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Grim reapers and a day planner full of sticky notes

Grim reapers and a day planner full of sticky notes

Posted 05-18-2008 at 12:06 AM by Insane Cricket
Alright, this is about [i]Dearly Departed[/i] again. Though, it's only kinda sorta about it.

I have to say, I've been thinking about this for a pretty long time and yet I've said nothing. But the first time I read the concept of [i]Dearly Departed[/i] I immediately began to think about sticky notes.

I've been so tempted to somehow incorporate them into the plot and see if anyone manages to get the reference, and/or understands why I'm doing it.

Why the sticky notes? Well, I'm a fan of [i]Dead Like Me[/i] of course! Where when you die you can bargain and manage to become a grim reaper. Then you sit at a table in a diner with your boss and co-reapers and you're handy a sticky note with a person's name, location, and time of death.

You take your sticky note, find the person, touch them to remove their soul, and watch as they're killed in one odd way or another.

It's a genuinely good show, and the character who narrates it is sarcastic and amazingly funny. Now, I'm not sure if anyone here has even head of [i]Dead Like me,[/i] let alone seen it.

If you've seen it, [i]please[/i] tell me you understand why [i]Dearly Departed[/i] makes me want to put sticky notes all over everyone in sight. XD

I'll stop my random rambling now. -Nods-
Comments 1
Total Comments 1
Old Comment Posted 05-18-2008 at 03:42 AM
I've never seen Dead like me but it sounds interesting.

Hmmm, i think the like should now change to a pad of sticky notes. Yes, that sounds very reaperish xD
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