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I will call him... mini melon!

I will call him... mini melon!

Posted 06-11-2009 at 12:25 AM by Flink
That's what I was thinking every time someone brought one of those "personal watermelons" to the register.

That and why Ice Breakers even bothered to make "Iced Tea" flavored candies. WTF? "It's like tea, BUT SOLID!" Oh yea!

Either way, had a really mean woman in my line today, really close to when I was getting off of work for the day. Apparently she had an ad from another store and we DO match prices. However, they were charging a dollar for three of something while we only charge $0.33 each, which ends up being $0.99. Sure it's only a penny cheaper, but still. THEN she wanted me to give her FOUR for a dollar instead for her trouble.

Since I refused she got pissed at me and bought only the item I'd rung up before then, a watch. And left her corn, two things of chicken, some doughnuts, and a few other perishable items at the register.

And apparently all of the other cashiers heard about it by the end of the day, since they all asked, "Did she even BUY anything?" And apologized saying it happens. Which I'm aware of.

I've already gotten the SECOND best death glare I've ever seen and been cursed out because I was closing the lane since the register locked me out. (I worked 5 1/2 hours that day, and with that you only get one 15 minute break so the register decided I'd worked too long and locked me out.) I offered to get a manager over to let me back in the register so I could check her out, but she refused.

This "refusal" included cursing me out, telling her daughter all kinds of "nice" things about me, and saying I was just being lazy like most of what's wrong with the world/America today.

That's right folks! Flink is what's wrong with America. ^^
Comments 3
Total Comments 3
Old Comment Posted 06-11-2009 at 09:11 PM
[B][SIZE="2"]That sounds like the best job ever! Ahaha.
And those Ice Breakers are awesome. . . <__<;[/size][/b]
  Ben Tigre is offline
Old Comment Posted 06-11-2009 at 10:00 PM
[B][SIZE="2"]Yes I've tried them XD
They're my favorite mints now.
They taste JUST like Iced Tea.[/size][/b]
  Ben Tigre is offline
Old Comment Posted 06-12-2009 at 01:19 AM
[B][SIZE="2"]Well I can't say much about it being cold XD
But the taste is the best artificial iced tea flavor I've ever had[/size][/b]
  Ben Tigre is offline