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Venting is Good for the Soul 8-1-11

Venting is Good for the Soul 8-1-11

Posted 08-02-2011 at 02:16 AM by Nova_Alchemist
Updated 08-02-2011 at 07:25 PM by Nova_Alchemist (statement!)
[COLOR=Red]Ugh! I'm bound to this place by the unseen so I can't leave.. unseen chains and shackles hold me down from letting all hell brake loose... Just once I would like my so-called family to look me in eyes and say they love me.. I want them to hear me.. to see me.. to trust me.. just once! Let me spread my wings and fly instead of keeping me locked up in a cage! You teach me how to be independent but when I want to to out and fly you won't me... Why? What are you so afraid of? I'll always come back.. even when I'm on my own I'll still come back... So many people only live for my sake.. am I really that special? That important? I am a human being but I'm not human exactly... I'm a vampire, an angel, a cat, a wolf, a snake, a demon, and human all at the same damn time! Judge me as you will but I'm tired of hiding... I'm sick and twisted, crazy and insane, good and bad, pure and evil but I can't help it... It's the environment I live in... [/COLOR][COLOR=Red]((this has nothing to do with anyone on here, it's more so what goes on in the real world))[/COLOR]
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