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Marketeering: Chapter Uno - State of the Exchange

Marketeering: Chapter Uno - State of the Exchange

Posted 01-19-2011 at 08:12 PM by Bartuc
So, this last week I have been back I have assessed the issue and started on my way to correct. Managed to start the push around of items and starting to remove mass amounts of the overabundance off the exchange. And managed to net in quite a substantial amount of profit. I have realized the exchange itself is in an utter state of depression. There is profit to be made everywhere, but no one seems to be buying at all. Few users have massed together the majority of the gold on this site. Between all the users I know of with 50k+ You are looking at about 1.4m gold spread around 10 users. This is most definitely the problem in the exchange. Users are hoarding up gold for events they do not care that they are killing the exchange. There is honestly no real way to correct this problem. As they care not about the state of the exchange, just what effects them and their goals.

Current Profit Made in week 1: 207,650 gold

All my profit values are not reflected in liquid gold. Most of my profits have been turned into items and I am basing them off the actual sell value of the items. So, could be higher, if I get lucky on a sale.
Comments 1
Total Comments 1
Old Comment Posted 01-19-2011 at 08:41 PM
Sweet profit in 1 week! :D

Damn.. if I'm staying put. I don't really need so many commons right now. >,>
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