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Rambling Woolgatherer
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Old 04-29-2010, 06:50 PM

OHHHH~! Pick me! I've got a book!
Name: Cicadetta
Title of the Book: The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms
Author: N. K. Jemisin
Genre: Fantasy
Main Themes: Fantasy, gods, royalty, mortality, politics
Pages, length, series, etc etc.: First book in a trilogy, 432 pages (Paperback edition, ISBN: 0316043915)
Rating: Adult/Mature. Violence and adult themes. Nothing too explicit, but still.
Short Description: Yeine Darr is pulled from her homeland and taken to the city of Sky, where the ruling priest class reigns over the kingdoms. There she is elevated in status to a competing heir to the throne of Sky, and learns to deal with the semi-mortal gods who are unwillingly bound to the people of Sky, with Arameri politics, and with her own mixed identity.
Website: Epiphany 2.0 | The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms