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A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

fireprincess is offline
Old 11-19-2012, 09:41 PM



Age 21
Black hair
Blue/grey eyes
Caucasian skin
Height 5'9
Body type~ Muscular build - fit and in shape (muscles, six pack and strong)

{Maria's boyfriend}

Personality stuffX

Derek is masculine but very sensitive towards Maria. He can be overprotective at times, but for good reasons.
He was always chased by the girls but knew it was only for his looks and not his personality, and he refused to settle for someone shallow. He puts a wall up with those he doesn't know or trust and that makes him appear mysterious. He confides in Maria and tells her everything because he wants her to know how much she means to him. His whole life girls have been trying to impress him for his looks when all he really wanted was to impress a girl with his personality
Derek is not someone you want to make mad. If you threaten him or Maria he will defend the both of them, and that may mean a trip to the hospital for you.
Derek is smart, funny, strong, protective, courageous, independent, loyal and faithful
He has wings because he is Maria's savior and guardian Angel

Other References
**Favorite** by Mythos

by Mythos

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Last edited by fireprincess; 08-12-2013 at 02:33 PM..