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Lia's Profile

Lia's Profile

Posted 01-18-2013 at 07:48 AM by Staria
Updated 02-10-2013 at 01:06 AM by Staria
[CENTER][b][U][SIZE="5"]The Eternal Child[/SIZE][/U][/b][/CENTER]

[B]Name:[/B] Lalita Tien

[B]Name Meaning:[/B] Playful (as well as charming/desirable) ; spirit or fairy

[B]Nickname(s):[/B] Lia

[B]Gender:[/B] Female

[B]Age:[/B] She appears in her mid teens

[B]Race:[/B] Fay-born
*that is a human that is constructed or somehow born from fay magic or fay souls. This can occur due to fairy deliberately intervening or a changeling lasting long enough to have a child before it's magic makes it fade and appear to 'die. In lia's case she was still born and her mother's dying wish was for something to save the baby. Some passing fae in pity put pieces of various dead fay's souls into the dead infant to revive it into the strange little being that is Ms. Tien.

[B]Height:[/B] 5'3''

[B]Build: [/B] Willowy, Slender.

[B]Appearance:[/B] [url=] She[/url] is a slight, slender little thing that stands only 5'3'' and appears to be around six teen. She has vivid blue eyes and hair as black as coal with a slightly purple sheen to it. She always wears an over sized hooded jacket over her clothes that makes her appear even smaller and very simple clothes in neutrals and light blues. She often wears gloves and claims her hands get cold is why. She also always wears a silver wedding band with small stones on her right hand, showing it is not hers or truly a symbol of marriage anymore... Other then this ring she wears no other jewelry.

[B]Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks:[/B] Blue stylized butterfly wings on her back. She also has scars on her back, shoulders, and arms that make it appear she was in one hell of a fight.


[B]Alignment:[/B] Chaotic Good would probably best describe her.

[B]Occupation:[/B] Adventurer with unknown means of income, presumed that it is from her family.

[B]Personality:[/B] She can be flighty and appear rather attention deficit but appears very knowledgeable about random obscure things and intelligent when you can get her to keep still. Unless she's reading it's very rare to find her not moving, you see, whether she's practicing a spell or running around to do some new experiment. Whether this is due to an actually flighty nature or she just plain doesn't care is unclear. She can be rather selfish and aloof at times as well but more out of distraction then any real malice. The only time she seems to drop into any real seriousness is on cold rainy days.

[B]Likes:[/B] Love, Laughter, magic, experiments, history, fun, independence, painting, drawing.

[B]Dislikes:[/B] Cold, Rainy Days. Fighting.

[B]Angered By:[/B] People who try to control her, two faced people, Lies, Those who blame others falsely.

[B]Soothed By:[/B] New knowledge or other distraction.

[B]Words She lives By:[/B] “Just keep moving, never slow down!”

[B]Favored Weapons:[/B] Enchanted Cards.

[B]Always Carries:[/B] A ring that was her mothers, a group of taro cards despite professing lack of belief in them.

[B]Most prized possession:[/B] Her mothers wedding ring.

[B]Powers:[/B] Shapeshifting, control Ice and water, and using various spells as well as alchemy. She has enchanted various taro cards and cloth items to do various things with these skills.

[B]Talents/Skills:[/B] Spellcrafting, Alchemy, multi-lingual, gymnastics, ability to paint anything she sees with perfect accuracy.

[B]Strengths:[/B] Her ties to magic and her intelligence.

[B]Weaknesses: [/B] Iron hurts her just as it would a fae.

[B]Fears/Emotional Scars:[/B] Terrified of blood.

[B]Family:[/B] Her 'father'.

[B]History: [/B] Even being born was a life and death experience for her. Living in her small village would not be much of an improvement at first. In fact shortly after her birth a plague took many other young infants but her magic protected her as it was from tainted water. By the time she was five it had began to take adults as well. Blaming her, one cold and rainy day, a mob of villagers tried to kill her and her father. Her powers presented themselves, sending a shockwave of sharp ice daggers from her body. Many of the villagers died and she found her own father also seriously injured. She unconsciously used their connection and her own magic to try and keep him alive. He has slowly become more construct then human and may or may not be dead. Since then the two fled and she grew, becoming the strange person she is now and constantly searching. What she searches for even her father does not seem to know.
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