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Marketeering: Introduction

Marketeering: Introduction

Posted 01-19-2011 at 08:04 PM by Bartuc
As some know, I have been out of the exchange as a trader since December 2008. I stopped actively trading when I finished my quest and became a staff member. I kept being in there as it is and will always be my home on Menewsha. It is what I do and it is something I have always enjoyed. I continued to trade when I could to help friends on their quests and slowly build up and trade away my ever growing hoard of stuff. Around January 2010 I took a very much needed hiatus from this site.

Earlier this month I came back in full to see that not much as changed between prices except for a few select things. This got me to thinking. There is a lack of movement of items in the exchange. Which for a healthy economy to run on a site, it needs movement and demand. So, aside from helping some friends with their quests, starting up a recruitment contest in the Contests Forum. I have decided to take on a new quest on Menewsha after 2 years of not questing at all. This quest will be demanding of myself as well as the active users of Menewsha.

I am going to spend this next year, when not busy with work or school, doing nothing but trading. I want to see this market thrive the way it use it. I want to see new users coming onto this site and staying, but most of all. I want to fight this stale, dried up exchange we have. I will not use the Menewsha Price Guide as a revolt against the users who base this as a bible for everyday buying and selling. I am going to simply use the knowledge I have and try to go with how items actually sell, not by what is listed. I will use autobuys, but will haggle with people. I will help questers as I have always done. I will work with people.

I will keep a blog about 1-2 times a week on current profits made. I will help new and old people alike if they have any questions. However, I will no longer stand for this anti-natural inflation. I [b]will not[/b] artificially inflate prices. I think that is lame and if people need to fuck with prices like that to make profit, they really need to learn a few lessons on marketing.

Inflation is not a bad thing. Inflation happens when more people come into a site and items are less obtainable. There are items now automatically and naturally inflating as they go up for sale. While the rest stay low and to the ground, barely moving from whence [i]I stopped trading in 2008[/i]. I wholeheartedly believe that the natural inflation I saw in 2008 stopped when several of us finished our quests. We were actively buying everything that could help us. When we finished our quests the markets power of traders slowed down drastically. Leaving the few who had not finished their quests. Which left a massive gap in the between high item traders and low item traders. I left the high item area when I no longer needed the items to obtain anything else, I left it to those who wanted them or needed them to obtain others. Now the market has died and partially to my own fault.

This chapter in my career on Menewsha will probably make me several enemies. Hopefully will make me many more friends though. My goal is to not turn this into gaia. Infact, I wish to make this the polar opposite. A non-controlled naturally inflating economy. That, is my overall goal. To put this economy in the place where it should have been in 2009 and 2010.

If you choose to follow this blog, you are more then welcome too. I have it up for everyone to see if they choose to follow it. Comment on it etc..
Comments 2
Total Comments 2
Old Comment Posted 01-19-2011 at 08:21 PM
Interesting project. :3 Maybe this will turn into a group effort!
  Snowberry is offline
Old Comment Posted 01-19-2011 at 09:20 PM
A group effort would be fun. Definitely make for an interesting time in the exchange. =) And would help during the period I am settling into my new home in Germany and waiting internetz to be installed. <3
  Bartuc is offline