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Mangrove biomes are cool

Mangrove biomes are cool

Posted 07-17-2017 at 02:55 PM by Shadami
Updated 07-17-2017 at 03:20 PM by Shadami
I studied mangrove biomes when i was taking current science topics back in high school. Everything about these biomes are just cool! I mean look at the name itself. It makes me giggle. Than look at the fact that its WATER. which as i just said in my blog yesterday means love <3 and than look at the gorgeous trees that grow IN THE WATER.
How cool can one biome be. seriously.
It has its own shark with a cool name. [I]lemon[/I]shark. Check out the cutey.
They have mudskippers. Which come on! These guys are crazy. Just look at them! I used to watch a national geo movie growing up and i adored this part of the movie cause these things are crazy in all kinds of ways.
you also get fiddler crabs. which are kinda adorable looking instead of menacing cause they're a bit lopsided.
[eager][eager] okay so i really like mangroves. and here's some more pictures of the trees because... because. trees and awesome shapes and MANGROVES!! (the trees are also called mangroves if you didn't catch that already dear reader <3)
Okay so enough fangirling, here's some actual information. The reason the mangrove trees grow the way they do is because of the lack of oxygen in the soil itself. So they collect the sediments and nutrients from the water instead as it gets brought to its roots. Mangroves are on shorelines and help prevent erosion so coastlines don't disappear.
I didn't actually want to get into the nitty gritty details because mangroves are in danger just like most forests around the world are. *sigh* And because of them being in water they get effected by all those evil oil spills to.
It's to bad they're only a tropical biome though. i'd kind of love to be able to go explore one. but they're so far away from me in NY! [ot]
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Total Comments 1
Old Comment Posted 07-17-2017 at 03:33 PM
How fascinating and beautiful!
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