shayla had met they wouldn't get along. Although I have made her a more chill older version of herself now. Still hateful to the undead and aberrations but gets along better with different races, still is very wary and says mean things about them but doesn't want to kill on site.

Gnomes are so much fun! I've had two gnome characters, neither played. A cleric/thief and a bard/sorc. I just like coming up with characters, I have some fun ones that I've never played. My favorite is a epic level knight based off of Don Quixote (favored enemy against buildings XD )


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