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[center][b][color=#754c78]Chexala's Commonplace Book[/color][/b]
Being a record of my thoughts, dreams, observations,
memories, and occasions during my life on Menewsha Island.[/center]
My Blind Valentine's Date!

My Blind Valentine's Date!

Posted 02-15-2015 at 04:36 AM by Chexala
Updated 02-22-2015 at 05:00 AM by Chexala
Courtesy of my good friend Sophie (aka Captain Howdy), I'm going on a blind date during the Valentine's event! I am nervous and excited to see how this works out. [yes]

[b]Day 1: My Date[/b]
D +1 Point
This is Old Otto. Old Otto is old. He can’t wait to meet you. But speak up, he’s hard of hearing.

Here are some facts about Old Otto.
Old Otto is so old, his birth certificate is expired.
Old Otto is so old, he went to high school with god.
Old Otto is so old, he walked into an antique shop and they kept him.
… And so on.[/quote]
Daaaww! Old Otto is not at all what I was expecting, but he looks like such a sweetheart! And I bet he's got great stories to tell. I don't mind spending the evening with a nice old gentleman (that is, assuming that he actually [i]is[/i] a gentleman.)

G +9 Points
Look! A delicious bottle of Pinot Grigio. Your date has brought you the gift of booze! And quite the risk, too. Why you might have been teetotaler. Luckily for him, you can never say no to a good wine.[/quote]
Oooh, and look, he brought me a nice bottle of wine! Things are looking good in the gentleman department. I wonder where we're going to go?

[b]Day 2: His Ride[/b]
A +8 Points
Well, you were not prepared at all for a motorcycle. Sure there’s the freedom of the open road, as the wind rushes around you. But there’s also the threat of, I dunno, maybe falling off. Your date assures you that it’s perfectly safe as he hands you a helmet. You accept the headgear and prepare for an adventure.[/quote]
Holy shit. I still don't know where we're going tonight, but this is Old Otto's ride! See, never underestimate or overlook the old guys, they're ballsy! This date is shaping up pretty good so far. [eager]

[b]Day 3: Where We Ate[/b]
F +6 Points
You normally wouldn’t have thought that eating from a truck would be such a hot idea for a first date, but your suitor says otherwise. And he’s right. The gourmet food truck has some nom worthy treats, and sitting out under the stars is so relaxing.[/quote]
I tell you what, Otto's got style. I probably never would have found this food truck myself, and it's so delicious! It's a well-balanced choice for a first date too: casual, eccentric in the fun way, and with open-ended potential but without any pressure. [lol] Also, star gazing is my joint!

[b]Day 4: The Movie[/b]
E +6 Points
You like to think of yourself as someone who can appreciate the artistic and avant garde. So when your date suggests a foreign art house movie, you’re all for it. Little did you know that it would be a bleak, Bergmanesque film with blurry visuals, sparse dialogue and no soundtrack. Seriously, this makes no sense. Why is that lumberjack crying? And where did all those balloons filled with blood come from?
You can’t make heads of tails of this. But… best pretend you do, so you don’t look dumb.[/quote]
Pfft, the crying lumberjack is obviously a subversion of the masculinzation of patterns of pleasure for metrosexual viewers, and the blood-filled balloons are part of the director's recurring efforts to frustrate viewer expectations while simultaneously inviting us to participate in the co-creation of half-finished art. [t2h]
I admit I was surprised and nervous when Otto picked me up, but this date just keeps getting better and better!

[b]Day 5: After the Movie[/b]
H +8 Points
You usually try to avoid noisy night clubs, but your date insists on introducing you to a local band he swears you’ll love. And to your surprise, they’re unbelievably good. The club is a bit loud and crowded, but still a good time.[/quote]
"Oh my god, Otto, this band is awesome!"
"What's that?"

I +5 Points
You have to wonder if chivalry is still alive in this world. A gentleman should walk his date to their door. But not your date. Oh no, he just left you in front of the house with a simple ‘goodbye’ and sped away. That butthead. Nearby a forlorn looking raccoon sits on the curb.
“You too?” You ask. “Men! Am I right?”[/quote]
Ah, and there he goes, off into the night as suddenly as he arrived. Good old Otto. What an incredible night! That was so much fun, I'd definitely go out with him again. I wonder if I'll ever see him again?
Oh, raccoon! Hi! *shy wave* I'm a really big fan. [love]

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