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Insane Cricket
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Posted 06-10-2008 at 04:55 AM by Insane Cricket
Alright... Let's see...

Went to Rockfest (an annual twelve hour long concert held in Kansas City). Brandon and I got sick there so we left six hours into it. But seeing how cheap the tickets were, we got more than what the tickets were worth.

Well, my rat is sick and I'm really worried about her. We can't take her to the vets, and don't go and make comments speculating on what she might be sick with or to take her to the vets or to get her put down or whatever the hell your stupid comments about my rat's well being might be. I'm tired of people saying whatever it is is one thing or another when really they're just trying to sound smart when they have no fucking clue what it is.

And don't go on with that, "You shouldn't have pets if you can't afford going to the vets," shit either. Because you know what? People run into money problems. You can go out, buy a pet, and have plenty of money to take care of them. But run into a money problem and you most likely won't be able to take them to the vet's.

It's not like she's being starved to death. She gets plenty to eat, and she's loved and is a very happy rat.

Anyways, my roleplay partner went to the movies about five or so hours ago, and I'm just waiting for her to get back online so we can roleplay. Err, well, I'm [I]hoping[/I] she gets back online.

Because I'm worried about my rat, I feel sick to my stomach, there's nothing good on television, and I'm desperate for a distraction.

I hope she gets back online soon...
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