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Phoenix "Jubilee"

Phoenix "Jubilee"

Posted 05-17-2008 at 12:50 PM by Saisei
A jubilee is a celebration, its root also forms the word "jubilation" which implies that there is to be a great amount of joy involved.

However, I must say, this new collection system is ruining it for me. It's worth noting at this point that I'm not one of those who is typically resistant to change simply because it's change. I always evaluate what is being changed versus what could've been left the same and make a complaint or praise based on that evaluation.

What was wrong with the old system, though? You could do your thing on the site, like always, and every so often have it [i]brought to your attention[/i] that you have an item. Now you have to take time [i]away[/i] from enjoying the site in order to search every page for an orchid or bud.

I can't just browse my normal forums anymore, because every page I load, I have to scroll to the top and bottom to make sure I'm not missing anything. When I load a thread, I can't just click on the "view newest post" button because I need to check the whole page I'm viewing for orchids and buds. It's given my experience on Menewsha a funectomy.

I guess I'll just have to buy the limited items with my gold after the fact and just play tetris until the event is over to store up the gold, because if my choice is "enjoy normal posting" or "scour every page you view for items" then I'm going to have to go with normal posting or the unseen third option of going insane...
Comments 2
Total Comments 2
Old Comment Posted 05-18-2008 at 06:14 PM
for me

sometimes i barely see the flowers...even though they are right in front of me. they just sit there, and seem like an actual part of the forum.

some people have placed the flowers in their sig. resulting in "oh i found one" only to be tricked.
  Bunai is offline
Old Comment Posted 05-22-2009 at 04:52 AM
  tinyboatman is offline