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[CENTER][URL="http://www.ernya.com/fantastic-romance-3-a-request-thread-t11119.html"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Fantastic Romance[/FONT][/URL]
[URL="http://www.ernya.com/fate-of-the-raised-aeons-a-request-thread-t49405.html"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Fate of The Raised Aeons[/FONT][/URL]
[URL="http://www.menewsha.com/forum/art/art-shops/art-requests/112378-through-kaleidoscope-u-c.html"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]~Through The Kaleidoscope~[/FONT][/URL][/CENTER]
Background Info: Elliot

Background Info: Elliot

Posted 12-20-2011 at 07:15 PM by Hadsvich
Updated 01-27-2012 at 10:30 PM by Hadsvich

[FONT="Century Gothic"][B]Like all werewolves, Elliot was born half human, half wolf. On the night of a full moon, he transforms into a full breed wolf. And on the night of a new moon, he loses his ears and tail and becomes human.

Elliot was born on the Island of Lost Hopes. However, his wolf clan is a nomadic people and left soon after he was born. They traveled all over the mainland as well as other islands. He began to have a fondness for the Island of Lost Hopes when he returned there with his clan at the age of eighteen. So he decided to settle there in a little log cabin in the woods. His family thought it was too soon for him to part from the clan but they understood how it felt to find a place you knew you truly belonged.

He lived in that cabin for countless years, enjoying his solitary life, surviving on the land. Till he met an incubus from another world on the night of a new moon. He realized how much he missed the warmth of another being. But by sunrise, the incubus had disappeared, as if that night was only a dream. It was only till the next new moon that he met the incubus again and was finally able to ask what his name was. After many new moons, they began to feel something for each other. Before long, they each awaited a new moon night to come.

Years passed and as he wandered the island one day, as he so often did, he came upon a succubus and vampiress not to far from his little cabin. They told him about how they were going to found a village and that if he liked, he was welcome to join them. He was lonely waiting for the incubus every new moon. So he decided that he would stay with them in this village. They were so happy to find someone knowledgeable about the land that they relied on him whenever they could.[/B][/FONT]
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