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Questing is hard

Posted 01-05-2009 at 11:34 AM by DistortedBrwain

Ugh I started questing a while ago, and though it is very nice to be able to obtain an item I am questing for, it is very frustrating that, when you finally have the funds to buy what you want there is no one selling it. XD

Or when you finally find someone who is selling what you want, AND you have the funds for it so you offer on it, but you don't get a reply. T_T Eventhough they have been online. even posting in their shop, but not responding to your offer. ><

Or they say ok, and do send a trade, So you add the gold and accept and then you wait for weeks for them to accept the trade, Pming reminders to them, seeing them get online and still the trade is not accepted. Ugh

Yeah I just felt like complaining a little about this. I have sold enough in the past as well and I always try to complete the transactions quikly, I even had buyers saying: wow you are fast. ^^ But I think that is how it should go. I mean yes of course I cant always be fast because I aint always online, but when I am the first thing I do is finish the ongoing transactions (trades that buyers have accepted) and check to see if someone offered on things in my shop and reply to them and send them trades.

Like there are sellers out there, who don't name a price for what they are selling. So you offer high end price guide, that is not enough, then how much do you want. they say: I dunno. Damn, if you are selling something then name a price, name an AB. it just isn't fair if you don't state a price. If you cant state a price then just go an auction the items. u_u

I mean, I will go to the mall to a store and see this top I love, I take it to the cashier and ask how much it is since there is no price tag to be found on it. They say they don't know. That's pretty much the same to me ya know. It frustrates the heck outta me. ><

Okies, I am done whining, now let's see if I can finally get some sellers who sell stuff I want and actually reply to me...><'''
(っ◕‿◕)っ ♥
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