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Mahira's Profile

Posted 07-04-2013 at 08:31 PM by Staria
Updated 07-16-2013 at 08:51 PM by Staria

[CENTER][b][U][SIZE="5"]The Planes-Walker[/SIZE][/U][/b][/CENTER]

[B]Name:[/B] Mahira Tolvaj

[B]Name Meaning:[/B] Skilled thief .

[B]Nickname(s):[/B] Sapphire

[B]Gender:[/B] Female

[B]Age:[/B] Unknown, appears in her early twenties generally.

[B]Race:[/B] Trodian*
*Immortal beings often associated with eclipses, dusk, dawn, and being at crossroads as that is when they are often seen the most crossing into our world. They have the ability to walk the space between spaces and have the ability to traverse dimensions. They are all born a connection to the spirit world which makes them even more strongly associated with death and change. Each is also born with their own unique power on top of the standard trodian abilities and a guardian spirit that typically disguises itself as a normal animal of the world they are in. The standard abilities are plane walking, shapeshifting, levitation, empathy, reading place memories, sensing energy, spirit communication, and spirit channeling. They also learn necromancy and other spirit magic more easily and at a quicker pace then other races... They are all, however, intensely allergic to all but the metal of the moon, silver. They are the most sensitive to gold.

[B]Height:[/B] In human form around 5'11

[B]Build: [/B] Voluptuous but with an athletic muscle tone and long limbs.

She is tall, voluptuous and has a natural beauty no matter what form she takes though she frequently dresses in a masculine way that does not particularly emphasis it. In her favorite form she appears human but has silver eyes and sapphire blue hair that she keeps in a long loose braid that goes almost to her knees. She prefers dressing in dark colors and almost always wears a hat in humanoid forms. She also seems to like jewelry quite a bit.

[B]Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks:[/B] A crescent moon on her neck that doesn't seem to shift with her form. It appears basically burned on but is generally hidden by a choker or similiar jewelry.

[B]Piercings:[/B] General several over her ears.

[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral-Good

[B]Occupation:[/B] Often employs herself as a thief or adventurer.

[B]Personality:[/B] She is calm and relatively easy going. She is easily amused, very playful, and smiles often though it seems a little sad most of the time. She doesn’t often say what she's thinking but is not deliberately secretive, often telling the truth when asked unless it is about her species. She is intelligent and empathetic, however, so may keep quiet to avoid hurting others feelings instead of any desire to hide. She loves her life and her travels.

[B]Likes:[/B] Music, writing, conversation, smiles, adventure, exploring, successful thievery, art, creativity, freedom, children, honest people, dragons, the colors black, blue, and silver.

[B]Dislikes:[/B] Mean people, self centered people, the mundane, boredom, repetition, being trapped, needles, people who use others.

[B]Angered By:[/B] Those who pick on the weak.

[B]Soothed By:[/B] Rain, Music, writing, and her guardian spirit.

[B]Words She lives By:[/B] "You win some, you lose some, but the journey is the treasure"

[B]Favored Weapons:[/B] Throwing daggers made from her own spiritual essence or pure silver, though she does carry a whip too.

[B]Always Carries:[/B] Various survival supplies, multiple throwing weapons, a whip, a journal, various books and trinkets that remind her of her journey. All are kept in an enchanted messenger bag that she calls a 'bag of plenty'

[B]Most prized possession:[/B] A pure silver coin she often plays with.

[B]Powers:[/B] She has all the natural abilities of her races including plane walking, shape-shifting, regeneration, levitation/telekinesis, empathy, reading place memories, spirit communication, sensing energy, and spirit channeling. She also has as her unique ability the power to channel the spirits of mystical beings, such as dragons to use their powers and abilities, however she gains weaknesses based on those dragons when she does. She also has the ability to cast spells and is skilled in necromancy.

