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Dutch Lesson- Dutch Verb "To Have"

Dutch Lesson- Dutch Verb "To Have"

Posted 10-03-2009 at 09:24 PM by Clair Voyant
[QUOTE]To Have

Another irregular verb, one used almost as much as to be.
Of course there are many different tenses, but for now, let’s focus on the simple tenses. Simple Present and Simple Past.

The Present Simple of the English verb to have is pretty boring.
I have, you have, he has, we have, you have, they have.
The singular third person – he, she, it – is the odd one out. All other forms are simply ‘have’.
Unfortunately, the Dutch equivalent of 'to have', namely '(te) hebben' is a little harder.

Te hebben
Ik heb
Jij hebt
Hij/zij/het heeft

Wij hebben
Jullie hebben
Zij hebben

Note that all three plural forms are identical, although different from the singular forms.

Now that we have had the present simple, let us move on to the past simple.
The English Past Simple of ‘to have’ is had. Simple as that.
I had, you had, he had. We had, you had, they had. No odd ones out, no sudden differences. Just a plain, easy ‘had’.
Once again, the Dutch form is slightly harder.
The Dutch Past Simple of '(te) hebben' is remarkably similar to English. The singular forms are exactly the same, the plural are not.

Ik had
Jij had
Hij had

That’s easy. Just translate I, you or he, and you have the answer.
However, it would not be Dutch, if there wasn’t something to complicate it, now would it be?

Wij hadden
Jullie hadden
Zij hadden

As you can see, the basic part is still the same, but something has changed. ‘-den’ has been added in all plural forms. Note that once again, all three plural forms are identical.

Now that we have had the two most common irregular verbs, we can soon move on to the basic rules of the verbs, so that you can learn how regular verbs are formed. [/QUOTE]

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