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Rp Plot

Rp Plot

Posted 11-14-2011 at 04:01 AM by Rei Ann
Updated 02-09-2012 at 01:49 AM by Rei Ann
This a Teen Titans rp plot, that I don't want to lose, posting here for later use and stuffs

It'd be set at least almost six years into the future. They might be in their early 20's. Once upon a time, when they were all still apart of the Teen Titans, before Robin became Nightwing. Robin and Raven had a very close relationship. One where they went all the way, which resulted in Raven ending up with child. Before she could tell Boy wonder, he ended the relationship over reasons with her he didn't share. Raven, left the titans for some time to have the child and gave her up for adoption but bonded the girls powers. Years later, when the child would be about four or five, the titans have disbanded. Each moving to start new teams or hero careers, yet Raven is alone living alone, in the abandon tower, the place that was her only home. She get's a call from her child's foster parents, they sound near death, and she's told her daughter been kidnapped by some horrible person, and then the parents die. Raven has no choice to find her daughter, yet she knows she can't go to the justice league, she knows they'd want to be too involved. She has no choice, but to go to Nightwing looking for help. It's the last thing in the world she wants to do is see the man who broke her heart into many pieces, but it's the only chance to save their daughter. Also we can find a way to add in another couples cause I so wanna be Raven and the kid, but I don't want you stuck being forced to only be a guy.

Plot Two Titans:
Once upon a time in a world of teen fighting crime, two certain birds had forged a bond, and eventually ended up in a relationship. This relationship meant the world to a certain Raven, but the Robin had to end it, because he knew it would distract them both and end badly. Yet before it ended, like many hormone filled teens, their relationship went to far, and Raven found her self with child. Instead of telling Robin, afraid of forcing him to stay with her. She fled from the Titans, gave birth and raised the child. She still lived in the city but the other Titans couldn't find her, as she had taken on a different identity. She raised the girl, yet when her daughter Elizabeth Roth Grayson was just five, Raven disappeared and never showed to pick the girl up. Who ends up being discovered by the group of titans, when they are stopping a bad guy. Soon Robing[Now Nightwing] finds a purple hair girl with his eyes, and realizes this girl is his child, and now him and the other Titans must find Raven.

So I know there some plot holes there, I figured Robin had created some power inhibitor that works on Raven, so she could have moments where she could express emotion without destroying things. I figured this could have happened around 16 or so, and now they are about 21.

Do you mind if my character is Kagome's cousin?

Here is a little more on her
Raye ends up coming to stay with her Aunt and Grand Father, after Kagome's death, to help them out, though she always been a very gifted girl with Priestess powers. Everyone but her Kagome's parents, and grandfather, want Raye to be like Kagome even though she is the older one.

Then she falls into the well, after Inuyasha comes to visit normal time, and the tree where Kagome is buried.[The tree on her familys temple]

While he visiting, she falls into the well, and ends up in the past, attacked by a demon, last jewel shard is in her side, it gets ripped out, she has it. Also she is sort of haunted by Kagome in her dreams, since Kagome needs her to talk her place, to stop Naraku, who also is the one who killed Kagome...btw. She also of course can see shards, and purify them. Sort of looks like Kagome, but not really. She's what I call useful, since kagome was always like shot one arrow, and then couldn't do anything.
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