[B]Talents/Skills:[/B] Thievery and various rogue skills, gymnastics, basic hand to hand combat, use of ranged weapons and whips, enchanting/disenchanting, knows some nature spells but they are fairly basic, Use of herbs and other such remedies, and basically living of the land.

[B]Strengths:[/B] Her powers, her skills, her speed, her flexibility, her natural emotional stability, her adaptability, and her intelligence.

[B]Weaknesses: [/B] She is intensely allergic to all but the ethereal metal of the moon, silver, and is most sensitive to gold like all her kind. She can also be permanently killed via beheading.

[B]Fears/Emotional Scars:[/B] Needles, terrified of needles. Doesn't like enchanting involving fire and has a small fear of fire outside her control.

[B]Family:[/B] Location unknown

[B]History: [/B] She was born on earth and then separated from her tribe of Trodians when she was five. She was taken in by a mage who realized the opportunity of an orphan Trodian, hoping to access the secrets of the mysterious and often hidden race. She was so young she knew little so didn't know much to tell him, so instead he tried to teach her to use her abilities and to be a thief for his own uses. At first she loved him as a second father but slowly she realized what he was doing with the help of her guardian spirit. She asked him directly if he truly loved her as a daughter at the age of fourteen and he in one of his few kind moments was honest. He told her no, he did not though he had tried to. He could think of her as nothing but a tool as he trained her. Though she wanted to cry she said she understood and with that she plane stepped away with a smile and he let her. From then on she lived as an adventurer, getting in and out of trouble. She often helped those who seemed lost like she felt and searched for a meaning.
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Rosia's Profile

Posted 02-12-2013 at 02:21 AM by Staria
Updated 02-12-2013 at 05:30 AM by Staria

[CENTER][b][U][SIZE="5"]The Girl of Roses and Jewels[/SIZE][/U][/b][/CENTER]

[B]Name:[/B] Rohesia Halstein

[B]Name Meaning:[/B] Rose Stone

[B]Nickname(s):[/B] Rosia

[B]Gender:[/B] Female

[B]Age:[/B] Appears in her early twenties as that's when she 'died'.

[B]Race:[/B] Cursed/enchanted Undead.
*whether cursed or enchanted really depends on how you look at it...

[B]Height:[/B] 5'7

[B]Build: [/B] Hourglass curves but with the rest of her so petite, slight, and delicate looking she seems a bit of a contrast at first glance.

[B]Appearance:[/B] [url=]She[/url] is a beautiful little creature with long black hair tipped in navy blue and eyes as bright a blue as the sky, well at least the eye that can be seen. She has perfect curves but is still rather petite and delicate looking even as she stands at 5'8. Her face, though indeed as beautiful as the rest of her is marked by two purple fair wing or butterfly wing markings that come from and half surround her eyes. She always wears her hair in twin braids with part of each braid twisted into a bun that is held by a length of sapphire gemstones. She also always wears a purple hooded cloak over blue and black clothing, the cloak held half open and half shut by twin silver crescent moon clasps that are her symbol along with the purple wings. She also always wears a large black collar with a silver necklace that has a bright blue stone matching the smaller ones in her hair... she seems to even sleep in it.

[B]Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks:[/B] Purple wings around both her eyes and a scar across her neck.

[B]Piercings:[/B] ears and navel

[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral good

[B]Occupation:[/B] Traveler....

[B]Personality:[/B] She is calm, quiet, controlled. She is very hesitant to trust or approach a person. Some think her very mysterious but she's easy to predict as long as you understand her simple rule. She tends to reward kindness with kindness and cruelty with cruelty. She does not speak often, usually speaking through a butterfly familiar or similar for obvious reasons.

[B]Likes:[/B] Flowers, quiet, animals, forests, freedom, kindness, gentleness.

[B]Dislikes:[/B] Cities, most people, greed, noise.

[B]Angered By:[/B] Greed that causes people to hurt others.

[B]Soothed By:[/B] Music and nature.

[B]Words She lives By:[/B] “Those who give kindness deserve kindness, those who give pain deserve equal back.”

