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Seiki Nova
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Black"]Warning: The following content may not be suited to those who do not like puppies, sunny days, bright colors, and love*. If this applies to you, then it would be highly suggested that you hightail it out of here before you become tainted by all the happy-go-lucky blurbs of happiness for they will consume your soul! If you had all planned on going to hell anyways, please continue preparing your handbasket and have a great day!

* This is not to exclude complaining, bitterness, name calling, fighting, rudeness, and distastefulness towards others and other things or whatever. Humbug ; }[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Ignore me!

Posted 05-03-2010 at 06:39 AM by Seiki Nova (Seiki's Musings)
Updated 06-13-2010 at 03:48 PM by Seiki Nova


Hi everyone! We're looking for new contestants for the newest cycle of [URL=""]Project Mene[/URL] and we're asking for you to apply here if you think you have what it takes! To apply, just copy the form below and post it as a comment here in this blog!

The renaissance theme for Cycle 8 seemed well received by most of the users who participated and I'm sure that you guys will enjoy the theme for the upcoming cycle as well! [strike]But you're going to have to wait until the 16th to find out what that theme is going to be![/strike] The theme for the upcoming cycle is going to be [I]Broadway[/I]! In the meantime, fill out an application for one of our contestant positions!

We're really hoping to see some new blood for this cycle, so we're leaving applications open until May 31st at midnight (11:59 PM) [URL=""]AZ standard time[/URL]! Looking forward to seeing what you've got!

If you would rather apply for the position of a judge, please check out [URL=""]this blog post[/URL] and fill out the form located there![/SIZE]

[center][FONT="impact"][COLOR=#99ccff][SIZE="5"]contestant application form[/SIZE][/font]

avatar sample:
why you'd make a good contestant:[/SIZE][/COLOR][/center]

[noparse][center][FONT="impact"][COLOR=#99ccff][SIZE="5"]contestant application form[/SIZE][/font]

avatar sample:
why you'd make a good contestant:[/SIZE][/COLOR][/center][/noparse][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/CENTER][/COLOR]
Wishing on Shooting Stars
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Views 605 Comments 7 Seiki Nova is offline

Project Mene application process starting tomorrow!

Posted 05-01-2010 at 06:33 AM by Seiki Nova (Seiki's Musings)

Sometime tomorrow I'm going to be putting up the applications for the next cycle of Project Mene. I have yet to figure out what the theme will be as I've been a bit preoccupied, however I hope to have it revealed to you all by mid-May as I will be starting the next cycle on June 6th! If you think you want to participate for the upcoming cycle, please stay tuned! And spread the word!
Wishing on Shooting Stars
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Views 432 Comments 2 Seiki Nova is offline

Giving up on Project Mene? New Questions added 3/31!

Posted 03-30-2010 at 03:54 AM by Seiki Nova (Seiki's Musings)
Updated 03-31-2010 at 08:56 PM by Seiki Nova

[SIZE="1"]This is something that has been bothering me for a while now, at least since this most recent cycle of Project Mene began.

When Donna started this contest, she made it out of fun to see what other users would do in an ongoing elimination-based avatar contest. The goal was to create a set amount of challenges and recruit ten contestants to play them out until one was the winner. Donna made it three seasons before she had to give up the contest because she didn't have the time and didn't really want to host anymore. This is my sixth cycle and I'm feeling that number seven might be my last, both because I'm questing and can't afford the prize anymore, and because I'm tired. I have plans coming up in the next year, and whether or not I want to host it, facing the facts I'm starting school as a full time student in January, hopefully with a full time job as well and I don't know if I'll have the time to dedicate to the contest except for during breaks and I don't want that.

There's a lot that goes into hosting a contest as big as this. Its not just a small, "everyone make an outfit based on this and we'll pick a winner" kind of thing. You need to come up with a theme, come up with anywhere from 5-8 challenges to fit into that theme, hold an application period to choose judges and contestants and then on top of that have to say no to people because you've had too many applicants. You have to set and enforce deadlines, put time into hosting the entries, compiling the scores of the judges and coming up with your own scores. Its just a really long process and its hard to keep up, especially when you've been doing it so long.

I've been thinking that maybe taking a break will help me out. When the current cycle is over and we begin looking for new contestants and judges for cycle 10, it could very well be the last cycle I host and I want your feedback on that issue.


What is your opinion on me closing the contest for good?

What is your opinion on me choosing a new host for the contest?

Would you guys be okay with it if I chose to take a few months off from hosting the contest for my first semester of school until I can figure out if I'm able to continue both?

For the above question, should there be a temporary host if I choose that option?

What do you think would help make the contest easier for me to manage it in the long run?

How many cycles do you think is a reasonable amount to host before retiring from it?

Would you rather that I just closed the contest for good and not let it be picked up by someone else if I chose to quit, or would picking a new host be a good idea?

What would you look for in the new host?

