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Seiki Nova
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Black"]Warning: The following content may not be suited to those who do not like puppies, sunny days, bright colors, and love*. If this applies to you, then it would be highly suggested that you hightail it out of here before you become tainted by all the happy-go-lucky blurbs of happiness for they will consume your soul! If you had all planned on going to hell anyways, please continue preparing your handbasket and have a great day!

* This is not to exclude complaining, bitterness, name calling, fighting, rudeness, and distastefulness towards others and other things or whatever. Humbug ; }[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
Project Mene Judging Applications!

Project Mene Judging Applications!

Posted 10-02-2010 at 12:53 AM by Seiki Nova
Updated 10-02-2010 at 12:55 AM by Seiki Nova
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][CENTER][SIZE="1"]Hi everyone! We're looking for new judges for the newest cycle of [URL=""]Project Mene[/URL] and we're asking for you to apply here if you think you have what it takes! To apply, just copy the form below and post it as a comment here in this blog!

Judges play an integral part of this contest. We are looking for judges who are willing to give an honest and non-biased critique and numbered score each week after contestants have entered their outfits. Without the judges, this contest will not work, so if you're unsure about how much time you have to dedicate to this, know that the cycles last anywhere from 6-12 weeks and you will be required to submit scores during that time. If something comes up, I understand. Just let me know if something happens and you can't judge for a time (this only applies if you are selected as a judge).

Also, the theme for this cycle is [I]Back to Basics[/I]!

We're really hoping to see some new blood for this cycle, so we're leaving applications open until October 31st at midnight (11:59 PM) [URL=""]AZ standard time[/URL]! Looking forward to seeing what you've got!

If you would rather apply for the position of a contestant, please check out [URL=]this blog post[/URL] and fill out the form located there![/SIZE]

[center][FONT="impact"][COLOR=#99ccff][SIZE="5"]judge application form[/SIZE][/font]

judging sample: (critique my current avatar - please upload to tinypic/photobucket so that the comments will not apply to the wrong avatar as I change frequently)
why you'd make a good judge:[/SIZE][/COLOR][/center]

[noparse][center][FONT="impact"][COLOR=#99ccff][SIZE="5"]judging application form[/SIZE][/font]

judging sample: (critique my current avatar - please upload to tinypic/photobucket so that the comments will not apply to the wrong avatar as I change frequently)
why you'd make a good judge:[/SIZE][/COLOR][/center][/noparse][/CENTER][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
Comments 4
Total Comments 4
Old Comment Posted 10-02-2010 at 02:53 AM
[center][FONT="impact"][COLOR=#99ccff][SIZE="5"]judging application form[/SIZE][/font]

[SIZE="1"]username: CK
judging sample: [IMG][/IMG]
While I really like the way you've gone with your selection in eye and haircolor/style and base tone, I think you may have gone a touch too 'basic' for this challenge. :x

(Sorry - I couldn't resist. D: )

why you'd make a good judge: I've judged several times previously and participated as a contestant and did fairly well. :3[/SIZE][/COLOR][/center]

Please to feel free to accept fresh blood over me. ;)
  CK is offline
Old Comment Posted 10-02-2010 at 03:19 AM
[center][FONT="impact"][COLOR=#99ccff][SIZE="5"]judging application form[/SIZE][/font]

[SIZE="1"]username: Keyori
judging sample: [img][/img]
I actually disagree with CK. Ever since the thread creation bonus was implemented, I rarely see such simple avatars on outside of the Fresh Meat forum, and I applaud your combination of taboo semi-nudity and defiance against basic design principles.
why you'd make a good judge: I judged once before, and now I've competed! So, I guess I have good experience. Also, I get anxious over results, so I'm not prone to missing deadlines.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/center]

This will be the last PM I can participate in for well over a year! As long as this cycle doesn't slide into late February, I should be able to fulfill any judging obligations.
  Keyori is offline
Updated 10-02-2010 at 03:24 AM by Keyori
Old Comment Posted 11-02-2010 at 05:42 AM
[center][FONT="impact"][COLOR=#99ccff][SIZE="5"]judging application form[/SIZE][/font]

[SIZE="1"]username: Cherry Flavored Antacid
judging sample: [img][/img]
While you've applied a good balance of colors to your avatar and the colors look quite nice together, I can't help but feel that this look lacks any real cohesive theme. Some halloween items are being used, but the core of the avatar does not lend itself to spookiness. It mostly looks like you threw on things just because they were a certain color, not because they added something to the avatar for other reasons.
I would probably give this avatar a 6.5-7/10.
why you'd make a good judge: I have roots in the AC, but have been absent from it for over a year. This means that I like matching colors and a nice balance of them, but it takes more than just a bunch of random stuff piled on to impress me. In order for a contestant to get a good vote from me, they'll need to employ both a skillful distribution of the right colors and a pleasing theme. Even if they do both of those, if the avatar just doesn't look right, they won't win me over. In short, I'll be your Simon Cowell - it must be perfect. (But I wouldn't be [i]mean[/i], of course!)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/center]
  Cherry Who? is offline
Old Comment Posted 11-08-2010 at 01:44 AM
[center][FONT="impact"][COLOR=#99ccff][SIZE="5"]judging application form[/SIZE][/font]
[SIZE="1"]username: Cora Lorington
judging sample: [IMG][/IMG]

I've seen avi's from you that I just thought where ok (not very often xP) and avi's from you that I love. This is one of those avi's that I love. The color combination is really nice and with the addition of the brown to the mix not too overly used. I LOVE the top combination. That shrug, feathers and corset combo is really awesome and flows together amazingly. I am not however to incredibly keen on the choice of shoes....but maybe thats because I just dont like those shoes much. I also find the addition of the watch at the waist to be a bit distracting and random. Overall though I give this avi a 8/10.
why you'd make a good judge:I know Project Mene like the back of my hand having been around it now for two years pretty diligently. I have both been a contestant three times (Winning the last round I participated in) and been a judge in the past. I try to be as fair as possible to the contestants putting aside any and all personal friends and/or grudges. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/center]
  Cora is offline