[B]Favored Weapons:[/B] Her Staff. It appears a traditional wooden staff except for the living vines and flowers that grow around it. At the top is a red rose the same color as blood which can turn into a blade and transform the rest of the plant life into metal to form the staff into a wooden/metal hybrid halberd.

[B]Always Carries:[/B] Her staff, throwing daggers, rope, basic supplies.

[B]Most prized possession:[/B] A book of poetry

[B]Powers:[/B] Levitation, telekinesis, and the ability to cast spells as well as some classic undead abilities. She also has the 'ability' to remove her head due to it no longer being attached or held by anything but her collar. When she speaks sparkling gem stones and beautiful exotic flowers as well as more traditional roses appear in front of her lips only to fall from them like rain.

[B]Talents/Skills:[/B] Cast spells, fight with various bladed weapons.

[B]Strengths:[/B] Her powers, fighting, her ability to survive, seeing through lies.

[B]Weaknesses: [/B] Holy spells (due to being undead), and Holy/blessed water. Also removing her head temporarily blocks most of her powers until she finds and reattaches it.

[B]Fears/Emotional Scars:[/B] Blood and loud noises

[B]Family:[/B] None left to her knowledge.

[B]History: [/B] She was born to a woodcutter and his wife, poor but happy until her younger sister's birth. Where Rosia was dark and strange to some, despite being a very kind child, her younger sister was always perfect. She didn't mind it, however, as she was a shy creature and preferred not to live in the spotlight anyway. As time wore on, however, the poor family was beginning to be unable to support both girls or provide a dowry for both girls marriage. Rosia, being the eldest, was the most likely to receive any funds they had but she knew a rich man had his eyes on her beautiful and cheerful sister. Her parents resisted the urge to give in despite her sister's desire to marry the man and the good, wealthy life it would bring as Rosia being ignored made them feel rather guilty.

Finally Rosia could take it no longer, loving her family and not wanting to be a burden, and ran away. When down to her last bit of food she would find an old woman who appeared to be starving. Being a good soul and finding the woman the first to really see her for herself she gave up the food to the woman. The woman needed it more then herself, she figured, as she was young enough to try and trap her own food while the old woman was not. When she did so the old woman transformed into a beautiful young woman with the wings of a fairy and surrounded by gold light.

At first she was afraid but the witch assured her that she need not fear. The witch had been looking for a worthy selfless soul to give a great gift too and Rosia had just proved herself worthy. She would never have to worry for food again the fay said and waved a rose shaped wand over her. Once she had done so the witch disappeared in a flash of light and as Rosia called for her the young woman found beautiful flowers and precious gems fell from her lips like rain. She traded the items in town and pretended to be mute but a child did something silly and she found herself laughing. The gems revealed themselves and soon greed overtook the onlookers. She fled only to run into a rich man, she tried to exchange a gem for safety as she figured with all his riches he would not lust for her power.

She was wrong however, and the rich man turned on her. He cut off her head to try and use her power but the witch, sensing this, gave her life to transfer her powers to Rosia and grant her a type of immortality. Rosia found death did not claim her and merely punched the startled rich man so she could regain her head. Once she had done so she would use her powers to take the sword he had used and fled. Over the years she grew out of her shyness and naivete as she honed her powers and her ability to fight. She cast aside the sword that reminded her of her past and created her own mystical staff, becoming a powerful enchantress in her own right. She has become much like the fairy who tried to bless her, rewarding the kind and cursing the guilty.
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Ruby's Profile

Posted 02-11-2013 at 01:38 AM by Staria
Updated 02-11-2013 at 01:58 AM by Staria

[CENTER][b][U][SIZE="5"]The Widow[/SIZE][/U][/b][/CENTER]

[B]Name:[/B] Garnetta Ruby Valencie

[B]Name Meaning:[/B] Dark Red, Power

[B]Nickname(s):[/B] Ruby

[B]Gender:[/B] Female

[B]Age:[/B] She appears in her twenties but is known to be older....