[B]New Questions![/B]

[I]I have some new questions for you guys, based on your current feedback and stuff. And I want to thank you guys for the input. Its helpful.[/I]

As has been suggested, a new/temporary host has been in high demand rather than my permanent closing of the contest. If I were to choose a new/temp host, would any of you be willing to host it in my absense? Requirements would be that you've been a judge and a contestant so that you understand both sides, are able to come up with new challenges and cycle themes, have at least 5-10 hours a week to dedicate to PM, are able to come up with an adequate prize for the cycle, can enforce rules and deadlines, etc.

In regards to if I were to choose a temp host while I took a break, how trustworthy are you? I don't want to have to create a new thread just because I'm taking a break off for a cycle and I want to know that I can trust whomever I pick with my account information so they can update in my absense.

How would you take on a new cycle? What would you do for a theme/prize/changes?

What would you guys say to mini-contests in between cycles? A free-for-all so that everyone can enter for a chance at a prize, just like a regular avatar contest?

Project Mene Mule - This will be a ways off if I decide to keep going with the contest a while longer, but as of right now a PM mule is not in the works. I do agree that in the long run, it would be more appropriate that a mule be created, but as I already have two mules (my own personal mule, and a mule for the iClone event), it is up to the new host who will take over after I do to get permission from a staff member to create or buy a mule account to use for this thread. Is that reasonable?

Would you guys like to see the mule be allowed to use my pre-existing written materials for the new thread, or should anything be rewritten? I need to know so that I can get permission from an AA to copy/paste without any consequences.

Do you guys think that I should make any changes to the contest as a whole, in regards to rules or challenges, or just how it's run to make it better?

Are there any rules that you currently disagree with?

[I]More questions to come as I get more feedback.[/I][/SIZE]
Wishing on Shooting Stars
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Views 837 Comments 20 Seiki Nova is offline

Project Mene Cycle 8 Judging Signups! CLOSED!

Posted 02-08-2010 at 05:27 PM by Seiki Nova (Seiki's Musings)
Updated 03-03-2010 at 10:11 PM by Seiki Nova

[CENTER][SIZE="1"]Hi everyone! We're looking for new judges for the newest cycle of [URL=""]Project Mene[/URL] and we're asking for you to apply here if you think you have what it takes! To apply, just copy the form below and post it as a comment here in this blog!

Judges play an integral part of this contest. We are looking for judges who are willing to give an honest and non-biased critique and numbered score each week after contestants have entered their outfits. Without the judges, this contest will not work, so if you're unsure about how much time you have to dedicate to this, know that the cycles last anywhere from 6-12 weeks and you will be required to submit scores during that time. If something comes up, I understand. Just let me know if something happens and you can't judge for a time (this only applies if you are selected as a judge).

I will also be selecting two backup judges for the reasons stated above.

Also, the theme for this cycle is [I]Renaissance[/I]!

If you would rather apply for the position of a contestant, please check out [URL=""]this blog post[/URL] and fill out the form located there![/SIZE]

[CENTER][center][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR=#99cc66][SIZE="5"]judge application form[/SIZE]

judging sample: (critique my current avatar - please upload to tinypic/photobucket so that the comments will not apply to the wrong avatar as I change frequently)
why you'd make a good judge:[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/center][/CENTER][/CENTER]
Wishing on Shooting Stars
Posted in Uncategorized
Views 766 Comments 9 Seiki Nova is offline

Project Mene Cycle 8 Contestant Signups! CLOSED!

Posted 02-08-2010 at 05:26 PM by Seiki Nova (Seiki's Musings)
Updated 03-03-2010 at 10:11 PM by Seiki Nova

[CENTER][SIZE="1"]Hi everyone! We're looking for new contestants for the newest cycle of [URL=""]Project Mene[/URL] and we're asking for you to apply here if you think you have what it takes! To apply, just copy the form below and post it as a comment here in this blog!

Each cycle, challenges are based on a central theme that's current throughout, with past themes including a green theme and Disney animated movies! The theme for this cycle is going to be a fun one. Can you say, [I]Renaissance[/I]? Art, science, plagues, fashion. Its going to be amazing! And don't be worried if you're not familiar with the time period. There will be plenty of users floating about our thread chatting and willing to help you with your entry for the challenge by giving you feedback!

We're really hoping to see some new blood for this cycle, so we're leaving applications open until February 28th at midnight (11:59 PM) [URL=""]AZ standard time[/URL]! Looking forward to seeing what you've got!

If you would rather apply for the position of a judge, please check out [URL=""]this blog post[/URL] and fill out the form located there![/SIZE]

[center][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR=#99cc66][SIZE="5"]contestant application form[/SIZE]

avatar sample:
why you'd make a good contestant:[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/center] [/CENTER]
Wishing on Shooting Stars
Posted in Uncategorized
Views 888 Comments 15 Seiki Nova is offline