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wake up, lil vcr tapes

Posted 07-26-2017 at 06:28 AM by Dazzlingdreamberry

So I was telling biker pal how I was looking for VCR machines on Amazon. It would require a spreadsheet. Cost, condition, rating, company s rating. Most are used, as they aren't made anymore. Biker guy shot me screenshot of a new machine on eBay, I think. He said he could bid on it for me. I said ok. Now we wait to see if bid is accepted. I've never done eBay before. But biker guy is a go getter. He likes to solve problems. He bought his motorcycle from them.

Wow, I may be able to watch my poor videos again. And Mr x has some too. It'd be wonderful. Oh no, just thought of the machine. It has to be hooked up. I hate wire stuff. But I'll be like Sherlock and view it as a challenge.

I'm hungry but meter says I shouldn't. And I'm thirsty. So am sipping water. Mr x made some comment that I'm not eating much. Well it's hot and I was dealing with the acid reflux. I'm waiting till he actually says, hey you lost some weight. I'm in the normal bmi category now, and 13# from my goal. My old running weight.

Movies. Tonight watched half of, smashed up. Susan Hayward. 1947. Blk/wh. She got best actress nomination for portrayal of alcoholic. It must've been revolutionary topic back then. In movie she's confused why she's doing the things she does. Like a jealous cat fight. Maybe it loosens your inhibitions. I don't know. I've never been drunk.
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church retreat

Posted 07-25-2017 at 04:57 AM by Dazzlingdreamberry

I'm kind of interested in this. Found a catholic retreat maybe 25 miles away. Something like 50 acres. Places to hike, gardens, food. Sounds like a good vacation. I especially like the silent retreat. Can you imagine no blinkin, beeping phones? No loud tvs. No talking. No startling news alerts. Hey, that's a library! Now it mentioned no keys for the door. Huh? That sounds really strange. This place got high yelps.

Watched a little downton. Slogging thru season 6, the last one. It's really a great show, if you like retro. I didn't like the war part, but that seems to be a given for every generation. I want to try more of these English dramas.

No mail today. I'm waiting for license renewal. Don't want to take test, but I have to know.

Saw this interesting house for sale kind of nearby. It's a total fixer upper. But it was built in 1900! It has some of original structure. That'd be neat to restore to retro glamour.
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Views 298 Comments 2 Dazzlingdreamberry is offline

at long last, ma petite dvd

Posted 07-23-2017 at 04:26 AM by Dazzlingdreamberry

It's 83* in here. Another 3 fan er. I'm sipping water. So, I did find my laptop charger. After I had looked everywhere, I opened the subject to Mr x. He found it in 20 min. I had hung it on the handlebar of the bike in the living room! The very same one I ride every day. In fact I reach down to grab this outdated phone, complete with charger, I use as a timer. I was thisfar from the laptop charger. But I hang a bunch of purses there. # the wily charger

Anyway, I have the charger and go to charge laptop. I had bought this external drive DVD thing, hoping I could watch DVDs on laptop. It didn't work.

Undaunted, I went back ol and discovered portable DVD players. I thought DVD player must be connected to tv. But these portable ones have their own screen. It looks like a mini laptop. I got a 7" one. I put my Sherlock tape in, and lo and behold, it played! It was wonderful! The hounds of Baskerville. Today watched the adventures of Sherlock. With Ida lupino. An impossibly beautiful woman. I didn't recognize her. I'd only seen her in her later acting years.

Went into closet to examine my DVDs. About a good armful. Many not even opened. I basically haven't watched my DVDs since 2008 when tv went from analog to digital. Hooking up tv wires is not my forte. I have come to a deep and abiding dislike of tvs, remotes. We have 4 tvs. 2 hooked up. 2 old ones, as back up. I wouldn't mind not getting a new one. Ever. I don't really watch tv. I only like retro stuff. It's Mr x whose obsession is tv. It drives me bonkers. I dislike reality shows immensely. Naked and afraid. Could you get any low class than that? What would Sherlock say?!

Forgot to mention I met up with bro. We hit a Vietnamese joint. Got cold noodles. He picked an impossibly hot day. After we hung out at a McDonald's. We had drinks and nibbled my tic tacs.

I'm reading this book about retro Ireland. A crafty, impoverished girl with brains and spunk. I hate spunk! Growls Mr grant.
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bubble, bubble. toil and

Posted 07-17-2017 at 04:59 AM by Dazzlingdreamberry

So a boba tea shop has appeared in our faire town. I'd been seeing reference to it, but couldn't place where it was. Well, it's near the Starbucks I sometimes go to. And near the small, and probably ever smaller parking lot. Rats. Cause its horribly popular. An hour wait, like it's a Disneyland ride. There was a sign saying the boba bouncer wasn't there, but please be considerate and not block the sidewalk.

What is boba tea? Also called bubble tea. It's a Taiwanese cold tea. Made with milk, sweetener etc. They have these tiny pearl things. The size of a probiotic I once took. The boba is chewy. I don't know how you're supposed to drink tea with tiny, round things in it. Maybe the straw is wide. I've never tried it. Probably too sweet for someone with Ch.

They have Vietnamese ice Joe which is made with condensed milk. I've tried this. It's good. Then there's a Thai tea that I think has sweet milk in it. Never tried that. With regular hot tea I never put milk in it.

It was another wretchedly hot day. I cleaned my bedroom looking for the elusive laptop charger. It still eludes me, staying one step ahead. I'll get you, my lil pretty! And your lil hog too!
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Views 285 Comments 1 Dazzlingdreamberry is offline

fanny Brice

Posted 07-12-2017 at 02:30 AM by Dazzlingdreamberry

Temp cooled down a bit. This was getting really old. They'll be a little respite. So, cap, I looked up article on fans vs air conditioners. I didn't know conditioners were so big! The only ones I've seen were in motel rooms. They mentioned maintenance. Filter, water. Costs 100 times more? Oy vey.

I lost another pound. Acid reflux will do that to you. I finished the evil dementia causing prilosec. Will transition to Zantac next.

Mr x watching the all star game. Oh, forgot to tell you. He was at a spa doctor getting spots removed from face. The well qualified woman doc came in and asked him, do you speak English! Well, why was I there? His interpreter? But, no. I'm Asian so I obviously can't speak English either. She owns the business and its the highest yelp rated. Mr x calmly answered, yes I speak English. I don't like her attitude though. She scares me. She's very blunt and brusque. Yelpers noted this too. She never smiles. She came in, pointed at his face, and barked, what is this? Well it's the handiwork of the laser. You tell us, lady. Your crony is the one who worked on him. Still, I can't believe she could be blatantly racist. She was ER doc for 31 years, I'm sure working on all kinds of people. I'm assuming she's just really socially inept. I mean, I could bring her down with a scathing yelp review. She couldn't be that stupid.

Well it was Prime Day. I only got one earring. A blue lever back. 30% off. But I had bought an item for $7 recently. I saw it on prime deal. For $77! They jacked it up sky high. I couldn't even tell you what % that is. Maybe I'll ask bro. He used to tutor it. # the rat

I'm reading a Sherlock. Watson s the main character.

And now I think a cup o mud is calling me. # coming dear
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