[B]Race:[/B] Blood Witch
*A strange creature who is born to a human but has the power of blood magic from birth. How this happens no one is quite sure, but blood is their power and when they discover it a familiar will appear in the form of an animal to guide them. They will also become immune to age and disease.

[B]Height:[/B] 6'0

[B]Build: [/B] Slender, willowy, and deceptively delicate but with a slight hourglass shape.

[B]Appearance:[/B] [url=]Her[/url] hair is red as blood, her eyes as deep, dark, and blue as a stormy sea. Both contrast with her pale skin and the delicateness of her features. She has a hourglass shape but due to her willowy build and height of six foot even it is easy to overlook. She generally dresses in simple, black, functional clothing that covers all her scars accompanied by a silver ring with a sharp point and a sturdy brown belt from which hangs a variety of items. These items include her twin serpentine short swords, three feathers, an enchanted leather pouch, a strip of blue silk, a strip of white silk, and two skulls. One is clearly the skull of an adult and the other appears smaller, only the slight point of their fang teeth indicating they aren't human. She is also always accompanied by a raven with unnaturally intelligent eyes who appears to enjoy sitting on her shoulder.

[B]Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks:[/B] Scars just about everywhere except her face. Some look like gashes from a blade, others look like they are the claw marks of some large beast.

[B]Piercings:[/B] Ears

[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral.

[B]Occupation:[/B] Vampire hunter

[B]Personality:[/B] She tends to be quiet, soft spoken, the perfect lady.... unless she's hunting. Then she instantly becomes cold, direct, and focused. Otherwise she tends to be easily amused and is a very caring person though it isn't always seen due to her quiet habits. She is all together a very delicate seeming creature..... unless angry.

[B]Likes:[/B] Quiet, training, sweets, the color blue, animals, kindness, tea, jewelry, books.

[B]Dislikes:[/B] Bugs, Spiders, Snakes, Vampires(with a few exceptions), rats, loud people, bossy people, cruel people, wedding bells, loud noises, children.

[B]Angered By:[/B] Cruelty, Those who abuse children or those weaker then them.

[B]Soothed By:[/B] Looking at her locket.

[B]Words She lives By:[/B] “Don't get mad, Don't get sad, Just get even....”

[B]Favored Weapons:[/B] The two serpentine short swords stolen from the vampires who tormented her.

[B]Always Carries:[/B] Her belt with its various items hanging from it, the remains of her wedding dress, a photograph of her and her deceased husband on their wedding day in a locket worn under her clothing, holy water, a silver cross, various weapons, basic supplies.

[B]Most prized possession:[/B] Her locket, a wedding present from her deceased husband. It has a picture of her in one side and him in the other.

[B]Powers:[/B] Transform and manipulate blood, particularly her own to the point of being able to control, poison, or set on fire those who ingest her blood. She can use other people's blood to track them like a dog would smell and tell a variety of facts about them, if enough is spilled and she touches that blood she can use it to form spells as well. She can also use it to enchant items or cast spells. She is also immune to aging, disease, and any attack on her blood. She is also immune to psychic or spiritual attacks. She heals rapidly as well compared to a human.

[B]Talents/Skills:[/B] Fencing, Using just about any weapon, gymnastics, identifying none humans, tracking, hunting.

[B]Strengths:[/B] Her powers, hunting, her speed, her intellect, her willpower.

[B]Weaknesses: [/B] Her various remaining human related weaknesses, the fact it requires both her blood and her word to cast a spell. Her temper can also make her power lose control on occasion

[B]Fears/Emotional Scars:[/B] Bugs, particularly spiders, and rats.

[B]Family:[/B] None, all dead.

