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Reeny is offline
Old 11-01-2009, 05:39 AM

An Unpardonable Sin
Username: Reeny
Word count: 400 (on the dot, at least that's what Word said!)

A carnelian pool of blood was beginning to slither across the dirty barn floor, still fresh with the footprints of their struggles. Lady Esperanza stared down at the dead man swathed in priest’s robes, growing darker with his own blood.

How she had been able to reach for pruning shears, while Father Miguel held her pinned under him against the straw-strewn floor, ready to violate her, she didn’t know. She had never been exceptionally strong, though she thanked God above for allowing older brothers to be part of her life. Perhaps her younger years, spent wrestling with them in fun, gave her enough strength to fend off this priest claiming to be on a mission from God; claiming that because of her elevated station in life, she had been chosen to serve God by allowing the priest to satiate his carnal desires.

But she hadn’t meant to kill him. Dried rivulets of tears, more as a result of fright, than any sorrow, stained her dirt-darkened skin.

She stepped away from the pool which was trying to reach her feet, when her eyes caught a flash of red in the shadows. “Who’s there?” Her timid voice called out, still touched with a hint of strength from her earlier encounter with adrenalin.

“Dear child,” a deep voice, touched with years of knowledge, spoke from sanguine robes as it stepped into the barely-lit barn.

“Cardinal!” Her voice rang out with fright, eyes going wider, springing to life with fresh tears.

“What have you done?” He asked gently, not accusatorily, merely curious to hear it from her lips.

Before she knew it, she had explained the night’s events and found herself sobbing into his chest as he held his arms protectively around her.

“I always had my doubts about him,” the sage voice whispered comfortingly.

“But what shall I do? I have … killed a man. I have committed an unpardonable sin!” Her voice hiccoughed with a rising sob.

“Would you rather have had him violate you with a lie?” There was a hard edge to his voice.

“No!” She let out with disdain. “I will not be violated.”

A dark smile crossed the Cardinal’s visage, and he took the young girl’s face into his large hands. His hazel eyes bore into her dark ones. “Too late,” he said, as his gleaming white fangs sunk into her neck.

She was now his for eternity.