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Cassidy Rose
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Can't continue taking it anymore....

Can't continue taking it anymore....

Posted 08-27-2008 at 09:44 PM by Cassidy Rose
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="Crimson"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]I honestly don't know what I can do anymore... It is like lately everything keeps getting worse... I am still trying to find a job but so far I have no luck. I need the money for school and stuff but I keep filling out applicatios and calling the places after a few days and either the person I must speak with isn't in, the place isn't hiring, they aren't hiring for a few months, or I don't know..
Parents are being even harder and they can't just leave me be. I mean it is like "do this" and "do that," yes I know parents do that a lot but when its even more and not my stuff and when my sister does nothing when home, it isn't fair. I don't care if my sister has a job, my mom is the one who put the stupid note on the microwave to "Clean up after yourself!! Don't leave your dishes in the sink!! Put them in the dishwasher!!" I clean up after myself all the time, my sister leaves her stuff in the sink and my mom does too especially if it has been a few days or so of the dishes being in her room. It is disgusting!!! It isn't fair to have to keep cleaning up after my mom and sister while they do nothing but be lazy and s***! I take out the trash around the house ALL the time and my sister doesn't! It is like she is afraid she will get a disease or something.
Today a class I was hoping to get into since I was on the waitlist for the class, didn't come through so I am 2 credits short to get a loan I need so I can pay for things. Now I can't get the loan since I didn't get into the class.... I am only in one class since before school started I had to drop 2 other classes... I would have been in 4 if it wasn't for money issues... And the text I got from my moms phone, not sure it was from my b***** sister or my mother but they said that it was okay and that I would be cleaning the kitchen for the rest of my life which is utter BULL!!!! I already went through a lot because my parents saying they wanted to slit their wrists and stuff few weeks back and laughing about it all.
I am not okay righ tnow and my whole system is out of whack as well as I haven't been feeling well. I have been crying a bit today because I broke down... My head is killing me and so is my stomach... I don't even want to go home but I know I have to.... I really don't know what I can do right now, especially when I have no money or anything... My stress is through the roof and I am losing it more and more daily.

Yes, this is another ramble and stuff from me but I had to do that somewhere and stuff.... [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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Total Comments 1
Old Comment Posted 02-16-2010 at 08:07 AM
[COLOR="Purple"]*Random hug for good luck!* (I know this is an older post...but I hope things are [or get] better now!)[/COLOR]
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