[B]History: [/B] She was born with a mysterious connection to blood, and an ability to reproduce her own at a rapid rate. It was an oddity and made her able to sense the strangeness in the blood in others as well as disease but she appeared otherwise human. She lived a fairly happy, normal life, her ability allowing her to occasionally donate blood to those who needed it as she was also apparently blessed with 0- type blood. Everything changed, however, on her wedding day. It started out well enough. The sunlight was bright and she looked beautiful in her white gown with a vivid blue under skirt that matched her eyes perfectly. The wedding progressed and she returned was soon on her way with her husband to go get their things and change out of their wedding clothes so the honeymoon could start.

When they entered her home, however, they found someone waiting for them. She instantly sensed his blood felt strange, felt dead. She told her husband to run and turned to do the same only to find out it was already to late. They were surrounded. Within moments her new husband was dead and she was carted off to an underground keep. There a coven of vampires would keep her as the perfect blood doll, but always using a knife to extract it rather then their fangs as they feared the consequences for reasons they could not name. They would find that fear justified...

One day a vampire gave in to the urge, however, of her unusually sweet smelling blood and bit into the right side of her throat. Out of pain and half conscious she muttered 'stop' as she had many times before but this time the vampire obeyed. She ordered him to unchain her and he did, though by that time others were entering the room along with a strange raven. The raven looked at her and she heard it's voice whisper 'your blood is your power, [i]use it![/i]' As the vampires attacked desperate with claws and blade but she had discovered the well of power hidden within her. For every cut they made her blood released and began to fill the room with strange blue flames at her command. They did not burn her but the vampires were decimated by it. Still able to hear her beloved's screams she lashed out, trapping the rest and killing them all. Once they were dead she took the leaders belt.... as well as his skull and the skull of his second in command. She tied both to the belt and taking one of their short swords left the scene in ruins, the strange raven on her shoulder and new knowledge in her heart. She had the power to fight that which went bump in the night, and for the crimes committed against her she would.
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Amy's Profile

Posted 02-07-2013 at 12:11 AM by Staria
Updated 02-10-2013 at 01:06 AM by Staria

[CENTER][b][U][SIZE="5"]The Theif with a Heart of Gold[/SIZE][/U][/b][/CENTER]

[B]Name:[/B] Ambrose Kaleo

[B]Name Meaning:[/B] Immortal Sound/Voice

[B]Nickname(s):[/B] Amy

[B]Gender:[/B] Female

[B]Age:[/B] Unknown, appears in her twenties and cares little for numbers.

[B]Race:[/B] Half human, Half Vila

[B]Height:[/B] 5'6''

[B]Build: [/B] Curvacious but with hidden muscle. She also often wears a corset to give herself a sleeker shape and hide her hourglass curves.

[B]Appearance:[/B] [url=]She[/url] is a beautiful woman with stormy purple eyes that remind of clouds just before the rain and hair the color of snow. She is curvacious but her lolita style hides it, giving her a rather innocent, angelic look even in mainly black with a little blue. Her corsets seem even designed to present the image and hide her curves a bit, actually making her hips and breasts look smaller then they are despite her genuinely tiny waist. She dresses this way out of genuine love of the style as well as her own issues with her curves. Still the image is rather clashed by the accompaniment of several mice spirits that have attached themselves to her.

[B]Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks:[/B] She has a blue butterfly on her right shoulder blade.

[B]Piercings:[/B] Ears

[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral

[B]Occupation:[/B] Thief, adventurer, prostitute, pretty much whatever suits her at the moment.

[B]Personality:[/B] She tends to go with the flow and do what she wishes, having her own rather strange sense of right and wrong. She always has an angelic smile and a reason, always thinking of something. Knowledge is her one love and her one calling, always pulling her into an adventure of some sort. She laughs easily and has no problem using her looks, abilities, or allure to get that knowledge. Still, she is loyal to her friends and does not tend to use people unless they are already using her. She is the living manifestation of a rogue with a heart of gold.

[B]Likes:[/B] Knowledge, Books, Fun, Animals, Freedom, adventure, quiet, excitement, being on her own. Spirits, her powers.

