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m00finsan is offline
Old 11-02-2009, 08:30 PM

Entry number two:

Don't look under the bed...
Username: m00finsan
Word count: 398

Drip... Drip... Drip...

The incessant dripping combined with the raging thunderstorm outside kept Susan from sleeping, from concentrating on something other than how dark her room was.
She rolled over and sent her hand down to the floor. Rufus, her ever loyal dog and best friend that slept under her bed, patiently licked her hand. This gave Susan some comfort and a sense of security, so she picked up her hand and closed her eyes, resting.


A flash of lightning and a crack of thunder, and Susan's eyes shot open. She sent her trembling hand down to the floor beside her bed, where Rufus comfortingly lapped it once more. After a few seconds, she retrieved her hand and stared at the ceiling, too startled to close her eyes.

Drip... Drip... Drip...

Now the dripping was getting annoying, so Susan got out of bed and turned the lamp on her nightstand on.
Nothing happened.
Undeterred, she opened the drawer in her nightstand and retrieved a flashlight and turned it on. Miraculously, it still worked. With that, she headed into the bathroom.

In there, she checked the sink. Both knobs were turned all the way off, and nothing was coming from the faucet. She then checked the bathtub, which also proved itself not to be the culprit. So what was causing the dripping? That's what Susan wondered as she went back to her room to try a different strategy: follow the sound.
As she listened closely, the dripping seemed to be coming from her closet. Susan suspected a leak while opening her closet door, but it definitely wasn't her roof.
She shined the flashlight throughout the closet until she stopped on something definitely out of place:
Rufus was in the closet. Only, he wasn't just sitting there. He hung from the clothes hanger rack.
And he had been turned inside out.
Susan fell to the floor in shock and horror, screaming as her dog's blood dripped to the floor.

As she regained some of her composure, Susan noticed that there was a note on her pet's innards:
"Don't look under the bed."
Curious, she grabbed her flashlight and walked over to the bed. At the bed, she knelt down and looked under it, shining her flashlight to get a better look.
What was under her bed made Susan shriek even louder.

That was the last thing she ever did.