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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 04-29-2010, 03:10 AM

b]OHHHH~! Pick me! I've got a book![/b]
Name: Woody
Title of the Book: Daughter of the Forest
Author: Juliet Marillier
Genre: Fantasy
Main Themes: Tuath de Dannan, swans, Irish myth
Pages, length, series, etc etc.: Book 1 of the Sevenwaters Trilogy (recent 4th book put a cog in that) , roughly 400 pages
Rating (Young Adult, Teen, Adult, Mature): Adult fantasy, some explicit scenes
Short Description: Fantastic classic faerytale themes, but with a greater depth. Based off of the 'The Six Swans' as collected by the Grimms brothers. This story follows Sorcha, the youngest daughter and 7th child of Lord Collum of Sevenwaters. Lord Collum remarries and his wife plots to take his children out of the picture so any heir she carries will inherit the Forest. Sorcha flees the safety of her home after witnessing her six brothers being transformed, and must save them by sacrificing her own safety and well-being.

Daughter of the Forest - Google Books

Such an amazing series, I highly recommend them. This book is followed by Son of the Shadows, Child of the Prophesy, & Heir to Sevenwaters

Last edited by Woodlandnymph; 04-29-2010 at 03:12 AM..