[B]Dislikes:[/B] Being boxed in, prudishness, Judgment, wasteful people, overly sweet foods.

[B]Angered By:[/B] Animals being abused.

[B]Soothed By:[/B] Thunder storms, song, and animal snuggles.

[B]Words She lives By:[/B] “Survive”

[B]Favored Weapons:[/B] A metallic bow she found in some ruins that can channel her powers as well as transform from ring to bow form. It also summons it's own strange arrows when the string is pulled back and can be used as a blunt weapon.

[B]Always Carries:[/B] Her bow (in ring form generally), bits and pieces of clothing supplies, various objects collected over her travels, basic survival supplies, and a bit of coin when its needed. She also tucks a few knives on her person.

[B]Most prized possession:[/B] A simple string of cheap glass red beads her father had given her as a present. She always wears them on one wrist.

[B]Powers:[/B] Her main powers are controlling storms, thunder, and wind as well as shapeshifting into animal forms. Through the wind she can use her voice to manipulate the emotions of others or speak to/empower/control the spirits of dead. She also has superior eyesight and hearing, the ability to heal herself and does not age, though she can not heal others as some of her mother's kind can. Also plucking one of her feathers or a bit of hair will force her to return to her human form.

[B]Talents/Skills:[/B] Markmanship, Accuracy, Archery, Spellcasting (a few simple charms), Sewing, figuring out puzzles, Photographic Memory. Various Rogue related skills such as picking locks and disabling traps.

[B]Strengths:[/B] Her memory, her powers, her accuracy.

[B]Weaknesses: [/B] Her connection to the dead, Iron (negates her powers like most types of fairy), those who take a hair from her head while she's in human form get power over her.

[B]Fears/Emotional Scars:[/B] Cages, small places, and claustrophobia.

[B]Family:[/B] All deceased.

[B]History: [/B] She grew up poor in a rather large city and though her father loved her, he could do nothing to protect the scorn the city treated her with for her strange birth. She soon was lured by a rich man into his mansion for her beauty when she developed into a teen and her father had passed away leaving her penniless and alone. He tried to experiment on her as he had been on animals for years. The experiments only served to activate her latent powers, though at first she only discovered her spiritual ones. She turned the spirits of his victims on the man and soon had him flee the mansion in fear. She helped most past on but a handful of mice choose to stay with her in gratitude, saying they didn't want her to be alone. She sold many of the mans belongings, figuring finders keepers. She was caught and briefly imprisoned, making any remaining possibility of normal work impossible. She was told by another inmate that she would make good money 'off her looks' . At first she didn't understand what she meant but when they were released together she soon discovered the woman meant prostitution.

She lived on such work, often taking the rougher clients simply because her healing abilities made it easy. She was not above using her other blossoming powers to attract clients either, making her a small fortune. She might have continued like this, had one of her clients not been also of a supernatural persuasion. He soon explained that she 'smelled of vela' and what they were when she seemed genuinely confused. Knowing little of the supernatural, having grown up in a city that did not welcome them, she demanded answers. Soon he realized she didn't even know half her abilities and amused by this quickly began to teach her all he knew. He even took her out of the city and taught her how to adventure...... as well as his various roguish abilities. Both were using each other and they both knew it, neither really minding. So when they parted it was on good terms, him off chasing treasure, her simply becoming an apprentice to a seamstress as she wished to create her own fashions rather then having to buy them. She then returned to adventuring, finding she felt most truly alive off in the wilds or exploring abandoned places more for the mystery then the actual riches.
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Lia's Profile

Posted 01-18-2013 at 07:48 AM by Staria
Updated 02-10-2013 at 01:06 AM by Staria

[CENTER][b][U][SIZE="5"]The Eternal Child[/SIZE][/U][/b][/CENTER]

