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It's been a while...

It's been a while...

Posted 09-08-2011 at 05:28 PM by zigbigadorlube
...since I've updated this.

I've been really active on Mene as of late. I've been donating more, posting more, and staying active in a few chat threads. I've pretty much abandoned Gaia apart from logging on every so often to see what's going on there. I'm not sure if I'll ever fully go back there, I like the smaller community feeling of Menewsha and Gaia just seems to be a money whore now.

I've begun to slow down a lot more on roleplays lately. My favorite one, the Yu Yu Hakusho roleplay I was doing with Savari Boo, seems to have died off and along with it my desire to roleplay for the most part. I've been letting them go for quite a while before getting around to replying. I feel ashamed at the amount of time it takes me to reply now. It's not that I don't like roleplaying, it's more that there are other things I'd rather do at the moment so that it almost seems like a chore to respond. Hopefully I'll eventually get out of this slump but I'm not sure how long it will take or if I ever will. I think I just need a really good roleplay to inspire me. In the meantime I'm having a good time just hanging out at Estrella's charity thread and a few other places where I've gotten to know the people.

On another note I've gotten nominated for User's Pick quite a few times now but I've never actually won. I hope one day I will win, it seems a shame that I get nominated so often, and have even come in second place a few times, but never actually taken the cake. I've also made a new thread to display some of my better avatars in the new Menewsha Runway forum.

Well I think that's about it for the updates, I'll be seeing you around the forums!
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