[B]Name:[/B] Lalita Tien

[B]Name Meaning:[/B] Playful (as well as charming/desirable) ; spirit or fairy

[B]Nickname(s):[/B] Lia

[B]Gender:[/B] Female

[B]Age:[/B] She appears in her mid teens

[B]Race:[/B] Fay-born
*that is a human that is constructed or somehow born from fay magic or fay souls. This can occur due to fairy deliberately intervening or a changeling lasting long enough to have a child before it's magic makes it fade and appear to 'die. In lia's case she was still born and her mother's dying wish was for something to save the baby. Some passing fae in pity put pieces of various dead fay's souls into the dead infant to revive it into the strange little being that is Ms. Tien.

[B]Height:[/B] 5'3''

[B]Build: [/B] Willowy, Slender.

[B]Appearance:[/B] [url=] She[/url] is a slight, slender little thing that stands only 5'3'' and appears to be around six teen. She has vivid blue eyes and hair as black as coal with a slightly purple sheen to it. She always wears an over sized hooded jacket over her clothes that makes her appear even smaller and very simple clothes in neutrals and light blues. She often wears gloves and claims her hands get cold is why. She also always wears a silver wedding band with small stones on her right hand, showing it is not hers or truly a symbol of marriage anymore... Other then this ring she wears no other jewelry.

[B]Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks:[/B] Blue stylized butterfly wings on her back. She also has scars on her back, shoulders, and arms that make it appear she was in one hell of a fight.


[B]Alignment:[/B] Chaotic Good would probably best describe her.

[B]Occupation:[/B] Adventurer with unknown means of income, presumed that it is from her family.

[B]Personality:[/B] She can be flighty and appear rather attention deficit but appears very knowledgeable about random obscure things and intelligent when you can get her to keep still. Unless she's reading it's very rare to find her not moving, you see, whether she's practicing a spell or running around to do some new experiment. Whether this is due to an actually flighty nature or she just plain doesn't care is unclear. She can be rather selfish and aloof at times as well but more out of distraction then any real malice. The only time she seems to drop into any real seriousness is on cold rainy days.

[B]Likes:[/B] Love, Laughter, magic, experiments, history, fun, independence, painting, drawing.

[B]Dislikes:[/B] Cold, Rainy Days. Fighting.

[B]Angered By:[/B] People who try to control her, two faced people, Lies, Those who blame others falsely.

[B]Soothed By:[/B] New knowledge or other distraction.

[B]Words She lives By:[/B] “Just keep moving, never slow down!”

[B]Favored Weapons:[/B] Enchanted Cards.

[B]Always Carries:[/B] A ring that was her mothers, a group of taro cards despite professing lack of belief in them.

[B]Most prized possession:[/B] Her mothers wedding ring.

[B]Powers:[/B] Shapeshifting, control Ice and water, and using various spells as well as alchemy. She has enchanted various taro cards and cloth items to do various things with these skills.

[B]Talents/Skills:[/B] Spellcrafting, Alchemy, multi-lingual, gymnastics, ability to paint anything she sees with perfect accuracy.

[B]Strengths:[/B] Her ties to magic and her intelligence.

[B]Weaknesses: [/B] Iron hurts her just as it would a fae.

[B]Fears/Emotional Scars:[/B] Terrified of blood.

[B]Family:[/B] Her 'father'.

[B]History: [/B] Even being born was a life and death experience for her. Living in her small village would not be much of an improvement at first. In fact shortly after her birth a plague took many other young infants but her magic protected her as it was from tainted water. By the time she was five it had began to take adults as well. Blaming her, one cold and rainy day, a mob of villagers tried to kill her and her father. Her powers presented themselves, sending a shockwave of sharp ice daggers from her body. Many of the villagers died and she found her own father also seriously injured. She unconsciously used their connection and her own magic to try and keep him alive. He has slowly become more construct then human and may or may not be dead. Since then the two fled and she grew, becoming the strange person she is now and constantly searching. What she searches for even her father does not seem to know.
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